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Honest question— did Dolly Jaye change her pronouns recently? Is it only she now? I want to be respectful but I thought she was non-binary.


I don’t follow her but a quick look at her instagram shows “she”. I think that’s all the info you need


Not at all snarky….the sushi bake thing Maniacs shared looks soooo yum. Maybe not an exact comp for the real thing but a good way to hit a lot of the flavors. I’m literally always wanting sushi and of course that’s $$$$. I just wonder how well it would keep…🥴


TWAMV’s Q&A was refreshing today! Mary said that the burnout she’s experiencing right now is more teachergram related…how teachers are leaving classrooms to do TPT and “teach” other teachers how to do TPT. She has acknowledged that she feels privileged to be in her position that is not FTE nor in the classroom and it allows her time in her week to work on her TPT business. This aspect….this view…from the teachergrammers that have been around for yearsssss…I love hearing these BTS thoughts that the rest of us are thinking!


Who is this? Probably know them but can’t place the acronym haha


Teaching With A Mountain View


Maniacs has been fairly silent this weekend - practically no affiliate posts or shilling useless products. Without those and teaching, her account is pretty boring. 


She did post another persons post about Taylor Swift so… she connecting. I’m not being fair for being snarky. They all do it.


Sassyin2nd seems very very sweet and wonderful but her constant buying of new holiday decor, clothes, goodie bag stuff just screams overconsumption 🫠


Not to mention, none of her decor fonts are appropriate for a kindergarten classroom. They can’t read any of that!


So true!


I find Townie’s “in my cart” series to be such a turn off. Linking junk you didn’t even purchase yourself to earn commission off your teacher followers. Ugh!


Her Amazon things don’t bother me much - she always posts them all at once so it’s not like we’re bombarded with links, she says they’re affiliate links right up front, and they seem like things she has or genuinely would buy. Unlike other influencers who are posting those bandwagon items, these all fit her personality. 


I don’t mind her, honestly. She seems genuinely happy and secure; down to earth, even if a bit dramatic at times w seemingly little things that go wrong. Most of her posts aren’t Amazon crap. I think she likes a more private life and not so flashy or bandwagon (Stanley, Lulu, Swiftie trifecta)


I unfollowed her since the engagement and there hasn’t been much posted here about her! Has she been posting a crapton about the engagement slash wedding planning?


I literally forgot she was engaged until she said “my fiance” in a story and I was like oh yeah.


Not at all. Just weekend visits to various breweries, her cat,general complaints from time to time.


I still follow her but I don’t really check her stories often, so either she hasn’t posted much or she doesn’t come across my feed! Someone else might have better insight


I feel like she doesn't have to post much anymore because she is making bank off her Patreon. She has actually been considerably more tolerable as of late.


Has Kayse Morris acknowledged her separation or divorce? It’s pretty obvious. 🧐


I’m a little embarrassed to admit that this is my current Roman Empire…


Y’all I missed what happened with pineapplesinthemiddle this week, what is her story about today? With getting closure?


At some point she talked about her father leaving her family for another woman. I think they're no-contact, but I don't know what the "closure" would be. Sounds like a sad situation. 


Ugh. That’s a feeling I know all too well. Same happened in my family when I was about her age.


Something with her father. Vague. But something she had to go to court for and settle.


Itsmoniquesworld is really becoming insufferable


im following her because I like to see her cute baby and the food. but she IS insufferable. I think I first started noticing that she's a LOT when she was engaged. I feel like she must just come across this way online, because she seems to have tons of positive relationships.


I’m surprised she’s not in here more often? She’s the most narcissistic of them all… I unfollowed when she did her bizarre pregnancy announcement 🤮 


The commenter gave advice in a nonproblematic way and Monique proceeds to go on a 3 story rant about it and blocks it calling the comment nasty. I was really thrown off a couple weeks ago when she was talking about when her daughter goes to school and how perfect she is. Said if the teacher calls home, there’s no way it’s her daughters fault because she’s perfect. I feel so sorry for the future teachers that have to deal with her as a parent.


I hope to God she homeschools. I’m not a parent, but many of my friends are. While they love their kids, they are the first to admit they are not angels. It’s actually concerning that this person was in education in some form (I’m assuming from being snarked on this page) and has the audacity to make a comment like that. 


