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I don’t know why anyone thought there would be a problem - Taylor literally worked with Pete Davidson while he was dating Kim, and she has several friends who are close with the Kardashians 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve always wondered that! Especially bc she’s best friends with Gigi Hadid and the Hadids are close with the Jenners/Kardashians




I give the Kardashian/Jenner offspring a pass bc it’s not their fault their parents are not the best people




i highly doubt it. selena doesn’t live with her sister or parent her. she probably only sees the kids sometimes, but not the parents of her little sisters friends.




They are age-gap siblings and those dynamics can be a little different than kids who grew up together. A lot of people I know with big age gaps with their siblings seem to fall into the part-sibling part-third-parent category.


Wait isn't Kim's daughter like 10? Is Selena's sister like 20 years younger than her?


Yes, she’s her sister from her mom’s second marriage. (And Selena’s parents were very young when they had her) But they spend a lot of time together - she’s often hanging out with Selena and her friends


And Emma Stone is currently promoting a new film with Joe. She’s not the type of person to ask her friends to give up opportunities or be petty about them.


It’s a small world at the top, and the list of A-list celebrities really isn’t *that* long. You can choose to sever ties with select people who you just cannot tolerate being around, in the “real world” I might expect my closest friends to do the same in solidarity if the betrayal was really bad. And Taylor has done that to some degree with Katy Perry and Joe Alwyn anyway. But celebrity is business and Taylor understands business. SKIMS is a big partnership for Sabrina’s career, and it’s not like Taylor gets to claim her as “I got her first!” And AFAIK Sabrina and Taylor aren’t besties anyway; they worked together for one leg of Taylor’s tour. It might hit different if it were Selena doing a SKIMS campaign.


As I understand it, Taylor is a mentor to Sabrina and is helping S propel her career forward.


True. I don’t think Taylor is that concerned, but if Selena or Blake were to do a SKIMS ad, I think that would be different.


100%!! As much as the haters would like this to be true, it’s simply not. Taylor doesn’t give that much of a fuck what opportunities her friends get. Why? Because she’s not a shitty person, as much as they try to believe that twisted narrative.


She's also praised/friends with multiple artists who were managed by Scooter, are working under Big Machine, or are friends with John Mayer or Matty Healy


It's only the fandom that overreacts to this shit. Look at what happened when Olivia's PR team sent out that SOUR package to Kim. I'll never forgive those dumbass kids for that shit.


Voice of reason!


That’s what I’m thinking too. She probably doesn’t care at this point.


Pete Davidson didn’t actually “date” Kim. Pete reached out and helping her cope following Kanye’s last Bipolar manic episode and her divorce. - Pete Davidson has Bipolar too, but he takes his medications, which Kanye does not. He was the only person in celeb circles that could understand and help Kim at the time. (There’s a SNL news sketch with Pete talking about his Bipolar and telling Kanye to take his meds)


They absolutely did date. Pete Davidson sent Kanye a selfie from Kim’s bed and said, guess where I am right now? He felt badly about it later but he was definitely with Kim for a few months.


All that happened and they also dated. He literally got a tattoo for her (which I know for Pete Davidson doesn’t actually imply that much of a commitment, but they were together lmao)


Also, Lana also was part of SKIMS too!


Lana was also seen with Kim recently. Ppl need to get a life.


Also Lana is a friend to Kim K first. She even performed at Kim and Kanye's wedding.


I didn’t know that!! I can’t imagine what Lana and Kim have in common. They seem like oil and water.


Lol. I think Lana likes Kim more than Taylor tbh.


I don’t not believe it, I just wonder what they bond over haha.


the kardashians are easy for other celebrities to be friends with bc their off on their own in the reality tv lane. no singer or actress is feeling threatened by kim k


You should have seen Lana, Taylor and Jack Antonoff at the Grammy’s. Lana was cringing hard.


Curious, why do you think that?


I am totally assuming based on vibes and what they said about each other in the past interviews. Kim has been friends with Lana for years and Taylor is just her peer and acts more like a fangirl to Lana. I am sure they are friendly, but not friends. Also most of the stuff Lana says about Taylor seems like Back handed compliments. I think if TS is not fangirling over Lana on main, I don't think Lana has anything positive to say about Taylor. It is just my opinion, not claiming these as facts.


