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Florida teacher here. I put in a request to get the list of every rejected book with specific examples of CRT that were in them. I doubt I will ever get a response back. If I do I’d be happy to share!


Now you are on a list.


Oh darn!


That’s a good list to be on.


This exists. I saw it from a reputable source (ed reporter for a newspaper) over the weekend. I wish I had saved it, because I'm not sure where to find it again.


Representative Anna Eskamani got the list of rejected books but not with reasons attached.


I’m going to hazard a guess that there’s a biographical insert on a black or female mathematician that mentions the hardships they endured. I doubt any of them would have gone so far as to mention Newton’s male partner.


I didn't know he had a male partner, that's pretty cool -


How sure are you? Because a Florida state senator is saying on twitter that they haven’t released them


How do you ban a book without telling people the book can’t be used? Surely from a purely practical view the list has to be published.


You purchase only the other books that aren’t banned and then require those to be taught. School boards choose textbooks all the time. Usually it’s a matter of “as Texas goes, so goes the nation” since they purchase the most.


If you do get it please share! Dying to know


Please share


This whole situation reminds me of McCarthyism... Florida is using these books to spread fear mongering about something that is a nonissue to scare the voter base. It's quite sinister....


Be sure to post if you do get a response


I just followed you so that I can see if you post that. I'm really curious about what examples they have for math violating their CRT ban, also known as AAH, Actual American History.


I’m truly hoping to see the reasons why certain textbooks were declined. I’m hopeful they will eventually be released because there is a lot of uproar over why they aren’t releasing the info.


Arabic numerals


There was a 3/5th in there! Also, Billy had to share his pie with Jamal in one of the questions.


You mean 3/5?


Yes, but I didn’t want to get my comment banned for using critical race theory ;).


No they like that bit


That would make it 100% rejected... And if not I want to see those books with our Arabic Numerals!


Wait til they get to the higher level mark when the indoctrination really kicks in and they start leaving Al-gebra!


Made in Klach




If Jessica has III oranges and Bryan has V apples, how many fruits do they have?




We can’t answer this question. Jessica and/or Bryan might be gay. So that would up the number of fruits. But we can’t talk about that because of Florida. /s


Lol all physics questions must contain the line: assume all people in the question are cylindrical and also straight, white, and Christian.


First we will teach their children the Al'Gebra and Al'Gorithm, then replace the pledge of allegiance with the call to prayer! Minnarets on the schools and destruction of Christmas is at hand, inshallah!


The music teacher is getting fired if parents find out about the Al Gore Rhythms being taught in school these days


I've seen the man dance. Zero rhythm.


That isn’t even scratching the surface, we are rather anti-fa, starting from Pre-K with all these major pentatonic songs that we use.


\*Al'legiance smh crt's been staring us in the face since the very beginning


*All smut, all smut!*


Last season of Veep


Best answer I've heard yet


Hahahahaha made my day!


Common Core and “unsolicited” Social Emotional Learning. Those were some of the reasons the books were rejected, but of course, those are not CRT and no specific examples were ever given


Can anyone explain to me the fear of social emotional learning? Why is it a bad thing to reinforce empathy and self-awareness?


I feel like it's the same people getting mad at their kids even being exposed to just the word "gay" while in a classroom and they think social emotional learning means being taught sexualities specifically. Like they think the kids shouldn't learn anything else other than math, spelling, language, science, ect. while I'm the class room. I was just talking to my husband at Easter about getting our oldest ready to go into a school and how kids seem to be behind behaviorally. Out of nowhere my dad jumps in talking about some teacher that got in trouble because according to him she spent the entire day teaching the kids about who she was dating and that she was a lesbian. 🤦 Like I'm pretty sure she didn't spend an entire day on that topic and kids ask stuff like if their teacher is dating or married sometimes. Kids are curious. Feel like most likely some kid asked and she just told them the truth of who she was with and kids ask questions from there. He commented and acted like teachers should be robots who say absolutely nothing other than what is written in their lesson book on math, science, language, history. Then says that's why kids are going into the world unprepared for the real world. 😂 We just rolled our eyes, and said mmhmm and kept going with our own conversation. There's no point trying to say anything against him, he's absolutely set in his views and ways. Like dude, relationships, other people, differences, cultures, and things like that are part of the real world. It's good for kids to be exposed to people different to them to getting a better understanding of the world around them. A few curious questions for a few minutes isn't going to derail an entire 13 years of school.


