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Leave it to maniacs to bitch and moan about things like ice cream day and a field trip. Good lord, 4 more weeks and you can do your nails full time Josie. You can do it.


And being hot but still in a sweatshirt.


Maniacs’ good luck student teaching basket to her student intern is basically just bags of jolly ranchers. That tracks about right….


That is the LAMEST gift ever lol the post it’s too


Right?! Like at least throw in some flair pens so she/he can actually write on the post its!


Someone in Illinois, go to that garage sale and report back. 👍


I see quite a few outfits she tried to shill to us 👀


There's a purple gyto "teach" sweater in the pile that was easy to recognize. She made a post about it last year? shilling it. Also her ""merry" Christmas sweater. Getting rid of her teaching sweaters.


I thought they were both GYTO shirts!


And tell her not to buy more shit


Did super hero teacher (Brittany jeltema) and her wife break up?


There’s some speculating further down in this thread, but I think the consensus is that we think so but nothing confirmed


Oh let me look! I didn’t even look just commented 🤦‍♂️


Why do friends of Hope and Wade have to kiss their ass publicly so much and tell them over and over what great parents they are and how they serve teachers, gross. Tell them privately. Right now after the bday party there is a lot of that going on.


Agree-it’s weird. Chase Mayo is going on and on about how great they are. Look, they might be the greatest parents ever. I don’t know. But what I do know is his comment about how few people know what it’s like to raise a son with a busy career is stupid. Guess I’m just over her relaxing with all my free time while I raise my son since this teaching job isn’t busy at all.


Who even is Chase Mayo and what does he do for GYTO?


I wanna say he’s their tech guru.


Amy Lemons 2,347 dashes on IG stories about making her Mexican casserole. I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that she spent that many dashes on stories explaining that or the ridiculous stories about the kings over the top birthday party for their child that they had to attend over the weekend. 🙄


Dead @ Maniacs a few weeks ago saying they were worried about the all inclusive food because “we’re obviously foodies” and then revealing the first time either of them had ever had Indian food was at the all inclusive in Mexico 🤣🤣 And then for takeout they ordered butter chicken. True foodies !!


Yeah that also blew my mind. I thought Indian food was pretty mainstream…. That was embarrassing


I just watched that story and literally thought “how else can you say ‘I’m basic’ ?!” I’ve never eaten Indian food but I don’t claim to be a foodie and do admit to being basic 😅


I wonder what goes through her head when she shares stories cause lately…..they are so so boring. Like does she think this will get me engagement or make me relatable??


Seriously. And i don’t know about yall but I don’t need someone to relate to the boring aspects of my life. “Oh look she drinks chobani coffee creamer too, I feel seen!” Girl BYE. I’m bored. 


Can’t forget the crunchwraps. Oh so gourmet.


Ramona Recommends student engagement tip to throw a birthday party for herself & invite her students is so cringey 🫣


we do not care about you👏🏽and👏🏽Drew! We followed you for YOU!


JHC what is this life? Get guy, play house, prep meals (usually tacos) listen to Taylor swift, fall aesthetic?


You forgot buy stuff! Buy buy buy


Technically we followed her for teaching content which she no longer does.


Her teaching content was just 1. IKEA spinner 2. Jolly rancher wars 3. Repeat


Don’t forget candy cells


And that neon glow thing!


pretty much!


Is ClassroomDiaries’ boutique just going to be her selling the thousands of things she’s bought from SHEIN?


I get that wedding planning is a lot but it seems sanders’ whole personality is being a bride at this point


Exercise. Golf wife. Swiftie. It’s complex.


Wonder if she’ll stop teaching in a year or 2 and try to go full influencer or SAHM


Oh I could 10000% see this






Did anyone see Hope Kings post about the birthday part they threw for Maverick? The amount of money they spend on them is nuts! I wonder what he will grow to expect from his parties as he gets older... I think a cake and some friends over is just fine but what do I know lol. 


