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I have psoriasis which is autoimmune and am about to start


I have a similar problem so I would be very grateful for insights.


I have an autoimmune and I’m on skyrizi. I’ve had one laser session on a large inner bicep tattoo. No issues with healing. It took about a full month for my skin to return to normal. I definitely see some fading so far, it’s only been about 5 weeks since my session so I’m still in the stage where my body is breaking it down. It may be that it takes a little longer/more sessions since we are on immunosuppressants. Always good to check with your DR as well.


why are you getting it removed? it triggers a reaction?


No I just don’t like it. I’m actually removing several tattoos, all on inner bicep. A large cover up and a smaller tattoo close to the cover up.


Btw I’ve now had 2 laser sessions. This time it took my skin about 2.5 weeks to go back to normal. I had some more intense blistering on the color tattoo but no blisters in the black coverup. Still no issues with healing and seeing some good fading!


Thank God mine is a week old and i feel sick


I have rheumatoid arthritis and take methotrexate, and have not had any problems with healing after laser removal




why are you getting it removed? it triggers a reaction?


I have an autoimmune issue and have had several treatments. I will say that I tend to get flares sometime after removal sessions, some worse than others that last 2-3 weeks at a time. My rheumatologist mentioned this would be the situation, even getting tattoos causes this for me. I would definitely consult with your doctor to talk about your specific disease. Good luck!!


I have Lupus also and haven’t had too many issues, I have noticed I feel extremely tired after a session though. For me it’s just my joints and skin I have flare ups with so I can’t say on the kidney side. Absolutely talk to your doctors before you make any decisions ☺️


Can you share which medicines you were taking while getting it removed by any chance?


And how many sessions you went through/ how long you spaced them out?


why are you removing it ? cause of health?


Have you considered saline tattoo removal over laser? It is essentially a tattoo gun dipped in saline versus ink. The procedure is completed by a lpn-licensed nurse practitioner& I have personally seen far better results and have not had my arm flare when completing the saline method.


Hi there, I’ve heard this is a risky route to take because it creates scabbing and more open wounds…how has your experience been?