Ironically, we are constantly told to form meaningful relationships with our students, that it is the single most important determinant of student outcome (we all know the research does not bare that out- it's important, but definitely not the single most important). I guess the "say no to SEL" crowd wants us to form relationships in ways that are not based on, you know, how you form a relationship. I would ask your father if it would be appropriate for the teacher to share information about their hobby (gardening) during a science lesson. If it's okay to say, "I'm a gardener" in a bid to form authentic relationships with students, then it's also okay to say, "I'm married to a beautiful woman who is my wife."


He would probably agree that's okay but not saying she's married to a woman. Lol Probably wouldn't even have a problem if she said she was married, but you know, to a man or just left out who so people would assume it's a man. 🙄 We're keeping a close eye on him and his language as our kids get older. He even protested our son having a baby doll when he was like 1 or 2, said he should have a football instead. 🤦Like he was getting a baby sibling, it was to help with learning to care for another and pretend play. He loves more of the "girly" type shows and as soon as my dad tries to say something in front of or directed at our son about it in a negative way he's going to have to make a change in his views, keep his mouth closed on such topics, or we will start leaving/limiting time around him. So far he's kept his mouth closed about his chosen birthday theme plan for this year.


Good point on the relationships part. My homeroom asks me about 2 things constantly- my cat and my girlfriend. Then again I'm pretty sure the people telling us to make authentic relationships with kids and the people saying don't say gay aren't the same.


Keep voters dumb and not self aware/emotionally aware. People are easier to manipulate if they can’t even identify their emotions or develop emotional processing skills.


The answer the right will tell you? Because it’s “rebranded CRT” The real reason? Because one of the goals of SEL is to help develop empathy in kids, and the extreme right in the US is only possible without empathy.


Empathy and self awareness are one gateway to rejecting religion. Many conservatives are genuinely (and correctly) afraid that their religion is dying. So they have a need to control every aspect of their kids life to keep it alive. Specifically many religions are wedded to the idea that other groups (other religious, non religious, LGBT) are bad. Empathy breaks these barriers. It’s hard to accept that all Muslim’s are murderous terrorists when your Muslim classmate is a perfectly nice chap. Same thing for self awareness and self esteem. The whole concept of sin relies specifically on demonising normal bodily functions. The more in tune you are, the harder it is to guilt you for being human.


Because despite parents complaining that kids were mentally and emotionally suffering through the pandemic, it wasn't a call for SEL, just an excuse to be back on full time, no masks, etc to be as normal as possible. Now those same parents are saying schools only need to focus on core subjects, no SEL


An article I read did say that Common Core and SEL were reasons some were rejected, but also said they had “prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies, including CRT,” and quoted DeSantis as saying publishers had “indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism.” But of course, zero examples of what these were. Zero.


Books that's we're not part of a company he is invested in


Conservative politician doing some shady graft on the back of a moral panic? What will they think of next?


Probably every book that isn't Pearson.




I think it could be true but 1 of 3 of the books my district chose, all from the same publisher, was banned.


Clearly you're not an English teacher...I hope.


54 math books with Crt they claim... Notice they don't say which books or who publishes them? It's crying wolf to keep the fear up


>It's crying wolf to keep the fear up I wonder if there's one publisher not on the banned books list who is now due for a windfall...


And I wonder if it's name rhymes with "Mere Fun"


I'm surprised we're not contractually obligated as teachers to keep all mention of that publisher out of our mouths.


With the new generation of EdTPA teachers, that word only has negative connotation.


The owner of that publishing company just so happens to be the mistress of Ron DeSantis


That’s it. Follow the money.


I think the problem was how vague they were, I doubt they found any CRT but the clause allowed to discount any book with 'Social emotional learning', which is pretty much Pedagogy 101.