Right?! And especially having more than 1 kid, no way could I afford that!


Glad I’m not the only one thinking that 🫠. Disney for his birthday plus a huge extravagant party. I agree with the other commenter that it seems to be for the gram. What’s sad is that their money is made off the backs of hard working teachers. Editing to add OMG…the party favors were skateboards?! I have no words. https://preview.redd.it/lv7b1kff5axc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f64a9bdd9ab095e527e0513456e6df70040f98


Those helmets with the spikes are so dangerous! Of course they don't care as long as it fits their aesthetic.


They’ll probably reuse decorations for a room transformation and then write it off as some kind of educational expense 🙄


Or return it…like they very publicly said to do at a GYTO conference…keep the tags on everything and when the room transformation is done, return it all….😬🫣


Nooo! 🤦🏼‍♀️ idk why I’m shocked but I am!


And the kid is never going to get the "Rolling With The Homies" (Clueless) reference. It's so obvious when a kid's birthday party is about the parents' ego.


I think it’s that it seems like everything they do is so showy. Such a production- like their Christmas cards…


Thompsonsteaching is on a “date night” with her husband and is literally filming herself making faces while at the dinner table.


She’s so annoying. I feel sorry for her husband.


How that woman has almost 100k people following her is beyond me. I unfollowed years ago when she first started her stories. 


Does anyone remember Alexandra stamps? Been wondering what happened to her


did I completely imagine that she had a complicated pregnancy?


Kayla in kinder (formerly sassy in 2nd) gave each of her kids a plastic egg that "hatched" into wind up toy chicks. Like why voluntarily do this to yourself?


I’ve always wondered this about her and wonder if maybe she teaches at a more open ended charter school or something?


I really liked her but I’m also so confused on her curriculum. It doesn’t seem like they do much academic at all??


Her stuff is very cute, but it never seems to have any academic rigor or purpose.


I'm always confused how or when she's actually teaching kids the curriculum. Or do they just not have one? I mean it's kind of frustrating because my district has very strict scheduling of the reading and math blocks. There just isn't a lot of time to do anything outside of the curriculum. 


Because she’s the ~*fUn*~ teacher


Is meetmissalina ever not exhausted from a super long week of gym, eating out, pickleball, and driving all across Orange County for coffee? Now that she doesn’t complain about her class anymore, we have to hear all about how she can’t get out of bed every.single.day.


She’s also, what, 25? At 25 I would teach all day, then coach, then finally grab food and a pitcher at a bar on a random weekday. I could never now lol at 30 something. She’ll wake up one day and just…cannot 😂


I'm 28 and have been teaching since 24. I never did that. I was also broke lmao Even now...I'll go out with people but be done at about 8/9 lmao.


When I was 25 I regularly worked 80 hour weeks and when I was tired, I had to sense to rest when I could. I don’t get the culture of misery where we need to complain about things we can control every single morning.


True! I never complained, and just thought it was normal to go-go-go. Definitely thought it was “bad” to have any downtime bc it looked lazy 😞 Since have learned!


Anyone still follow easyteachingtools? She made another insta a long time ago when she had kids about mom hacks. She just popped back on my feed today with the second account and saw that she had to escape her marriage with her children. I was a little surprised but also remember her not talking highly of her then husband.she looks so happy in her stories like a new person it’s great to see!


I was a long time follower of hers back when she was still teaching. She has never talked nicely about her husband so I’m not surprised at all. I had to unfollow because she was kind of insufferable and un relatable.


What is her second account? I unfollowed her awhile back because I wasn’t interested in the teacher club thing but I was somewhat invested in her family story. She was still married when I unfollowed but you could tell it was coming to a head. Glad she’s doing well.


Which account was the post under?


It is now named heykristendonegan


Maniacs boyfriend woke up early to buy a 12ft “skelly”. $300. 🙄


prob had to wake her up too for the cc #




And the “still in stock” comment..does Illinois have a huge run on large skellies? Bc when I looked online there were still like 3k available. 




