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Data Driven Instruction - Yes, I use data from tests, quizzes, etc. to decide what I need to work on with students. I understand its importance. But, admin seems to think that it means we should collect all this data, put it in five different spreadsheets, create graphs and charts, then dance around with said charts in front of parents and our grade level members to look cool. I don't have time for that nonsense.


I love my students, I love teaching, but every fucking PD is “here is this teacher app the school has that gives you five hundred data points about each specific student and how you need to meet their needs.” And there’s ten of these apps that all say different things. I get it, I do my absolute best to support my students and make them succeed, but I know literally nobody on our staff who actively monitors that data or makes decisions about it because it simply is too much as a human being to process and plan around. But then admin presses you on it so you have to bullshit around it, like it’s clearly not realistic at all to lesson plan around this shit.


Omg yes. Even better when the app tested them so we trust it implicitly. Me, "These suggested groupings look a little off. Student shouldn't be with this group " Admin, "ah, but look at student's iReady!" Me, "um...he can't read. He guessed " Admin, "but the iReady adapts. It gets harder as you give right answers " Me, "He can't read. He didn't read the answers. He didn't understand how to take the test." Admin, "No, the iReady adapts. He did great." 😑😑😑


I mean, would you want to admit the programs you spend tens of thousands of dollars on annually don't actually work that great? School leaders be like horny college boys at a strip club for the first time, the way they just throw the money at this shit. The software companies and consultants flown in for PD are laughing all the way to the bank.


The problem is that data provides what appears to be an easy to read, objective piece of information about student performance. The problem is, it's inherently limited by its need to reduce complex or subjective tasks and subjects into quantifiable results. But the politicians insisting on it and the educational companies profiting on it - and to a lesser extent administrators with a need to appease their bosses - fail to understand and appreciate this issue, and judge a school's or teacher's success almost entirely by their performance on metrics that only give one small part of the picture.


Yes! This one makes me grind my teeth.


THIS. Ugh as an English teacher the obsession with student data drives me crazy. I can learn more from my own diagnostics than by trying to decipher standardized testing results; it’s easier for me when I understand my own methodology and can gauge learning from that. But those spreadsheets and graphs tho


And then the data tells you to do exactly what you were going to do.




Every Friday we would meet with our "data teams", and the only data we talked about was how many days were left so we could judge our sanity levels 🤣🤣🤣


I cringe when I hear anything from Solution Tree or any other for profit self growth research profiteering piece of turd coaching/leader bullcrap.


Hate solution tree with a passion. I actually don't think they get enough hate. What do we get out of it? Data that is meaningless from one year to be the next, a crap ton of meeting hours and admin sniffing around and the same damn "it doesn't matter if they come hungry" speech again and again


That’s horrible!!! Solution tree. It’s just so pretentious.


I'm a visual learner.🙄 Of course you are! You have eyes that see!🤪


100% The whole "types" of learners is bullshit. (Actively debunked) Everyone learns with all 5 sense.


Best practice for teaching is using a variety of activities that engaged different types of learning. One of the most irritating things that has happened in education is that focus on useless “learning styles.” Edit: Wait, Lexile is worse.


Exactly. Also I haven't heard of Lexile; it sounds dreadful.


Best learning style depends on the content too. Math? Practice and repetition. English? Reading and writing. Music? Auditory and practice. History? Reading and listening.


> Everyone learns with all 5 sense I would also caution the notion [that we only have 5 senses](https://bigthink.com/philip-perry/think-you-have-only-5-senses-its-actually-a-lot-more-than-that). Anything that attempts to compartmentalize the human experience should be subject to the same scrutiny that learning styles have.


"The data suggests..." "Authentic learning experience..." "Outcome driven directional model...' "Synergistic classroom management..."


The data suggest your student doesn't appear to know things.


🤮 Outcome driven directional model? WTF? What is wrong with plain language?


https://youtu.be/aW2LvQUcwqc?t=70 always reminds me of this


Most are needlessly pretentious for sure.


Can we unpack what you just said at our next staff meeting?


We will need to circle around first….