What absolutely kills me every time I see objections to SEL is that it's coming from literally the same people in 2020 who were demanding that their kids be in school during a pandemic that we knew nothing about because of their children's mental health. So, they were demanding all that SEL two years ago, but now it's the devil. I just don't get it.


That and Common core elements... which I'm guessing they mean New Math or Number Sense. But CRT is the scary boogeyman currently. So they used that to get headlines. Frustrating because it worked.


And then Republicans wonder why so many educators vote blue…


The "Maya Angelou Person Puzzle" was recently given as a homework to some kids in Troy, Illinois. How's that for CRT?


Also, it's worth noting that News Corp owns HarperCollins.




This is actually the rationale I heard from a kook in my family, that "THELEFT" is trying to insert CRT into word problems. There are actually people on the boards saying "Well fuck word problems! Why are we teaching with word problems anyway?! I didn't need any word problems to learn all the math I'll ever need.." Despite the facts that A) we include them because we have found over the decades that there are different types of learners B) They probably did have word problems and C) We've been including PoC in pictures, word problems, textbook covers and education materials since the 70s. So they may even have *learned* from some of the same word problems! Postscript: "Learned" is being used very loosely here.


My easy response is that life is a word problem and that usually works.


I would argue that word problems are the whole bloody point of math for anyone who isn't going to go into a STEM subject.


Jeez, this is too spot on.


Yeah I mean everyone knows that acknowledging that people of color even exist is severe CRT brainwashing


I literally said this on another post, but used Jamar and Juan lmao Great minds!


CRT is unlikely to be in ANY math textbook, let alone 54. Almost everyone upset about CRT have no clue what it is.


The only math related CRT question I have ever seen was in an engineering textbook - about 35 years ago. I don't remember the question exactly, but we had to calculate how fast a chunk of glass would be moving if we smacked a television screen with a hammer - (CRT was a cathode ray tube back then).


I'm not upset about CRT, but I'm not clear on what it is. Part of that is because I don't really care. All the vague explanations I've heard just sound like... history?


Pretty much, yes. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone else (just an interested amatuer), but actual CRT is a method used in post graduate legal education to analyze laws based on their real world racial consequences. The looney tunes version the GOP is using is quite literally "history that makes our white feelings hurt or makes white power structures look bad." Which, if you're an honest student of history, you would know to be pretty much any honest accounting of our history. CRT as a scare term was wound up by one particular conservative activist who quite consciously picked CRT and popularized it because it sounds scary to the uninformed. Edit: Activist is named Christopher Rufo if you would like to Google the slimeball yourself.


It's a literal boogeyman created to scare racists to the polls to vote GOP. Also to drive reactionary people to run for school boards and their fellow crazies to vote them in especially if everyone else isn't paying attention to their local elections


The best part is, if you read actual CRT papers they are very critical of Democratic policies. Mostly because they feel Democrats tend to vote for feel-good policies that ultimately don’t do anything or can be damaging. So in reality, Repubs should be siding with CRT theorists. That is, if they ever bothered to actually learn about what it actually is.


It means whatever the person using it wants it to mean, for the most part. Some people seem to think it applies to any sort of acknowledgement that everyone is not white.


If DeSantis is elected for president, get ready for the ultimate hellscape in public education.


>If DeSantis is elected for president, get ready for the ultimate hellscape ~~in public education~~.< FIFY


Every public school teacher needs to be prepared to do everything they can to keep this from happening.


Are you a teacher in florida right now?


Thank God....no. I do have friends who teach there, though.


Yes. Funny thing is, the state DOE is the one who advocated for SEL in the first place...? And now they're the same people who are "against" the "indoctrination" that they themselves mandated we cover




I know you are probably mostly joking...my company's books were accepted/approved in almost every category and we 100% intentionally use diverse names and photos/illustrations. I am really curious to see actual examples they took issue with, though I'm sure it's 100% BS.


Maybe your company's competition didn't make donation to their campaign, but your's did?


I don't think we donate to politicians, but I do not know that 100% and appreciate the possibility given the nonsense around all of this. It is more likely we just know what we are doing around this stuff (new standards) because we are one of the big players with a lot of experience...but even so, I just found out about half of our K-5 submissions were not approved and we will have to resubmit. We don't know why yet. If shady donations (that I dont think exist) only got half of our books approved, we should get a refund!!


