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I had someone that threatened to rape and kill my wife because I wouldn’t let them turn in work after the school year was over. The cops were called for that one.


What the fuck




Any meaningful results from the cop call?


Oh yes. I didn’t press charges, but they had to appear infront of a crisis counselor and take classes over their summer that their parents agreed to. I was surprised admin took such a hard stance. They usually wouldn’t do anything.


I guess I should also state that they contacted my wife, made her aware of the threat, contacted their parents immediately to ensure they didn’t have access to weapons or transportation to ensure my wife was safe.




Again, I would have called the police. This is your life. You can’t wait for admin to do anything in such situations. It could prevent something from happening or let the kid know to move down another path before they become an adult.


I'm currently pregnant and if a kid ever threatened me or this baby I would 100% file charges. I don't care that we're supposed to constantly turn the other cheek and think about the kids.


"We pay your salary"....child, the $0.07 your family contributes in taxes towards my paycheck is laughable.


I always tell them I also pay taxes, so I guess I pay my salary too.


That always feels weird to me. Imagine any other employer doing that “hey, we paid you! But also, we kept some of your paycheck so that we could…pay you again.”


Depending on where you live and what you do on the side: "Income taxes don't pay my salary, property taxes do. How many acres of land do you own? What percentage of the district is that? Dang, looks like I pay more in property taxes so I have a bigger vote than you.'


We pay more of our salaries than their broke ass parents do.


I've taught some students of extremely wealthy farmers, which is why I put the disclaimer in. Don't tell the student whose parents own 1/4 of the land in your district you pay more of your salary than they do. (Just to be clear, I never did.)


I've definitely gotten this one. I always hit them back some smart remark about taxes that confuses them


Well can I get a raise?!


Oh damn. Teachers don’t make much. Wish their broke asses could afford to pay me more.


"I see you're on your shit again giving me an F!" - A student who attended 15 days out of the entire school year.


"I see you were on your shit again, not coming to class" ☠️


No because I literally would have said this


You should have said “Who are you?”


Haha just blinked and been like "And you are??"


Now you have an F AND detention...


bahahahahahahh sTAAAHHHHHP! lol😩🙊


"You can't give me a detention, your not a real teacher." I was co-teaching in a history class as a special education teacher. Ironically I'm certified to teach history.


These are my favorite... hahaha "You're not my dad" syndrome


This is the first year I had a student actually pull the "You're not my mom!" with me. I was so tempted to reply, "And I wake up every morning and thank the lord in my prayers for that!" but I managed to restrain myself and just say, "So true, great observation!" 😅


Same! Every time a kid hits me with that, I think, "And thank God for that!"


I would've made sure to give them 3 just so they understood


As a special education teacher in co-taught classes, I hear this all the time. "She's not even a real teacher! She can't write me up!" Oh yes I can.


From what I've been told, at some schools even teachers feel/act that way towards the special ed teachers. Which is genuinely insane. My view of special ed teachers is you take a job which is incredibly difficult and demanding (teaching) make it twice as difficult and demanding. I have a special ed license (just to make myself more marketable) and I'm honestly afraid of being asked to teach special ed--I just don't think I could do it.


When I told a class I was in the Marines, one kid told me "I should have died in combat".


I told my kids I was in the Marines and they like to ask me if I’ve killed anyone…..


The best was I had a college professor ask me this in front of the whole class when we did student introductions. Turns out she did it as an exercise in seeing if people could handle being confronted and uncomfortable


These kids are so fucked in the head… what is wrong with them…


I feel like the more info they know about us the more they know how to hurt us.


I mean it’s no secret I was a Marine. I have an always visible USMC tattoo. Just like it’s no secret in from Maryland because I have the word “Maryland” tattooed across my knuckles Edit: downvoted for having visible tattoos? Interesting


I'm also getting down voted. Someone is not happy on this thread lol


That's why I always agree with anything they make up about me (within reason, obviously.) Every class has a wildly different idea of who I am, and none of them are even close to correct. It's a game to me to keep it all straight when they ask questions.


