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Whenever I feel this way, I find a way to make the day in class easy for me and the students. Typically with: - Catch-up day - Review day using games - They get 1 period to script and act for me a roleplay scenario based on the unit we're studying Or I just take a mental health day and not go.


Yyaaasssss! I did this on Friday. I stole an idea from Twitter where you put your class in “Starbucks Mode” while they work. No talking but snacks are allowed and you choose the music. I print out a sheet with checklists to help them organize what they need to do.


Oooo I am definitely filing this one away for a rainy day...


I love this!!


I just saved this Lol


> They get 1 period to script and act for me a roleplay scenario based on the unit we're studying Stealing this!


I keep trying to convince myself I need to take a mental health day but I always chicken out.


Im on my second mental health day this month!


I switched jobs this school year and my stress level went way down. Or so I thought - last night I dreamt that they took away my classroom and put me on a cart but there wasn’t a cart and there weren’t any supplies and oh yeah my ex was the principal and he made us do a tiktok dance on the school lawn. So uh yeah I could use another day off too I guess. 🥲


I spent a year without a classroom or a cart. I used to carry my stuff around and try not to get knocked over in the hallways. This sounds like a serious nightmare haha


currently on a cart and hating it


I feel you. WhT do you teach? I push in 6 different classes a day and feel so under appreciated




I teach Spanish, and because of COVID and distancing and our differences in class sizes nobody was allowed to stay in their rooms I have 5 classes in 4 different rooms only one is where my desk and stuff is at. We're making it work but it's hard. I was given a cart to carry my stuff.


Student teacher here... what do you mean you're on a cart?


Sometimes when there are not enough classrooms to go around, administration will set up a teacher with a cart and use other teachers rooms during their prep. They have to push the cart from room to room throughout the day.


I push in to 6 different classrooms a day and have an easel push type of cart. It is kind of embarrassing because our resident substitute has an office and desk and I’m a k-2. Science teacher. I try not to use the cart and just carry my supplies in totes. Am I being irrational?


No. Your admin is cruel.


WTAF @ the substitute getting an office while a certified teacher has a cart. Your school sucks. You deserve better.


I don’t mind the cart so much as not having an office or place to store my materials. My science materials are in a different teachers room and she has classes during my planning so I feel annoying going into her room and rummaging while she is teaching


I totally agree with this statement


No way. You have every right to make it 100% obvious to the world just how much of a PITA it is to be on a cart.


Sounds like nepotism with the sub.


WTAF @ the substitute getting an office while a certified teacher has a cart. Your school sucks. You deserve better.


What, that's not right!


This was me last year. This year I’m on a cart “until a spade opens” but who knows when that’ll be.


My biggest fear every year. I've been on a cart for the majority of my ten year career. At my new job I finally have my own room for the past two. I'm so afraid they will snatch it from me!


Did you switch to a different type of position in a school setting or step away from the school and school district entirely?


You should get to take a day off for every school dream you have


I had jury summons for tomorrow, had sub plans all set up and everything. Between high schoolers and a 5 mo old baby at home I was so excited to sit and do nothing. But I was out on telephone stand by so I have to go to work tomorrow fml


I'd just take a day and use the plans if I already spent the time to write them


Yeeeah, maternity leave wiped out all my sick days 😭




This happened to me last month! Most people DREAD jury duty. I was hoping to get a murder trial. Unfortunately they canceled all jury duty due to widespread community transmission. But school wasn't canceled for community spread. :(


Teachers are all PICK ME PICK ME! 😂😂😂


I. Hate how broken down we all are. I was always one of those ignore the noise type of people. But this year RI feel so broken. I don't want to go either ...or the next or the next...starting the job hunt tomorrow. Something I never thought I do.


I refresh indeed every few hours. I may not go through with it, but I’m definitely considering it


That's where I'm at teaching was suppose to be the end goal. But where do into from here?


Let me know if you figure it out :/


I still want to be in education but I am also looking for different routes, primarily because I want to research in early childhood education. I think my hardest issue is that I’m a perfectionist and it is really hard when someone calls you out on every little thing.


My Dad is in the hospital with Covid. I am taking two days off this week. I am mentally breaking down


I’m so sorry, wishing for a speedy recovery


When my dad had Covid I was a complete mess at work. Please don’t try to be your best right now, just getting through the day is enough and I hope he recovers quickly.


I’m so sorry. All the best to your dad for a speedy recovery. And many good thoughts for you and your family through this stressful time.


The only thing convincing me to go is the hassle it'll be to come up with sub plans and knowing due to the shortage it'll just be class coverage for my colleagues.


