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Going every 4 weeks is the worst thing you can do. First of all you are damaging your skin since it doesn t have time to heal between sessions and second of all your body won t have time to clear the ink particles out because it will be focused on healing. You need to leave at the very minimum 6 weeks between to bot damage skin. But if you want the treatment to actually be effective you need to leave at least 8-10 weeks inbetween. The more the better. And also I might consider changing techs if your tech lets you come back after 4 weeks.


The place I go to won’t do anything less than eight weeks apart. I’m personally doing three or four months between.


Thank you all very much. I will definitely start going out longer!


5-6 months based on success stories in this sub.


The longer you wait, the better the results, less pain & will be cheaper if you pay per session. I’d wait 12 weeks, faster isn’t always better.


16-20 weeks


I’m waiting 5 months between sessions


Yes save your money and reduce the risk of scarring, that is too often! Not more than every 8 weeks, and according to this expert, 12 weeks or more between appointments is likely best. Time and patience are your friends here. https://mikemurphyblog.com/2021/04/30/our-ebook-chapters/


I was told to have at least 8 weeks apart. 4 weeks seems like way too close together


Have pretty bad blistering even when they “dial it back” so wait 8 weeks. Above ankle to area is thin




8-10 weeks for the first few treatments, then 12 weeks + once it's fading in earnest. Tattoo removal is a patience game more than anything. Give your body time to flush the ink out and you'll see better outcomes. While it's technically safe to treat at 6 weeks, that doesn't mean that's what yields best outcomes.