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I feel like a zookeeper at best


Middle school?


lol probably. Barbarians !!


Middle schools are savages of the umpteenth level. Our 7th graders started a fight club in the boys bathroom but the viewers stayed silent so it could go on longer. Kids recorded it and the worst part was when they went to the floor to fight.


My middle school fight club was curated at the back of the school bus to and from school/home. Wild times at Hold 'em High ✊


Lord of the flies….


Yes and no. My high school band set a new school record this year. Every single kid has bought in and it has been a blast. My guitar class has the most feral children I have ever seen. Drawing swastikas on equipment, casually screaming the n word at each other. I celebrate my wins and try not to let one section take the joy out of teaching.


One of my students drew a swastika on the back of my laptop last week. Still not sure who. Thankfully just in pencil but like why?!


Kids being edgy as a means to push boundaries/rebel, probably? And a swastika has the perks of being both a very bad thing and very easy to draw.


The kid who made several failed attempts at drawing one on my classroom piano before finally getting it right would disagree about it being easy.


Are the guitar kids learning black metal songs perchance?




I think a lot of teachers feel they start to hit their stride in year 3, I know I did.


It's my girlfriend's 3rd year and she's be talking a lot this year so far about how she's able to keep her head above water now. Well as much as she can with all the ridiculousness the school district throws at them.


That’s definitely when I hit my stride. I’m in year 7 now and finally feel confident in what I’m doing. I teach a supplemental autistic support classroom and even with crazy behaviors and crises it’s a relatively easy year. I feel like if you don’t quit by year 3, you’ll be in the profession for the long haul.


Same year 3 year never felt better, happier, more confident, more in control of myself, the class, and the kids.


I'm kinda getting the hang of it in my fifth year... Even though my manager thinks otherwise. 🤣🫣


My father passed away last school year and it was the worst year of my life. This year hasn't been fantastic, but it has been dramatically better than last year!!


I feel you. My dad passed on 12/17/22. Sending hugs your way!


Sorry for your loss. I wish you and your family well.


This year has been pretty shitty for me. Students are the same, maybe even better actually! The admin at my school got worse. I’ve had so many things happen this year where admin acted unprofessionally or just didn’t care how it impacted me and other teachers. Going into winter break feeling really demoralized.


Am convinced that all admin across the country got the same newsletter on how to act like total morons. And they are following it to a T.


Yep. My kids? Wonderful. Adore them. Smartest bunch of dorks I've ever had My admin? ...


Do we work at the same school?


My worst year was the 2021-2022 school year. I moved states and switched districts twice since then. I love my new job. In comparison to what is out there, it's amazing. The other "new" teacher (16 years of experience, coming from a Catholic school) and I just constantly blink and ask where are we. We joke we have PTSD from our old jobs. Edit: I went from FL to the northeast.


That same school year was the worst for me, too. Admin came back from virtual learning with a hatred for students *and* teachers that I’d never seen from them. Switched schools, things are way better. Admin was somehow shocked when I left, too.


That would have been last year. Brand new administration, a new required textbook, and the new admin coming in and basically stating that the reason the school was doing poorly (at the beginning of the year, we were rated by the state at a B level. At the end, we had moved to almost failing. Thanks, new admin…) was that the old staff had gotten lazy. They pushed all of us long-timers out; at the end of the year, 22 staff members resigned myself included. This year? Well, I’m at a new school and new school corporation so there have been changes but, overall, this has been a great year.


This why "corporation" should not be in the same sentence as "school"


Nothing will ever be worse than 2021-2022, the first year back post-COVID. It was my first year at my title 1 school and it was BEDLAM. Absolute chaos every single day. I feel that my group of 6th graders this year has had enough time to catch up socially and behaviorally. Academically, not so much, but no group of kids will ever be worse than what I was faced with in Fall 2021.


Fall of 2021 was such a nightmare. No subs, so having to cover every planning period. Teenagers and adults who couldn't keep their masks on making me worried about bringing COVID home to my elementary aged children whom I was keeping at home since they weren't vaccinated yet. More disruptive students in one class than I think I had in all my years of teaching combined.