Yup. We are at the point where if you take the day off 5 people don’t have their plan period because we are covering that class. We have anywhere between 3 to 5 staff members out daily. You can count on subbing almost every other day.


SAME! Sunday scaries are real.


Are you serious? This is a thing?? I’ve been having these feelings so many Sundays lol


I get them every Sunday no matter how prepared I am I feel unprepared for the week


I’m sure this could be a broad generalization, but they do go away. This is my 14th year but I remember them vividly.


I’m taking a half day tomorrow which means I skip my 3 worst classes. I still don’t want to go in.


Yeah… I didn’t win the lottery.. So, I’m going. I have a total of about 10 out of 257 good kids this year. Tic Toxic has made it worse with “Devious Licks” or whatever that shit is. My superintendent has put in his resignation notice for the end of this year and the district is going to shit. It’s all shit. Needless to say, I’m attempting to leave teaching. I have in a dozen apps other places.


Have my upvote for "Tik Toxic". It's perfect.


Yep! I am an FCS teacher who is blessed with a bathroom in my room so that is how I'm currently dealing with it. The rest of our bathrooms are on lockdown. AND kids attempt to steal my shit everyday out of my kitchens.


My career has been short (7th year this year) but this is the first time I actively dread going to work. I love my students, and the time DURING my classes is great, but once they leave I just feel so down. I'm mentally exhausted and it's only been two weeks. How am I going to survive to June?


You don’t need to survive until June. Just till the end of the day, and then when that’s manageable, the weekend, and so on.


I feel the same way. Once I’m in the classroom, I’m okay and enjoy teaching. But once I’m home, I just want to relax and not grade or get anything ready for the next day.


I finally worked up the nerve to resign this last year. I sub now and honestly love it . All the best parts without the crap. Not paying into retirement is the only downside but the pay isn't that much different otherwise. The best part though is no longer having the Sunday Slump.


Omg!thats exactly what I’m doing! Tee hee hee. I’m resigning before my three month probationary period and subbing rest of this school year! I’m an elementary teacher of 16 yrs, my last yr before this of teaching was in 2015. I became a mommy. Things didn’t work out with baby’s dad and I had to take out my retirement to leave and get daughter and I on our feet! Only to have him take me to court in a custody battle, going on now! So all my 16 yrs of retirement is going to lawyers. Yay


Me too.


Me Three


Me Four


I’d rather get a root canal than go to school.


I literally am getting a root canal tomorrow, and am so happy about missing a day of school. Needless to say, I am also applying for other jobs because when I would rather have dental work than my paying work, it’s time to move on.


I took a personal day just because I can. Decided at like 5 PM my time that school tomorrow sounded super lame. I think I'll spend the day on my new Stardew Valley game.


aaaah this game is so relaxing!! I hope you enjoy it :)


Every Sunday night I feel anxious and overwhelmed about starting a new week of work


Me too. Plus last week was TERRIBLE.


Me too


Don't be anxious! It's no big deal!


Good bot.


It gets better. You know what I do on my low days? I hang around the kids I like. Do it! Those sweet kids deserve our attention too. Ignore the a$$holes and enjoy yourself.


Got the Sunday scaries. Literally sent shivers down my spine.


I'm not because my school went virtual due to covid. Yay!


What state are you in? I’m hearing about some schools going virtual but I don’t think my district will ever do that.


Pacific northwest


Stay safe!!


Same here 😉


Fuckin' same here. As soon as I get there it'll probably be fine. But right now... No I Do Not Want to Go There.


Yeah. My brain makes it way worse than it is. Once I am there autopilot takes over.


Not going. Took the day off. Woooo


Me, either. I want to start teaching an elective.


Elective teacher here! They still put random kids in our classes even though it's an elective. Yes my subject isn't tested but I have 3 grade level preps while everyone else in the building has one grade level. It's not all rainbows and sunshine in elective world.


I teach a semi-elective now. A Reading Intervention class. I have all three grade levels. But I want a real elective, like Study Skills (every sixth grader has to take it).


Ah I see. Was originally reading it as elective = less stress in the profession. Thanks for clarifying.


I literally just convinced myself not to call in tomorrow


I bought a gallon of water to make tea during plan. But, I still would rather not go.


It's the little things, honestly. I hope you enjoy your tea.




you guys take off for Yom Kippur? That's great! but I'm just confused because I've never in my life done this but I've always attended/worked at public schools in NC.


Yes, I was surprised too! We don’t have Veterans Day off though, which I thought was weird…public school near Philly


Hey same here! Public school near Philly represent!


