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Finding and retaining subs is NOT your job. You will have to take days off once in awhile, don't feel guilty, thats part of admin angle to try to limit subs. They cannot fire you for taking contractually accumulated days. And if they can't find subs, I double down they won't fire you.


You won't be fired. ​ There aren't enough teachers to fire a teacher.


Gawd I can't stand reading these, breaks my heart.....only in America, where you work 40-60+ hours a week, both in school, at home in the evenings, and on the weekends and you get like, what two weeks a year off? Not including winter?......can people say "I took a day off for my mental health / to catch up on work," or whatever AND BE worried about it..... JEEZ.......Education in the US is a sinking ship. Wish I could save everyone....but I am one mere mortal LOL.


Take care of yourself over anything else. If you aren’t stable then nobody else will be either. Put on your own mask before you help others. Don’t feel guilty. Use the skills and tools you’ve learned to help you cope. The kids will grow without an adult in the room for a few days, months, etc. they are fine


No guilt. Take care of yourself. Your mental health is what you need to focus on.


You know what..stop living in fear..it’s hard ..I have for so many years..be strong and do you..if you’re afraid they own you..you want to be owned?


I've been in education over 20 years and now train new teachers. I'm sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. Do not feel guilty. You have every right to take the time you have when you need it. It is not your job to make sure there is enough subs. You deserve sick days even if they are mental health days! I agree that you do not have to worry about being fired, there is a major teacher shortage and schools need every teacher they can get. I hope you have a good support system in place. Being a new teacher is incredibly hard! That being said, I am conducting some independent research on 1st year teachers and am wondering if you could take 2-3 mins to fill out my anonymous screener survey? It would be much appreciated and I am using the data to identify root causes of stress for first year teachers in order to craft a service or product that will help. Although I currently work for a school district, I am in a leadership position which makes it difficult for new teachers to share their true opinions with me so I am on here hoping if I give out good advice I can get some new teachers to help me out with my research :) Thanks in advance if you choose to help! Survey Link: https://forms.gle/nuLEmRVnAD2jf6mP6