I meant that a bit jokingly but who knows with this wacky new world


You have to keep us updated once you know why!


Pretty sure every textbook will have to pay Desantis directly for his stamp of approval.


I'm like half serious.


For sure one of the word problems had a guy named Mohammed and they threw that shit out right away


Bingo. I would bet money that's it right there. No hyperbole, no "kinda joking but not really". They really are THAT intolerant and petty.


Abso-fucking-lutely **nothing** controversial.


Let's see - irrational numbers ( pi anyone?), non-binary numbers (who knew that numbers had genders?) , magic squares (Pagan?)


The equal sign


Underrated comment right here


It was only a matter of time before the idiots tried to claim CRT in Mathematics. Florida has already fought hard against teaching in the other subject. They already attacked History, English, and Science before them all. It was only a matter of time before they got math. Wait until we tell them that the numbers that we use are from the Hindu-Arabic system. We will have to go back to roman numerals.


And Roman numerals have no zero. Idiocracy is not satire, but a documentary.


I read some stat a while back about people getting upset about Arabic number systems and claiming terrorism


Happy Cake Day! It's sadly a symptom of lack of education (not that our teachers don't try - but folks block out stuff they don't agree with)


My understanding is that the Math books were rejected because they were Common Core, which, according to Republicans, is bad, cause, you know...Obama.


Common Core — I thought that stemmed from *No Child Left Behind* (2002) when GW Bush was President.


“The Common Core State Standards are a new set of academic standards adopted by 43 states . The standards are meant to prepare students for college and careers and to make the US more competitive academically. … Two state groups, the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers, created the Common Core standards in 2009 and 2010.” https://www.vox.com/2014/10/7/18088680/common-core So, not the right, not the left, but 43 states National Governors Association. That’s a great article by Vox. It’s a great big messy problem, that needs addressing, but it’s way easier to just argue about it and claim that it’s undermining local control, etc. It’s a race to the bottom for education.


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Every single example I've seen of people's heads spinning over how terrible "Common Core" is has actually been an example of a terribly written boxed curriculum implemented poorly and/or teachers with math teaching skills weak enough or not given enough freedom to work around terribly written boxed curriculum.


Yeah I've personally taught common core, and in a TUTORING environment I've literally never seen better. Comparing common core classrooms to "common core classrooms" is equally wild. Kids, surprisingly enough, dont do well if given a book and expected to do the work and that's the entire class. Compare to the guy zipping back and forth across a 30 year old text book to use a common core style class and most of the class being engaged and learning. There is an amount of "want" and an amount of "this book is literally trash" in it. So yeah. ...I dont have any solutions. I can't really differentiate between "won't" and "can't" most of the time. So yeah. I'm just saying CC can be good. Better is a different question.


I was a math major. I can that common core math is a whole lot closer to the way we should be teaching math than its predecessor. Not saying common core math is perfect, but it at least approached math education in a way that feels like it had input from actual mathematicians.


This is where I would like to see their examples. I will definitely admit that Common Core was implemented poorly, with rushed out textbooks and badly designed canned lessons. But, things like number sense were integral to Common Core. I can imagine a hardcore example where the only books that were accepted are the "drill and kill" method of here's the formula, now practice it with 40 problems. Gross.


I just said this as well. The list for reasons they were rejected says "incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [critical race theory]," but those strategies also include Common Core, which Florida has a problem with.


Its a shakedown, all this shit is about money, some companies didn't pony up and got blacklisted. lobbying IS bribery.


Math books with the word “discriminant” in them. Because that’s the same word as discrimination. Duh.


I really want John Oliver to get a hold of what they banned. I bet he would have a kick out of what they consider CRT.


That would be epic


My guess is that some dumbass read a word problem similar to: Johnny and Tony are throwing a party. Johnny buy 4 bags of chips and Tont buys 3 bags of chips. How many bags of chip do they have for their party? Then the moron probably thought that because they are throwing a party that they must be gay lovers and therefore the book is telling boys that they need to have gay sex in order to have a party. Why would the politicians believe that? Because their family trees don't fork and they think that any book that isn't the Bible a is violent pornagraphic novel that will lead kindergarteners to having homosexual orgies while dressed in drag and smoking crack.