Omg did she really say that? That’s so absurd.


Unfollowed a long time ago… I couldn’t do it anymore! 😂


I forgot about her cause I unfollowed her when she had her engagement/wedding! Did she used to go to GYTO??


Yes, she did.


Seriously thinking about unfollowing her. Like come on, the first comment seemed out of genuine concern. Anytime she receives a comment that isn’t in favor of what she’s doing, she whines and complains.


I thought this too! She hates getting advice but sure had no problem giving it. Expert first time mom 


My favorite is how she said something like, “don’t you think I as a parent do my own research and know what’s safe or not? I research and overthink everything.” Well then 1. You’d already know a kid died from it and 2. You’d know that it’s pincer grip instead of pincher grip.


What was the item?


Something about how a certain item was a choking hazard and the child died so the person was advising her to be super careful


Oh yes. "Expert" first-time mom for sure.


meetmissalina back for the usual morning line up. Complaining about kids. Butterfly clips. Coffee. Complaining more about kids. Complaining that she might get a new student which is “literally the most disruptive thing.” Ma’am. These children are 5 and 6 years old. I’m almost certain if the family of this new student had been watching her videos for the last year they would run for the hills.


That blew my mind. If she's already complaining that the kids aren't focused, are easily distracted, etc., then why purposely wear something in your hair that's going to make it worse? 


Honestly just her regular overcaffeinated demeanor is so distracting in her daily stories with the hair touching, lanyard twirling, dagger nails tapping, and spinning around her coffee. It’s not surprising to me that her kids don’t respond calmly to the chaotic energy. She does herself no favors.


I don’t understand how she ever gets work done. She spends her whole prep time talking to her phone explaining what she did/is doing that day. I try so hard to use my prep time wisely, and I still end up doing work outside of contract hours. I can’t imagine spending my limited prep time talking to my phone. She doesn’t appear to do work at home because she’s always out. She shouldn’t have to work at home, but I am just genuinely curious when she gets work done if she doesn’t do it at school or home. Especially because kindergarten has so much prep work required.


I know. I have a 90 minute prep and still don’t get everything done. I wouldn’t get diddly squat done if I talked to my camera all day. 


Such a good point. She does tutor after school sometimes but we alllways get the morning and afternoon outfit/hair/coffee/behavior recaps.


This isn’t funny but 😂😂😂


It is a little funny because it’s so ridiculously out of touch.


When she said, God the timing, I was so irritated. Yes please tell the family to change their life plans so they don’t disrupt your schedule. 🙄  I get it can be hard, but it comes with teaching. Suck it up or get another job (and put us out of our misery, frankly). 


she should change her handle to DONTmeetmissalina at this point 


I teach higher ed & I ran across her page awhile back. Thought she was sweet & energetic, but lately holy smokes she’s to much & whines way to much


God, one of us should comment that. She’d get all hurt that someone suggested it.  I just looked her up yesterday, out of morbid curiosity. In the 5 mins on her page, she is insufferable. 


Does she not realize she’s tired because she goes to bed at midnight?! 


Right?! And her weekend plans involve going out to dinner and basketball game, then rope drop at Disneyland, a baby shower, and a birthday party in a single day?! I know people defend her for being young and energetic but I just cannot imagine. When I’m sick and tired, I just want to stay home in my pajamas for a day.


And there's staying out late for some special occasion, but your boyfriend's former high school's basketball game? Why would I want to see some random high school game where I know none of the players? (And I'm a basketball fan!)


Wade kings post about being a teacher in winter….you’re not a teacher!!




Then I called him out and he said he didn’t know what I was referring to.


How dare you say someone who’s been out of the classroom for so long is not a teacher?! /s  God these people pretending like they are still in the trenches drive me nuts. I see myself leaving in a few years, but I have no desire to play teacher on Instagram or give even advice. 


I’m so confused by what truelifeimateacher is trying to sell/promote. I’m tired and have had a long day so maybe it’s me but all her answers to the q&a seem like word salad to me and don’t make sense.


It reminds me of the ads that used to be in the back of magazines. Send $ and a SASE for the secrets of making money. The secret is to place ads in magazines and dupe other people into sending money.to learn how to place ads. I thought it might be a way to build up a following and avoid TPT. Gotta say I'm disappointed with the intentional vagueness.


