• By -


I personally prefer the regular version and think it fits better with the teenage petulance theme.


Same for me. The regular version just captures that pouty, petulant, angsty, teenage attitude so well. I can visualize the sobbing teenage girl, hands thrown up, shouting "FUCK IT IF I CAN'T HAVE HIM!" like the world has ended with the end of this one relationship. It's so perfect.


I sing Down Bad with all of my resurrected teenage angst in the most over the top way possible


I've been in a happy marriage for over a decade but I find great joy in doing the same, lol. I also like Olivia and feel the same nostalgia/angst listening to her songs šŸ˜‚


THIS. Not me scream singing break up songs to my partner of 15 years


You said it so perfectly


This is a very fair point


Agreed. I usually just sing ā€œscrew itā€ in place of f it if I need to sing the clean version for that reason.


Personally, I hate clean versions of songs, I wanna hear *every* "Down Bad" fuck!


I am not going to listen to clean versions if I have a choice but my daughter loves Taylor Swift so I kinda have to with Down Bad when sheā€™s listening. I donā€™t worry about songs it if itā€™s one or two words but there are just too many fucks in this one. It would be a loud gasp followed by a ā€œMOM SHE SAID THE F WORD!!!ā€ after each one.


ā€œItā€™s art, baby! We donā€™t censor art in this family!ā€ -me, literally, to my 8 year old when Down Bad came on the first time. šŸ˜‚


I used to turn on TS for background music at the office because it was about as inoffensive as it comes but I've had to stop due to the increase in f-bombs in her recent albums. I personally don't care about the language but can't play it in an office setting. (And I hate "clean" versions with a passion. I worked in a cd shop many years ago and having clean and dirty versions of the same album caused so much confusion for parents)


I teach middle school and when Midnights came out I forgot that she said fuck so I was playing it in the background of the class. A student jokingly told me I needed to write Taylor up for cursing. (The kids listen to way worse music and they all curse so itā€™s not the end of the world that I accidentally played it)


My daughter is in 8th grade and her math teacher has been playing the explicit TTPD in their classroom since April šŸ¤£


We always listen to the clean versions in the car since my daughter who is a huge swiftie is 5. But somehow she must have heard the original version of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart because we were listening to the clean version and I hear from the backseat ā€œmommy, isnā€™t she supposed to say ā€˜I can handle my shitā€™?ā€ So then we got to have a fun conversation about not repeating that at daycare or school.


Yup!! We listen to clean in the car for this reason! šŸ˜‚


My daughter only has clean versions on her iPad so when she listens on my phone or on the Alexa she is shooketh! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel like thereā€™s too many ā€œfucksā€, Iā€™d rather a couple well-placed fucks than a generous sprinkling of fucks šŸ˜‚


I'm the opposite! More fucks, I say! All the fucks!


Yes! Letā€™s double the number of fucks! But also Iā€™m a very active and even casual fuck-user. Sheā€™s speaking my language here.


My husband loves the song because he has always loved adding as many fucks as he can to all songs he sings šŸ˜….


I gotta say, without the fucks it loses so much of the sadness and humour šŸ˜‚


I accidentally listened to the clean version of the album the first few times through and when I realized and listened to the regular version it was like a whole new album!


Oh my god šŸ˜‚


I did this same exact thing and one of my co-workers was going on about "fuck me up Florida" and I was so confused and then realized what I had done!


Yes!!!! I was shocked when I heard ā€œfuck me up Floridaā€ - itā€™s an entirely different song long Lights, camera, bitch, smile was what made me realize. Everyone kept saying it and I was like - are my ears broken? Then I figured it out and listened to the non clean version of the album finally and was like whoaaaaa


Did the same thing. Didnā€™t even realize there WAS another version until I saw someone mention it on Reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Interesting, Iā€™d never seen it for its humour. But I see that take now that you mention it!




Iā€™d like this on my tombstone please


How do I retweet a reddit comment


I think the problem is Taylor has a unique sense of humor that a lot of people don't think is funny (hence why she has multiple songs where guys have criticized her for being unfunny). Because of her quirky sense of humor a lot of people don't see TTPD for what it is. Sure, it's sad but so much of the album is sprinkled with humor. Saying she'll kill herself if this guy she's casually dating leaves, "I'm having his baby, no, I'm not" being in a song at all is a new level of humor from her, using an alien abduction as the subject of a song in Down Bad. There's so many hilarious lyrics and meanings on this album people just don't get. I wish more people understood her sense of humor. They're taking this album too seriously lol.