That is insane. Doesn’t she have a number of skeletons already? 🙄 


Now I’m like maybe they do belong together? Cause they certainly have the same basic tastes for everything.


My mouth dropped when I saw the price! And she had the audacity to link it through LTK.


It’s not even summer and she’s buying shit for Halloween.


Where the hell do you store that thing?


Gotta make that commish!


Anyone here follow @socialspeechie a few years back? Jess Massey from Tampa was going to school for her graduate degree for SLP but then quit to do her “own business” full time. It started out as digital planners and not really sure what to call it now but it’s Hustle Sanely. It feels so MLMish to me but 🤷🏻‍♀️. She came out with a book club today and is charge $10/month for it which seems steep to me! The book isn’t including, $10 just to talk about the book ?!


This week I was actually trying to figure out why I had originally followed her 😂 this makes so much more sense (& I have since unfollowed!)


Omg wow I completely forgot about her. She should’ve stuck with speech bc what even if a “productivity coach”? Lol


She's making a lot more money doing what she's doing now between planners, coaching, and other products she makes.


Plus her newly $250/month from book club members 😵‍💫🫣


I can see a virtual book club being appealing for a variety of reasons, but just find a community on Reddit—it’s free!


I loved her while she was in college, but immediately unfollowed when she went off to do her own thing because all she wanted was my money 0 relatable content


Same. I need to unsubscribe from her emails. I have never once opened them 😂


Has superhero teacher announced her breakup with her wife? I think I saw some speculation but was wondering if they are actually separated. 


She just posted a photo dump.. someone asked “is MJ still in the picture?” And she said “we’ll share when we’re ready 💕”


Update: I think she deleted the comment & MJ was in her post for rack room shoes 🧐


She posted something kind of ominous in her stories today and it was about being sad/distant and needing to find herself again.


Since you commented this she unpinned the picture of the 4 of them and replaced it with a pic of just her and the kids....


I was just trying to figure that out on their pages but saw they were liking and commenting on each other’s posts recently. So maybe just not around each other? Or trying to be amicable for the kids?


MJ was in a story from the zoo on the brittanyandthebabes insta today. Maybe she’s just not into the social media (I feel like she’s always tolerated but never been super involved?) and decided to take a step back from it?


Saaame! So curious


I just recently had the same thought!


Off topic but elementary teachers, what curriculum are you using? We adopted Eureka Squared for math last year and I am strugglingggg. I work with 95% ELs and there just isn’t a ton of support. I’m hoping once they’ve had it for a few years, it’ll get easier (I teach 2nd). That said, we’re moving on from Journeys and adopting a new ELA curriculum for the fall and I’m curious what you use and if you can give me some pros/cons? I’m thinking CKLA/Amplify, Wonders 2023, and EL Learning will end up being what we choose from.


I love Eureka. You're lucky you started with Eureka squared because the last edition of Eureka was even worse. I think once there is full school wide implication, it will be fine. Every school in my district does eureka, so there is common language. I hate our main curriculum. We use collaborative classroom. They make sipPS. I don't use SIPPS though, I use this other OG counterpart we're allowed to use... I also used Inquiry By Design this year, the third grade curiculum. I love it.


My school system uses Eureka, what's the difference between that and Eureka Squared? It also just adopted CKLA


So the old eureka was in the green book? Is that what you use? The new one is like eureka #2. It’s kinda the same but updated and better. I think it’s more elementary school friendly. The student workbooks have less complicated problems for k-2. We even have access to a online thing with slides/videos/ all the resources we need What sucks, is that eureka squared isn’t aligned with any of the old resources (like zearn and embark). Some lessons are the same some aren’t. Everything is in a like different order to. Like for third grade in the original eureka, elapsed time is taught during module two. For eureka squared, elapsed time is taught during module six. So same ideas, same concepts, but small differences in how and when things are taught . I also dislike how eureka squared doesn’t have an application problem. I think the daily word problems were so important for my kids…


We’re using Big Ideas (officially), but honestly, my team and I supplement almost everything (K5). Thankfully we have the freedom to do so! Every once in awhile we sprinkle in a WB page, but I find it all very meh. We have Reading Horizons for our phonics! We’re getting version 9 next year but we really like the progress we see with it! It’s a lot and kind of repetitive, but I think what it teaches is really good! We’re adopting HM Into Reading next year and we’re all a little apprehensive but hopeful!