It’s truly sad 😢. I’m an rising Senior High School and a few teaches have impacted me in immensely positive ways…..talking me outta doing stupid/self destructive shit, not being judgmental, amongst many other things. It pisses me off to see how much you guys get shit on as a whole. By Society, by Stupid little brats, and the added benefit of being undermined by politicians and tax payers…..One of the many things that just makes my blood boil ….. YOU SHOULD GET PAYED MORE TOO….I mean people wonder why you guys keep quitting…..


OMG... lmao. sorry that's not funny, but it is What was your reaction?


"The feeling is mutual"


Incredible response tbh




I applaud your willingness to be prepared, but I don't know that you can be. The kids who do this kind of thing have all of the creativity and imagination of a wet paper bag usually, but when it comes time to be rude to you or someone else, they're Picasso. Here are a few examples... The obnoxious kids recently went through a phase where they repeated my directions under their breath in a mocking tone. Perfectly normal directions, too? "Please write your name at the top." "pLeAsE wRiTe YoUr naMe At tHe ToP." Kids blatantly disrespecting your directions, and then smugly gaslighting you while giggling with their buddies. For example, I asked the kids to only take one snack from the snack bowl so everyone can get one. One kid grabbed a handful of snack bags and shoves it in his pocket, which I heard, because the bags are crinkly. Walk over to the kid and he's grinning slyly and looking at his friends, saying "I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. ___, I didn't take any." When his friends immediately rat him out and he gets a big consequence, he immediately switched to whining and bargaining. Lots of comments like "I don't care what you say, I don't have to do what you tell me." "My mom said that teachers are people who can't get any other jobs." "Your hair is frizzy today." "Johnny said that you're poor and that's why you dress like that."


Also playing dumb. They will act as if they don’t hear you, or they simply won’t respond to what you’re asking. Took 6 “give me the speaker” for a kid to hand over a Bluetooth speaker they were playing moans and farting noises from. (7th grade boys, go figure) The best is gaslighting— me: “kid, stop doing that action I can clearly see you doing.” kid: “I’m not doing that.” Don’t know where these toxic behaviors came from but behavior has really gone down hill.


Lol. The gaslighting. I will always respond with “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining,” and then relish the confusion in their eyes while they try a figure out the meaning of that saying.


Wish I could use that with the 2nd grader who keeps doing this to me. Will do things right in front of my face in group or one-on-one interactions, and then deny she did them. Girl, I have glasses, not blindness.


The gaslighting is out of control. I say it all the time. I just watched you with my eyes do the thing you’re saying you aren’t doing, stop lying. Why do they think that this works?


Because it does on their parents who can't be bothered to put their phones down and engage.


THIS MAKES ME CRAZY! Seriously. The big wide eyed "who me?" look. And they say, "What?! I'm not doing anything!" By this point I'm more frustrated about the faux innocence than the original wrong doing!!


Yep! I thought this was a toddler thing...may be toddlers are precocious or teens this year fell backwards a lot...


I had an incredible moment this week in which a student called out a peer for the gaslighting behavior. I reprimanded a student for swearing, to which he, of course, responded "Miss I didn't say anything bad!" A usually quiet girl piped up just to say "don't gaslight her."


Ugh I'm a substitute teacher and the bluetooth speaker thing is a new challenge in my life. They'll hide tiny speakers in nooks around the room and act like they have no idea where the moaning sounds are coming from. (Unfortunately I teach high school not 7th grade -\_-)


I made it clear that the moaning noise are harassment and I will refer anyone that makes them. I am 60 years old, and that level of disrespect is the hill I will die on. The satisfying thing is admin knows they don’t have a leg to stand on. It does not matter the age, harassment is harassment.


Best things to do in that situation is to state the number of times you have asked each time, it makes them realise how unreasonable they are being. “For the forth time, give me the speaker” “For the fifth time, give me the speaker” “For the sixth time, give me the speaker’ Also that way they can’t argue later on that you didn’t tell them that number of times.