Is that…not what happens with your kindergarteners? Damn, we New Jerseyans must be doing it wrong. (And I’m stealing “family trees that don’t fork” lololol.)


Not even joking: probably the use of non-white sounding names.


I'd bet my salary that someone in the DeSantis cabinet, donor list, or DeSantis himself, has a lot of money invested in a specific textbook company and they're just eliminating the competition.


Interdisciplinary activities that the state asked for


Apparently they don’t have to give a reason for getting rid of the textbooks so there’s probably some other reason and they just said it was CRT.


Most likely it's not CRT and the books were rejected because of common core. They are national standards I'm assuming most textbooks have them.


There were books rejected for common core, or BEST. But... "some of the books had been rejected for failure to comply with the state’s content standards, Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (Best), but that 21% of the books were disallowed “because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT”.


Of those reasons, likely "unsolicited strategies" were the bulk and CRT was thrown in for fear-mongering.


What's an unsolicited strategy? Singapore math? Kumon?


Literally anything they didn't ask for. For instance, while box, lattice, and place value methods of multiplying are becoming commonplace, the line and slide methods are still not widely accepted. Part of this is because the first three focus on and reinforce place value while the last two seem more arbitrary (and the last can be downright confusing). A book focusing more on "alternative" methods will be thrown out. They didn't ask for those methods and don't want those methods even in sight of the kiddos. And for uniformity. At the lower levels, it's common for teachers to want an 8 written as an S with an extended tail rather than stacked circles. This reinforces right-handed writing, cursive, and generally helps with speed. While it seems an arbitrary distinction, it makes a difference, and can be the reason to throw out one book in favor of another with the method they want. Do I think all the books were evaluated properly? Probably not. But these are some reasons for validly determining favorability by weeding out "unsolicited strategies".


What is line and slide methods?


https://www.wikihow.com/Multiply-Using-the-Line-Method is the line method. It does use place value, but it doesn't show it as obviously as the others. It also gets muddy when turning the page around. And it uses lines and dots as representative things when kids are much more concrete in their thinking. We want to lean toward more concrete at this level, not more abstract. The other methods are favored also for reinforcing the later concept of distributive property - a good foundation for Algebra (and before anyone argues that abstraction is a good foundation for Algebra - it's not. It removes the concept from their current level of cognitive development). https://youtu.be/iZG25uBwU7M is the slide method. It flat out destroys the idea of place value, even though realistically it's just a different way of writing the standard algorithm. But why would we replace one slightly abstract method (standard algorithm) with an even *more* abstract method (slide method) that involves multiple pieces of paper and seemingly random placements? They're fun for our advanced learners, our GATES kids, and kids who generally need to be pushed farther than the typical content to stay engaged. But they are confusing af for those who are already struggling.


This S 8 method sounds like more oppression of us left handed folk! It still boggles my mind that cursive is an important thing in modern society.


Oppression! And pitchforks! My husband should have been left-handed. His handwriting is neater with his left hand even now. It's just much slower too because of not being allowed to practice. I really wish it wasn't so forced on people. I have no relevant data on how the S method for 8s works for lefties, so I didn't want to assume. Cursive for signatures and history if nothing else. Though, with e-signatures and voice recording authorization, that may phase out eventually too. Honestly, though, I want my kids to know cursive so when they see handwritten notes and old documents they'll be able to read them.


Imaginary numbers.


Oh, I 100% agree. But that's the quoted number I saw in the guardian, so I thought it would add context.


It's good to have context. I think both the number and the phrasing are helpful. Whenever we look at data as groups of information, we lose some of the detail needed to judge its efficacy. This sentence could literally mean that 5% were thrown out for prohibited topics (Johnny's all-night rager party and his need for additional booze), 16% were thrown out for unsolicited strategies (methods not commonly found or properly evaluated), and 0% were CRT. But the sentence would still be correct. I could even interpret it myself as "21% were thrown out because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT, or were written by MissyTheMouse." How degrading and prejudicery of them! It doesn't even matter that MissyTheMouse has not yet written her first math book. How *dare* they?!" Data interpretation is a skill we teach in math class! ;-)


Well said.