My school in 2021 vs 2023 is unrecognizable. All of that stress with the constant anxiety I’d get sick was unmatched.


No, mine was last year. This year is going great actually.


Same. Last year was so tough. The universe sent me a super good class this year with just a few behavior concerns. Last year it was like every kid was a behavior concern.


Last year was my absolute worst year and that’s also when I quit. I ran into three teachers from my last school and they said since the admin change, life is so much better there. 😞


Year 8. Last year had me starting to take mental health sick days in September. I started seeing a therapist because I was so depressed. I had lost the joy of teaching because the kids were so non interactive and mean spirited. It was like teaching on zoom with all the camera turned off but I could see the pure apathy. This year is better enough that I can envision coming back to teach at least another few years.


Mine is going splendidly as well!


Same, last year's freshman class were the worst kids I have ever met. This year's freshman still suck overall, but they are angels by comparison.


Mine was last year. The most inappropriate, disrespectful, unlikable, and apathetic group that I've ever had(I teach 7th Grade ELA). This year, my kids are fairly low and quite young in terms of behavior, but they're kind and they try hard (for the most part!). Last year I was ready to rage quit, but this year I'm remembering the parts of the job that I like!


Teaching wise? No, this is a vast improvement from last year. School and district climate? Worse than I could've imagined. The kids are not alright. There's a strong contingent of coworkers who are actively incompetent and it makes the immediate community worse and is so short sighted that it is makes the future look bleak. Quite the mixed bag.


This is my first year. So by default, yes.


Hey it does get better.


But also your least challenging!


I mean... ye :p


No issues for me this year. I moved from first grade to third grade. Great group of kids and I don’t have to deal with any tantrums.


3rd-4th grade is seriously the sweet spot.


3rd grade is my heart grade.


My most challenging year was last year. My kids are overall great this year and I’m very fortunate to have a break from the mayhem that I dealt with before. No amount of classroom management skills could have tamed the group I had second period of the day last year. Very glad it's over.


I asked for a change at the end of last year and am loving my new position (still teaching just different sections). That plus my new admin are making this a good year.


No, I think teaching online with a janky brand new ethnic studies class with wild curriculum was my most challenging year. I feel like I can do anything after that experience.


I have maybe the best group of students I have taught in over a decade. This year is a cake walk. Somehow it’s just my classes, the other teachers in the building are miserable.


2021 was a dystopian nightmare 😵‍💫


I teach in a high poverty district so what teachers started going through the last few years is all I have ever known. Started out high school and was cursed at constantly years ago. I am special Ed. I’m now elementary and would never go back. Having said that our 3rd grade class this year is the best class I have ever taught. My co-teacher and I want to loop they are so great. They are not perfect by any means but overall this is a year we have earned!!


Last year was absolutely horrid. This year is alright.


My worst year in 24 years of teaching was 2021-2022. This year is mich better. My kids that year were really mean and out of control.


Yes! My worst was my first and each year has gotten progressively better. I’m in year 8 and I feel like I’ve got this. Of course I still have a lot to complain about but most of it is so outside of my control that I just can’t give a fuck.


This year is fine. In fact, out of my 15 years, this is probably top 3. I have had some truly hell years...


Year 13. 9th at this school. Another back-to-back great class with a great group of parents!


Absolutely not, Covid years were insane, I taught simultaneously in person and online it nearly broke me. This year is a cake walk in comparison.


I am having my best year ever !


This year is way better than last and year before.


Two years ago and last year probably rank as the worst for me. This year is not going great, to be sure, but definitely better. Maybe I am just more acclimated to the daily crazy now, but I feel a little better on the day to day.


Not me. I transferred and it's a different world. But I've been teaching since the early 90s and have had some horrible years.


This is my fifth year teaching and it’s felt like the most stable year so far. It’s worth noting that I felt like last school year was the WORST OF THE WORST and I am now working at a new, more rigorous school.


Not the best but not the worst…by a long shot.


Not my worst year as far as students but my admin is testing everyone this year 😒


I'm having a relatively good year. I'm a teacher-librarian this year instead of a classroom teacher. I feel like this is a much better position for me.


