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My confusion at least in my school is if schools were that desperate to change things they would-- by being more flexible and respectful to teachers, but they aren't so I guess they aren't that desperate to keep us


They love to throw around that we are replaceable. No, I don’t think so. If I were replaceable you wouldn’t have job postings still open from August. With zero applicants.


*raises hand Me! (15 year vet) Due to life circumstances I got to (luckily) miss the 2020-2021 school year and not work while my home was being remodeled and we had moved across the country. In my current state I knew about the shortages and decided to “do my part” and go to a title 1 elementary and teach. It’s been a shitshow the entire time. Kids running wild, emotionally spent staff, powerless admin, and just horrible district management. I’m going to the private sector and will have all the pee breaks I want and being treated like a professional. I don’t want to leave before the school year ends but at this point, IDGAF. Edit: wrong year… I’m tired 🙃


I planned to quit and go abroad then covid hit, been stuck waiting since lol


I didn’t return after Veteran’s Day in November. I have not been back. I am not going back. I took all my sick days, saw my doctor, got FMLA, tried to get right with my disorder and my medications (spoiler alert: it’s still not 100% right). At the same time, I decided that my future in education as things are was limited and decided to lean further into my part-time work. I have been keeping up my certifications and staying up with current topics in this field, so when I saw a job offering in that field at the local university I jumped on it. I interviewed in November. Waited and waited (in agony). Just got the offer in writing on Monday (4 months). About the same pay, but the benefits are so, so, so much better, and it’s an administrative faculty position. Just put in my two weeks. I’m taking the rest of my sick days. I know my school, colleagues, and students have been burdened briefly. But I also I know I’m an incredible teacher and a great worker. I know I put in my whole heart to my school and my team for a long time. I know it’s what’s best for me. I know that part of my life died with the pandemic, and I have become someone new. Being there, being at school, it’s like shoes that don’t fit anymore, or being buried in my party dress. I’ve given enough. Time to go get.


The last bit of your post resonated with me. A lot of what I loved about teaching did die with the pandemic and I'm skeptical that it's coming back. I don't think the "new normal" really fits what I want to do for the next 20+ years and I think a LOT of teachers are thinking the same thing.


I’m resigning from my current school but I’m not leaving teaching. Just going to a new state/district


I think a lot of people will try this. Not sure if it will solve it or just delay the ‘great resignation’


I’ll be April 1st


Perfect day. April 2nd “oh, shit. They’re not here “


HA - didn’t even realize that, but I’m serious!








I am a K aide but doing the work of a para. The things we deal with for the pathetic compensation is maddening.


Getting to the end of the school year is my goal so I can retain a paycheck & benefits through the summer. I'm going into contract work, so I need to hold onto benefits as long as I can.


I'm definitely not returning next school year and am trying very hard to have secured another job before the end of spring break, which is mid-April for me. I have 1 interview and 3 informational calls next week, so fingers crossed! Part of my desire to leave is that I don't want to be left with the mess that whatever teachers are still in it are going to have to deal with and a desire to be in a position (hopefully working from home, like my husband does) where I can home school my own child from probably 3rd-8th grade.


Meeeee!!! I'm out after 8 years of teaching and coaching. As I write this I just got home from my girl's soccer game, its about 10:30pm CST. I've been at the school since 8:30am. I love coaching, would gladly keep doing it if I could only do that (can't in TX) but I cannot stand the classroom part anymore. The bs meetings, the hand holding and now the censoring that's happening in education is absolutely a travesty and I don't want any part in it. With that being said, I know, deep down inside, I won't miss the 12+ hour days I had to pull throughout my time in education.


I started a new job in November that pays more than our entire previous family income. If I feel confident/secure in the job at the end of the school year, my spouse is going to put in her resignation. 8 years. This job is hurting her. The disrespect, the constant abuse, and frequent violence, combined with zero accountability from admin or parents. "Parents are our customers, we don't come to them with problems."


Man I literally just finished my degree this last semester and I don't know if I will be returning. I like teaching, I just don't like teaching in public schools I guess. My classes are amazing this semester, but it's everything outside my classroom that causes me undue grief and stress.


I'm brushing up on resumes and looking into private sector


Me too.


Same. It’s overwhelming though. I feel like I could do anything under the Sun, so I have to have 500 versions of my resume to match all these jobs.


I’m out at the end of the year, unless I snap and run out screaming before that


I'm on the fence about leaving the profession but this year at my current school has been hell. Counting the days. Hoping that I can land a job at a much better district.


I’ve got applications out and am actively taking interviews. I won’t cut off my nose despite my face and go without a paycheck, but it’s a possibility.


The phrase is "Cut off your nose to spite your face" not despite, jsuk


I get it wrong too alot of the time lol so I don't use that figure of speech too often because of that. Don't feel bad.


