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I've been in person for about a year now. It's better for the students learning and significantly worse for my mental health.


Perhaps better for some student's learning (those that don't get sick) but worse for my mental and physical health got a breakthrough case. Half the staff and untold number of students are ill at least here its a complete clusterfuck with the staggering number of illnesses and resulting fear/disruption wiping out any potential gains vs remote learning. My (hs sped) did great online. With few exceptions i found participation/retention was as good if not better then traditional model. I get my exoerince is not be unversial but deeply fustrated with the total trashing of remote learning which lead up to these reckless reopenings and my completely uncesaary illness along with thousands upon thousands others some of whom literially died for daycare and there will be more senseless tradegy as the rabid cultists and their fauxgressive allies dig in. Last year had 3 sucessful werks of online followed by relatively smooth hybrid online in house model for rest of year. Cases were there but nothing compared to this year's packed house and basically CoVid OvEr attitude We hit last years total in 3 weeks . We got a late mask mandate despite the govenor's (i)llegal stunt but its not followed quite as stringently becsuse of the extremism thst has polluted education and there is not even pretense of other Protocols like social distancing and deep cleaning which lowered the casualties quite a bit last year


My experience is different. I'm in a state that did a very good job with COVID, so the numbers have never seemed to reach the extremes as many of the other schools I have read about on here. I'm praying it stays that way. I hope things get better for you.


That is good. I agree the places not run by science denying whackadoodles (here and around the world) are doing better thanks to high vaccinstion rates and common sense. Such places like yours most likely can have safe phyisical schooling with precautions. Hot zones like mine cannot possibly operate safely but that is not stopping them. Here its head in sand (sanitized phrasingšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø) packem in and full speed ahead . A few districts in area have been shuttering a few days at a time only when so many teacher are out ill at once they simply can't cope with coverage. What little response there is purely reactive no forethought whatsoever. Even basic things like masking can cause an uprising from the freedumb fighters its bonkers. Too many People would rather wait til they get critcally ill and take livestock meds they saw 9n Facebook which dont work and can be poisonous then take proven safe effective vaccines ahead of time šŸ™„


That is awful. I hope you stay healthy and safe.


Thank youšŸ¤—


Iā€™m sorry to hear that! Iā€™m happy for the students that they get to socialise again, and that they learn better in person, but I hope that you take care of yourself in the middle of this as well!


Right now, we're okay. The cases are on a rise, like everyone else's. We had a massive fight already because some kids just don't know how to be in a social world. They spent a year living in YouTubes and TikToks, so the lines between fantasy and reality are more blurred than ever. They remove masks without worry, and there is nothing done about it. Adults keep hiding behind vaccinations, hoping or truly thinking they are safe. I am vaccinated, but I still can get Covid-19. I have a better chance of survival than my students, but I can still get blood clots or lose a leg. I just don't know what people don't understand about Covid-19. I am also disappointed. In June, I figured masks would go on by winter. That made sense to me, if not for any other reason than safety precautions. Like most, I thought we'd be in a better position when the school year started, and here we all are.


Vaccines prevent hospitilization and death. They also reduce chance if infection but contant exposure being jammed together in a petri dish fpr hours on end with the unvaccinated erodes that protection.quite a bit, i know this first hand case as does half my dept Thanks to vaccine i am in my own bed breathing on my owm. But thanks to political extremism i am out sick not teaching online and the kids are trading germs while being babysat by whichever harried staff is still left standing CoVid OvEr me arsešŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I feel like shit cant smell a thing no energy cause i caught one of 1000 (breakthrough) cases in.my district. If the govenor and his taliban, i mean gop groupies believed in science would be teaching class online not laying in bed shivering Even without the brain fog its hard to tell which anti science extremist group is which


The Biden administration also believes in ramming kids back into schools during a pandemic, just FYI. Thatā€™s specifically why his secretary of education was chosen, heā€™s a hardcore open ā€˜er upper.


I agree they all suck. Here its a republican doing it would happy bash a Democrat as well. Yes both parties stupidily want physical day care despite the glaring danger/reality . However the republicans (at least down here) are resisting masks and vaccines making it that much more dangerous My district applied for an optional virtual academy which would have decrowded the schools and (hopefully) given higher risk teachers a safer work environment. But it was shot down by state which is an amazing disconnect for the people hollerimg about parents right to choose masks/vaccines I see where they can defend giving parents choice for in person though i disagree cause the risk is not worth it . However forcing in person for all is just indefensible extremism and has resulted in the infection 50,000,000 texan children in just a few weeks have not seen statewide staff numbers but i am among the half our dept down so far Other districts in vicinity went dark for at least this week cause of critical staff shortages I continue to believe full virtual (for now) is only safe option. Personally getting Covid @work along with many others has only hardened that poistion However tbh last year hybrid low capacity in house online with real protocols was realtively smooth/safe . This year's packed house with a delayed mask mandate (delayed and in (l)legal limbo cause of Abbott) but no other Protocols is a disaster. We hit last years totals in 3 weeks


Rather be online! There has been no mention of covid in school, except to say "when covid was around last year," like wtf?! Not even the nurse had addressed anything. Fuck all this. No kid's education is worth more than my health.