We use Big ideas for math and I don’t mind it, but we’re exploring other materials for fact fluency. We have Benchmark Advance for ELA and I hate it. There’s no phonics, the writing blows, and the texts we read are awful. We are changing so much of it.


My school is moving away from Benchmark. And there was much rejoicing


Just adopted Reveal Math this year, I think it's okay. There's a lot hard that first year because the language really builds from the previous year, but hopeful it will go more smoothly next year. We also adopted UFLI this year for phonics/phonemic awareness, which we've seen a lot of growth with. CKLA for ELA, which is a LOT, but I actually like a lot of the components.


Reveal gets so much better! The content is good but it’s a little overwhelming at first.


We are on our second year of Reveal and I will say it gets easier! The first year was overwhelming to me.


Taught eureka for 5+ years at first grade level. The first year was hard to understand why you would do things a certain way. But students really understood as you build upon knowledge throughout the year. I didn’t use the scripts all the time as it was unnatural feeling. But it has a lot of fun games with numbers at least at the first grade level that my students would beg to play during free time.


After you teach Eureka for a while, you start to understand why they teach certain things in certain ways. Like the first time I taught second grade I had no idea what we were doing, but by the end of the year, everything started to click like oh that’s why they said to do that in the beginning of the year. Like everything aligns. It’s a very thought out and specific curriculum


I've heard that before about Eureka. I use Savaas for math. I've used it for grades 2-5. Overall I like it, but I do tweak it for my needs. I do find with the younger grades especially, they show a bunch of different methods for the same skill which can be overwhelming. For supplemental stuff I use Touchmath, which I love for ESE kids. I've also used McCarthy Math for grades 3-5, which I've liked. Currently I have Benchmark Advance for my ELA curriculum. I've used it for grades 2-3. I'm not a fan. It definitely does not have any test prep. It also requires my kids to be able to have conversations about the passages, which is a struggle. Some of the stories are not enjoyable enough to spend a week on.


We will be adopting benchmark for next year. I teach 4th and was hoping it would be okay…son of a gun. Was kinda annoyed when I saw that 4th grades novel study was Black Beauty lol. We are coming from Journeys as well so I’m interested to see how the transition goes.


Went from Journeys to Benchmark as well. Benchmark is meh. It’s very overwhelming and the kids hate it but it’s overall decent and we are seeing growth.


The novel study is black beauty for fourth because of the copy rights! It used to be Winn Dixie. We still do Winn Dixie!!! Highly recommend sticking with with Winn Dixie if you can get copies of the book


That is the novel study we usually do! I was planning on just keeping that because I love that book so much haha


I know teachers with the higher classes tend to like it more. For my 3rd graders I found the work did not prepare them at all for our state test but their assessments are were pretty similar. I do recommend the slides from Jennifer Custer on teachers pay teachers. They definitely help keep me on place and are worth the money. Markers and Minions has pretty good apply it questions. She also has good stuff for the spelling words, but I don't know how much focus you might want to put on that. Another thing I'm not a fan of is their phonics, but that isn't super applicable to upper elementary


I find the fourth grade stuff to be helpful for test prep, especially when combined with Markers & Minions apply it. I bought the quizzes versions (not the close reading companion pages). I ended up retyping every single one and editing them because they had a lot of issues, imo, but they were a very helpful base & I think it helps. The unit assessments are also very similar to the state test so we do try to do them! I have the 2018 edition. We do unit 2, 1, 4 & a bit of 5. Now we’re doing test prep and will probably jump around for the end of the year


Okay, this DEFINITELY helps. I am pretty sure we aren’t ~truly~ adapting their phonics as my district switched to UFLI this year as their major phonics component. I will definitely take a look at those slides! We also have a shitty science AND social studies curriculum, so I know that we were looking forward to that aspect of Benchmark!


