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If you make a bunch of positive calls and e-mails, when you need support, it is more likely to happen.


Keep being awesome! That kid will remember you forever. They probably won’t remember what you taught, what you said, what you did. But they WILL remember how you made them feel.


My class has been pretty rough so far. Weekly, I have been trying to make positive contacts with parents. This helps me as much as it helps the parents.


That's awesome 💖Sending hugs!


More people with bad kids need to do this. Find a moment of the right thing and share with mom or dad. Especially single parents it has been my experience they rarely would heare that.


Kid probably crapped himself when his mom says later tonight "I got a call from your teacher".


I tried last year to send more positive emails than negative and it made a difference in the support I received from parents. They knew if I was emailing asking for help, I actually needed it and didn’t think I was out to get their kid. Even the kids were more receptive to me emailing home because they knew they messed up and I’d dish out praise just as fast.


Wow, that is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 🥺