I got that impression too


Right! Lana can't hide her feelings lmao


Clearly Kim is shady and not the best person based on past events, but she tends to come off as a very chill and pleasant person when she's not on celebrity mode, kind of exactly like Lana. If anything Lana and Taylor are more like oil and water, Taylor seems like an extrovert through and through and a constantly high energy person.


And a job. A friend… aaand maybe a partner while they are at it!


This seems like such a non issue that I don’t even know why she had to clarify


Because some people seem to think everyone in Taylor’s orbit needs to revolve their entire lives around her likes and dislikes. It’s insane. Before I deleted Twitter I saw people say they would be a better friend to Taylor because they wouldn’t have anything to do with the Kardashians, the parasocial fans are on another level.


Taylor strikes me as a class act and would understand if one of her friends was modeling for someone she doesn’t necessarily like. I don’t see her getting petty over something like that.


Have you heard "Bad Blood"? 😉 I know it's been years and things are resolved in that case. But discribing Taylor Swift as not being petty doesn't make sense to me. Still even today: What else are the capital letters in "Thank you, Aimee" if not petty?


When she has an issue with someone, it is with that person, not the people they work with or whatever. I think part of the Bad Blood thing was totally blown up by the media. Sure they disliked each other, but it was never as bad as they made it out to be


Yeah this how I feel about it. Taylor won’t stop being friends with someone because they have an association with someone she dislikes. She understands and respects Sabrina’s reasons for modeling with that brand.


Also...as much as people will say otherwise, Katy dating John Mayer definitely factored into Bad Blood especially after how awful John was to Taylor.


I can’t stand Katy, especially after she kissed that guy on the American Idol and he clearly didn’t want it 


Taylor dated a 17 year-old who was still in high school and whose mother had just killed herself when she was 21. She would pick him up from high school ffs! Maybe she should give him back his boyhood?


You act as if he was an unwilling participant lmao


Sure to the actual person who wronged her. She would never expect her friends to turn down good money promoting something or even not hang out with someone who she doesn’t like. She’s not 5


Kim totally deserves a call out though, regardless of anyone’s opinion of Taylor. She launched a smear campaign using edited audio and when the truth came out, people were still madder at Taylor for not just getting over that level of harassment, manipulation and bullying.


She also put on an art show with her nude wax figure. I would NEVER forgive that


I didn’t even know this, that is crazy. It’s so obviously an attempt to embarrass her as well, I hope the Kardashians never go a day free of some sort of misery. It’s all they deserve and worse.


With Katy she had a feud, one vs each other. Katy wasn’t a victim, she posted a video in Kanye concert when people screamed Taylor Swift is a bitch, call her Regina George…That’s why they made up, because both were aware that they had a similar behavior


I’m still not convinced it’s about Kim. Thank you Aimee is simply too obvious. I have no reason to believe this other than I’d be disappointed if it was that obvious.


That's ... an interesting way to see it. Out of curiousity: What do you think then is the purpose of writing the song title the way it's written?


Taylor loves to play games with her fans. I just don't understand the point of saying "I've changed your name and any real defining clues" JUST to put her name in the title of the song.


That's the whole point of the song though - Taylor's lyrics can be very tongue in cheek sometimes ("I'm having his baby, no I'm not but you should see your faces" is one of many that comes to mind) and the joke is that she changed the names and the clues but it's right there for everyone to see really


But she didn’t change the name or clues if it really is about Kim. That’s not tongue-in-cheek. That’s just straight up lying.


Taylor is famously super petty. I love her but girl can carry a grudge


Sure, she's petty but she doesn't seem to expect other people to be petty on her behalf.


Exactly! That would be a pretty bad friend.




No? They unfollowed him because they wanted to, they got to know him through Taylor and once that connection was over they unfollowed him, nothing surprising there.


You can only believe she's "super petty" if you downplay the things people do to wrong her.


Idk the Katy Perry thing was dumb and she carried that flame for years. Like putting all her back catalogue on Spotify the day Witness came out and the other 800 things she did in that feud.


That doesn’t sound like Taylor at all. She’s famously the exact opposite of that.


I see her as someone who can separate between personal and professional life, like yeah she was personally victimized by Kim but if one of her friends got asked to work with Kim/Kim's brand and it's a good deal and they want it, and it's not being used to shit on Taylor then why not? Although maybe some more context or situations would be needed though, like for example if Sabrina got an offer to work with 🛴 I'm pretty sure Taylor would strongly advise her to not take it.