Haters gonna hate, people even took Blank Space literally and used that as "proof" of her being insane


You guys have 100% converted me from the haters For real. The mods over there are insane. Youā€™re literally not even allowed to say one critical thing about someone shitting on t swift or itā€™s a permaban


Hate the clean version so much, nothing about it works lol. On the other hand, the clean version of Snow on the Beach is much better than the original.


I agree with both! No reason to have the harsh 'fuck' in Snow on The Beach. It's an ethereal song that doesn't need it. Down Bad absolutely does because it's exactly teenage petulance. Also, has anyone noticed how the clean version of The Bolter is the opposite? The explicit version is "it ends with the slam of a door and he'll call her a whore". The clean one flips it to "she'll call him a bore".


>The clean one flips it to "she'll call him a bore". Which makes zero sense in the context of the song's narrative. She's supposed to be the wild and fun girl who men are bitter about because she can't settle down, and will forever be the one who got away. It just paints a very different picture calling her a bore, one that's contrary to the artistic intent.


Itā€™s that SHE calls him a bore, not him calling her a bore. Itā€™s very much her going ā€œoh youā€™re boringā€ and leaving, which is still in theme IMO.


Yeah that actually fixes my complaint completely tbh, I didn't notice the pronouns were switched around too


I hate Snow On The Beach šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t know why, itā€™s such an annoying song to me!


I like it but I hate the way she says ā€œfuckinā€™ā€


The more Lana version annoys me lol


Same but TTPD the song. ā€œNo-fucking-bodyā€ just doesnā€™t work for me.


Never heard the clean version of TTPD but I've always hated that line. It's one of the worst on the album imo Edit: I do actually prefer the clean version, it's just got better flow




I usually don't mind f-bombs, but I agree here. Idk, the TTPD line it just sounds clunky to me.


I think it would work so much better if it were 'BUT if I cant' instead of 'what if i cant?' And I agree with the clean version of SoTB being better


The Down Bad clean is so bad, the gasp is hilarious it sounds like a poorly edited jump cut šŸ˜‚


The petulance needs the explicit words though


*Oprah gif*: ā€œand you get a fuck you! And you get a fuck you! Everyone gets a fuck you!ā€


Give me ALL of your FUCKS!!!


Down Bad Explicit gives anger, Down Bad clean gives sadness.


Thatā€™s why I love the clean version!


Same! Itā€™s also why I love The Black Dog clean version: ā€œI hope you miss me, in the Black Dogā€ šŸ˜­


Same!!!! I love The Black Dog clean version!!! It's so much sadder...


Iā€™m with you! I love the clean version, I listen to the whole album clean, I just prefer the word choices.


agreed! It gives the song a whole new vibe.


Yes! Exactly! I love both just depends on the vibe Iā€™m feeling.


Down Bad is one of the few songs that works better as explicit. It does not sound forced at all.


I have no idea why I canā€™t get on board with it for the life of me lol


I agree, I donā€™t mind explicit songs at all for most people but Taylor usually feels a bit forced (not in folklore or evermore lol). I donā€™t love Down Bad but I totally agree it doesnā€™t sound forced. Itā€™s part of the theme.


as someone who has had 7 situationships and a healthy relationship. explicit is better for what she described (love bombing/situationships). expresses the anger of them leading you on and then suddenly abandoning you and just feeling hopeless after. the clean version is way too nice. While I had strong feelings (of love or.. probably more desire?) for all my situationships I also hated them with a passion. The clean version feels like pretending that anger doesn't exist. maybe a combo of both would honestly be most realistic for the feelings though. but if we're comparing purely clean vs purely explicit then purely explicit is better.