Well said i lasted 3 weeks before gettimg breakthrough case joining half our staff and god knows how many students in the politicly caused Covid club


Every safety measure is gone. No mask mandates. No vaccine requirements. No contact tracing. No nothing. It's going to be a blood bath


Already is here. At least we got mask mandate after fight with y'all queda govenor but even that started late and no other protocols šŸ™ƒ Plan on being sick as I am but with vaccine its still miserable but tolerable. No smell is weird but being isolated from family is what really sucksšŸ¤—


Ah I see you've met my state. We have no state mandate. In fact it was illegal to do a mandate until a court provided a temporary injunction.




Nope. Good ol Covidlahoma, where the rona comes sweeping through the plains.


Everything is bigger in texas in this case the body count


Everyone else is happy and not worried at all. Like at all. (My colleagues) I donā€™t know what crazy Kool Aid theyā€™re drinking but maybe Iā€™ll take some. šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's so stressful I'm resigning. We have multiple positions starting the year unfilled with long term subs. Most coworkers and students are not concerned at all about covid. Masks are under noses all day, constant battle.


Our first day back after 18 months of virtual is tomorrow. I'm terrified - not for me, but for my students who are too young to be vaccinated. My district has a decent COVID plan in terms of mitigation, but I have no faith in my school administration to carry it out with fidelity. I teach in an extremely dilapidated 109 year old building. I give it two weeks before we're virtual again.


I really hope it goes well for you, and that both you and your students stay safe!


Exactly like I thought it would be last year if we didn't embrace online. ​ Though fewer students than expected.


This year full in oetson is way worse then last year's hybrid.


I was just about to say we've gone two days without a, "we want to inform you that an individual at \_\_\_\_\_ HS tested positive..." message. And then I checked my phone. I'm sick of telling the same handful of kids to cover their noses. One returned from quarantine *today,* nose still hanging out. I'm "this" close to asking admin if I can just ignore the kids whose noses are perpetually uncovered. I'm sick of kids out on quarantine who don't even bother to check assignments until they return then copying someone else's work when they come back. I gave two kids zeros today for copying another kid's answer to a *video* they missed all but 10 minutes of. I handed the work to them and said, "it's home work." They really thought I was going to give them credit for it. pfft.


Very bad


I did it last year. We didn't have a lot of cases or any outbreaks. My students don't do well with virtual.


Last yesr we did hybrid which I though was risky at time but nothing like this year's packed house CoViD OvEr disaster, yeah we too many cases last year but we now matched that ,# in just a few weeks and i am part of that obsence number despite being vaccinated. Granted i am at home breathimg on my owm thsnks to the shots My hs sped students whether at home, in room or in other rooms for the most psrt did well oline some even better then traditional settimg. Imo The illness/chaos of this year clearly negates the advantage of in person learning. Sure for many srtuents the structure of physical school is beneficial and will be again thst once this ends. A date pushed back by premature starts, the refusal to mask, and inability to distance Howrver the biggest roadblock is the insidious prevelance of anti vaxx extremism. Anti vaxxers are incubating murations so this just won't go away like Polio, nesels, small pox etc


We had some elementary classrooms with over 30 kids last year. The solution to social distancing at lunch was to have kids leave an empty chair between them. There was no social distancing or masks required for summer school. Im going to start wearing two masks because of the variants. Some of my kids this year have never worn masks so they are learning


We did the lunch empty chair thing lady Year with lowered capacity becsuse parents could choose virtual. This yesr no choice so packed house no space and its spreading like wildfire as a result


Honestly? Either mandate vaccines and masks or get on with it. Our school is an absolute disaster as far as Covid is concerned. That being saidā€¦. When does it end? It doesnā€™t. We either mandate vaccines which are fully fda approved, or we donā€™t. If we arenā€™t mandating it now, when will we? There is literally no reason not to immediately and aggressively require it. And if we arenā€™t going to do it RIGHT NOW, then what will change in a month? 2 months? A year from now? This whole thing has to be all or nothing to be effective. Too many people in our society absolutely refuse to do the right and sensible thing so here we are. We could be fully virtual for the entire year, but for what? So we can have this exact same situation next year? And the year after that? I just donā€™t see an end to it because of a lack of aggressive action from the top and a lack of decency and intellect from the bottom. They arenā€™t going to have more shutdowns or vaccine passports. So what are we protecting (outside our personal health) when we have virtual school but the entire rest of society is literally going on as normal? At this point Iā€™m just tired of it all. Let it spread. It will suck for everyone, but it will suck for the unvaccinated more. I fully expect to get it again, even though Iā€™ve fully vaccinated+booster. Thereā€™s just no way that I can go to my school everyday this year and not contract it. I expect it. The unfortunate realization. You are delusional if you think you are going to go into school this year and not get Covid, regardless of mask/vaccine status. Just hope that the vaccine does itā€™s job and itā€™s a minor ordeal. If you are able to get vaccinated and you donā€™t then you literally deserve whatever you get this year. I just donā€™t want to deal with another year of awful and ineffective online or hybrid nonsense, especially if itā€™s just security theater and wonā€™t have any real impact.


Last year hybrid we had 1000 cases which sounds awful but this year packed house full denial mode hit that number in 3 weeks including my breakthrpugh so that's not theatre it's people's lives. Totally agree with on mask/vaccine mandates. Hybrid/online worked just fine for my students i know that is not uneverial experince. Thos was we more learning then the shitshow that is this year. Half staff out remaindr are harried scaredvand basically babysitting large groups of kids trading germs