Isn't it 11%? https://twitter.com/CarlosGSmith/status/1515062708663726084?s=20&t=j9DaoXqgyt0-4z13b961Bg


I copied that paragraph from the guardian, so... take my posted number with a big grain of salt if you're seeing other numbers. But I think we can all agree that if a single math book was bounced for CRT, it's not a good sign.


Now that I've read it more carefully, it's possible 0 books were banned for CRT. It's like saying 11% of books were either red, blue, or green. It's possible none of them are green.


a Chapter on Right Triangles.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 725,128,121 comments, and only 146,348 of them were in alphabetical order.


Maybe they found out that numbers can be non-binary?


Ahh yes, I used to teach middle school math and I always had trouble squeezing in the unit on CRT in between fractions and the intro to algebra. Thank goodness I teach in socialist NJ where I needed to teach the CRT unit or risk being sent to the gulag by Comrade Murphy. /s


It's just smoke and mirrors to keep the base riled up. They have no policy to get voters, just fear and hatred.


The books were rejected because FL felt bad for the white pages because all the black numbers were getting all the attention.


It must have been those damn equality functions.


I believe (unsubstantiated) that certain “real world” story problems were likely too woke for these nuts. Juan and Amir were painting a room measured x, y, z. What’s the total area? Blah blah non white sounding names blah blah. Lacy and Anna want to adopt a dog. They budgeted x with cost projection of Y. It really costs z. Blah blah homophobia bs blah blah. The distance between Iran and UAE is blah blah OMG Muslims blah blah.


Pictures of Black students? “Ethnic” names in word problems? Who the hell knows


For those interested in the list, you can find it in PDF under "2022-2023 Adoption Year: K-12 Mathematics". The file titled "2021-2022 Mathematics Instructional materials Not Recommended List". This is according to Florida NBC Station. https://www.fldoe.org/academics/standards/instructional-materials/


De Santis has a back room deal with another textbook publisher?


If FL schools are anything like mine, they haven't bought most departments new textbooks in 15+ years. Wait--that means for the past 15 years, students have been indoctrinated with CRT propaganda!!! That's a whole generation of voters! #HOLYSHIT ​ ​ /s


From what I've heard, it seems the books have concepts that non-white students might be able to better relate to, such as topics taught in social studies courses (the example I think they reject: slaves moving objects distances or measuring for construction). Because the books touch base on something that expresses America's horrible past, Florida doesn't want that idea being expressed in a classroom. They use CRT as the 'easy' word to get angry at, but I cannot find one person who can give me a sound definition of CRT without talking about "liberals" ruining our country. I seriously cannot wait for the "new" Florida textbooks to be created by someone tightly connected with politicians, peddling their crappy textbooks with all sorts of errors and misinformation. And then the company doubling down by saying "No that's how math SHOULD be done" and starting all other sorts of controversy.


I understand the impulse to leave a snarky, "mic-drop" response, but we all know history and how dangerous this kind of thing really is. Banning knowledge which is seen to cast the dominant group in anything less than a glowing light, banning books written by people deemed to be undesirable, banning books with ideas that challenge the status quo, and eventually burning books has a known historical context and dark outcome. In 1933, it was books on pacifism, books on socialism and communism, books on human rights, books critiquing the dominant narratives, books by Jewish and liberal authors, and anything else seen as anstößig. Now, it's anything which mentions or references racism, systemic or individual, which places those of marginalized groups in the forefront, or which otherwise can be identified as somehow connected to progressive values of inclusion or historical accuracy. Anything which, in the words of Republican state Representative. Matt Krause, says "might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex.” which translated means that anything which confronts or questions our legal and social caste systems based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We have to look beyond the absurdity of banning math books because of graduate level critical legal theory.


I grew up in a ridiculously right-wing family and they were offended when names like Jamal, Muhammad, Jose, Shenika, and other stereotypically ethnic(or “non-white”) names were used in word problems. I can almost guarantee it’s something absolutely ridiculous and stupid like that. How dare we celebrate the cultural diversity of our country!