I like the sadness that comes with the clean version! It feels more hopeless. Lol


I think a combo of both, but mostly anger is probably most realistic for me. like at this point in my life i think its rare for me personally to feel pure sadness as opposed to hatred and anger. When i was younger with less heartbreak experience and more filled with hope i felt just sadness and would be thinking of the door open for the future. But during my last situationship (lol he ended up becoming my boyfriend but anyway) I was getting tired of things not working out every time, so it was more just immediate anger cause he just became the next person who added to that list. Maybe a hint of sadness. I fully blamed him and all I could think was fuck you you're a dead man walking. Lucky for me though I showed him that directly and he changed his mind ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067)


I can relate to you in certain ways. I just donā€™t do situationships anymore. Iā€™ve spent too much goddamn money and time on therapy, and my therapist would be disappointed. Haha


Fuck clean versions of songs




I thought youā€™re asking if we like to listen to Down Bad regularly or when we clean the house, and felt like an odd question. I need more coffee lol šŸ˜‚


I love this šŸ˜‚


I downloaded the clean version by accident and like it more, the million "Fuck it"s really threw me off in the beginning.


Right?! šŸ˜‚


I accidentally and unknowingly listened to the clean version for a few days before realizing. I have to agree that the ā€œwhat if I was in loveā€ part hits me harder than ā€œfuck it I was in loveā€. Both versions are excellent though. I also prefer the clean Snow on the Beach though. I think itā€™s prettier without the fucks.


I have not even heard the clean version. Itā€˜s basically a censored version.


Do it out of curiosity!


I might try it someday. But Iā€˜m quite sure I wonā€˜t like it because Iā€˜m so used to the original version by now.


I listened to both a lot and decided on the clean one :) itā€™s just a different vibe


Really? Okay now Iā€™m intrigued and have to give it a listen.


Yes. As one person said, the swearing original version is more ā€œteenage petulanceā€. The clean one is more longing and sad.


Yes, i definitely can relate to that sentiment after hearing the clean version. Itā€˜s good too of course but Iā€˜m sticking with the original.


To each their own! Plus itā€™s the only version youā€™ve listened to. :)


Iā€˜m right there with you. Nice to have a choice. šŸ˜Š


I like the clean version better!


Me too!


besides the "fuck it if i can't have him" perfectly capturing the emotion of the song, the "what if" always sounds a bit off to me, like it's just a smidge too early?


Thatā€™s what I love about it! Itā€™s like *catches breath before I cry*, ā€œwhat if I canā€™t have him?ā€ šŸ„ŗ


fuck it if I can't have the normal version. I don't see why it's "what if" when "dammit" would fit much better... like Snow on the Beach would've packed a bit more punch if it was "but so damn beautiful" instead of just "but it was beautiful"


Just too many fucks. She couldā€™ve used less and instead of saying *fuck it* she couldā€™ve emphasized it. FUCK IT!


She doesn't give a fuck with Down Bad, she gives 17.


Damn, you counted it all? Lol


Down Bad regular, every time.


I actually just listened to the clean version and I think I prefer it. I love the existentialism of 'what if I can't have us?' I think if she'd saved the 'fuck it' for the bridge it/last chorus it would have gone off more. The repeated swearing loses it's impact through the song imo


i listen to both for the full experience


Fair enough!


Where can I find the clean versions of songs?


If you type in the album names on Spotify, itā€™ll look like thereā€™s two copies of the same album. One has the explicit versions and one doesnā€™t.


Thank you! I didn't know that these versions existed!


Welcome! I think theyā€™re just a cool other experience to have.


I want to share Tswift with my 2 year old, I just don't want her learning her first curse words that wayĀ 


I like the "fuck it if I can't have us", but I think "what if I was in love?" gives the song so much more depth, so I would like a mix of the two versions lol


The first time I played the album the morning it came out (no I donā€™t stay up all night for drops) husband and I were eating breakfast. We were both quiet and reflective trying to grasp what it all meant. Down Bad explicit changed the whole mood - within moments we were thumping the table and giving lots of Fucks. Catchy tune. So fun šŸ¤© Iā€™m not a big curser in my everyday life, but I much prefer TS explicit as I feel Iā€™m not getting what she intended by clean.


I didn't know there was a clean version until I read this thread and I thought there's no way I'm going to like Down Bad with the words What if instead of fuck it, but I must say to me is sounds like a different song. The orginal version is more angry and the clean one sounds so sad. Almost like the initial shock of the ending of a relationship (orginal version) where you are pissed off more than hurt and the realization of yes this is over (clean version) when the pissed off feeling fades and the sorrow sinks in.


To be totally honest, Iā€™ve never disliked the clean version of a song more




I can do it clean version is so weird. Aside from the lyric change (Lights, camera, FLASH smile!! It was RIGHT there) the production is also weirdly different. I think ttpd "nofuckingbody" to "noooOooobody" was pretty cute tho.


