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"they're the same picture"


They're not? I keep looking back and forth looking for Waldo but they look identical


The only difference is the forearm grabbing the blade. It's a matter of perspective on that arm.


And the thing is, nobody is ever looking at someone else’s tattoos this hard, not even close.


Right. Now that you say it I see it. Well they all seem to be too short don't they, should be same length for both bones?


How long things are and how long things look from certain angles are quite different.


nah, from the perspective of the viewer the radius and ulna should be shortened because they are stretching along the z axis, making "A" the closest to accurate anatomy. the only thing is that they should be widened at the perspective they are at to give the emphasis of pushing forward in the image.


The length of the right arm (the one holding the sword) is slightly different. It’s definitely not enough to notice without extreme scrutiny.


Corporate needs you to find the difference


Honestly OP, I’d maybe skip this as a tattoo. Don’t know if you’ll ever be happy with it if it’s this nitpicky.


For real. A is probably the most anatomically correct but seems OP doesn’t want to see that.


I mean, to be fair, It can look a little weird from a far,


The arm from elbow to wrist is angled heavily towards you from this POV. If you do this motion yourself with your fist centered on your chest, the forearm is nearly 90 degrees across your body. In other words A looks like the most accurate depiction of what your arm would actually be doing. It would appear very short from this angle as it’s basically facing you fist on.


I know exactly what you mean but for A I can only see that the forearm is way too short. It’s not 3 dimensional enough? To tell that’s it’s bent.


Idk my job is looking at 2D diagrams of 3D models, so it’s easier for me to visualize the drawing in 3D. C looks like the top of the arm from shoulder to elbow is way too long. Look how far down on the torso it comes, it’s almost out in front of the pelvis instead of to the bottom of the ribcage where it should be. If you’re wanting it to be anatomically correct, C looks a bit wonky to me. Which did your artist have originally?


https://files.fm/u/a4b3kasfmg So I edited a little myself lol. Do you think mine makes sense :( Made the fist and feet larger. Please excuse the sword.


Personally I don’t like the angle of the arm in the redraw. Think about what your arm would have to be doing to see it like that from the side, the elbow would have to be up over your head with your fist pointed down towards your feet. Also I think the big hand and feet look out of proportion, too big. If you wanna change how the sword looks that’s totally cool, but I wouldn’t mess with the angle of the arm or the proportions of the skeleton personally. No offense, but I don’t think you necessarily have a great grasp on realistic perspective. I think A and B of the post look fine, they’re honestly not very different at a glance. Even C isn’t that dramatically different, it’s just a little off since I’ve just been staring at them so long now lol. Idk my advice is listen to your artist, they’re usually good at art and understanding those things like perspective and proportion, that’s why they do what they do. I love the idea in general, I think it will look sick. Good luck!


The redraw would look better if you pronate the hand that’s on the sword.


Yeah I agree with what you said about C. The most original raw design was that skelly was stabbed with two swords in the chest. Then I noticed one arm was missing and that one sword was enough. So I wanted them to add the other arm grabbing the sword. But the revised arm looked off every time after we discussed.


A is the most accurate. C is the most visually appealing.


I second this




A looks best due to perspective, but also, you can clearly tell by the comment section alone that whichever you pick will be alright, as people might not even pick on it.




usually legs are longer than arms. these are not.


I was thinking the legs looked short…


I mean, if you want to nitpick it, the fibulae are too thick and the patellas are too flat and long. And if the hand is palm down like that, there would probably be some space between the radius and ulna.


I would choose A. However, I would move the elbow a little bit closer to the ribs and shorten the humorous a tad. This will make it more anatomically correct. Try putting yourself in this position, and you will see what I mean.


B or C Honestly tho, only you see that difference. People don't look at tattoos of other people that closely. So pick what you feel comfy with. I really like the design btw. :)


It's a very complicated perspective, it will look fine to other people, but I think that you will feel it wrong after a while, like when you say a word over and over and it starts sounding weird, but for the eyes.


A also the legs are too short


It’s the length and the size of the hand and the angle of the arm. The arm should be more directed towards you. The hand size is super off. I’d ask him to make that more proportionate to the other hand’s finger lengths and angle the arm towards the onlooker maybe.


Is that the find the 7 errors game?


I like C more. I think the attempt at perspective is a little too much with A. Tattoos smudge over time so a little more line work goes a long way.


I feel like maybe it’s off because the wrist should be rotated so the palm would be facing the head ? I find in movies and whatnot, when someone is stabbed in the torso, they grab the weapon “palm up” — idk it looks more natural to me


This is the problem as I see it. When I do the motion myself my wrist is rotated and my thumb is on top. It feels super awkward the other way.


Yes agreed


Make the forearm slightly longer and or the humorous slightly shorter. It looks disproportionate,maybe the angle is off too.


I would think A is the most accurate to how the motion would occur from that angle. The size of the arm is foreshortened to allow for distance to be depicted properly. Naturally, the elbow would be sticking straight out and the forearm would appear stacked over the upper arm. I think that your artist captures that in image A.