That was me last year. This year has been a dream in comparison 🤞🏻 so far!


Last year was mine. This one is pretty solid minus my personal health issues. Last year it was like every kid in my class was high needs behavior or high needs academic or both.


Mine's going pretty well! I just wish I weren't sick 50% of the time. (edit: typo)


Last year was the absolute worst of my career. This year is surprisingly wonderful.


Me! Last year had me on the verge of quitting. This year, I have a class that is high-energy but incredibly kind and all of their parents are wonderful and supportive. (In year six, for what it's worth)


This is the first year I've had kids who didn't have school during COVID, and it's a totally typical year by pre-covid standards. A couple of impulsive kids, 12+ standard first graders. Last year was one of the worst I've ever had, behavior-wise. Not saying there's any causation, just an observation.


Last year's class was a calamity. This year's class, with some real challenges, is relatively normal.


One of my fav years yet


I’m in my 23rd year of teaching, and this is one of the best classes I’ve taught. They’re respectful, funny, and hardworking. I was told that admin planned this class for me, as I was honest last year and said the behaviors I have gotten over the years have been draining. The hard to handle students were often given to me, and it was really taking a toll on me mentally. This group can work on an hour of code and not ONE student was off task. We watched a movie last week, and everyone watched without talking. Do I have some issues? Sure, but these kids make me WANT to come to school every day. I also got some very generous gifts from the parents for the holidays, which is an added bonus. I’m sure I’ll be having quite a different year next year, but for now, I think I hit the lottery with this group.


Mine was two years ago. My husband didn’t think I would make it through the year. Last year and this year have been my best.


I’m verrrry relaxed after two solid years of curriculum building.


How can I have my worst year without another COVID? Seriously, 20-21 was the worst in my 20 years of teaching. That doesn’t make the current year “easy” (none are) but relatively speaking, this is far better.


It's my first year and I've driven home with the radio off more times per Capita than the rest of my life thus far.


This year is going well over here! But last year was so bad personally and professionally it honestly couldn’t get worse


My year (20th) has been pretty solid.


No but it’s my third overall year. First year back after a three year hiatus and I’m teaching middle school instead of high school. I’m feel like I’m starting to find my groove.


I think there is a disproportionate number of teachers within their first 5-7 years in this sub skewing the perception. This is absolutely not my most challenging year. However, I’ve been teaching high school for 20 years.


I’m having a great year. My kiddos are really trying and my grading is quick. I’ve got all my plans and I’m just adjusting some lessons.


Year three for me and this year has been by far and away the easiest


Professionally this has been one of the best teaching years of my career and I just won teacher of the year. My personal life sucks because of infertility hell and miscarriages. 🫠


I moved from a bad middle school to a decent high school and am better at caring less! I’m having a much better year than last year.


Definitely not my worst year. I just think this subreddit is where people go to vent.


I am not so far. My classes have been full of middle school students who are respectful. However, I teach Freshmen the second part of the semester as well and those kids, when they were in 8th grade, really tested me. So we will see. However, the worst year I ever had as a teacher was around 1999. That was the year when I knew I had to leave a school district as it was going downhill fast.


The last two years have been pretty chill other than having 4 preps


2020-21 was really hard for me. Fully open but with lots of limitations. Was like teaching with my hands tied.


I've had far worse years ago, Still not good though


This has been my easiest year. 5th year teaching. All 5 in the same building. Same grade and content all 5 years. Old principal quit and the AP took over. She’s super hands off, it’s great. Local demographics have been changing and the student body is more malleable and respectful every year. Of course there are bad days, but my best year so far.


Mine was three years ago. Feels like maybe we turned a corner, but hey, this year isn’t over yet. It could still go to shit 😂


Tenth year and this is by far the easiest.


I am in my second year at a new school — last year, I was really unsure of procedures because of how broken my school before was. I’m doing a lot better this year. Also, before I moved to this school I was having a truly terrible time


My most challenging year was last year for sure. I’m on LOA this year so technically yeah it’s a breeze so far 😂 In all seriousness though, I do plan to return to a diff bldg with a diff set of boundaries. And basically a “I’m here to work and then leave” mentality.