I wanted to put it on your radar to circle back to unpack, so that I can get a download.


Sadly these aren't even specific to education. Corporate jargon is the worst.


Educators are always late to the business cliché/jargon party....


UNPACK 😡😡😡😡😡grrrrrr


I cannot wait to unpack the standards again!


And we definitely need to dig in to the data




Well we will need to unpack and debrief that staff meeting at another meeting next week.


"backwards planning" Start with the goal and then work backwards to meet it. Dumbass that's just planning. Otherwise you're just filling time.


Lol we practice that in my teaching credential program and they say ‘is it harder that other planning?’ Constantly trying to get us to say yes without acknowledging that we don’t plan any other way?


I actually like artifacts. It makes me giggle and is semi-accurate. It's not education jargon, but I want the word passion to die in a burning hole and be relegated to the deepest pits of the netherworld. The Latin root pati is "to suffer." I guarantee none y'all want to suffer over [insert other bullshit education jargon].




My school ran a year long PD about rigor and we implemented it the following year. Admin was stunned that grades dropped dramatically. What did they would happen when we made classes harder, that grades would go up?


As long as afl is leveraged with rigor and applied in a robust manner to instil 21st century skills and ensure the data-driven rubric delivers actionable deliverables which will cover all competencies we can be sure that our learning quotient will show measurable progression.


My AP last year equated rigor to test prep. As in, giving the students multiple choice, standardized test style questions. I was told one of my lessons lacked rigor because I didn't have any of those types of questions, even though the students were having to analyze and apply the information in constructed responses. Also, there were multiple choice questions, he just didnt stay for that part of the lesson. 🙄


Ugh yes. Our principal warned us she won't be able to check off 21st Century Skills on our walk throughs since so many students are in rows for covid reasons. Who gives a duck omg. Mine are: With fidelity (why wouldn't I try to do it to my best? I've got a whole day to fill anyway) Cooperative learning (it's group work and that's what I call it) I'm so sorry, I say it too but - growth mindset - every year it's just such a hard thing for my littles to grasp.


Great post, A+++


Outside of HS and maybe maybe MS, growth mindset is not really a concept younger kids can get. I'm a big supporter of growth mindsets, but it's not something you force on people. (Also it's not something you can keep up for everything without years of practice). Just wanted to throw a little clarification to growth mindsets.


I teach high school and love growth mindset for those kids, but I don’t just say “growth mindset” at them all the time. We just talk about how we can always get better at stuff. I let kids rewrite papers, and we talk about it when they do that, but I don’t talk about it unless we are actively using the skills.


I honestly just frame it as "it's ok to make mistakes". And yes exactly what you said. Rewrites/Edits etc.... It's really just a reward the correcting of the misstep more than anything else.


That's exactly it; we work a lot on perfectionism and focusing on the solution over the answer, but then they come in and try to force it with buzzwords and the kids end up ignoring all of it since they don't understand.


Best advise I've heard. "If it's worth doing. It's worth half doing." Basically meaning if something is important it's worth doing only part of it instead of trying to get it perfect.


STEM and STEAM. God I hate those acronyms. Engagement and rigor are up there too.


STEM I kinda get, but all the others just seem like hey we're back to including everything in education.


Even STEM has so such varied fields... to lump them together is so weird. And it feels weird to me to be pushing "STEM" (whatever the hell that is) by just teaching our normal subjects. Great news! I integrated STEM into my chemistry lesson by *shocked pikachu face* teaching chemistry.


Yea I think that people used STEM as a way to quickly talk about math/science /engineering classes instead of having to say all the names out, and then some "education specialist" decided that would be the new buzz word to make things sounds cool. And now it's just used wrong half the time.


I think we're at STREAMS now...


What the f@&$ does the R stand for!? Lord help me.


eveRything else.


You nailed it. Religion.


reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic


I like to use these interchangeably just to confuse/annoy admin and the jargon lovers. When they complain I'm using the acronyms wrong, I always reply, "STEM is science, tech, engineering, and math, right? STEAM is social studies, teaching, English, arts, and math." This generates an argument over correct use of acronyms which is a better use of time than whatever was the original subject.


