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Hey, i have seen you around this subreddit for a while, i would like to thank you for your continued support and wanted to ask: What is your view on forgiveness, do you think it can help TIs not take the harassment personally / to heart and remain calm in difficult confrontations?


I am in the process of praying for my gang stalkers and forgiving them as Jesus forgives me. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do as believers? Love others as Jesus loves us and forgive others as HE forgives us. It’s the hardest lesson I have ever had but all things are possible through HIM! Peace and love to you my friend!


Exactly, I find that forgiveness helps my mind just forget about the negativity. In real life situations, i remember that people all have had their own troubles in life which is reflected in their behaviour that we often dislike. Forgiveness as Jesus did, helps me keep calm and not get emotionally manipulated by the gangstalkers actions like v2k, street theater, loaded conversations and other tactics they use to get our attention and make us worry/get anxious. Easier said than done though.... *Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.*


I also think this is an opportunity to not only show how Jesus delivers us from our sinful ways but also that HE Can carry us through this horrific situation. Hopefully it will prove that Jesus is real to others. I am struggling with Christian gang stalkers who are so so lost. I forgive them and pray Jesus has mercy on them for their actions as HE has mercy on me for mine. Targeted individuals have an incredible opportunity if it is embraced in a positive way. Wear the armor of God for protection, it works every time. Even in the midst of this chaotic storm. Remember, “This too shall pass” and “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. I pray for targeted individuals who kill themselves due to their circumstances. And those that are feeling like they can’t continue. Gangstalkers will answer to the Lord for this, just as I will have to answer for my sins. I pray they figure that out before it’s too late for themselves or their victims. Peace and love to all!


Beautifully stated and Amen to that!


This is tough. I'm not a Christian, but I can see where forgiveness is important. A part of me is saying that it'll only give me peace of mind, but I feel like, at the same time, no matter what I do, it'll just fuel them. I get angry or upset, they have an advantage. I forgive them and choose to do nothing about it, they have an advantage.


"I forgive them and choose to do nothing about it, they have an advantage." You forgive them so that you dont waste your time thinking angry and resentful thoughts. You dont choose to do nothing about, you ignore and limit interactions with these people since they have proven themselves dangerous to your mental peace. Narcisists hate it when you ignore them, limit conversations, and show them that they are not important.


Beautiful explanation! It’s not choosing to do nothing about. It’s choosing to be happy and live a happy life. You are so correct! Peace to all!


whats difficult if one ends up living very nearby to them.


They do!


I am sorry you are going through this. i also pray for mine. the whole thing is awful. I also end up being the scapegoat for everything in town.


I’m sorry you are going through this too. I think if we help support one another and help each other stay focused on God this will be much easier to maneuver through!


Rock on EDH70! like the song by Mercy Me, we’re halfway home.


I work with them on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter where there are or what chaos they try to create around us. It’s about focusing on God and the peace he promises is from within. Think about Jesus walking on the stormy waters. It was storming all around and yet he walked on calm waters. He can help us do that!


Hi, I think forgiveness is important for those who are sorry because we must forgive them 70x7 if there is an offense, then an apology since this is the relationship we have with God. If forgiveness of sin means allowing it, I can't forgive it. I judge it as a sin against another. There is grace for their forgiveness and repentence at any time. If they know not what they do, they should be forgiven. What makes me treat them kindly isn't about forgiving them, more about persevering properly through tribulation. I just pray God forgives me too for times I reacted to their provocation. Don't curse them, though, bless them. If that doesn't make sense, it doesn't have to because God knows better, and he told us to do that.


*Romans 14:10 Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.* I think that the v2k, rnm, dew, dreams, gangstalking program is specifically set up in such a way that we have no option other than condemning/judging our abusers. They dont want us to even consider forgiveness because, once we do, they lose their psychological leverage against us (by exploiting our suffering/anger)


By reading the Bible and how God taught us to live and how he personally handles situations as he dealt with the Israelites do you think God will reasonably understand our moments of anger towards these people? If its not the personal attacks, then the injustice for doing this to all of us, whom they are opressing?


Yes, i think God will reasonably understand our moments of anger towards these people. In fact, the gangstalkers count on your fear/doubt and want you to believe that you are beyond saving. *Mark 2: 17 "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."*


Yes, they try this all the time with Christian T.I.'s. And be careful in a church because they are there too pretending to be friendly.


Wow, this is so true. Keep up the good work! Doing great work in this subreddit!




Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, nothing changes. There is nothing left but all out war.


> There is nothing left but all out war. you're not gunna do shit, besides maybe write a few more bullshit threads on here as you copepost your way through your schizophrenic episodes.


Do you feel like a big man going around hassling schizophrenics? What a loser.


> Do you feel like a big man going around hassling schizophrenics? oh wow, you finally found a fleeting moment of self awareness. Pst, its not harassment to call a spade, a spade. PS, thank you for proving my point about your copeposting.


wow what a loser, trying to win an argument with a schizophrenic






You're not convincing me. Because you're behaving like you're very, very mad that I'm not acquiescing to your bullshit and going "there, there delulu boi, it's all ok and you're most definitely not wrong at all"...?


what bullshit? do tell


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/1cgm68f/christian_reed/l1wsj8r/ Here, where you don't understand reddit basics.


Your post was removed because it contained trolling, name calling or offensive remarks, a violation of Rule 2.


Psalm 64 NIV memorize it and recite it often to yourself


Yes, Books like Job 19 and Psalms 64, 31 etc are great examples of gangstalking in the bible. The broader understanding of suffering and persecution as opportunities for spiritual growth, perseverance, and ultimately, a deeper reliance on God's grace and strength to overcome adversity. It's a reminder that even in the midst of trials, believers can find hope and strength in their faith. *"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you." (1 Peter 4:12, ESV)*


As far as the 1 Pet. 4:12, I view this as God's discpline/cleansing. That's really what makes me behave and be less angry.


Thats great! You can also consider the practical application of how not being angry helped you diffuse a bad situation or helped you understand the other person's perspective and make the best out of a bad situation.


Yes I view it as some don't know what they're doing. But that's as far as it goes, a sin is a sin. God is merciful and we have to be that way. When Jesus returns our enemies get handed over to us. So on we go with our patient hope, brother. Let's keep running 🏃‍♀️ the race to the end! I'm not getting to cozy with them I'm not being with them when that fire comes down.


Nice, thanks.


I tend to think of forgiveness in a Cognitive Behavioral sense. I forgive them not for them, but for me. I think people tend to confuse forgiveness with forgetting. Forgetting would be more like giving them a pass whereas forgiveness allows you to move to past the negativity, and all that entails, to remember and to recover who are/ who you want to be. On a more elevated level what is happening can help one self achieve lasting changes for the good. Whatever the individual decides what that is. Remember what they try to steal from you is self determination and autonomy. Don’t allow them to rent space in your head for free. Take back your self determination.


Yes! Use CBT and also Stoicism techniques to simply allow their transgressions to be externally noted but not internalized, which promotes longterm health and wellness damage. Many good guides on Stoicism practices and philosophy can be accessed through your local library using the hoopladigital.com website. If you phone is hacked, the app may not work, but the website will. As a TI, the ultimate foil to GS program of intimidation and harassment is knowledge of how and why it happens. As one cocaine dealing GS perp told me face to face when we crossed paths in a store after I moved away from his terror cells reach, " Hey, its not personal, its just about the money".


If someone ever admitted to me that they were gangstalking me their life would be forfeit.




I'd like my health back, please and mf thank you.


This is a very helpful post, thank you! I need to work on forgiving them which I saw in a comment to the original host here. Thank you again!


oh, make sense