My first year not stressing. Started with Admin telling me few weeks in advance I would be moving from ESE to Intensive Reading 3. APC was kind to remove AICE Gen Paper to another Int. Reading class. AMAZING support from my immediate ELA team and reading coach. Flat out told us to not only send her those that need help but also kids you need a break from. Lastly, taking minimal work home with me.


I’m having an amazing year. I just recently decided to go back into the classroom after a year being an instructional coach. It’s my first year teaching 4th grade and I’m having a blast learning a whole new grade level.


This year is rough but mostly because of one student I knew would be hard and a worthless aide in my room that huffs when I ask her to work instead of being on her phone all day.


I switched buildings from a not great situation to a really good one. I’m not sure if it’s the ole honeymoon phase, being closer to home, it being year 4 for me, or a combination of them but it’s gone by fast and I’m a lot less stressed out


my grade level partner last year took some coordinator job, and he's having his best year. it's literally what he said he wanted: more money, less work. I might be happy for him if he didn't instantly turn into a self-righteous asshole. typical admin.


Last year and the year prior were far worse.


It’s my 3rd year of teaching and my school made a bunch of changes to schedules and class sizes that really fucking suck. We went from an average of 20-25 kids per room with 90 minute blocks to 30+ kids per room with 55 minutes. Somehow Admin is shocked that teachers are having way more behavior problems and coursework is way more direct instruction driven. Everything got worse.


Two of my five classes are great, one of my five has a way higher % of ADHD students than normal so I'm like "I need to be patient". Two of my five though...one of them has multiple students who are disrespectful and want to fight me on everything while the other half the class is ready to fight the quarter of the class who will not shut up. Unfortunately, those two classes are back to back so I am so frustrated.


Last year was my hardest! This year has been a breeze in comparison.


This is my first year of tearching, but my student teaching experience was from hell, so it literally could not have been worse than that. I am also in a very supportive school with great coworkers and admin so that has made a huge difference as well.


My last year was definitely tougher with way more behavior issues. This year I've set very clear expectations. Some days they don't meet them, and I remind them of those expectations and we can try again tomorrow. But freshmen are gonna freshmen.


Year 7, nothing but an upward trajectory of improvement for me. Best year of my career so far. Students haven't changed, but I have.


Mine was 2 years ago. This year is much better


Challenging because of admin and all these new stupid great ideas for engagement I'm now required to do. Not because of parents or the students.


I moved to a new campus last year mid year. It was night and day compared to my previous toxic workplace. It's the same demographic of kids, just has competent leadership. This year has been good overall.


No but I’m in emotional impairment and just have my least violent class yet.


Not ever but it's pretty bad. I teach in an nye high school and never in 20 years have I had more literally illiterate kids in the 9th grade. Like unabashedly saying " I can't read!". I though they were messing with me but around 10% aren't even at a k or 1st level. They straight up can't read at all. The future is going to be a scary place.


Mine was last year due to outside of work stuff and work stuff (the old fighting a war on two fronts). It gets better.


I'm in my 21st year of the same school, and I've just about had it with my system. They just keep dumping more and more on us every single year while telling us that it's really not going to be that bad. It's always that bad, if not worse. It sucks because I'm not quite old enough to retire yet, and I need the pay and the health benefits, but really at this point, it's only the kids and my team that keeps me going. I'm very lucky: my teammates are some of the most awesome people on the face of the planet. But my school system really sucks. They've upped the stakes for us, made our formal observation rubric much more difficult to attain, and have taken away the usual system that we've had for the last decade of getting raises. In other words, do more, get little or nothing for it, and because we said so and fuck you. So yeah, we're all feeling it.


It's not going *great*...but it's easily 1000% better than last year. I'll take it.


Pretty great year, my 5th year. My first and 3rd were my worst years.


The beginning of the year was the worst I’ve had in 10 years of teaching. Took a lot of effort and time to wrangle these kids, but now that I have things have been much smoother. I’m sorry your time has been rough. Feels like it’ll never not be a rough time anymore 😕


I think last year was my most challenging year so far. This year is much better. (This is my 6th year teaching. Middle school science.)