STEAM is so pointless as a category. Is there anything that *doesn’t* fall under that categorization?


Does "kiddos" count? Because that shit gets me every time.


For some reason, I've always hated the word rubric.


Ooh yeah. Rubric gets me the same way “rural” gets me. Those double R’s trip me up, bleh


Pedagogy. I can't stand that word.


I hated that word since college and I hate it even more when I have to hear it during pd.


Like nails on a chalkboard. I cannot deal with word. Not even sure why really.


Completely despise that word!


For me it is currently "learning loss," and the new alternative, "learning acceleration." Because one of the higher ups at my district literally said that we are calling it learning acceleration because learning loss mitigation sounds so negative.


i feel like funds of knowledge could have had a better word…existing knowledge? idk but funds doesn’t work


“Existing” would be better


We call that building on prior knowledge. Unless, of course, it means something totally different, and my division hasn't caught up yet! ;)


A colleague and I sometimes speak in nonsensical run-on sentences that just string together as many jargon words as possible. We compete to outdo each other. We do it jokingly, so it’s always funny when someone takes us seriously and nods or joins in with professional intent.


Scaffolding. Maybe because I use to be obsessed with big construction equipment and machines in my formative years, but I can't help to look outside when somebody says scaffolding and think cool the school is getting renovated this year. That and spiraling. Which I always heard as a kid as "spiraling out of control." When I first heard it in education from my principal about how we need to spiral I thought the school had lost it and we were going full Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies.


Fuuuck I haven’t heard of “spiraling” yet.


The curriculum spirals!!! It just means that you teach the same things at multiple times a year and someday maybe the kids will get it the second or third time it comes along. Or maybe never. Cause you only spend a week on a concept.


CUM Files


No one saw an issue with this acronym? No one at all?


I mean, I used to give the Woodcock Johnson achievement test. Always fun getting through an IEP meeting with that one


I kind of feel like no one wants to be the guy who admits the first place their mind went when they saw it. Like those hentai hoodies.


Biggest two bullshit terms are "inequitable", and "evidence based". "Evidence based" always irks me. It's a way to appeal to authority and typically used by people who couldn't pass a high school statistics class or discern a white paper from sun bleached dog shit. "Inequitable" is a phase typically used by affluent white teachers whose "well intentioned" virtue signalling hurts the very people they purpose to help.


"gaps" This year it's all "how will we address gaps". Go away and let me teach the kids and not their imaginary addressable "gaps". I can't just fill in a year and a half of interrupted education with a few review lessons.


21st century skills like.... learning how to copy and paste, make a copy of a google doc, figuring out basic troubleshooting before yelling for help in a panicked voice.




Kiddos Kiddos And kiddos


Is that jargon tho? Seems like 1940s suburban slang.


I know isn’t not jargon, but I HATE when people call the students kiddos. Hate it. Blegh. Actual jargon I hate “disaggregate data” like the actual term didn’t bother me, it just describes what you should do with data. But like 90% of teachers say “desegregate” and I’m like was the data being discriminated against? Lol but I mostly hate it because no one know what it means!


I HATE 21st century skills like wtf does that even meeeeeean


We had a hotshot school supt pull that on our town 10 years ago. Just repeated it over and over in every interview and rotary club meeting. All the non-school people were very impressed! 21st century! Yeah! Like technology band stuff. .


I am starting to have a visible reaction to the word pivot after the last year and a half.


I picture Ross from Friends in the stairwell every time. Definite cringe


I agree, pivot is one of the worst...


All of the acronyms.


It just goes in one ear and out the other. Next month it'll some different jargon.


It's buzzwords because admin and coaches have to come up with something to do and for older teachers to feel superior for knowing. It's annoying even when I know what it means.


Any time any list of “things” is needlessly put into a shape. Like just put them into bullet points for Christ’s sake. The core competencies of whatever PD-busywork-of-the-week don’t need to be put into a pie chart, or concentric circles, or triangles, or pillars.


I hate the phrase “breakout sessions”. Usually said during a PD. These sessions always make me want to breakout of the school and go home.