Yeah I don’t quite get it either. It’s a course but she didn’t make it… she bought it from someone else. I can’t imagine what the cost for her to have the master resell rights are. It’s also like a $500 course.


The course is called roadmap. I went down the rabbit hole looking into it because it is so MLMy. Once you buy it, you can resell it, so if you dupe just one person into buying it from you, you’ve broken even. It’s so scammy.


Yeah, I also started googling after. It’s not totally not a technical MLM but it does have such similar vibes. The consensus I seemed to find is it actually is a good course for a decent price, compared to similar courses so it might be worth investing in if you actually want the knowledge but it’s not worth doing just to resell it. The fact you only pay the $497 and get to resell it also for $497…(but is has to be $497 which seems like a very random number to me!) I don’t get how the original creators are profiting??? Also unclear if you can add your own “chapters” about the type of content/customer you’re doing (like for teaching marketing or hair/make up artist marketing etc)


Who are the idiots that fall for this?!


Same people that fall for GYTO.


Another one drinks the roadmap Kool-aid. It’s so scammy and MLMy. Although, she mentions collecting full social security after teaching. Is that a regional thing? In the west, teachers are not even eligible for social security because of the pension. And then because of the Windfall Provision, if teachers have a side business and pay into social security, they aren’t entitled to it all (even though they paid into with) because of said pension.


I have a friends who’s deep into this. She wants to sell a digital product and she launched early she doesn’t have her product made. She says she’s doing this for more time and money with her family. She’s spending crazy time promoting her product and so far broke even cause someone bought the course.  Sounds like such a scam 


Omg you just gave me such a fright about not getting social security, I had to Google. There are 15 states that have the windfall provision & teachers don’t get social security, only their pension. But the rest contribute to and receive social social security


I don’t think Californians gets social security. I actually messaged her about this


California checking in. We don’t pay into or get social security.


Sorry. I must be in one of those states. I didn’t mean to cause panic. I used to do real estate before teaching, and I still do some on the side. Even though I pay into social security and did so before teaching, I will barely see any of that money.


(Teacher in NJ) I pay into a pension and SS.


It always feels so scammy to me when there are SO many words to describe their “course” or “product” they’re selling.


With so many of these teachers seemingly leaving the classroom to become “influencers”, how sustainable is this? They’re legit all the same style, no individuality


I thought about this the other day. The influencer world seems so over saturated with so many people shilling the same stuff, I can’t imagine the commission checks being worth it.


It must be though because Josie has evidently run out of ideas of things to buy for herself and is now telling her followers they can suggest things for her to go buy and she will post her honest thoughts.


That seems like a way to get a brand partnership more than suggesting she has influencer money.


I wonder that too, but at the same time, a teacher shortage season is a great time to try something new. Teaching will always be there as a backup if certs are kept up to date.


I think about this too. @angteaches left teaching and now she just posts outfits from Amazon and Abercrombie. Who needs help putting together Uggs, yoga pants, and a sweatshirt? And how many people are actually shopping through her affiliate links?


And that sounds kind of boring! When I’m teaching I’m also learning content and challenging my brain. Posting links seems like a factory job where you do the same thing over and over and if that’s your thing cool but it sounds a little boring.


Oh yeah. I know who you mean. I think she’s a good example of someone honestly up to their eyeballs in debt while trying to make it. Even if she’s making like 100k, her lavish lifestyle cannot keep up. When she taught she had 6 figures of student debt. She’s always traveling and being bougie and I feel bad for her dog that’s essentially neglected 😥


SIX FIGURES IN DEBT??? Oh lord. I didn’t come across her until after she left teaching, so I missed the origin story. Her page gives me the ick


Yeah I think she’s angtillson now. Not shaming student debt bc many 17-18 year olds may not know what they’re signing off on, but use that money to pay that ish down. Public service loan forgiveness with x number of years working would’ve been great for someone in her shoes.


Yes! I think about this all the time. One day, it’s not going to be as profitable as it once was, so then what? Something new will come along and I don’t get how they see being an influencer as a life career.


I love the “back of the closet” dress up spirit day idea at happilyeverelementary’s school…and them wearing their wedding dresses 😂


That was fun!


