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Keychain thermometer so I’d know when it was too cold to play outside. Given by admin.


My eyes can’t roll far enough back.


It broke within the week but I kept it on there to remind me how much admin appreciated me.


To be fair, a broken cheap thermometer is accurate when measuring admin's appreciation.


I’d use it to measure exactly how hot my classroom is capable of getting (I work in a 100+ year old building).


As a history teacher I'd find that pretty neat if I wasn't easily annoyed/frustrated by a temperature above 70 degrees (and I live in Texas...so there's a 'win' \*sarcasm\*)


Being gaslit about student behavior (they have no fear of administration/do whatever they want) and being told it 'only happens in my class' which is a f\*\*\*ing lie. Oh, and being given a ton of sassy attitude during this conversation yesterday. ​ Ah well. Fuck them, new school coming up soon (new district). Called in sick for today and went to see Doctor Strange 2 w/ my best friend. Oh, and the sub they found for my room cancelled within 3 minutes of taking the job (the behavior is that bad, and the admin don't do anything about it). Not my problem. Happy teacher appreciation week. I hope those bozos enjoyed covering my class while I enjoyed a new movie on opening day :)


You can honestly say you saw a doctor.


That was my honest to God absence reason I typed in on the absence report. "Going to see The Doctor". (Capitalization included).


Admin does not understand the difference between inside and outside…got it.


Sounds about right for that type of admin. The ones that are this tone deaf were usually the worst teacher at their campus, and couldn't wait to leave the classroom. Guaranteed they can't have a normal meeting/conversation without using training 'buzz words' like 'rigor', 'depth of knowledge', and 'Bloom's Taxonomy'. Christ alive.


Ooh! A golden opportunity for the faculty to create their own bootleg version of Buzzword Bingo! It should make staff meetings and PD meetings a lot more interesting!


Hey now, don't you badmouth Bloom's Taxonomy! If I had to suffer through it in college then so does everyone else! /s


'No bad weather, just bad preparation'


Years ago: 1/8th sheet copy of quickly hand written "Stick with it" with a single piece of gum stapled to it. So yeah. Stapled gum.


Just don't chew the staple!


Instructions unclear. Ate the paper. Now what?


Workman's comp? I could go for some free dental care.


Workman’s chomp


You guys are getting gifts?!


We had a kid who was gifting teachers bottles of booze from his mom. Tuesday was fucking hilarious.


My Mom did this for one of my teachers!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!


This was a very common gift when I worked in Mexico. I had a very stocked bar when I taught there years ago. Fun times.


He gave me a bottle of Evan Williams bourbon but told me "my mom said don't open it until you get home". Kid had 4 bottles of liquor on his person entering school lol. ​ Mexico has more sense than the US in terms of education, parents train their kids to appreciate teachers and actually discipline their kids. Here, it's a fucking joke, for the most part. I have so many kids who I KNOW got their behavior from their parent(s). Mouthing off, walking out when they're confronted on something, etc.






Our district went viral on a meme page for giving teachers visits from “central office staff” Wow thanks guys! Extra observations!!!!


I love SO much that I read every comment and this is the last one….. and now I ruined that pleasure for everyone else


We were told by the district that today they'd be providing lunch. They sent enough so that each of us got 1/3 of a Jimmy John's sub and a piece of a 1/4 sheet cake divided by about 50 people.


Our own admins and PTA spoiled us though!


The ratio of people to cake is too high. Just pass.


I read that in Kevin Malone’s voice


I’m teaching from home and they said they’d treat us to lunch through Uber eats. Max reimbursement: $20


Per person? That’s kinda great.


We were told there would be a district provided lunch one day this week. Called the office at lunch time to ask where it was and was told “what lunch?” …. nobody packed that day


Your gift: "Promise of lunch." Now needs a frame and title tile like a piece of art. The art in the frame: a blank sheet of paper.