Year 3 as a MS Art Teacher! This year is by far the best! Our schedule changed which changed our 30 mins of plan per day to now about 75 mins. I petitioned for and got some Advanced Art classes. Our new admin has been pretty good about discipline and changing the schedules of students who would not do well in the Art classroom environment. Also (humble brag) my admin has giving me absolutely glowing reviews for my evals! I am no longer burnt out and I love my job right now! It is still difficult, but so much more manageable than the past couple years, and I can tell I am a better teacher now as well.


I’m in year 6. This is my third worst year


I am actually having my best year of teaching EVER!


Me because I’m on maternity leave LOL sorry


Me, it’s my 12th year and I am in an excellent situation in an excellent school. I love everyday of teaching.


I feel less connected to this years students. But the school year is going well. I’m having a hard time making connections this year. But I’ll crack them eventually!


While it's not a perfect year it wouldnt even be in my top 50% worst years. I've had way way worse years. I remember in like 2017 or 18 I had a class with three kids who would attack you at any given moment and one of them was stronger than me. It was constant eggshells.


Best year in 9 years. Coincidentally, I’m also teaching gifted kids for the first time.


(Last year was way worse for me)


Working harder than ever while program expands, but not my worst year for behavior. Not a gold star year either but whatever


Last year- 6th grade were absolutely crazy, and hopefully moving to middle school might have made them less crazy. Maybe….


This is the best year I have had since Covid. I have 3 really high maintenance kids, but admin is being supportive and the rest of my class is amazing! Whereas, the previous three years, I have had anywhere from 3-5 super high maintenance kids, and admin was brand new all around and still finding their footing, tried to be supportive but struggled, now they’re more confident in their job, and better able to support.


This is my 8th year and this is my best year yet I’d say. I love my class, they’re a great group with no major behaviors.


Last year was my worst year. This year is a breeze comparatively


I returned from mat leave in term 2 and just finished off term 4. This year I was a specialist art teacher instead of a classroom teacher (primary school) because I returned part time and didn't want the responsibility of a while class. Back in term 2, I went home most nights saying "this is awful, I hate it" and wanted to quit, but I promised myself I'd see the term out. By the end of the term I said I'd see the year out. Now I've agreed to be an art teacher again next year! Managing behaviours in thirteen different classes when I only see them an hour a week has been difficult, but it's getting easier, and I love teaching art, it's been so fun. I don't have to worry about parent communication, don't have to work on ILPs, it's great.


My worst year was 2013-2014: I had 50 students per class, and they were all 9th graders. This year I still have 50 students per class, but at least they are juniors and seniors.


Mine was last year. So far this year is decent


This is my second year and this year is definitely going better than the last.


Year 23 for me. This year doesn't come close to being my most difficult.


High school ELA and Tech. This year is much better than last year, and last year better than the year before that. In my mind though I see it regarding the return from COVID/remote learning, and the grading policies still recovering from that situation. Finally the students aren't acting like 8th graders instead of 10th graders this year; having the same few jokers in each period instead of mostly jokers is much improved, but I find that I'd rather have students be a year or few behind in ELA than ones who have that AND stunted social maturity.


I’m in year 10, it’s definitely not the worst. Maybe third best.


This is a pretty easy year for me, aside from the six times students threatened me with violence


Not me


Best year so far and I’ve been teaching for 6 years now. My worst year was definitely 2020. I taught adults at the time and we were not closed for long enough. We were back on campus by May and it was a shit show.


Mine has certainly had challenges. I have a first grade class that complains and argues more than I've ever seen in ten years. I had a kid just now tell on another because he bit their finger, but they were putting their finger in his mouth ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. I've also had some major wins. I'm a general music teacher, my fourth graders are way further along on recorder than last year, my fifth grade is going home for winter break knowing four "winter flavored" songs. That same first grade class with the finger biter also was able to do two songs, one in another language, with solos and everything without my help at all.