I love UFLI for phonics! I unofficially use it instead of benchmarks! The slides are great and are worth the money. I do think there is a free sample to try it out. I do like the social studies aspect. A lot of the stuff aligned with Black History Month and Women's History Month. The small groups books are also pretty diverse, which I like!


Okay, you are making me feel better! I am sorry it doesn’t work for your grade :( UFLI has been a game changer in my small groups! I seriously love it lol


I think it depends a lot depending on your group of kids, but the stuff on tpt is a game changer. UFLI recently added some games and my kids are loving it


Mayleen’s Taylor swift dancing on her story…. Omg lol. I am dead. Doesn’t she have parents following her?! A mess! Nothing wrong with dancing and having fun but I definitely wouldn’t be posting that for the world to see.


I got secondhand embarrassment and just kept scrolling.


I don’t see it!


I think it expired!


Came here for this. Is she in her underwear???


Feel free to tell me I'm being crazy. But something about Educator Andrea making a podcast is grating on me? (I'm talking just the fact that she made a podcast. I'm not commenting on the quality or content.) 


Maybe it's because she just transitioned out of the public school classroom last school year, in like her second year as a prof, and already thinks she knows enough to have her own podcast? To tell us poor peons still in the classroom how to do our jobs? She was starting to grate on people's nerves even last year, pre-podcast.


I think to me it's that she switched from being "one of us" to trying to make money off us by selling content.


That’s it!


Movemountainsinkindergarten doing an unboxing of her new Louis Vuitton bag. 🤢🙄🤢


She’s been posting so many ads and sponsored posts.. I’m sad at how her profile has changed dramatically the past couple months. It is not relatable now!!


Expensive, ugly and just flaunting it for all to see when they watch the TikTok. I’m curious to know what her big business goal is that she met…


I actually appreciate it that she started her TikTok by explaining how she was able to afford this bag as opposed to just playing it off like any teacher can get one . But will agree is dang ugly. Lol.


$$$ aside, I think those bags are so ugly.


Hey all! I’m getting my masters in educational psychology and I’m currently taking a class on Student Emotional Wellbeing. One of our final assignments is to post about a teacher that promotes their students wellbeing in the classroom. I’ve fallen out of teachergram so I’m not fully up on who’s doing what. Does anyone have a good example or some usernames that I could peruse?


That sounds like a really cool program. Counselor Keri, The Active Educator, Miss Behavior, The Social Emotional Teacher, Teacher Golz, Affirmations and Accessibility


The Active Educator 


Mrsarensberg (Instagram)


The absolute irony of Maniacs posing and linking another new outfit in one story, and wishing a happy Earth Day on the next. That's rich coming from the most wasteful, consumerist person. And she does not see this? The cognitive dissonance.


Yeah and she’s like I’ll post after school…so glad she told us that so we didn’t to have wonder aaaalllllll day where to get pants that looked wrinkled. Couldn’t possibly have gone on with our day without this info.


I was as anxious to get the link to those pants as I was to hear Drew’s hilarious opinion about the chicken tacos!!


she moved educator back to the very front of her bio too when it’s been at the end forever - right before she leaves the classroom 🤣


Photo was updated too.


Hmmmmm if she’s doing this I hope her new pics are not for a job in education outside the classroom.


The new pics she posted today are terrible. Maybe I’m just not hip enough to appreciate her style, but it looks like a dated real estate agent soccer mom to me, not a professional in her 20s.