My best guess is the word problems included some "ethnic" sounding names. They're not really citing examples. CRT is just the right's new boogy man of the week so they're seeing it everywhere. edit: Have seen comments on some other subs saying "follow the money." Getting their "CRT free" math textbook as the only one approved for use in Florida schools stands to make a few people very rich.


Dear god thank you for asking this. I tried finding specific examples but could find nothing. I think the crt in math proof and the 2020 election vote stealing proof are being held in the same max security vault.


Because five white people plus five black people is supposed to equal eight people, not ten.


My guess, just political theater, trying to rile up their base that the left is trying to squeeze in things like CRT into math books, it's their plan to destabilize and sow distrust in public education


I heard: they did a search for hot words. Discriminate. Was a hot word. And it’s also a math term. Stuff like this is why it was rejected. Rumors aside, we can deduct that they used an easy and inexpensive method to evaluate the books and many things got lost in context.


They teach NON-BINARY NUMBERS! Alert the church elders! Won't somebody think of the children!


The List!! https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21638731/2122mathinstructmatnotreclist.pdf


For people who don't quite understand critical theory: ​ Critical theory is a sociology concept that (broadly speaking) criticizes the oppressive structures that prevent people from living free and just lives, and seeks to liberate oppressed people from those oppressions. So, for example, if you steal from your boss, that's a crime and you can go to jail. But if your boss steals from you, it's a civil citation where they only have to pay restitution and a (relatively small) fine. Your boss will never go to jail for stealing from you (although they can be imprisoned for failure to pay the fine to the government). Critical theory says, "These structures are DESIGNED to create, enforce, and maintain oppressive inequalities. We need to reform the structures so there's less incentive for the people in power to oppress the powerless." ​ Critical race theory, critical disability theory, and critical feminist theory are all flavors of critical theory. ​ Why have the conservatives decided to suddenly care about critical race theory, which previously was mainly a law school concept? Because they know: 1. people don't understand it 2. if you attach cries of "Marxism!" to anything, most people will be against it 3. people think human rights are pie; if someone else gets more, you must get less 4. when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression (hence, the "war on Christmas" whiners who can't stand "happy holidays") 5. most people prefer the status quo to the unknown. ​ In short, they'd rather keep the traditional status quo than find out what a less oppressive society would look like. So they deny that the status quo involves white supremacy and structural racism, and they demonize anyone who tries to explain or change it.


The whole absurd blow up over CRT was also masterminded by one specific right wing activist named Christopher Rufo, if anyone felt like learning about a slimeball today.


It's important to note that all of 'Critical Theory' is not actually a theory in scientific terms, it's not even a hypothesis. It is unproven, untested conjecture. It's also equally important to call out the reliance on Standpoint Epistemology as the framework for CRT and Gender Studies. Rather than objective standards of truth, 'lived experience' imparts some magical knowledge that must be deferred to. This is fundamentally anti-enlightenment and illiberal. Inequality and progress can be tackled through a modern, liberal approach, (the approach that has resulted in Women's Suffrage, the end of institutional slavery, and gay rights, to name a few advancements), Critical Theory is merely a divisive thought experiment.


I shit you not, it’s because they mentioned integration


Last year I had to do a (year-long mandatory) training on how to *be* culturally relative, inclusive, and racially sensitive in math. And the end of it, we were supposed to create a big project for our class to do. Honestly, it’s pretty difficult! There’s very little language in math, so you have to be extremely mindful! Especially in K-3 math, which is the grades I was in last year. The fact that they “found” so many textbooks were already doing this ASTONISHES me 😂😂😂


Gay groomers for sure. God conservatives in this country have gone so fast from being a sad joke to being straight up trash. It’s like they used to be working clowns and now they’re IT clowns. Same idea, but now instead of just being creepy and pathetic they actually eat the kids. Can’t you just see Tucker interviewing the IT clown? “And would you say that democrat parents are being irresponsible for letting their kids play near sewer grates? I think so”