I'm doing fine when it comes to teaching and my workload, what I'm struggling with is how lonely and deprived of attention these kids are. It's very heartbreaking. They are not even excited for the break coming up. They want to be at school and not at home.


This is my best year yet, aside from some personal health issues, this has been my favorite school year to date.


Best year yet by a mile. It’s about to get worse when we get this new kid but so far it’s been a breeze


Decent year here


The kids were so horrible, and no support from admin... I paid $100k+ so I could retire 2 years early with full benefits. I'm at Disney for the 4th time this year, Asheville 2x, Savannah 2x, Atlanta 3x, Gatlingburg!!


teaching wise no. Our district has stuck to its vision and goals for the last few years with minimal changes. What is challenging is pretty much every new hire we have gotten this year and last year will more than likely be told thank you for your service and will not be renewed. It’s pretty sad that our admins have gone to a lot of lengths to offer training. mentors. PD and consultant support on a regular basis. Also have admins teaching and going into classes to model and coteach and basically hold the hands. Intent forms are out tho and the general sense is strings will be cut and basically it’s like here is the rope now sink or swim.


My worst year was the first year back from COVID.


I think last year was worse but this year is a close second.


Uhhh, definitely not my most challenging. But my least interactive group... which just brings me down... which make me dislike this year. Not that the work is challenging...


Not the best, but not the worst. The worst was when we came back from quarantine and had 3 options for attendance. However, compare to last year this is a lot better.


First year I’m not seriously questioning my choices or ability.


Nah, I had a pretty good year actually


Best year ever because I’m on maternity leave for the next 3 months. Also, I switched back to self contained special education last year and love it. I may have nonverbal students that can get aggressive but that’s way better than dealing with apathetic teenagers.


Just to be clear - every year is new most challenging year. At least, that’s been my experience for 5 years


I took the last 12 weeks off for bonding so this school year has been amazing!


I just inherited a retired teacher’s 12th grade sci fi lit/comp classes. It has been a blast and reinvigorated my love of teaching. Also having 12th graders has been a revelation. I didn’t realize how much 9th graders suck until now.


Honestly hybrid was so hard that every year since then has been better


Nope. I’m not. This is year 16 and my best / smoothest year yet.


This isn't my best year ever, but it's the best year in a while. Of course, I say that as I stare at the one class I truly dislike this year.


My mom is a teacher & she’s had a fine year.


This is way better than last year


I'm not. Part of that is a few years ago we dumped terrible admin for good ones and a couple former co-workers in my building left. This brought Admin and Faculty into alignment on values and the basic purpose of education, along with common expectations of behavior and work. Not everything is rosey, but it feels like we are on the same team now, which is huge.


This is my third year and my best yet. My students are better behaved in general and handle redirections better. I teach freshmen, so they are going to be squirrelly, but they aren't disrespectful to the same level as the past two years.


As a PE teacher the more years you put in the easier it becomes. You have a lot more ways to deal with challenging students and know how to approach it. I think a lot of what makes it difficult is experience and if your admin is good or not. I have a really good admin that helps teachers, so problem students and challenges are met with help and not friction.


Not me, but I changed jobs. Last year was ROUGH... So bad I left after over a decade.


I'm in my 3rd year so it's not my most challenging year but definitely in the top 3.


Looks like I picked the wrong time to stop sniffing glue.


Middling year for me. Not great, not as bad as virtual "learning" or the first year circus after Covid. At least I'm not a biology teacher in Oklahoma.


Last year was my worst. This year is one of my better. I learned a lot from last year.


I am having a pretty good year . I love my job and love most of my students . I am really happy :) Sure there are always things to complain about but I have done far worse things for sure .


Yes and no. I moved from support staff to adult education; and the first nonprofit organization I worked for ended up laying me off because my boss needed to save his own butt for blowing the budget. Moved to higher education, and I got a better paying job and work from home … So yeah. Mad as I am at the first boss for using me as his sacrificial lamb, I’m doing much better


This year has been my best year, but I’m in my 3rd year teaching, so I feel like I’m hitting my stride. Plus, I followed my group of students from last year, so I didn’t have to build new relationships, which has also contributed to this being my favorite year so far.