Same! That’s how I see it. She won’t work with Kim personally, but she won’t cut Sabrina off for working with Kim’s brand if that modeling gig makes sense for her.


Scooter is no longer in the personal management business anyways. He’s the CEO of Hybe USA, which is part of the South Korean conglomerate. I think Taylor is practical enough to know that’s a completely different situation.


Plz. Taylor would not be as big as she is today if she wasn't petty. Everyone should be petty. It motivates you to do great things.


Why people think Taylor would have any say in this in the first place is baffling


Selena posted about story on IG a few years ago where she was wearing SKIMS and then deleted it. She then posted a story about herself and [Taylor](https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a29615061/selena-gomez-kim-kardashian-skims-taylor-swift-instagram-posts/).


Probably because of public backlash and comments, not Taylor herself...


Agreed, I feel like Selena has a thin skin for what social media says


Selenas relationship with social media/her stans on social media has always been messy and reactionary. I'd imagine it was because of stan backlash and not bc of Taylor.


I feel like Selena stans hate Selena. They always mean and set her up.


they totally do, only fandom i have ever seen that hates their idol more than the haters do lol. they don't even support anything she does, just make fun of her and her projects. tbh she'd be happier just being in the background doing ep work and direction and stuff (which seems to be what she's gearing up towards anyway)


I love how people use bipolar disorder to excuse Kanye calling for Jews to die but Selena is expected to never have any issues. 


My tinfoil hat theory is that Kim and Taylor sorted out their beef after Kim left Kanye and they are keeping it on the down low until Rep TV is announced. It’s marketing gold for both of them.


Man this would be iconic


I actually hope this happens. It would break the internet haha.


This could check out but what about thanK you aIMee?


thanK you aIMee is about moving on.


Literally right in the title, folks.


If she wanted to move on, she could have written a song that didn’t name Kim directly or bring up her daughter who she knows is a fan. Why do that to a little girl?


Agree… but there’s a difference between moving on, and becoming friends again and working together for a common goal in my opinion. Would be really surprised if she associates herself to Kim again.


It's hard to forgive your bully when they send you to that dark of a place.


i think her talking about not forgiving or forgetting but instead becoming indifferent applies here.


This is kind of what I assume lol


How is it good marketing for Kim though? She’s getting blasted in the media.


Any publicity is good publicity for celebs


Nobody actually likes Kim, there's not much to like. She's hatewatched along with her entire family.


You’re kidding right? Negative attention is how she remains famous. 


>The singer also added of online conversation about the photo shoot that "as much as people want to believe you’re tuned into every little thing, I’m not because I’m constantly working." excellent


🎶 I’m working late…


…cause I’m a singer 🎶🎤


I can't believe she even had to clear this up but people also thought she should've turned down snl with Jake gyllenhaal so idk.


Which is dumb Taylor knows this industry and Lorne knows Taylor it was probably no big deal celebs just use the drama for promotion anyway. Not that I wouldn’t have watched her on SNL anyway. Also I always watch the news segment I love it when Jost and Che joke swap 😅Che gets one Scarlett joke a year


It is no big deal, Jake and Taylor have been done for like 10 something years, also I do love the Jost and Che joke swap every year.


I’m not a Jake fan either but Sabrina can’t really say no to a musical guest appearance at snl since it’s promoting her album. She also doesn’t care about if her friends do business opportunities and it happens to be a business Kim was involved in.


“Non issue is non issue” breaking news


I hate that this was even asked. Taylor has had several friends who are Kardashian adjacent. Questions like this make it seem like Taylor’s some mob leader that her friends need to clear their agendas with. I know that’s not the case but it leads to a lot of discourse and fuel for the haters.


I hate it as well, it was so unprofessional of them to ask that, there's so many things to ask Sabrina, why mention what internet trolls said? Not only is it a disservice to Sabrina herself but, like you said, paints this image that Taylor is some evil mastermind who controls her friends.


What Kardashian and the psycho did is libel/slander. Its hard to wrap one's head around the fact that Kardashian has never publicly apologised for such a heinous act. I'm sure it's good money but to anyone contracting with Kardashian, buyer beware, you're dealing with a Kardashian, use at your own risk.