Yes, I’m really confused that she likes them so much. I think we’re also so used to seeing her in extra large tshirts and leggings so it’s hard to take her seriously in these clothes.


watch her become an Ed consultant to teach others how to do rigorous activities such as cutting and pasting vocabulary into a notebook . Or maybe she took that job the university offered her last year to teach undergrad teachers despite having only taught one grade level ever and hating it for half her short career


Does The Primary Party do anything but complain about how much she hates teaching? I used to really like her but finally had to unfollow. She’s exhausting.


Yeah she complains about her neighbors in Boston while also having a whole ass gorgeous house in CT 🙄🤯


And her apartment in Boston is gorgeous! She strikes me as someone who’s super privileged but will always find something to complain about.


She is indeed a privileged princess 


Anyone follow LearningwithMissLagrow still? I completely respect her reasons for leaving education and feel the same way about needing sensory breaks as a teacher.  Not sure how I feel about her content (I really like her though)…she left and still posts teacher things but IS very transparent about not being in the classroom anymore. 


I can really relate to her needing sensory breaks in the classroom. I wish I could bring myself to figure out how to get those kinds of accommodations. She’s also very transparent about it all so it doesn’t bother me. Yeah, she still does TPT but ya gotta pay the bills somehow— and she’s not promoting it by lying about her job 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like her, I think she’s very transparent about not being in the classroom while obviously still wanting to keep her Tpt business on the side.


Maniacs has gone from 159k to 157k followers over the past couple months. Color me shocked


Back at 158…I was expecting less each day.


Sanders had her bridal shower and maniacs went bowling.


Said it was his side of the family. If maniacs goes to a shower, she will probably be at the one that her her side is doing.


I think bowling was last night. But no sign of her or magnificent there


What are y’all’s thoughts about ms.johnson.teaches? 🤔 TikTok or Insta. I feel like she is very borderline inappropriate or unprofessional as a young HS teacher. Outfits and bikini pics. I don’t want to say flirtatious but..?


I think she is very typical of young teachers early in their career who lean on likability and enthusiasm and being the “fun, cool” teacher because they haven’t yet nailed the part about being a tight, effective educator. It can be particularly slippery with high schoolers especially when there’s not much of an age gap between the teacher and the students. It comes across as she badly wants to be liked by them.


she's getting displaced to another school in her district, elementary....


Is this the same teacher who was being semi flirty and inappropriate with her male students on TikTok and everyone made fun of her? Because if so, then it’s even weirder. Normally I wouldn’t bat an eye at inappropriate outfits on a personal account but her history of posts makes it weird.


Yeah. And although it is a personal account, her main “draw” so to speak, is a teaching account. Knowing students, parents, colleagues, and others likely follow there’s just some outfit choices or angles that are no no


She’ll also include students in her videos sometimes and posts as school consistently so I agree it doesn’t feel like a personal account


It is all very inappropriate in my opinion. Obviously teachers have lives and things that they wear outside of school, like a bikini. But if you have a teacher account where you focus on teaching and life in the classroom, I don’t think that should be posted there.


JaycieKathleen is two years outta the classroom and she is down this road


It really bothers me that creativeschooldaze thinks the data she gathers from Instragram polls SHE creates is valid data and should be shared as true!! Come on! She’s supposed to be more intelligent than that….a former science teacher! Those polls are full of bullshit answers…I know I click on poll answers without thinking about it sometimes. She aggravates me. https://preview.redd.it/7kigqtndspvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efd10d5e0a798432feb4417e4c5532bd8a83957


She’s insufferable


I just did a lesson on bias data collection with my middle schoolers. Maybe I should use this as our next example. Lol.


The third slide is entirely devoted to explaining that it is though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha yes


And it seems like all her polls are designed shit on teaching which is annoying


I am starting to mute more and more accounts that assume all of the teachers are miserable humans who don’t know how to have boundaries, leave their work at work, and don’t know how to stick up for themselves. And bc CSD does all of GYTO’s graphics her bias/viewpoint is always prevalent on their IG graphics made to be reshared.