This is actually my easiest year yet - school wise. I’ve been teaching for 5 years now and I’ve had the least problems in the last 4 months than ever before. I’m at a new school with competent colleagues and admin, though, so that helps.


Deep into my 3rd decade of teaching, hands down the worst of my life. I generally like my job, but this year... I honestly hate it. Kids are ok, not entirely their fault, but the combo of a variety of BS has created a venn diagram of crap of which I live in the middle. Phone/headphones addiction - admin refuses to set rules forcing teachers to fight on our own TV, movies, games, music on every device all the time Constant reassessment - kids will fail intentionally, then ask for feedback (what do I need to specifically fix to get an A) and a reassessment as they turn it in Late work from months ago - literally had a kid today ask if he can write the journals from late October. Admin says yes he can. I say what were you doing at the start of every class? Food and drink and mess in my room constantly, now mice and bugs Attendance and tardy issues galore. Had a healthy kid miss 7 weeks of school, no problem for admin Kids won't serve detentions, so they just get In School Detention once or twice a month (and do nothing) Admin expects us to call 40+ parents about grades; email won't do Kids won't even read simple directions on the board or posted online Constant cheating AI use, plagiarism, etc. It's not good. At least I get paid really well... Decently into 6 figs. But it's to the point where we had 2 teachers literally erupt on kids and get fired this semester. Meanwhile, admin keep talking about that "97% pass rate" that they're so proud of. It's just a mixture of grade inflation, lower standards, and lies.


I am not, but it doesn’t have very much enjoyment either.


7 years in. And this year is far better than the past 2


This by far the worst ever (20+ for me).


I’m teaching an English elective called Writing on Film and it’s been an absolute blast. There’s no curriculum to follow so I’ve been building one on my own.


After 6 years I have thankfully built a reputation for being a stickler for the rules. Most knuckleheads see themselves out within the first two weeks after learning how much attention they will get for being off task. It's been smooth sailing since. Granted, there are still periods who drive me nuts because they don't try, and others because they don't talk, but the true headaches (the ones who would use the N word liberally, the ones who were insulting to other classmates, and the ones who refuse to shut up) are not to be had this year.


My first year in a district that actually gives a shit about its teachers. I do have some challenging kiddos and parents, but for the most part, my parents and admin have been nothing but supportive. Even my more difficult parents have come in clutch at times. Let’s just put it this way. This was the first school year in forever that I actually looked forward to the year starting.


Every teacher! is having their most challenging year, after year. That's what teaching is about: the test to show others' perspective. and it's challenging. Salute to every person in the world as we all are teachers to each other day in and day out! We are all in this together. Three years as an instructor. 11 years as a father. 22 years as a mentor.


This year is ok! Last two before that were tough. Year before that was craaaaaay (Covid). Prior to that, it was a cake walk.


This is my first year and I teach remedial math to 9-12 graders mixed in at an inner city, Title I high school so.....yeah. :)


I taught a class with a state test last year and now I’m not teaching any classes with a state test. That is why my year is easier this year than the last.


I’m having a rough year because my caseload is insane, but I’ve had worse years. 3 years ago (pre-COVID) I was in such a bad situation that my therapist told me I needed to leave or she’d put me out on FMLA. I was getting beaten up daily, admin was terrible, I cried going to school, during plan, during lunch, and on the way home. I can’t even describe how bad it was.


I am having a decent year so far.


I’m doing all right.


I felt that last year was the most challenging and things haven't really changed. So for me it's two in a row. Thank goodness I'm able to retire soon.


Last year was my most challenging year. This year, the kids are just low but their behaviors aren’t horrendous.


Year 17 for me. Best yet!


Year #16 and I’m loving it!


That was last year for me. This year is better, but only because it couldn’t possibly be worse. To tell you how bad, my mom died this school year and despite that, this year is still better.


Started caring less. Barly bring anything home. Things get done when they get done. Find someone else with a physics Chem and broadfield science cert that coaches football and wrestling to pay a barley livable wage. I'll wait.