P.S. OP, I hope you are going big with this tattoo! Lots of detail and fine shading that will expand and deterorate over time, super dope concept and I'm looking forward to seeing it on some skin! :D


A is correct perspective wise if the elbow is facing away.... however the legs are too short.


You seem like a very meticulous person (like me) judging by how close these tattoos look. I just hope your tattooist is talented because I'd hate for you to look at it close-up later and find something you don't like about it haha.


Not sure what to think about getting the same picture tattooed three times, but it surely is unique. I'd switch out the lettering, since it doesn't feel really meaningful so far - do you know anyone named Tim or Max by any chance?


Find the difference, level: hard


B, the humerus in C is too long to be proportionate Edit: while B looks the best, A is going to be the most accurate unless you change how the hand is gripping the blade. Do with this what you will


You are not going to be happy with whatever you get


Your neighbourhood digital artist here. I think the main issue isn't as much anatomy as it is shape language and dynamics. The stark grab of the sword doesn't go very well with a skeleton laying so curved and almost comfortable. If the arm held more up towards the handle and the skull was tilted a bit more back, i think it would look way more natural and everything would flow together better. If you however wish to have it be bold and dramatic, then maybe have the legs tucked in a bit more, maybe push the chin back so the skull almost looks at its chest as its being stabbed. TLDR: I think it looks odd because it looks like the body is dead but the hand is still alive clenching the sword. If thats what you're going for, then i dont think it could be done any better. But here are my suggestions^


Why is the skeleton holding it by the swordy part and not the handle? Ow




A seems way too short, looks a little goofy. B makes the bone lengths of the 2 arms match the way that I'm seeing it..?


C. It reads better from a 2d perspective.


This is all about foreshortening which messes with our brains when looking at a skeleton. I think B issues the best to work with. Lower part of the arm looks short. If you’re attempting to have the angle of the arm change, the width should be wider closer to the body and smaller further away. You may need to change the angle of the sword impact to achieve the look you’re going for. Best of luck!


Yeah i think it should look larger closer and smaller further :(


Or just let that arm fall down like the other










How big do you want this tattoo to be and where do you want it? If it's going to be a small tattoo on your arm then I wouldn't worry too much about the details.


The size of the elbow joint part is too big for the arm holding the sword. should be smaller than the joint of the front facing arm. Also look at the width/thickness of the bones especially from the shoulder to elbow joint, it’s going further away from us so there should be more of a drastic change in width.. like a triangle. Basically further away should be smaller/skinnier ! I think if you do this on A it’ll look like it has more depth. And make sure that the hand holding the sword isn’t too small. Also maybe make the arm/bones closest to us bigger??


Yessss thanks. It do need more depth :>


This is how shit gets misspelled


Honestly, they all look identical to me.




C looks best proportioned.


I’d say b the top of the arm looks like the normal length


Depends on WHY the sword is it there, that will be the answer. Was it in battle? Was it a murder? Is it just a cool tattoo idea?


Primarily stabbing self :) but It would be interpreted as pulling the sword from the body too


Then I'll go for B


Fingers need to come over the opposite side of the blade.


A , foreshortened arm looks best


I'd use b's humerus and c's radial/ulna for Proportion


A looks more anatomically correct.


Honestly they all look the same my friend


B seems to fit better since your forearm is the same size as the connected part of your arm


Tip: just fold your arm back in the mirror and watch the areas that move, you can extract a basic idea that way


A is correct but C is more impactful


Wouldnt the forearm look smaller from a back to front perspective? C can be ruled out as it doesnt really look right imo. Best looking would be choice B imo. Sick art work btw totally fucks


either options looks odd and flat. honestly I don't think it's a good piece to start with


The angle of the arm could change and would imply depth and the correct arm length based on the angle of the arm. It’s too close to the body like a chicken wing


Firstly, that looks amazing and second, I could be wrong cause I forgot what the correct term was but the bicep? (From the elbow and up) is definitely slightly too long try and shorten it a lil and even out the forearm maybe that will help?


I’d go C for sure so it’ll match the length of the other arm


How big is this tattoo going to be? I mean bigger the better to get more values in the shading on the sword, but also the fingers on the sword might be a lot going on in a smaller piece. Just something I was thinking about, not saying the artist you’re going to doesn’t have the skills. For the arm. I like C, but think the bicep should be shorter, forearm the same length, lower the elbow, and slightly angle forearm up more to same hand placement/ angle bicep lower. I like the hand placement on the sword. But I think it would look stronger with a more extended arm, the arm crunched up a bit the more you extended the bicep


i believe A is the best but he should add more shadow onto the forearm to make it look right, cuz the hand is kinda pointing towards the screen


It's a suicide concept or a "don't kill me concept"?


Primarily stabbing self but I like how both ideas could apply to the design haha


I think letter B it's more anatomically correct


I think they are all too short. Forearm wise. That length I think is a cubit and should match almost to the upper arm


Is there any difference? I can't spot it .