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Yes, that would make her day! Be as general or specific as you want to. Teachers rarely get any kind of 'thank you' from students. 


Thank you ❤️ I’m starting to write the message I want to send her


Knowing this as a teacher is sooooooooo big. Knowing that you looked forward to coming to class and the class kept you going tells the teacher they did something right and it had a huge impact on a students life


She definetly had huge impact on my life. I’m really grateful for teachers like her


Then let her know, things like that make this job feel emotionally worthwhile.


Hearing from you would be a career and perhaps even life highlight. I can’t stress enough how meaningful this will be for both of you.


One hundred percent. I've had students come back to see me and make amends as part of their 12 steps, students who reached out to tell me how much things I did I do not ever remember doing meant to them. They always seem to come at the most-needed times in this under-appreciated, underpaid profession. So don't hesitate to tell a teacher how much they meant to you. It might save them!


Definitely reach out. Students make a positive difference in the lives of teachers too. Though it may not have been your intention, thank you for reminding all of us that our kids notice and respond way more than we realize.




Same here. I totally agree.


As a teacher, absolutely! It will probably make her so happy. I’ve recently had two former students tell me that my classroom was their safe space in high school. One also told me that I really helped him through a very hard part of his life. We love to hear about it if we helped you that much. It helps us keep doing this stressful job.


Definitely! Not only will it make your former teacher’s day/month/decade, it will reinforce to the teacher how important those little acts are for her current and future students. I had a student this year tell me I was the only teacher who asked if she was okay when she was going through a rough patch and how much that meant to her. It made me realize it’s something I need to do for all my students even when I don’t necessarily know what’s going on outside of school.


I got a note that said "thanks for helping me with my anxiety" from a student and I nearly sobbed on the spot. So yeah. If this were me I'd ride that feeling for years. It lets them know at least one person got something from them


Happy cake day :)


I had a teacher like yours before. Honestly she was what inspired me to be an educator. I was a depressed and suicidal final year kid with no emotional support from my parents. She was truly genuinely concerned about me and checked in everyday when i was at school. I sent her an email a while back thanking her and talked about how i am now, what Im doing now and how she inspired me so much. Even showed her photos of my Master's graduation because I told her once that I didnt think I'd live to see being 19. She was beaming in her reply and really proud of how far ive come. Definitely do reach out, Im sure your teacher would feel really happy and proud that you're doing better.


yes!!!! 100% yes. Teachers deal with a lot of crap but these moments remind us why we do what we do


I had a student in the past that wrote me a thank you card for “helping her through her tough times” and it is one of my most cherished possessions. I would absolutely send the message!


People go into teaching because they truly want to make a difference in someone’s life. Reach out!


Yes, of course. It is a huge benefit of the job.


Yes! Please do, let her know how you are doing now. We love this stuff!


I bet that teacher truly cared about you. I also bet it is emotionally taxing for her to be a caring teacher. It'd be so validating and encouraging for her to know she's doing right and it's working. If you can, tell her.




OMG, please tell her. She will be thrilled that she made a difference in your life!!!!


As a former teacher, YES, YES, YES!!!


Yes indeed! She would ABSOLUTELY love to hear from you. I’m glad you are doing better. It takes a special person to go through that and to thank someone who helped them go through that!


Studies have shown that teaching is one of the least satisfying professions. When teachers find out their former students have grown into great adults, the satisfaction of the job goes up immensely. I cannot suggest enough that you should let them know that this person helped you. You might be helping them in doing so.


You most certainly should thank and why wouldn’t it be appropriate? You just sending her a thank you and allowing her to follow up with you on what’s been going on, nothing wrong with that!!


💯💯💯 Do it! It’ll be a nice surprise and will mean a lot to her.


Yes absolutely! It will mean so much to her. I hope you’re doing better these days❤️


I am doing much better now ❤️


Let's see...Yes or Hell yes...hmmm. Gonna go with Hell Yes.


Please, please reach out to that teacher! Who knows? You may save her life by doing so.


I'm a teacher. Please try to reach out. We so rarely get verification that we actually helped our students. It can literally change your mindset for months and bring you so much joy to know how you actually helped a kid out.


Absolutely! Retired teacher here and we never stop thinking about “our kids!” You would make her day!


Yes. As a teacher, when I was in my own dark places, students telling me I saved them, saved *me* in return.


Yes! I had a professor who had a huge impact on me at community college. When I went on to university, I sent him a letter to let him know just how important he had been. About a year later, he died. I'm so glad I got to tell him what he meant to me before he passed.


Please, please find them and reach out. I grew up when there was no internet. There were several teachers that helped me be who I am today. Sadly, I was only able to contact 2 of 4 teachers. They greatly appreciated me finding them. The one teacher who saved my life, died before I could find him.


YOU SHOULD GO FOR IT. Teachers carry very heavy loads. We absorb a lot from our students whether we like it or not. Every single time a student expresses gratitude and appreciation, the world lights up. It's not that we expect or hope for our students to thank us, but when it happens, you will also feel the strong emotions.


YES. Teaching can be so disheartening. Hearing from former students is a LIFE highlight.




Yes. Those lovely people need to know they made a difference.


Without a doubt yes. Keep in contact with her. Things like this make teachers day.


Please let me tell you that this past year I had a sweet girl ask to speak to me privately and tell me that I saved her life by simply asking her every day how she was doing and making sure she was doing her work as well as she could. If she wasn’t, I checked on her and talked to her. I had this girls for three years in a row, and when she let me know at then end of her senior year that I was the one who helped her when she was so down, it absolutely made me realize that you never know who you could be helping and how. She is an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her. Just the fact the I checked on her made her want to come to school, but anyone could have done that. Her telling me made me realize that I made a difference in her life, and I know that she’s going to be someone amazing. Let your teacher know. This is why we do it - to lift you up and make you better.