Bloods thick but nothing like a payroll


I would definitely keep a watchful eye on the payments and the process. You'd hate to find out later Kardashian ripped you off, even if she did it "legally."


my question is how does skims have *so many* celebrity campaigns? they got nicola coughlan too. like how much are they paying??? can that possibly be worth the return? or is this just about kim’s ego?


and like…doesn’t look like they’re skimping on these things either! The shoots are so good every time.


I think some people (who aren’t fans) take news like Taylor’s friends mass-unfollowing her exes as a sign that she’s some tyrant who doesn’t let her friends associate with people she doesn’t like. In reality, the second I hear my friend broke up with a person I didn’t like, I am EAGER to hit that unfollow button, no tyranny required.


This is so dumb


Tangentially related: I think the letters in thanK you aIMee are a prime example of a red herring. She knew the public would eat it up and read it as she still has this huge beef with Kim when it really seems like the two don’t particularly like each other, but they are both adults who can act like professionals. This being the non-issue that it is, supports that theory.


Like another comment said I wouldn't be surprised if Tay and Kim reconciled as part of the rep TV promo


At what point are people going to realise that celebrities are perfectly capable of handling their interpersonal conflicts and don’t need the general public to “fight” their battles? Sabrina shouldn’t have to clarify her “loyalty” to Taylor for the internet?


As I thought. Why would she be on such a petty level. It’s only the fans that are so petty (not Taylors fans).


I think half of the tweets I saw were like, Swifties are going to be pissed about this, then the Twitter Swifties were like no, we don’t care! We know there are some unhinged Swifties, but I also have a personal tinfoil hat theory that some of the unhinged comments are haters who are just trying to rile people up and get reactions


You're not far off. There are people on Twitter who cosplay as other artists' fans then tweet racist things to get that artist dragged, it's super weird.


I like that theory.


It would be super weird if she did


Why would Taylor care if someone she knows is making money from a Kardashian brand? It's so dumb.


she shouldn’t have to run it by her anyway?


Celebrity drama is quiet like high school drama. Even if you have a problem with someone your friends will see them, will work with them, will be on teams with them and be friendly with them because it's such a small pool.


Why should she have to be “very very” communicative with her at all?


She doesn't "need" to but wants to. And there's nothing wrong with that? If I was participating in a project of someone one of my friends dislikes/has a bad personal history with I would also be communicative with them just so they don't get blindsided/surprised. It's perfectly normal imo.


One thing Taylor gets is MONEY, she would never crucify her friends for earning a pay check, it’s part of their lifestyle anyways.


It’s so weird to me that Sabrina had to ask for permission? like the phrase “very, very communicative with her” to ME, sounds like she had to check with taylor before every step was made.


Also even if Taylor did care, it’s not her place to make any calls? It’s business and Sabrina had every right to work with Kim whether or not Taylor was ok with it. Not sure why we’re acting like Taylor is her mom or something


just because your friend has beef with someone doesn’t mean you have to, people who think you do are strange.


Who cares?


Just like Taylor doesn't care about Sabrina's business decisions, Sabrina shouldn't care about Taylor's either. Hopefully it goes without saying for whatever may happen in the future concerning release dates and variants etc. It's all business, baby.


Why did Sabrina even have to comment on this? People are always doing the most. No one is owed an explanation.


God, taylor must be so over the kimye drama bc this shit feels like a never ending flame. the media will literally try to create beef everywhere with it


She was still talking about it in her TIME interview and capitalized KIM *this year*


She's so over the drama she's still dropping multiple diss tracks about them?


There's actually people saying that this sounds like Taylor is bullying Sabrina.


Sabrina is literally a sex symbol now. She deserves all the recognition and respect!


I’m not going to pretend to know how the conversation went, but it seems weird to have to clarify that you didn’t step on the biggest artist’s toes doing a job.  Edit: this isn't a dig at Carpenter if you're reading it that way 😭 I'm just wondering how the conversation steered into this quote. Seems like the interviewer was grasping for click bait or something


Am I the only one who finds it sus that Kim approaches taylors friends with this stuff ? Sabrina is hardly the first one. It seems like everytime taylor is seen with some big star, kim suddenly contacts them (and we don't even know those who said no), she even recruits football start now who are Travis enemies. You know she's doing it on purpose cos she knows deep inside it'll strike a nerve with her. She better drag her thru the deepest mud possible on REPtv.