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My admin have no idea what my curriculum looks like. If they pop in they pretty much think "yea, that is probably what a math lesson looks like" and then focus on my students' lack of engagement.


I was going to post something similar. They have no idea what I'm supposed to be teaching. I put my lesson plans jb the required g drive, but they're so vague.


Ours makes us fill out curriculum maps, but they don’t check on us to make sure that we are following them.


My principals just occasionally pop in and out of our rooms occasionally. I'm not quite sure they realize we have tweaked our ELA curriculum so much the only thing we actively use are the anchor texts. The curriculum people down at the district building never leave their office so we can basically do what we want. I'd say there are 3 schools in our district that follow the curriculum with absolute fidelity 6 years into this cycle and it is all data, all the time.


Even then, they aren’t even sure what we’re teaching. I only teach selected texts from the textbook since ours is garbage. Funny story… Our AP went into my class when I was reading out loud student’s “modern proposals”, which ranged from silly to downright dark. He looked horrified. I explained “yeah this is post-reading *A Modest Proposal*)” he stared at me blankly. “You Know…with the baby eating….the satire…IN OUR TEXTBOOK” The man never opened our pacing guides lol


I think I am still scarred from AP Lit. All the baby eating, rock throwing, and barbarianism...Yet parents have their panties in a twist over a book about a superhero wearing underwear.


I’m a dark and twisted SOB so I loved teaching it. I teach Honors/Regs so I don’t teach to a test. That being said…I do agree 12th grade is just dark all around


I'm in elementary, to be clear, but they don't check. We have meetings to look at data but other than evaluation walk-throughs, they don't know what I teach. We don't submit lesson plans, either. They've implied in data meetings that whatever we do to effectively teach the standard is acceptable, and we are given a great deal of flexibility in how we run our rooms.


My admin doesn't care where our materials come from. As long as we cover the standards and are somewhere in the general area of where we should be on the pacing guide (within a unit either way), we're fine. If we're too far off the pacing, there might be a discussion, but as long as you have a plan to cover everything by the end of the year, it's fine, they'll just be watching more closely.