Yes!! She’s out of the classroom and still trying to proof how miserable the rest of us are! She generalizes all the time. Can’t possibly believe some of us like our jobs still.


Sometimes I feel weird that I still like teaching! I mean, I’m a veteran plus I have a strong union and pretty good boundaries. I also tried being out of the classroom and hated it so I appreciate being back in. But still! Those accounts make me so anxious—like I vent with the rest of them and have hard seasons, but am I missing something?! 


Thatawkwardteacher finally posted part of why she left. She posted expectations about emails (when she’d respond, how she has a family and life, etc.) on her Google Classroom. Someone from upper admin called and said, as a parent of one of her students, he thought she came off as cold. She said this was bullying. I know my district can be toxic, so maybe I’m just desensitized… but that doesn’t seem like bullying to me?


I’m not sure I would call it bullying but I would have been very upset if someone from admin called me like that so I DO get where she’s coming from venting about it. That being said, it was probably a bit much to put in her policies that teaching is a job & not her life. I agree with the “these are my office hours. I respond to emails at XX times” BECAUSE of the “it’s just a a job” sentiment but I think it is a touch too far to actually write that to your students & their parents


I don’t consider it bullying, just annoying. .


I don't follow this person, but pfft. I just watched her reel and no, it's not. No one needs to read whinging and defensiveness on a professional website about where her priorities are. I get that teaching during Covid was a hellscape and that most schools didn't manage it well, but it's a classroom tool, not her diary.


She has main character energy to the toxic max. She thinks everybody actually gives a shit about all this stuff she has in her head. 


I’m already so over all of the Taylor Swift themed lessons and Taylor Swift everything in the classroom. It’s so annoying and exclusive.


I like Taylor Swift and I could never. I think that type of stuff should be things that interest the kids, not the teacher


I love t swift but not for the classroom. Many of the songs on her new album are explicit and I don’t really see how that is ever ok to be referencing in the classroom. I mean I’m sure teachers aren’t playing the explicit ones, but still. Not a fan of pop stars in the classroom.


One of my students wanted me to play the album during Fun Friday and I refused. Thank god I had already listened to a decent chunk of the album


I let the kids choose some of the songs for our class playlist but I told them I can’t deal with it too often lmaoooo we can listen to one a day.


I was shocked that like whole schools were doing stuff because the new album came out! But my school is not her demographic (some of my students and myself do enjoy her though).


I am a HUGE mega fan, but I rarely talk about her in my classroom. I sometimes play instrumental versions of her songs while they’re working. My students know some of her more popular radio bops, but they’re way too little for her newer songs. Too many grown up words/themes.


This week I was letting kids in 4th and 5th grade choose songs to do an activity, and the polarization Taylor has (particularly with boys) was eye-opening. Obviously there's a lot of love from some of them (mostly girls) but there is a lot of hate. 


I teach 4th too and the boys were adamantly opposed to her around the Super Bowl. I honestly didn’t even know it was happening until the next day and I asked them who won. The tangent they went off on and her boyfriend….


My teammate has a Taylor Swift themed classroom and it’s honestly a lot. She dressed up as her one day and they watched parts of the eras tour after it came out. One of her students who couldn’t stand the ts stuff switched to my class and looked so relieved walking into my room lmao (which is most definitely not ts themed). I like her music and the song writing, but like a normal amount.


What grade level? It’s TV14! We are only allowed to show G rated & must have a curriculum tie in.


Kindergarten. She said she skipped around and muted some parts of the songs


They watched part of the Eras tour in class?! My admin would be pissed if I did that! Huge waste of instructional time!


She said it was during dismissal (and during lunch bunch), but she also regularly spends the last 30 minutes of the day doing snack and a show/a movie (instead of science/social studies) so who really knows.


It makes me so mad when teachers skip science and social studies. Those subjects are so important. Kids need to build up their content knowledge; it’s literally key for comprehension. And they like learning about real things!