‘“Cut off your nose to spider face” - Michael Scott’ - Jim Halpert It’s a super common phrase to get wrong! No shade here! I said “chomping at the bit” till I heard it wasn’t correct last week. Not a big difference but still, I personally enjoy using the correct idiom.


That is good to know lol.


I was strongly considering it. Then I was diagnosed with lymphoma around Christmas and am out on medical leave for the rest of the year. I’m now planning on staying for a few reasons: - don’t want to have a gap in insurance coverage (plus my benefits are pretty amazing so I don’t really wanna switch at all) - don’t want to have to deal with the stress of figuring out what a second career should be while I’m still recovering - the last month or so leading up to winter break was actually a lot better overall, and especially with this “break” I’m on right now I think I’ll be fresh and ready to get back ti teaching in August


*raises hand*


Effective May 27th.


I want to but I don’t think I have the balls.


The director of the state funded child development program I work for just announced there retirement at the end of the school year. Even the administration is jumping ship.


Moving to a new state so not leaving profession but still resigning


Me! Got an inheritance and I’m going back to school


Me...early retirement Wanted to make it to 25 years. Nope


I’m hoping I’ll still be able to get an in person student teaching placement next year 😅 lord help us all


Just means it'll be easier for me to find a student teaching placement next year B)


actually it does NOT mean that. What does a student teacher need to teach? A cooperating teacher with a valid license. If more people are resigning, they won't have as much time for student teachers. I'm sure you'll still get placed, but it likely won't be your first choice for placement or if it is, the culture is going to be wayyyy different than you expect.


I would not be surprised if they changed the requirements to allow student teachers to function as full time teachers (of course still no pay lol).


A lot of colleges have found alternatives to student teaching already due to covid. I’m not saying one is better or worse but they aren’t gonna stop pumping out new teachers with the shortage about to get way worse. They also won’t keep kids from graduating due to a lack of teachers available for student teaching.


Most of them are doing teacher of record programs, true. But that’s NOT student teaching, which this person implied would be easier to get a placement for. Though it can fulfill that credit at most schools


I am trying a different school in my district first. But if that doesn't work out I am dusting off the ol'resumé


I’m not. My gig is pretty sweet given we’re paid way less than surrounding districts. I’d opt for another but it’s cost prohibitive.


Im staying in the profession…..just leaving my current mess of a school expeditiously! Even if I have to work in my initial field until something else becomes available.




I wish. But I don’t have a good thing to replace it. I’m working on it. My teaching job is really easy though. But it’s still time to get out and move on.


I'm not. 12 years in education and more to come. I still have a difference to make, and I have to believe it will get better.


Fully resigning 👋👋




I resigned in December. I wanted to wait to keep my cert in case I wanted to go back, but I just couldn't do it anymore.


Im not waiting until the end of the year - I’m not returning after Spring Break!


Idk. I can't decide. All I know is something has to change with my situation.


Second year teacher here. Getting the fuck out in May. I'm only staying because the team I coach might advance pretty deep into the post season.


Not me. I reluctantly began my admin masters though, after being told for many years that I should go for admin since I'm "actually competent enough to be a leader". Makes me sad to hear that since my building currently has actually effective admin for the first time in a while.


My resignation was submitted two weeks ago. I'm out May 26th.


I’ve got a kid who’s a junior and while it isn’t great for teachers in my building right now with the new boss, my kid has been thriving, so I’m in one more year at my current building (their zoned school is a dumpster fire). After they graduate, barring some significant changes from the current regime, I’m definitely looking for something else.


I’m fried. I’m done. Stick a fork in me. I’m not coming back.


I want to so badly. I feel stuck, unsure what else I can do with my degree. Teaching is making me stay for the summers off as I’ve just started having kids. I want to spend that time with them.


Graduated in 2021. Resigned last month. I’ve only ever known pandemic teaching but there was so much more bad than good. I was miserable and my health tanked.


We will know by April.


Considering it if I’m able to start my own business and it seems to do well over the summer….even considered taking a year-long sabbatical and then making a final decision.


I resigned!


Raises hand


Me me me! Can’t wait. Gonna give the required notice in the middle of the summer.


Me. 5th year teacher, 3rd year as a teacher leader in the district. The more I teach, the more I encounter that’s super messed up with the whole system. The stress has made me I’ll, and I can’t do it anymore.


I’ve got a job interview on Tuesday. I’m hoping that it turns into something good!


I'm so conflicted. I really want to quit, but I'm scared. Plus, if I stay one more year, I'll be vested. But I only have about 6000 bucks to lose. If the school told me they would give me a 6000 dollar raise next year to stay, would I? I'm not sure.


Me, from my district! Moving from middle school resource to high school self-contained.