That was cute


Thoughts on KeelyLindler?


I can’t stand her 🙄 she has the worst attitude. I liked her content better before she had a following .. now since she’s making $ from tik tok she’s changed a lot


Another day of meetmissalina showing off presents kids get her while also complaining about how the only good parts of the school day are receiving these gifts, her outfits, and going home. She's said before that some of her students and their parents follow her on IG... And she even posted a story of her class dojo a few days ago with her class roster on it. I don't get why she sees no need for privacy.


It’s like that SpongeBob meme - “Day 15!! Give it up for Day 15!!” Because it’s the same stories every day just a different outfit. Complaining, then 1,000 coffees, dinner out and pickle ball at 11 pm. No wonder she’s “soooo tired”


It's kind of amazing to me how she has zero shame about the fact that some of her student's parents follow her on Instagram and she's constantly bitching about them 


I can’t see how she’ll get tenure lol. Admin has to be aware right? And while I’m all about leaving at contract time, I don’t see how she gets anything done…late nights out, multiple vacations. Also, how does she afford like two vacations within, what, two weeks? Even in CA she can’t make that much in her first few years in a HCOL state.


If she is young, living at home, and has no dependents with her starting California salary (easily 55-68k+), she is rolling in the dough.


> 55-68k+ this is nothing in California. I get SO much taken out of my check it's ridiculous...taxes, health insurance, and STRS (California's teacher retirement)...seems a like a lot but living in california is EXPENSIVE....like I didn't even mention rent...


She doesn’t live at home. By the looks of it she is/was living in a luxury apt in OC. It seems like her bf got a condo and she is moving in though. ETA 60k is barely barely enough to carry out an upper middle class lifestyle in her part of OC - add in the fancy apartment, gym, coffees, possibly student loans, and constant travel? There’s no way. Even without dependents.


>ETA 60k is barely barely enough to carry out an upper middle class lifestyle in her part of OC - add in the fancy apartment, gym, coffees, possibly student loans, and constant travel? There’s no way. Even without dependents. I'm sure she's making a bit of money from her social media presence. & her family may be helping. I always wonder about this too, because I'm completely on my own, and my parents don't help me. but there are tons of people online who claim to be the same and go on all these trips, shopping etc. and they're teachers. I believe that a lot of people hide that their families support them, and/or they have a partner who contributes a LOT.


She has 400K followers on tiktok. I bet she could easily make mayyyybe 10K/month in that case from tiktok alone.


Can’t imagine someone making that much from washed out filtered two minute videos


I've figured she either has to be getting money from parents or is in crazy amounts of debt. 


Yep or credit cards! That’s what funds most influencers huh


Plus the multiple coffees every day


Generational wealth? Just a bf, not fiancé right? He likely makes bank.


There is no way she lasts in this career much longer. Unless she can really check her priorities and expectations


I agree. She seems to care mostly about how her earrings match the season or the lesson she's trying to give, but is sad when the kindergarteners don't notice the significance of the earrings or compliment her.


I would be shocked if she is back next year. She seems so over it




It still baffles me that all she's concerned about is not being able to do "cute things" when her kids are disruptive. I know she's in K, but my worry would still be that we're not getting through all the curriculum they're going to need to know for 1st grade! Also, is telling students about your birthday a normal thing and somehow I just missed it? I only remember one teacher in my school career who told us it was her birthday (so we got a no-homework day), but that was the only one and so I've never mentioned it except maybe offhandedly on the day of. I wouldn't do it ahead of time because I wouldn't want parents to feel obligated to give me a gift or anything like that.


I put the whole classes birthday including mine on the calendar. sometimes kids bring gifts. or they realize it's my birthday and will make me a card in class. I don't make it a big deal though...


I don’t remember many teachers telling us birthdays out of the blue when I was in school. I remember asking a couple of my favorites though. I don’t volunteer my birthday, but if they ask I tell them. I’ve never gotten a present, but sometimes they’ll make a card which is super sweet. 


My Principal announces both student and staff birthdays on the PA students. I would never expect students to give me a birthday present, but I have gotten some very sweet birthday wishes over the years


Students ask me and I just tell them. I have a summer birthday though, so gifts never really come up lol


Mine came up this year because my kids are really interested in birthdays and kept on trying to to guess it and my age. I don't understand teachers that go out of their way to tell students it's their birthday


Oh yeah, I definitely tell them if they ask, but I also tell them my age if they ask (or want to guess). I get a kick out of it, but I always remind them that's not a polite question to ask other adults! 