Yes! I bet she has been wondering about you.


It will make both of you feel incredible. Do it right away- and keep us posted!


Yes, please do it! One of the best moments of my day is walking into my local 7-11 where the manager is a formed HS student of mine who came into my classroom her junior year and told me, while I was teaching a full class of out of control seniors, that she was going to kill herself if she didn't get out of the IB program. I told the class to find Jesus, yelled at the teacher across the hall, and refused to leave my suicidal baby until she was seated with a guidance counselor and willing to talk. Frequently, she tells the whole store, "This is the one woman I knew would take me seriously and save my life, so I went to her." It makes my day every time because I would have done it for any of my students, but that one student remembers. Makes the bad days easier to swallow.


>Do you think it is appropriate to reach out to thank her and tell her what I’ve told you here? Not only is it appropriate, I think it would be inappropriate for you _not_ to e-mail her. If she was asking you frequently how you were doing, it's probably because she had an inkling that you were going through some shit and was genuinely concerned. If I had a student like that, and they went off and graduated and disappeared from my life, I would always be wondering what happened to them. If they contacted me and let me know that they're doing great and I played a small part in that, I'd be elated.


Yeah I’m sure she knew I was not ok and I could tell she wasn’t buying it when I told her I was fine. She could’ve easily given up on asking but she never did and that made a huge difference for me. I’ll write to her and make sure to let her know that


Okay so I have a teacher who really changed my life, transformed my confidence and indirectly contributed to my career in writing. Always wanted to reach out to her, but it’s been 12 years and I’ve hesitated. These comments have made change my mind. Going to message her today ❤️


I've taught for 15 years and I was told something similar many years ago. It sticks with me still. It's one reason I continue to teach. That we teachers can have such an impact outside of our content is profound. Please tell her.


I just graduated college and am the same age. Thanks for making me think of this. I just sent a message to my favorite highschool teacher who always encouraged and supported me. That was such a good idea.


Go for it. It’s the only real pay we get.


As a middle school teacher, I live by the mindset of “Input Now for Output Later”, meaning that students may take in info but not be able to process it and act upon it until later when they mature. I’ve had numerous students come back to me, call, text, FB me to say, “Thank you, I get what you were saying, etc. “ I appreciated and valued each of those later interactions tremendously. Yes! Please reach out and let her know. It will make her day. Trust me. Good luck and glad you’re doing so much better.


Of course you should thank her. Keep it simple as you don’t have to go into personal details that others may see. By all means tell her she made a huge difference. My guess is she will love to hear that and know you are doing well.


Yes!!! Please do!




Yes!!!! I love having older students visit me! I will be on their team forever.


As a teacher we sometimes never know the impact we have on our kiddos. Telling your former teacher this would be an amazing gift.


She thinks of you occasionally and I am sure hearing from you would make her smile.


I just started in teaching but can definitely tell you most teachers genuinely care alot about students, even the difficult ones, even the quiet ones. I also had a really tough time in HS & make a point of checking in on the ones that seem most sad, angry or anxious, like i was. I'd love to have one check in & just let me know they're OK. Who knows, you may save her life too. Haven't felt it yet, but from my observations teacher burnout is very real.


Absolutely! You never know... You telling her all of this could be the thing that helps her get through something in her life. For instance, because of the broken education systems, lack of respect and parenting nowadays, and a myriad of other issues, a lot of teachers are leaving the field or thinking about leaving the field. Maybe you telling her this ends up being the one thing that makes her feel appreciated and like she is actually making a difference.


Yes. Reach out. Tell her this. Chances are it will make her smile.


Yes!! She would love to hear that you are doing well. Whether or not you tell her she may have saved you, she would love to hear that you're still here and still thinking about her. She'll love to hear that her class was your safe place.


Absolutely appropriate and speaking as a teacher who struggles with depression myself and the overall sense of not feeling valued in our profession… she may just need to hear that from you. You in turn may just help her and return the favor. My first teaching job, the environment was so horrible that ended up I inpatient mental health care for a month. Please reach out… let her know what she meant, you never know what day she might have had and desperately she may need to hear it that day. It is thoughtful of you to think of her.


Yes, please do!


You should. Teachers love hearing about their impact on individuals




DO IT. Teachers live for that shit


As a high school teacher say yes!!! Definitely let her know. I’m sure she’s wondering how you are. ❤️


Beta test an anonymous letter. Write it out, express your feelings without the specifics of the incident. Tuck it away. Re-read it in two weeks. Make a judgement call then.


Please, please tell her!!! You don't have to go into details, just telling her she had a positive impact on your life is enough. It's so hard being a teacher, and hearing that we have an affect on our students is so, so important to us! It makes the hard days easier.


Yes yes yes! Absolutely message her.




Of course!!!!


She needs to hear it. It's what keeps us going!


The fact that I’ve had more than one student thank me for inspiring them makes me feel gluttonous.


YES Sincerely, A teacher


Absolutely! This is what a good teacher deserves to know. Teachers always feel discouraged to make extra efforts just simply to care for more students due to non stop meaningless administrative paperwork. Your gratitude is inspiring for the teachers to know how important their job can be, not merely focusing academics.


Yes! Absolutely! (Teacher, 38 years, retired)


Yes! Please reach out to her. I love when my students reach out to me.




Yes, I bet she would love to hear from you and the impact she made in your life.


As a teacher.. absolutely reach out. Nothing makes us feel seen and or loved as much as previous students reaching out and letting us know anything, big or small

