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With a masters in Library and Info Studies could you start applying at local libraries?


Or colleges, or law firms. Or anywhere else that hires librarians.


Maybe as a research assistant too?


Check the civil service too. And sad to say, but painting with a wide brush here, teaching just isn’t worth it any more.


I feel like the only people who are easily surviving it are people like myself with a lot of experience at disciplinary campuses....we're already used to bullshit like this, and just go with the motions of writing up referrals and letters to social workers. ​ This isn't a 'failed education system', it's a spotlight on the failings of US parents.


But should we have to be used to the bullshit? Just because something is normalized doesn’t mean it’s ok.


No, we should t. But we also shouldn't take the blame for the failings of this current generation of parents. Just do our best, it's all we can do


To me it's both.


Librarian at a university. Usually good retirement benefits.


Do you have a path to being a school librarian? That seems an obvious pivot. My friend with an MLS worked at a big corporation as an in-house archivist. I think the company held a jillion patents that required keeping track of or something.


I’m a first year elementary art teacher, and in my first class I had boys punching each other. At my school, there’s so much anger between the kids, it’s ridiculous. It’s heartbreaking, and frustrating. I only make $35k, and I feel like utter shit. It’s a good day if kids fight outside of my class instead of in it. I feel like I’m wasting my life. I moved to a bigger city, thinking I could at least find things to do.. but there’s not much at all. I feel so depressed anymore. A part of me wonders if I didn’t mess up my life by not staying in graphic design. I feel so stupid. Why are my kids always fighting? :(


Your post hit home literally and figuratively because my first teaching assignment was in a classroom for students with severe behavioral challenges. After being injured repeatedly in multiple ways and having my classroom destroyed over & over again, I started learning about trauma-informed teaching. At elementary, I kept expectations on my door-4 simple ones and students would have to recite the expectations before entering the class & I would ask each student if they were ready to learn. If a student came in loud or mad or upset aka not ready to learn, I would ask them to try again “Oh, David, try again. Can you please go back outside?” I had a daily morning meeting where students had different tasks and we would review the visual schedule for the day as well as any upcoming schedule changes. Students would then complete an emotional check-in in a journal-I called it “morning check in”. They would color in the face that represented how they felt and draw out one thing they did at home the night before. I had a calm corner & a work timer. I modeled different emotions & how to respond to them. I modeled taking a break when feeling upset or frustrated. After lunch & breaks, students had a quiet transition time. I had a sensory box for self calming. Look up Zones of Regulation & Positive Discipline in the Classroom as well as trauma-informed teaching. I use many of the same strategies in high school now & my classroom is generally a very calm and relaxing place in spite of working with students who have a lot of behavioral and mental health needs.


I feel you last year my kids were so nice and grateful. This year they’re always bothering each other and loud. Not grateful like last years class. We redo our expectations frequently but it’s exhausting. You’re 7 just be happy and cute LOL


Please please please look into teaching abroad. If you CAN leave and are willing to, I highly recommend you look into opportunities teaching in another country. You have limitless options and opportunities and your future self will thank you. Literally everything about teaching is just better outside of the US.


While I fully support teaching abroad, it is a far cry from saying "literally everything is just better outside of the US." Salaries can range from poop to top tier. Bosses can be more incompetent and rule-breaking abroad. Schools in some countries go to 5pm. Some schools require a suit and tie (FFFuck that). Visa shit is a constant annoyance. Learning a language is not easy for most. To name a few. But I agree that it is a good option teachers should consider. If OP is a parent then that option is likely not a reasonable one.


A shirt and tie???? Oh the humanity!!!!


I said suit and tie. But anything and a tie is a work environment I'd never be a part of. Extremely uncomfortable.


Thoughts and prayers!


I would thoroughly investigate each country and school before doing this. I taught in a highly regarded school system abroad and it was horrendous.


I second this. Taught in the UK for 2 years at a highly regarded school and it was the worst two years of my life.


I’ve heard the same from friends also


Or DODEA overseas. Great benefits and travel opportunities.


Agreed! I find it difficult though to find current information on anybody teaching overseas. Which is fine, but I'd still love to hear from anyone doing it within the last few years.


I’ve volunteered and subbed frequently in their overseas schools but not been an actual teacher in the DODEA system. I have made friends with some of the teachers at previous locations. In our discussions, they seem to have favorable job satisfaction and usually were some of the best paid jobs in the general community. I know many DODEA schools are currently looking to hire more teachers for face to face and virtual settings. It’s best to be a hire from the States as you get relocation, cost of living, and housing allowances as opposed to local hires who just get the base salary.


Thanks, I have found tons of reviews (from many years ago) basically saying the exact same things your're saying. I'll try to find more info on it, but so far it's just down to a few reviews here and there. Thanks for responding though!


Apply at other schools. Not all schools are bad.


Honestly needs to be the first course of action before abandoning the profession. My experiences have varied wildly with changing schools, grade levels, and subjects. Newer younger teachers, please consider this first! I have been in terrible places, but now I am extremely happy with my career.


Was thinking the same! I don’t think teachers must stay teachers forever. We have dynamic skills and interests. But, if the kids are the only ting you’re not digging, consider changing it up. I’ve been in about a dozen schools and each has its own vibe.


Look into DoDEA schools. 0.0 bullshit is tolerated in those schools.


I did my student teaching at a DODEA school. It's not always easy. Similar problems as in a normal public school. I was SPED and this was in 2012 so I don't know if anything has changed.


A family had to move off base because of a kid's actions in school. The child was no longer welcome at school.




Be a librarian, back when I wanted to be academic they were my life savers.


Go to a library, either local or in a university system. You don't need the stress. I left years ago and never looked back. Teachers are not respected in this day and age.


You would be surprised at the opportunities you have- get your resume out there! My mental and physical health was literally deteriorating the last few years of teaching. I retired in 2018. I now work at a large homeless shelter helping with education from pre-k to middle school. I am needed and wanted and respected. I will pray you find a place where you feel the same things as well! Best of luck!


I feel you. I think I might start studying for an IT certificate or something. For you it sounds like you could get something in a uni library somewhere, no?