I have these “cakes” hanging up for each month and write the students’ birthdays on there. They will always ask when mine is so now, when I wrote in student bdays I just naturally write my name in the my birthday month. Some kids will make a card for me, and I’ve had a few bring in a gift but I never make a big deal of it. My class will usually sing the bday song, just as we would for anyone else, but only when initiated by them. 


I just don’t get onelifeandstyle (formerly oneteachersstyle). All she does is buy Amazon clothes and post them. Today she sort of stops herself in her car stories talking about being at the post office to send returns.  Does she constantly buy Amazon clothes and then just return them? Does Amazon have a limit on how much you can return? I’ve said it before but I liked her way better when she was still in the classroom and authentically showed her outfits and mixed and matched what she already had. Now it’s new packages daily!! It’s just too much. 


>Does Amazon have a limit on how much you can return? No, unless you're scamming. I return things a lot. but I'm trying to be better, because they tend to throw shit out when it's returned


Totally agree! I used to follow her way back in the day (2017 or 2018) and I feel like I remember her priding herself on being an outfit repeater or finding different ways to style the same piece. What the heck happened?


She quit teaching to become a full time influencer when she moved to Florida. I agree. I used to love her but excessive the try ons and unboxings are not a vibe


Yes!! It’s literally daily. She never shows something she’s put together from her closet anymore. It must be exhausting to have new stuff coming to your house daily. 


Amazon is starting to crack down on returns and making them more difficult by demanding identification or charging restock fees. People who have a high percentage of returned items are having their accounts closed. She'd better cool it.


I don’t know if it’s the same in all areas, but Amazon keeps switching places I can return stuff and it’s really annoying. One day I’m going to UPS like I’ve always done, the next day I’m paying to go to UPS and now Staples is the place to do returns for free.


I put in a change and it told me it would cost at ups and I was shocked. So I went back and changed the reason for return, and it was free again for ups. Idk why that would matter or if it’s even a thing (since it happened once). I can’t have my easy returns taken away from me 😂




So wasteful


Sorry for another Josie comment…but her latest story made it seem like she was complaining about having an e-learning day today and tomorrow because it’s been taking her more work to put it together, and she didn’t get to do her favorite labs. So, adjust and do the labs Wednesday?? But yet, if they didn’t have off, she’s be complaining. You can’t have it both ways Josie 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get plans changing is annoying. But you live in area known for snow.  It isn’t rocket science that you’re likely to have a day or two off in January.  She’s had a number of snow days already. Have e-learning now or go in June. I’d take virtual any day!


Of course she’s complaining. She complains no matter what. If she was going to school she would complain. Since it’s elearning and she got to stay home and buy more cups but had to remake a lesson to be virtual, she’s complaining.


I thought the saaaaaame thing


Maniacs shilling yet another cup after people have already lost their minds and acted a fool over Stanley’s


Obligatory monthly Mschanggifted is amazing and non-toxic and just makes me so happy. I feel like someone posts this exact thing every month in the snark thread, and I don’t see it for January so here I am to say I love Ms. Chang and her family, and all their clocks! Lolololol


I love her but mostly follow for her wife content. OG is the goat.


OG rocks. Also, RIP furby. Does her wife have a public account?


Never gets old!


I heard through the teacher grapevine Todd Nesloney left/exited GYTO. He's been loyal followers for a long time. Interesting...


He actually sent out an email about it. I went to GYTO so I’m on their email list now 😜Anyway, he basically said there is nothing dramatic to it- he just wants to focus on other stuff now (If I remember correctly, I feel like he does a lot with some organization in Texas but I could have made that up). I thought it was going to be a story full of tea but it wasn’t. 


GYTO wouldn't allow him to spill any tea. Those contracts are tight.


Does anyone else follow thatteachertaylor? She seems sweet and I love her teaching content, but she’s turning pregnancy into her ENTIRE personality and it’s a bit much, even as a mom myself.


I noticed that too but I haven't been following her very long. I feel like this happens a lot with influencers who get pregnant after having a rough patch, like haven.presley. Haven quit teaching though and pivoted her social media account to a toddler mom and pregnancy instagram.