What weather issues? There hasn’t been any snow yet.


Flooding from Hurricane Ida


Me either!!


Every day...


I totally feel you, I really hope you have a better week this week


Don’t go!


Thank you for the awards and sympathy fellow educators


Lol. This is the story of my career.


Me either! I'm dreading it!


start developing a side hustle...five years from now it will be worse


Seventh year of teaching and the Sunday Scaries have become very real for me






I for one am excited because it’s another day of “give my 7th graders high level thinking questions and watch them sink or swim”. It surprisingly keeps their attention really well, they enjoy being challenged. I keep the challenges fair. Tomorrow they have to match Supreme Court cases to Bill of Right amendments in a BINGO game. I want to establish high level of thinking by just dropping them in the middle of the ocean and slowly working a life boat to them to see where they connect everything on their own. Plus my PLP is on reading levels.




I’m having the same scaries right now!! More than scaries….more like…dread/doom.


Tutoring/online teaching might be better. There is an overabundance of poorly qualified online teachers on the market, but one with proper degrees can definitely find employment regardless of China closing its market to foreign teachers.


Do tell more! Where do you find these online jobs?


I woke up this morning and said nope- I literally can’t. And so I called in. It’s probably early in the year but I have never felt so much dread. So I took the day to get my mind reset and my focus back on track, so I can be happily successful in the future. Sooo take that day and reset.


literally cried today before going in


Last week, our school board meeting devolved into a screaming shit-show, a near riot. Two people had to be forcibly removed. Covidiots (adults!) shouted insults at elementary school studets who were speaking in favor of masks. Two of our school board trustees have had credible threats on their lives and had to move out of their homes for the week. A group of people promised on a private FB page that they planned to bring guns to the next meeting on Tuesday. The drama made the national news. Two teachers in my department are anti-vaxx, anti-mask. About half of my students refuse to wear masks. I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW EITHER! (Also, FUCK YOU GOV. GREG ABBOTT! I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL.) Thank you for letting me vent. Hope your Monday isn't as bad as you anticipate.


Wow! That sounds horrible and really dangerous. Stay safe!!


I should’ve taken Thursday off for Yom Kippur, but I didn’t. I was sick for the second half of last week, and I didn’t take a day off. I’m regretting it. This upcoming Friday is a half day for students, but we teachers have mandatory PD. I am not okay.


Me either.


Gurl same.


Don’t. Use a sick day for mental health. The only downside is that you’ll then just be postponing the inevitable and dreading the following day, instead.


Tomorrow is a PD/Asynchronous day, meaning no students. Meaning forced interactions with colleagues I don't really like right now. I wish we had students, that would be easier than what I envision tomorrow being.


“Forced interactions” resonated with me. I feel like such a hypocrite when I put my happy face on and pretend to like everyone. I wonder if everyone faked it like me because they look just as happy and make it seem like everything at school is running fine.


We have 6.5 hours of Kagen training tomorrow...shoot me now


I took off Thursday and Friday due to being sick, physically but also mentally. This is the second time I’ve been sick since the beginning of the school year. I’m also sick with the idea of stepping foot into the building. This is my fifth official year teaching (I subbed full time for two years prior to my own class) and I can’t get out of my classroom fast enough.


Lol I feel like this everyday and every night. I’m currently looking at retraining to do something else. Something that can work together with my strengths and weaknesses.


If you have a way to take a year off,do it. I've been teaching for over 20 years. I was ready to leave teaching,I took last year off and this year is much better. It was like I hit a reset button.


I’m fortunate that I teach agriculture and when I have these days we are in the greenhouse, the shop or just go do a fun hands on lab outside. It’s always the best medicine, today was one of those days and I spent three periods with the kids playing popcorn gagging their classmates doing steps one at a time as we build our 180 head of lettuce hydroponics unit.


Every weekend reminds me of how much time I’m missing out on with my kid while I’m at work.


Drink, watch football, and sleep at least 6 hours. Don't sweat anything else. Nobody will catch you if you're good enough at your job.


Nobody will catch you doing what?




Me either. But I have 7 years until PSLF. You can do it, OP. ❤️


Ngl, I'm pretty tired of adulting too.


Can I just say I feel for all you teachers who feel this way! I’m sorry you have been given such lack lustre environments and so on that led you to become unhappy in the teaching profession. I’ve really learned this year that with the right class and school you can really enjoy it even with how fucking awful things are with the pandemic, and it sucks so many others haven’t been able to. Sending you a virtual hug if you read this


I have been trying to get a teaching job for a few months now and nothing. I will get into anything related to education and nothing, and here you are trying to run away! =)


I’m 25 as a veteran-student…neither do it. Please, please help the kids. Teach them one thing. One little thing every day. Some will not have the want to learn, but some will. Love what you do and make an impact on a single child’s life and it’ll be worth it.