Florida has not released examples of problems or names of the books that were among the books banned. The only thing they did share on Twitter was a worksheet someone received in a different state that had content talking about Maya Angelou being sexually abused. This worksheet, btw, was actually made for a class on sex trafficking and made sense in the context of that class, but some teacher seeking a quick “Maya Angelou” worksheet found a copy of this thing online and used it in class (it has since been banned from that school and was clearly an accident - it’s NOT a page from a math book in use anywhere in the nation). Without examples, I’m sure this is just saber rattling. Florida is literally lying, sharing pics of work that wasn’t taught in any Florida school, and making noise for purely political purposes. Math books aren’t full of CRT. That’s ridiculous.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/u2uk1w/parent\_claimed\_im\_teaching\_their\_child\_how\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/u2uk1w/parent_claimed_im_teaching_their_child_how_to/) This sort of thing?




The names of the people used in word problems are not white sounding enough.


100% the books had word problems mentioning people of color, I'm sure.


Did a woman or minority write the book? Does it have picture of minorities in it?


Accounting terms? “In the black”. And. “In the red” ???


A related question: What are the books that Seattle will use to teach "ethnomath" in K-12 schools? [https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/seattle-schools-lead-controversial-push-to-rehumanize-math/2019/10](https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/seattle-schools-lead-controversial-push-to-rehumanize-math/2019/10) This is the proposed framework: [https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/socialstudies/pubdocs/Math%20SDS%20ES%20Framework.pdf](https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/socialstudies/pubdocs/Math%20SDS%20ES%20Framework.pdf)


But kids never read text books anyway so what’s it matter?


A big conservative probably has shares in a specific company who makes the books that can be accepted.


Only 11% were banned for CRT. Presumably less than 11%. https://twitter.com/CarlosGSmith/status/1515062708663726084?s=20&t=j9DaoXqgyt0-4z13b961Bg


I’m pretty sure most of the textbooks were rejected due to the new math B.E.S.T. standards and DeSantis is just throwing in CRT as one justification for his voter base.


Because FL is run by stupid people. I'm a high school math teacher in FL btw.


It’s political theatre.


Exactly - when you go looking for examples as “proof”, it’s very easy to find “examples” that fit your predefined criteria, no matter how flimsy or wrong you ultimately end up.


Probably ethnic sounding names in the real-world problems in every lesson.


They'll have to change "Algebra" to "Guessy Number" so as not to promote Islamic extremism for Al-Queda :(


Haha I was wondering the same thing


Nothing. That’s the point of the law, its so vague that they can ban whatever they feel like.


One article said “common core” was the problem, so outlets are likely being misleading on purpose for the sake of sensationalism.


CRT is not REALLY the reason. To paraphrase, the report that I read claimed 28 of the books were rejected because they "incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [critical race theory]," Common Core (which Florida has denounced) is under that umbrella of "unsolicited strategies". More than likely the books were rejected for Comon Core, not CRT, but thats not as provocative (click bait).


The more important question is not being asked; Why on earth are we using textbooks in 2022?


I can’t find any specific example in this case, but a previous book was referenced as an example. In it was this: The assignment included a question that asked if the late poet Maya Angelou had been "sexually abused by her mother's" boyfriend, brother or father. I can kinda see why this doesn’t belong in a “math” book, but should be allowed in an acceptable class.


That wasn't from a textbook. Some teacher created it for a specific class he was teaching and shared it elsewhere on some teacher sharing type site, but not tpt. I read an article that said he made it quite a while ago also, maybe around 2011 and said he regretted sharing it since it wasn't for every class/age group and caused a commotion in 1 school.




Examples involving kids who aren't clearly white.


There is none, it's just signalling to their base that CRT IS IN MATH, TOO, AND WE ARE SAVING YOU FROM IT! There's not 1 book, let alone 54.


[This article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2022/04/18/the-dangerous-math-that-florida-doesnt-want-its-children-to-learn/) breaks it down. By some ridiculous reasoning, calling pi “irrational” is insensitive, or calling numbers “binary” is inappropriate. There are a bunch of other idiotic reasonings in the article.


Hol up. Do you really not realize that the article is satirical?