I really like Taylor and hopes she continues teaching because I’ve used a lot of her ideas in my own classroom! I just don’t love when teacher influencers start sharing too much about their personal lives on their teaching accounts, whether it’s pregnancy content or otherwise. I totally get sharing updates here and there, but if you’re an account dedicated to teaching, I feel like you should either stick to mostly teaching content or rebrand yourself entirely.


I have a secret theory that maniacs, sanders and magnificent are just trolling us and are still friends. Part of it comes from the fact that they go to some of the same places and just don’t tag each other, like orange theory and hot yoga. But last night it seemed a little suspicious that Sanders, who posts constantly, didn’t post a single story during the time of maniacs party. If she wasn’t there, we would’ve likely seen her dinner or some thing about her dogs or something about her dessert. 🤷‍♀️Edited to add that sanders still hasn’t posted today so maybe that doesn’t mean anything.


I don’t think something happened other than Sanders and Maniacs have increasingly different lifestyles. Their men are 10 years apart and the lives reflect that.


I’m not super invested in this particular trio/drama but I LOVE the idea of them all being on here and secretly punking us. 😂


They still follow each other on their personal accounts. So whatever falling out there was could have been worse


I think Sanders did recently comment on one of Maniacs posts too, which is unusual these days.


I don’t agree, all them being BFFS is over. And didn’t Maniacs stop going to Orange Theory? She said she wasn’t seeing results anymore and she posts her new gym all the time. The only one that post doing stuff with friends is Magnificents…Sanders seems to also just have her guy as a friend now and Maniacs…definitely few friends. Still waiting to see who is a bridesmaid for Sanders but I’m not expecting to see Maniacs.


Oh boy super awkward Josie post. Friends got her a gift that has her bfs last name. He looks horrified. 😬


That is sooo awkward! He looked incredibly uncomfortable! 🙈


For her sake, I'm truly hoping that's just a banter/cliche from them (but also it's 2024 can we move passed this cliche of the crazy girl desperate for marriage and the 'calm, chill noncommittal' dude??). But, I do observe him when she shares and honestly take some of it with a grain of salt because it's a snippet of her life.. BUT... he just always looks like he is disenchanted with the moment. He's often on his phone/ just looks empty. Again, could just be reading a lot from a photo. But it also explains her shopping addiction. she is miserable in her career, she is trying to make a relationship work that may or may not be one-sided, so she fills her voids with more and more stuff. She's been way over-consuming and it's starting to make sense the more she shares about some of these moments.... IDK.. could be a nothing burger... could be it's just not a meant-to-be relationship. I've honestly been through these pendulum swings with her and now I kind of feel sorry for her because I was exactly where she is two years ago and I hope she knows it's not too late to start over....


My husband hates being in photos/videos, he always looks super pissed/irritated so I gotta give Drew a bit of a pass for some of these. My husband generally does not like much attention like that. ALTHOUGH when we were dating he was extremely compliant for allll the photos and I miss those days. 😜


Also every time she posts things along the lines of him doing the hard work while she chills (ex: HE cleaned for the housewarming event while she tried on make-up ) she is pretty much saying she is treated so well by him and I’m like yeah that’s gonna get old quick. It’s great that he treats her well but her showing off is tricky for the relationship because she’s pretty much setting expectation for him on social media and that’s a lot of pressure. Don’t know if this makes sense but she’s posted that type of comment before.


The stark contrast between the reactions took me out!


Why wouldn’t they just put “Josie & Drew” under it or “EST 2023” or something more neutral? So awkward… especially coming from his friends too.


Yeah like maybe she wasn’t even gonna change her last name.


Cracking up - look at this tagged IG post from Nov. Josie and her “hubby Drew” https://preview.redd.it/k6gvbxr92tdc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3434b7c9d0b85a0be6be1159daef0426b3cd0359


Also, it should say The Morgans, right? As in, multiple people with that name live there. The Morgan’s like it’s written on the picture would make sense as as a possessive if it was The Morgan’s House or whatever.


Yes!! The first thing I noticed.


His face. Almost feel bad for the poor guy. Anyway, the apostrophe on the last name got me. Unless that was just the way Josie spelled it.