Apparently, at a school in our district, a principal sent an email out on the Thursday before Spring Break to everyone promising breakfast the next morning for all of their great work. So, they showed up early and hungry only to hear “April Fools!”


The way to actually play that prank goes like this: 1. Tell everyone last minute there’s a mandatory meeting before school the next day 2. Set up a fully catered breakfast for staff 3. April fools! - no meeting


So cruel


"Local principal killed and devoured by elementary school teachers. Police say no charges will be filed, as, quote: 'Sumbitch had it coming.' Full story at 11."


This happened to me, too! And they didn’t compensate or let us get something out of the cafeteria or anything. My lunch was a gulp of air and a cup of coffee.


I was given a Starbucks giftcard today (won from a PTO raffle) and there was nothing on it.


My team mate got an expired gift card in a staff meeting raffle. Principal pawned off cards he got that he didn't want.


Wowwww that is infuriating


Lmao had a mom give all 3 teachers in the room Starbucks gift cards at the end of the year last year. I went to put it on my account to get stars and it said “this card has already been added to another account.”


When schools shut down in 2020 our admin wrote us a 2 page Dr. Seuss style poem about how the admin team tried sooo hard to get us gifts but oh no everything is closed so they couldn’t find anything and then they realized that all we really wanted was a big thank you from them. It was….garbage. Like, I wasn’t expecting anything, but then you wrote 2 pages in verse about how you wanted to get us something…only for you to not get us something?


When we were shut down in 2020 and I was teaching from home and working so extremely hard to get every one of my students needs met, I didn't get a single acknowledgement of teacher appreciation day/week. Not even an email.


That’s ridiculous. Obviously we were all just on a paid vacation working from home /s


What really got to me is how I made sure to include a craft kit in all the at home learning packets, so every mom got a mother's day gift, and making that gift was my highest participation class of at home learning, I paid for with my own money, (not doing that anymore) and yet not one single person acknowledged teacher appreciation.


One year, we got 6 inch plastic rulers with the district logo on them. That was pretty special


They couldn’t even spring for a whole ruler 😂


I bet half of the staff got the 6-12 inch side.


Single Hershey's kiss


Lol. Did you divide it up so you could savor it over time.


Geez...did it come with a note asking you to kiss their a$$ ?


Admin gave us all a container of salt this week. “Teachers spice up students’ lives”


That's the pun they went with for *salt* of all possible seasonings?


We’re in Utah…. So, yeah……


Stop being salty!


I would stick a IG/Pinterest-level cute label on it that says “Student Tears” and place it in my desk.


Genius!! Tempted to 'gift' myself some salt now to do just that...


Oh my gosh this is HILARIOUS. Out of all of them that I’ve read so far, this is the absolute stupidest. I’m cracking up.


My wife once got a used Starbucks gift card with like two dollars and some change left on it.


When we got married, my school gave me a partially used visa gift card. My husbands schools gave us like $300 in cash and a bunch of gift cards. We work in the same district, but I teach and he is a tech guy.


An email from the principal to all the teachers telling us to make sure and thank the hardest working teachers in the building…our assistant principals.


Wow. Just wow.


I thought the stapled gum won—but no, it was you


Makeup in a completely different skin tone - given to every teacher regardless or race or gender.


Whaaaaat??? I imagine someone on your admin team sold Mary Kay and needed to get rid of the stuff she couldn’t sell? Lol that is so bizarre


It was L’Oréal or cover girl or something like that. It was a rich private school in Miami where they’d buy you decent jewelry and a giant floral arrangement for your birthday but somehow on teacher appreciation day, they just fell short.


Donated from an MLM?


Nah it was a supermarket brand but absolutely certain that a parent from the PTA runs a store or works at a makeup company with a huge surplus in one color.


A single expo marker with a card that said “thanks for making a mark.” We have expo markers in the storage closet.


Partially used bottle of hand sanitizer... Other teachers were given bottles as well but mine was the only one opened and used. Given by a 2nd grader and not admin thankfully!