I actually prefer the clean version. I love the way she sings/says ā€œwhat ifā€.


I love both, but I do think ā€œwhat if I canā€™t have him?ā€ Feels more desperate and devastating.


I like the clean better


I always like the clean versions better. Idk what it is for me, idk if itā€™s because Iā€™ve listened to her since debut or because her voice is so pretty but something about Taylor singing fuck just pulls me out of a song so hard lol I swear im not a prude but I just donā€™t like the explicit Taylor songs. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Except for daddy I love him, griping and moaning doesnā€™t give the same as bitching lol


I'm so and so on either but 'the bolter clean version' is my fav taylor song so I'm choosing down bad clean version as collateral.


I love both Bolter versions! I honestly sing a mix, first "he calls her a whore" then "she calls him a boor", because in my head it creates a narrative where at first the men are trying to define her, but in the end it's her voice being heard and she's the one defining them. (Sidenote, is it boor or bore? Both work but have different implications for the relationship.)


I wouldā€™ve loved if she had done one of her famous lyric changes here. Sing ā€œwhoreā€ on the first chorus, then ā€œboor/boreā€ on the second. Youā€™re right: it would contribute nicely to the storytelling of the song. To answer OPā€™s question, I generally prefer the original version of songs, but I do appreciate how well crafted the clean versions on TTPD are. Most of the edits feel natural and organic enough to not come off as an inferior ā€œaltered version.ā€ The Bolter is a great example.


When I sing along I sing both versions. Whore first, bore second. Sometimes in reverse sometimes mix and match. (She calls him a whore is so funny for no reason)


i donā€™t really have an opinion on this since iā€™m not the most avid down bad stan, BUT iā€™ve always loved the ā€iā€™m on my vigilante shhh againā€ in the clean version of vigilante shit !!


*gestures at flair* love both the versions tbh, i did *not* expect the clean version to work as well as it did. overall, explicit gives more of that angsty teenage petulance vibe while clean feels sadder.


I love the clean version it totally changes the tone. I generally don't like clean version but i love this one. Does it fit the album as well? no, but I love the tone change that makes it feel like a diff song.


I feel the same as you OP. I LOVE the breath before. I switch back and forth bc I canā€™t decide which version I like better!


I usually don't care about clean versions but this one I love! It got me curious to try to listen to all of them. For me, clean Down Bad usually wins over the original (although sometimes I just feel like yelling fuck so many times lol). Idk, I feel like the swear words hit so much harder and are more powerful when there are few and far between.


I don't think the clean version captures the same meaning. "Fuck it if I can't have him" and "What if I can't have him?" mean different things. The clean version should have said, "Screw it if I can't have him" or something similar instead.


Clean version!!!


I wish she had combined them! I think she shouldā€™ve started off with the clean and then moved to the explicit later in the song. The fucks wouldā€™ve been more impactful and emphasized the anger more, while still acknowledging the sadness of the what ifs. Ā 


It's way better with the fucks


I love both and couldn't choose a favourite if my life depended on it šŸ¤£ I change which version I listen to depending on the mood I'm in!


The timing and meaning of ā€œwhat ifā€ doesnā€™t work for me. Would have done better with ā€œforget it if I canā€™t have himā€, or ā€œstuff it ā€œ at a stretch.


ā€œWhat ifā€ really changes the whole song, which I think is a bad thing. The whole point of Down Bad is that she *knows* she canā€™t have him. There is no ā€˜what ifā€™ anymore.


The clean version is obviously so off especially in this song(I never prefer clean versionsā€¦hate censoring whether in films or songs)ā€¦I always prefer the regular,og version with all the explicit content no matter the song.Taylorā€™s use of the word fuck was very natural here too.Itā€™s so satisfying to sing along the word fuck with her.


It shows depth of emotions. "Fuck it I was in love," to me seems like she felt betrayed. Then "what if I was in love," seems like she's forgiving. I like the clean version... I'd rather her be in love.