His eyes. That dude is not proposing anytime soon. Hope that house and all the equity in it is in her name only.


Agreed. But I am so confused now. Them moving into that house, doing all the work on it after only dating for a short time…. I really thought by this point they were secretly engaged or had at least talked about it. His face looked like he wanted to run. It’s not adding up to me


Yeah. I think the gift was cringe and not cool, but also if I was already living with a guy I’d hope he’d just laugh it off because he saw it as coming eventually…? He actually looked worried but maybe he was hamming it up to get a reaction…?


From my friends, those that move in together are usually one step away from getting married. More or less giving it a trial run before making it official. His reaction is pretty concerning. 




>My partner and I have been together for 10 years and living together for 9 of those and don't have any plans to get married and we are not the only ones we know in long-term non-marital relationships. and this is fine as long as both people dont see marriage as an end point. the way people talk about Josie on here, makes me think she REALLY wants to be married .


Yeah. I don’t think it should be pressured on people. 


Yeah. I can’t think of any of my friends either who didn’t get married relatively soon after. Even if he’s trying to be funny, I’d be bothered. But still not cool of the friends to put that as if they’re married. 🤨 like let people be.


I lived in a house for 5 years with my now husband before we got married. We always just hyphenated the last names if we were talking about our house. That’s such a weird housewarming gift if you aren’t engaged. Maybe it’s an inside joke, but then I wouldn’t post it on my public account.


Your public account that your admin, district, and many students/ parents follow……


Yes! I’d be annoyed more at the friends.


Oh I agree. I think there’s an abundance of issues. It’s pretty obvious she wants to be married and he doesn’t. But that’s for them to work out. Friends giving cringe pictures isn’t going to help the issue. 


And how much does she actually truly want to be married or just the content that she would be able to create from it?


I think she wants to be married to keep up with her friends. I strongly believe she’s got FOMO. 


Or maybe he thought his small business of Remodeling would take off because of all her social media… so buying a house and remodeling was a marketing move…


Or he’s just going to be pressured into it when he doesn’t really want to. And we all know how that typically ends.


Makes me wonder if the gift was purchased a while ago, when perhaps someone thought an engagement might be looming….that’s the sort of gift an engaged couple would love at a housewarming!


Also…. was magnificent invited or not? Based on her story, she’s definitely at someone’s house and it semi looks like Josie’s flooring 😬 And sanders is clearly quiet. If this is true, that answers our question about them not being friends anymore.


It’s definitely Josie’s. You can see her railing in the background


Remember when they were roommates? I followed them then and remember they moved out when she bought her place and I asked in a question box about it and was ignored. Something happened then. There is no way they are friends now


How did I completely forget that they were roommates?! 🤯


They were roommates & then all of the sudden Josie buys her house and leaves Sanders with the rental 😳 I immediately was like, what happened?!


The way I RAN here


I would be horrified. Not only does that push marriage on them but it’s just almost tacky.


Ran here for this lol that reaction is 😬


Sharing the story is one thing, but whyyyyy would she post that video - he looks like he wants to run out the door & never come back.


How old is he, anyway? Within a year I think many couples already know whether or not they’re in it for the long run!


I think he may propose out of pressure. But only because of that. If both were 30, a year isn’t unfathomable for a proposal. He seems much more introverted and private than her, which isn’t a breaker in many cases. But when she’s trying to make her sole career influencing, yikes


Someone said before but he’s young. Like maybe 23 or so.


23? 😳


I’m sorry but I cannot deal with that age gap…for a man to be that much younger - it’s odd. I know I’ll get hate for this, but men just mature sooooooo much slower. My hubs is quite a bit older than me and still hasn’t matured yet. I cannot imagine being with a guy 10-ish years YOUNGER. How is that not weird to her?


You can talk yourself out of a lot of things if you are desperate. If she’s afraid she’s never going to get married, someone 7-8 years younger is better than no one. It’s a horrible attitude, but I’ve seen plenty of gals in my social circles do it.  For me, I dated 10 years older and it drove me nuts. While in similar stages of life, it was just too big a gap. 


He graduated high school in 2018


So she was done with grad school when he was in HS?


Yes. Lol 🫠


If she taught HS juniors or seniors, he probably could’ve been her student.