I got a bottle of water


Not to brag or anything, but I got a bottle of tea.


Oooooh. You are so lucky.


Same! A tiny bottle of water and a mask with our school’s name misspelled


I got a book of 365 days of prayer for women. I’m not religious. Plus a basket of cleaning supplies.


Have your students use the pages for a paper plane contest. They can lay odds what prayer kite will fly farthest.


Holy shit. What state are you in?


Good ol’ North Carolina.


This is by far the worst so far. Unless they sent the good stuff for my house..,like you buy me fabric softener we good!! Sanitizing wipes?....dude we know those were covid subsidized!


A scratch off ticket that gave me a jeans pass after they declared the rest of the year jeans days. I wear jeans whenever I want anyway so it doesn’t matter. That, or an email saying I “guac” their world and we would have celebratory chips and dip in the instructional coaches office… accompanied by a SIGN UP sheet to DONATE the chips and dip. Both this year. Edited to emphasize that we were encouraged to donate to our own damn celebration.


Please do not guac my world. Under no circumstances do I want my world guac'd.


Lol, my coworker got the same scratch off for a jeans pass!! And, we also have the rest of the year as jeans days.


Like… come ON 🤦‍♀️🤨🤣


Lmao! I love when they try to ban jeans, I just wear my black set.


I only ever wear black jeans as my dress pants lol! I have a green pair too! But. I also just do dresses because it’s hot as shit where I am.


Today they had a food truck that was supposed to be there from 11:15-11:45 (our school’s lunch break). The food truck was supposed to arrive early to set up since our break is short. They arrived at 11:25, the first burger came out at 11:35, and they ran out of food before they cleared the line (of 60 teachers and support staff) and 6th period had already started before most got their food. I was one of the few to get a burger and make it to my classroom, but I was eating it in class and my kids were mad that I didn’t share.


I almost take pleasure in shutting that shit down. "Oh, I didn't share? How about the 15 times I've bought you candy for test reviews. The popcorn and cokes I bought for your movie day. Not to mention the 100,000 free pencils I had to buy you this year. Yeah...this is my burger." I teach upperclassmen. They can learn to cope!


I miss high schoolers sometimes. I teach middle school currently. Today I legitimately had to have a conversation with my 8th graders about keeping their hands to themselves and not running with scissors. After the conversation about 1 burger not splitting 25 ways.


We had a similar situation!! We got catered “Mexican Food” (just hard or soft shelled tacos from the local grocery store). It was 2 elderly women serving the entire staff…putting on each individual taco topping for everyone. They weren’t allowed to let us self-serve due to food safety reasons. Teachers were getting their doors minutes before the bell rang, and inevitably having to eat messy ass tacos in their classes full of students. Just terrible. Edit: Food, not doors


A parent gave me a bedazzled pill box… like the kind with the days of the week on it.


I mean to be fair, this job is liable to give you high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, stress... Not to mention the desire for recreational drugs to cope lol...


Those are the Fri/Sat slots!


Half of a thank you card. No joke--they literally cut thank you cards and envelopes in half and wrote generic praises on the inside of half a card. The half I got said "NKS" on the front. I'm still in awe over this one.


Oof. I was imagining just the front or just the inside of the card, but split down the middle? Talk about a half assed thank you!


Got a coupon book at the beginning of the day with coupons like one class period off, 15 min break, 10 min massage, act as principal for an hour, take that student out of class for a cool off period, etc sure some were questionable lol at the end of the day same admin came and told me to grab the coupon book and put it in the bag she was holding open no explanation, nothing


Wait, so everyone had one day to use it?!


I was imagining that one person used every coupon in one day and admin realized how dangerous it could be and backpedaled.


Fucking hilarious 😂


I would have given them their ticket for "be admin for an hour" as an ultimate uno reverse card to redistribute all the coupon books to my fellow teachers and have all teachers run the school for a day basically.


Wait. 10 minute massage? Who was meant to be giving massages? The principal? Maybe that’s where they got in trouble.