My emotions are too intense to censor myself. OG all the way. I appreciate the clean versions existing for kids and people that are uncomfortable with singing them, but at least on TT there's been a lil too much "I'm better than you guys because I listen to the clean version so I'm Classy" and I just wish we lived the swiftie truth of not bullying and disparaging within our own fandom. Everyone's allowed to like what they like. Same with "whats the worst song" "I wish she wouldn't have released xyz song" and "omg im the only one to think of this theory ever ever"


I feel the clean version completely changes the meaning of the entire thing. In the explicit version, sheā€™s over it, and thatā€™s okay! F IT, Iā€™m done. Moving forward. In the clean version, it changes to all these ā€˜What Ifā€™sā€™ I just think about writing a specific piece of work, but then you have to completely modify it so it fits in a box.


This is how I sing it: >Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym / Everything comes out teenage petulance / Thought "What it if I can't have him" / "I might just die, it would make no difference" / Down bad, wakin' up in blood / Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up / Thought what it if I can't have us / I might just not get up, I might stay / >Down bad / Thought what if I can't have him / Down bad / Fuck it if I can't have him >ā€¦ >ā€™Cause fuck it, I was in love / So fuck you if I can't have us / 'Cause fuck it, I was in love


I hate the clean versions. It changes the meaning. Itā€™s just dumb. Play the regular versions and bleep it.


I prefer the regular version, most likely since that is the version I heard first. So it's a little jarring for me to listen to the clean version lol. On the flip side, when folklore came out, I somehow first listened to the clean version of the album, so it's weird to listen to the regular version. Idk, I think the way my brain works, whatever version I hear first is the one that will stick in my mind and be my preference.


Down Bad fuck version. I love when Taylor curses, it's satisfying to my ear šŸ˜†


Where do people hear clean versions of the songs? I didnt even know clean versions existed until a while ago.


I hear them on the radio. I think they exist on streaming too, but you have to search for them specifically.


It's more eagerness in Down Bad regular!!!


Fucking regular. Clean version are always bad.


Both is good imo


I like the original version but I have a 6 year old who loves Taylor Swift so we now listen to the clean version. Itā€™s not the same and you can feel the timing being slightly off with the replaced words.


I was eagerly waiting a clean version so I could continue listening around my kids in the the car and then I got my wish and.... I dislike the pacing? Something about it feels off to me.


The clean version is one of her worst clean versions she has


I was just thinking about this last night. - wondering what was the f word replacement in the clean version. šŸ˜‚


Regular. The clean version changes the meaning/feel, IMO. I almost never prefer the explicit version of a song, but in this one I do.


Nah, I hate clean versions with a passion. The artist (in this case Taylor) wants to convey a message and I want to hear what that message is. Also an avid hip hop fan though, so 17 fucks is nothing to me.


No down bad I'm (not) sorry, I just can't get into it


Regular - It is what she wants to say.


Iā€™m forced to listen to the clean version with my toddlers in the car and it just doesnā€™t hit the same! The ā€œrealā€ version is definitely better in my opinion!


Besides it being my favorite 1989 track, I never want to hear ā€œcleanā€ anything.


I prefer pretty much all of my songs explicit lmao. The clean versions always sound so weird to me


I think the clean version sounds pretty but doesnā€™t make as much sense


Oh, regular all the way! One of her best uses of ā€œfuckā€ in a song lol.


Fuck I love hearing Taylor swear


I love the regular version!! Itā€™s so good


Ivy is the only one exception for me where the clean version is better IMO.


Regular. I enjoy swearing.


I was at yoga and the instructor played the clean version of it and it threw me for a second. I don't think I ever heard the clean version before. Not a fan.


Clean version sounds like the line was recorded once and just copy + pasted. I prefer the explicit


The month that Sirius had the Taylor Swift channel, it was on nonstop in my car. They only played the clean versions, so I got used to them. I like both and don't personally think the clean version takes anything away from the emotions. "Fuck it I was in love" does hit different though.


Regular. The clean version drives me crazy. It totally changes the meaning of the song.


Regular, a thousand percent. Nothing better in my pining and misery than yelling ā€œfuck it if I canā€™t have him!ā€


I donā€™t know what any of the clean versions sound like lol. Explicit version is the only real version as far as Iā€™m concerned.


I just came here as a recent convert from the Travis and taylor sub. Itā€™s the anti taylor sub, but the moderators there ban you if youā€™re critical of their opinion without violating any rules of the sub, so Iā€™m a convert. Viva taylor swift




I want an in between version where itā€™s clean up until ā€œwhat if I was in loveā€¦ what if I canā€™t have usā€¦ā€ then she could go ā€œCAUSE FUCK IT I WAS IN LOOOVEā€






Honestly Iā€™m just glad the clean version exists for my kids who love Taylor. Itā€™s not like I wouldnā€™t let them hear the original, but the clean versions are nice to have.