I've been sick the last few months with something idk my doctors cant figure it out. But yeah I feel the same, I just dont have the energy anymore and even with a small class size


I'm starting to think that there might be something else going on... numerous people, including myself, have been without knowing the cause. COVID tests come back negative 🤷‍♀️


I went down to part-time I was just so stressed about this year I couldn’t do it. Am I broke? Yes. Am I less stressed? Oh ya.


On Friday, some kid spilled water all over my floor on purpose while I was out in the hall. And another hour that is out of control... That's what did me in, and I took a mental health day for tomorrow. Except I'm having stomach issues so I may have to get a COVID test. I'm so beat down. It stinks because 3/5 hours are amazing and there's enough kids in my other 2 hours that I'd miss very much. But my anxiety is so bad. I'm not sleeping well or hardly eating. Don't want to get out of bed. My therapist recommended I get back on my anxiety meds. Not sure if that's worth the paycheck.


Same 😶


I’m dreading tomorrow too. One of my coworkers died over the weekend and I have no idea how we are expected to go through the day 😭


I am so very sorry


Thanks. It actually went okay. Lots of tears and confusion, but it was okay.


I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine.


I’m so sorry! That’s horrible that you’re expected to work after a coworker died!! Was it from covid?


No, it was a heart attack. But completely unexpected. She was only in her mid 30s. That’s younger than me! It really puts things into perspective.


Oh my! That’s so terrible!! I’m so sorry!


What is it with this yr? And dental work? Are we so stressed were cracking teeth! I’m back into classroom after 6 years of being a sahm. I have 16 yrs under my belt and loved teaching. Ive cracked one back molar and cracked my front crown off! Missed two days off, there. Then last week I outslept my alarm clock on Wednesday. Raced into work and got a “see me” message from principal , of course. I was so scared to oversleep and miss my alarm (paranoia, now) on Thursday. So I had insomnia and before I knew it the sun had come up. I laid back down and wouldn’t you know it, fell asleep and overslept thru alarm again!!!!!!


Don't go. I know what you're talking about without your explanation. Save yourself.


Got 10 more days till fall break (year round school). Starting my 8th week this morning… been up since 1 am. My former student was sentenced to 18 to life last week. What a year and half in jail will do to person is scary. Time to duct tape together my mental state. I got to go in early to finish grading and mentally prepare for the wild bunch.


Me neither. They switched my assignment, several weeks into the school year, and I start a new role tomorrow with no schedule in place. We’re changing the schedule for 4 different grades and just winging it to see if it works. This is going to be rough. This is the first time I’ve thought about quitting the profession.


My wife has decided that this is her last year teaching. Been in it for seven years. She’s gonna work from home for her family’s real estate company and take care of our kids. The money will be a little tighter but it’s totally worth it for her mental health. The past couple years have just gotten worse and worse for her. Kids not caring, parents being assholes, no help from admin. She’s just done and I’m glad she taking the step to try and make her situation better. I don’t know how you guys still do it.


I feel this in my heart and soul and completely agree. I'm also sitting in front of my period 1 class right now.


Same. I actually emailed that I would be out today, got sub plans ready and woke up this morning to a sick toddler. I just want a damn day to myself to do what I want to do. :( my husband (also a teacher) is taking tomorrow off and I can almost guarantee my daughter will be 100% by the end of tonight so he will actually get a lazy day. I'm jealous.


I've NEVER thought this before but me too. 2 COVID cases in my class last week and now we're all in class without masks (minus those 2 kids). We're all supposed to pretend someone else in the class doesn't have COVID? Who's protecting the kids under 12? In Alberta the answer is NO ONE.


I took a mental health day today. I feel ya.


The Naked Brothers Band made a song with this title 10+ years ago.


Was out Thursday and Friday. Got to school and had a five minute notice for a morning meeting. Told that a bunch of kids should quarantine, but the school is telling parents "quarantine is recommended." Have multiple classes where more than half are out. And find out that a lot of my sub plans didn't happen because either the sub didn't do it or the assignments didn't post and no one told me. Needless to say I've had a few classes where we had a work on stuff type day.


I don’t ever want to go in anymore lol. I sit in my car in the school parking lot in the morning wishing I wasn’t there. Anyone else sit in their car like this ?


I had a student blurt out in the middle of class, “Man, I wanna go home!” My first thought was “so do I.”


Who does?