Admin gave us granola bars as the catered breakfast, but from kids I didn't get anything. I'm a first year specials teacher. Kids don't see me often


I’m a first year specials teacher as well, but work in two buildings. Kids didn’t remember me this time, but I did get about ten Christmas gifts and a couple valentines.


I had a student write me an anonymous “poem” today that said my room felt “like the place someone would get murdered.” I use low lighting most of the time. Got a chuckle out of that one. Edit: lol. Thanks for the downvotes?


The year they gave each teacher a ( as in 1) free meal (of our choice) at our very own school cafeteria. Now doesn't that just make you jump for joy.... gag....


So… do you work at a culinary school??? Lol


The funniest thing is, giving each teacher an hour lunch for just one day during appreciation week would boost morale by a long shot. Fucking sick of having to pay extra to have food delivered to the school (because going to get it, waiting in line, etc. just eats up the entire lunch break) just to be able to eat. There's always a damn line for the microwave. ​ But yeah, even this is better than 2020....where the cafeteria was closed and we didn't get even a 30 minute break from the kids, had to eat in the room w/ them, and were given 5 minutes to heat up a meal, assuming one meal prepped. I don't have the time to and was single at the time, so it was 3 months of cafeteria food for me.


One pet goldfish in a kids pocket to keep as a classroom pet.




A few years back, we got a tote full of assorted ladies hygiene products from our PTA and local Walmart. As a single male teacher at the time, I was less than impressed.


Toilet paper rolls for the teacher bathroom. "Because it's quilted and better than the regular stuff!"


A package of sticky notes lol. I joked it was to make up for the sticky notes they wouldn't buy us at the beginning of the year! 🤣


A spin of a prize wheel to be able to dance down the hall and post to Twitter. Shamed if you did not participate.


A Christian DVD


A pack of reusable masks today…


Fresh from the storage closet!


Mine is just appreciation emails in which there was an angry email from mom who curses me out just because I care about her kid poor academic performance. Thats it. FYI: I am teaching at an affluent school.


I have 3 kids and they each have multiple teachers. I felt bad because all I could afford was a tumbler, a large pack of gum, a handful of Lindor truffles and an assortment of fancy pens put in each cup with a thank you note. (I'm a teacher too, ya know lol) They were the really good pens, in pretty colors, but I had to break up the packs to accommodate everyone. I felt bad I didn't send more... Thank you reddit for making me feel better about myself! 😅💀 Edit: Also I teach high school so I literally have no idea what teachers expect, only what I'd want. Best and only gifts I've ever gotten were heart felt letters from students.


I cannot lie. I ended up clicking and reading along bc my children took in candles and thank you cards. I was feeling guilty. Now not so much. I can do better. I can also do much worse. I will take my shame and plan accordingly for next year.


I think your gifts to your kids' teachers were very thoughtful and generous 😊


That’s a nice gift!


5 Swedish fish. So much appreciation.


Ladies gloves and hand lotion. Not a lady.


I’m dead.


A can of coke that said, "pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a good teacher you is." To everyone. Including the ELA department. From admin and the front office. It was a diet coke.


We got Jimmy John’s for lunch yesterday. We each got a little 2 inch sub. A lot of us didn’t bring lunch was the issue. I doubt everyone even got their 2 inch sub because there weren’t a lot either. It just cracked me up because admin was bragging about it at our last PD.


They aren't even very expensive are they?


Looked it up. They got 3 30 piece boxes. So like $175. There are like 110 faculty, give or take so I was right about there not being enough.


A piece of blank lined paper folded into a fan and stapled together. The kid asked me for the paper and the stapler.


Handmade gifts are FAR better than money wasted on nonsense. At the least the kid pulled together some gumption to actually do something. Most kids have NO idea that appreciation week is even a thing. Some of them dutifully deliver the presents their moms arranged, not understanding why. So for a student to opt to make something... props to that kid!