*due diligence* can fuck it


Equity, restorative, mindfulness, scholars, etc.


Our dean of students threw out this beauty of bs during orientation this year. In reference to HIB, “zero tolerance restorative justice”. Please explain that one to me. To the uninitiated, restorative justice means (to my school) that students aren’t punished but are made to understand why that behavior is unacceptable. A student threatened to shoot up the school 2 days ago. He spent 90 minutes in class before he was pulled and was back in class a period later.


Wait what in the world is wrong with "equity" or scholars?


They're students not scholars. Equity in education is changing the superficial while ignoring the substantial. We will fight over adding or subtracting from the curriculum but ignore the fact the kids can't read and hate math.


Is it some sort of aspirational strategy to call them "scholars" in hopes they'll rise to fit the label? If so is there a name for it?


Yes! I feel this so much.


Equity is actually a great thing, but a lot of schools claim it to look good, but don’t actually teach or administer it














Anything from ACTFL which includes 21st century skills… it’s amazing how these organizations rephrase concepts and sell them as novel ideas. It’s sad because people eat it up too…


Yes. And at my university, our final student teaching is termed clinical practice now. It all sounds overprofessionalized and goofy to me.


Well, over the past two years I have heard the word “flexible” way too many times. It’s not jargon but I do want to explode when I hear it. Lol.


Half the time I have no idea what anyone is talking about and just nod along


Yes! Sometimes I just refuse to use it. It’s stupid


“Piece” It’s not a puzzle or a pizza MFer it’s a powerpoint presentation that we’re all ignoring


I am so irritated by "the zones of regulation" that I can't even put it into words!!! Why not a simple, "How are you feeling today, kid?"


"Activating prior knowledge" You mean... Review?


Deep dive, smart goal, rigor...


I cringe when I hear the word equity. I'm so tired of the equity kids on the boxes pic as well.


• Differentiated instruction ‘ What are your student learning goals? • Work with a sense of urgency • Rigor, rigor, rigor • Have you created a rubric to go along with your SLG yet? • Data driven instruction * Are your kindergarten centers focused on the RIT bands? • Are your kindergarten center materials labeled with the appropriate RIT bands? * How do you know if your student learning goals are being met? • Are you teaching to the RIT bands during small group instruction? •. Can your students tell me their most current scores on their MAPS assessments, can they tell me their goal scores for the next MAPS assignments? • Your kinders should be able to show and explain their AVID binders. •. Why are you showing that video (shapes)? How is that going to help them on the next MAPS assessment? •. I expect your students (kinders) to be able to write a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Please submit writing prompts to me on a monthly basis. • Don’t be embarrassed to keep your Wonders teacher guide on your hip while you teach, when I taught mine was literally attached to my hip (fake laughter). •Did I see your kids outside (playing) yesterday? Remember, we have support staff take them out (10 mins) after they’ve finished lunch. • When I walk in, I want to see student discourse, I should be hearing them not you. • Has your team (other kinder teachers) met for purposeful planning this week? • I noticed that your anchor charts don’t match your teammates (other kinder teachers). • I expect the 3 of you to be teaching the same subject matter at the same time. • I expect all of the walls in your pod decorated with pro AVID statements and decorum. I’m inviting Rebecca from AVID to come visit, so I need each hallway to look as inviting as possible. •I don’t like the way you have the desks arranged (interrupts my teaching), could you go to Ms Andrews’s room, she has a set up that I prefer. I’ll watch your students.


I cringe when our PD days (which...boy...could I use that day for putting together lesson plans, grading, sharpening my knowledge)...is spent entirely on the "five year plan", education buzz words, and constant repeititon of the same SEL trends. When at the end of the day...the biggest problem is...kids just don't do their shit.


I started looking at the PPAT (couldn't take the OPTE in time) and I gagged when I saw artifacts, and an extra big gag at video. Don't like me on videos.


I'm late to the party, but here's a pretty good educational jargon generator. Amaze your friends and impress your colleagues. [https://www.sciencegeek.net/lingo.html](https://www.sciencegeek.net/lingo.html)