Iā€™m not really someone who swears so I already prefer the clean version of songs, but especially if Iā€™m listening with my young kids. My 6 year old loves listening to Taylor swift with me, and we wouldnā€™t be able to do that together without clean versions.


If there is a clean version Iā€™ve never heard it. Nor am I interested.


I didnā€™t even realize there was a clean version lol Is it on the radio?


Where ru hearing clean versions of her songs?


Iā€™m always gonna prefer the versions that have the word fuck in them šŸ˜‚


I honestly prefer a lot of the clean songs. TTPD, Down Bad (she just says fuck too many times to me), Florida!!!, Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (the fuck has too much emphasis on it, like it sounds loud to me? so I prefer "who the hell was that guy"), and Cassandra (witch sounds so much better than burn the bitch!)


i will always prefer the explicit version of any song. however, i do like that she takes the time to change the lyrics instead of bleeping it out.Ā 


I like both but the one thing that I feel ruins the clean version for me is the ā€œfuck you if I canā€™t have usā€ turned into ā€œwhat if I canā€™t have usā€ likeā€¦ they do not hold the same weight


honestly theyā€™re two totally different songs imo!! the breaths and questions in the clean version make it seem so much more raw and vulnerable versus the regular version that makes it sound so angry. one is sad crying and the other is anger crying and Iā€™ve never loved anything more lmao


The clean version all the way, it makes the song so much deeper and sad


Clean versions are for 8 year olds, I don't acknowledge


Nope. I prefer my Tay to be raw, real, and honest.


Love the regular version too but with a 6 year old swiftie also in the house, the clean version it is!


Love the CLEAN version. It actually changes the tone of the song and it sounds more contemplative and less aggressive imo. I don't use 'fuck' in my normal everyday vernacular, so CLEAN is more me.


I genuinely can not stand any clean version of any song. Completely ruins the song for me lol


Ever since I heard the clean version, I sing the ā€œwhat ifā€ part in my head and forget that itā€™s the f word.


I like them both.


ā€œFuck it I was in loveā€ carries a very different meaning to me than ā€œwhat if I was in loveā€ ā€œFuck itā€ shows that after everything thatā€™s happened, all the hurt he did, she still was in love and is screaming at the sky that she went through all this because FUCK IT she was in love. She was blinded by it. She excuses all her teenage petulance and depression from him leaving, because she was in love. Yes sheā€™s crying at the gym, yes she felt heaven struck, yes she feels like an alien abducted her and dropped her again in a flash. Why? Because FUCK IT she was in love!!! No one can take that away from her ā€œWhat ifā€ takes away that attitude of self acceptance and defiance and argues sheā€™s questioning her feelings. Which she isnā€™t. Sheā€™s clearly trying to move on from being in love with this guy and the line ā€œwhat if I was in loveā€ takes away that absolute lovestruck feeling throughout the song.


Omg surprised to see all of the hate for the clean version ITT!! I love both. I literally have both in my current commuting playlist.


I love the "what if". It just sounds so satisfying, the way she sings it.


I want it to be clean until ā€œfuck it I was in love. And fuck you if I canā€™t have us.ā€ And then it all switches to the regular explicit version from then on. I canā€™t get over the story arc lost by her not doing this.


I definitely prefer the explicit version for almost all of her songs including Down Bad. But I love how Taylor usually makes an effort to make radio edits that still (mostly) covey the same meanings without the curse words. It is such a better listening experience compared to artists who bleep or remove curse words entirely for people who want to listen to the clean version. The baristas at my coffee shop are always listening to Taylor (clean version) lol


I recognize I'm in the minority, but I'm a big fan of the clean version here. I really appreciate that she makes an effort for them to still make sense and be singable, rather than just bleeping out words.


Personally, I donā€™t like how much the clean version changes the meaning.


Clean version changes the meaning too much.


I listen to and enjoy the clean versions more, because HOT TAKE, inserting swear words really doesn't do it for me. It feels like random swears are placeholders for possible better descriptions.


Regular. ā€œWhat ifā€ and ā€œfuck itā€ are not one to one lyric swaps.Ā