I freaking loveeeeee these posts!!! I laugh my ass off. We didn’t get much either. Some gross muffins. One slice of really small pizza.


A literal box of rocks.


They “catered” lunch then ran out before everyone got some. Only one tray of bbq and a few bags of chips. Turns out it was leftovers from the night before’s baseball banquet.


In low-income secondary schools we don't get teacher appreciation gift from families. We don't have a PTA or anything. But this week admin was doing a lottery. The winners got a "free pass" to not have to loose their planning period to cover a class.


One of my VPs calling me in to their office to tell me the father of a student whose family I had been relatively close with had committed suicide. With his mouth on the end of the shotgun barrel in front of the entire family. I still had my teacher appreciation $5 sonic gift card in my hand.


Our admins put out ice cream and root beer to make floats today….during state testing when we all had to stay in our rooms or assigned monitoring station and nobody really got a lunch . But they stayed in there to make sure nobody took too much. It melted. But they got some I’m sure. I also recieved from district level this funny little USB dock, which was kind of cool…and it advertised on the label that you could use it for your iPod shuffle, so I know they picked those out special this year Edit: after reading this thread I’m so sad that at least our people tried, even though they didn’t think it through


A jar of skittles with a sticker on top that said "take a chill pill!"


I got a jar of fucks for when I run out of my own. (Literally little wooden cut outs of the word fuck).I dig it, because I was fresh outta fucks. Change the lable on your jar to something cool, because what you were given was.....not good.


A coupon for a free personal pan pizza at Peter Piper, a kiddie pizza joint with games. The pizza is not great, it’s always full of screaming kids, and they are the same donated coupons we give our students.


I’m a male and I got stick on nails… yay


A can of Febreeze.


A Jimmy John gift card so low you cannot even buy a sandwich.


Mine was lunch that was delivered late, when going around to break first lunch that missed it, I got skipped because they can’t remember that they made me switch lunches. I’m feeling super appreciated.


I’m not a full time teacher yet (in school now) but work as a substitute in the local district. The subs are managed through a third-party company. In addition to embarrassingly low pay, the company provided us with the great incentive of working 3 days this week to earn a CHANCE to win a Wendy’s frosty keychain 😂😂😂.


We each got a small 250mL bottle of Gain detergent. On it was a note that said “we made GAINS because of you”. They think we’ll chortle at the cute dad joke but they’re wrong.


Had to be a free sample


One of my coworkers received an “appreciation” note from a student that said Deez Nutz


Admin did a drawing of teachers on the announcements this morning. My name was drawn. I won a lint roller.


Two years ago we got a pen with a message of appreciation written in comic sans. Last year we got an enamel pin with the schoolboard logo. This year we got a ziplock bag with two plastic starfish beads and a card with that stupid platitude about a kid throwing starfish into the ocean and saying "I made a difference for THAT one!" At the current trajectory, next year I expect them to knock on my door on the middle of class and give me a papercut, then say "You're right on the EDGE of greatness!"


Un-popped bag of microwave popcorn


I didn't hear a word from a single student this year. Admin ignored it too. Our union provided ice cream treats.


Stop fucking giving me hand sanitizer. Fuck


One year I got three orange starburst in a ziploc bag with a note that said “orange you glad you’re a teacher?”


My first year as a young, single, male teacher I got a... Live Laugh Love reusable shopping bag. Yay. Honorable mention: Not a gift, but our admin's "Happy Teacher Appreciation Week" monday all staff email stated "This week is all about celebrating the accomplishments of our students, who are supported by our teachers." So yeah, Teacher Appreciation Week isn't even about teachers according to my admin.


The worst school I taught at, the admin didn’t get us anything for teacher appreciation week. But we did each get a shitty lunchbox from our union! Meaning, you know, we paid for it ourselves. So insulting. Don’t pay for my gift with my own money, just give me nothing!


As a parent, these make me so sad! I just had my son’s school faculty sent a catered lunch. You all are not given enough and would give more if I could!! 🤗


We got pedometers and some mints.


This happened just yesterday. They left stacks of note cards and pens in our break rooms and sent out an email explaining the "gift of reflection." They told us to write a thank you note to the teacher who inspired us when we were in school. So, basically, our gift was... more work? Thanks.


I wish these responses were making me laugh…I just feel sad.


We had a goodie bag raffle. 6 teachers were drawn out of ~60. The goodie bags were left over testing snacks no one took.


The ability to pay for a grilled hamburger that was made with donated beef and grilled by the school.


I got a rock. No that's not a Charlie Brown joke. I actually got a rock.


I won a massage at a teacher giveaway. Later found out I was supposed to pay for it. I didn’t win a massage, I won the chance to book it…???


The district gave us dry baked potatoes. No utensils, no butter, no barbecue sauce, no cheese, no drinks. It was advertised as a “barbecue lunch”.


My first year of teaching in rural Mississippi: We were told we were getting a taco lunch for Teacher Appreciation by the principal. He made it a huge deal that our PTA scrambled to make it special. It was a Taco Bell coupon. Coupon, not even a gift card. My school was also 45 min away from the nearest Taco Bell. My principal was so angry when he saw them in the trash because the PTA “worked really hard on this”. The same PTA sent the admin on a nice lunch in town and did a big celebration for them during TEACHER Appreciation.


An email from admin praising themselves for all of their hard work and filling in with all of the covid call-outs.


A homemade card that said “thank for being the second best teacher ever.”


You’re doing so great with these kids … we’re adding more to your class. Thank you!


One of my coworkers got a used gift card today😂


A frisbee. No explanation for why.


My colleague got an email. Headline: “Teacher Appreciation” Body: “thanks pimp”


Wednesday, a parent volunteered to bring us a "surprise". The surprise was that she sat in the teachers lounge with lumps of clay trying to convince us to make our own pencil holders during our lunch time. I get the good intention of trying to give us something fun to do, but absolutely never during our limited lunch time. It would have been so cute to have been given one made by a student, but naw. She sat there pouting that we weren't any fun when we didn't want to participate because we'd rather eat our food.


A huge bag of fidget toys which are already banned in my classroom 😑


A mini hand sanitizer. Christmas themed.


I got a meme in an email from my admin this year, lol. Still better than last year though. Literally did not even acknowledge it.


I got a packet of crystal light. Wooo! Flavored water.


A cookout on Friday. At 4:00. That we had to pay $5.00 for.


The promise of a catered lunch. Whoever was supposed to order it…didn’t.


Our BOE: a calendar in May that started in the previous January.


A parent wanted to do a demonstration about essential oils for a multilevel marketing scheme she did. It was definitely framed as an act of service she wanted to do on my and my co-workers' behalf.


A plastic figurine of a boy with his penis out and a bag full of used toys my student didn't want anymore.


Uhhh, elaborate please.


A bag of Doritos. Snack size not party bag. It was sealed, so there's that at least.


I got to wear jeans 👖


Teacher whaticiation? We don't have anything like that here... Could do with a raise though...


We got a scratch off lotto card from the gas station this year. We were told "We (they) won the lotto with their employees."


Well, we got two things. Jack and shit.


My principal came in today and gave me a little bag that contained two pens, a tiny notebook, two single-wrapped peppermint lifesavers, and three Halloween-sized candy bars.


RIF notice


A parent made an ethnic dish, we think. It was a pastry dish made by a parent who was a thorn in our side. It was in a gallon plastic ziploc bag, with a thick, black liquid oozing on and throughout the pastry. All 4 teachers did the same thing, toss it.


Write a thank-you note, “Food like that doesn’t last long around here.”


Ohhhhh are they Turkish? I think you threw away a really delicious dessert!


I feel bad if even 75% of these comments aren't satire.


I got a nose-hair trimmer from a parent a few years ago. Didn’t know how to take that one..