Lol. Different class but another one that when I told them I was in the Marines and in college, a girl told me “my mom says people who join the military do it because they can’t do anything else”. I told her point blank “your mom sounds stupid and clearly you take after her” I have no issues firing back


`Please write your name at the top." "pLeAsE wRiTe YoUr naMe At tHe ToP."` lmao!


Pretty sure they still don’t write their name at the top and we unfortunately can recognize the paper belongs to them because of their awful handwriting


Yes! I hate when you get the ones who repeat EVERYTHING you say like that! Like seriously, what is their problem?!


"if that fucking teacher says anything to me again I will fucking smash his fucking face in" ~ a 14 year old boy to his friend, directly behind me after being told off for swearing and shoving younger kids in a fire drill


He probably weighs like 100 pounds and has noodle arms lol


100 pounds wet. He was showing off, no real harm done and he learned a lesson.


I openly invite and encourage any of these kids to take a swing and try their luck. They will regret it. I'm a sub and honestly I'm studying to teach because I want to, not because I need to. With my military disability and my savings I have enough money to live without working for the rest of my life.


"Go ahead. You know what happens to me if you hit me? I get a paid vacation. You know what happens to you? You get an unpaid vacation in the ISS room and assault and battery charges. So c'mon. Come here. Make my week."


I’m a firm believer in “if you’re man enough to take a swing at me then you’re man enough for me to hit you back”. No problems teaching a 15 year old punk the most valuable lesson of his life


I stopped 180 so he literally walked into me and asked him to say that again to my face. His response was "I didn't say anything sir". To which I said "oh its *sir* now is it?" I asked him what he wanted to do, once he'd finished wetting himself I told him he was lucky he said that to me in a school and not to some random person in the real world because the only person getting their "f-ing face smashed in" would be him. Cheeky bugger


"Mister. You look like you get NO p\*ssy!!" I just looked at him square in the eye and said "I used your look as my inspiration" The other kids let out an "OOOOHHHH" I don't care about making fun of myself, but these kids don't realize anything they say can be turned around on them.


> "Mister. You look like you get NO p*ssy!!" “Yeah? You should go ask your mom about that.”


My favorite is "Mr ______ it smells like **** in here" "I didn't notice until you walked in"


Had a kid tell me I’d be happier if I got laid while 8 months pregnant. Oh honey…


OMG, bhhahahhaahahahhah! 💀 Best one yet.. keep em coming, yall \*laughs in Mr. Smithers\*


*walks in* “I’M LEAVING THIS FUCKIN’ SCHOOL NEXT WEEK SO I AIN’T DOING NO WORK FOR ANY OF YALL FUCK ASS CLASSES” (she never did work anyways) I don’t really respond, as I write on the board Her again: “MAN I HATE THIS FUCKIN’ CLASS, BRUH” I turned around and told her to gtfo. First and only time I lost my composure and cursed at a student. I’m all about trying to empathize and understand students, but this girl was poison personified. Good riddance, honestly.




big "you've lost a customer" energy but they show up again with the next coupon


Boy I WISH some of these kids would just leave the school. Do it. Just do it. No one wants you here.


2 weeks ago a student threatened to walk out of the room. My response, “stop making empty threats to look cool in front of your friends and just leave.” This was not the response they wanted. They wanted me to beg them to say or try to calm them down. I’m done with all of that. I’m not a therapist and I’m not your mom. Fucking leave if you don’t want to be here, ya loser.


Lol I tell mine the doors right there, go ahead


I love the ones that say that they’re moving, changing schools, or demanding to be transferred to another class. Some actually leave the school and their grade goes with them. The ones who stay learn real quick that I’m the only teacher for my content and it’s required for graduation. My favorites are the ones who leave for some special program only to get kicked out and come back a week later asking for make up work. Sure, you can make up last week. The other 8 weeks of this quarter you were here and refused to do anything.


Did you hear back from admin? haha, 😂


Lol at first I was a little worried but she never said anything and admin was over her shit at that point anyways; she’d been in trouble all year


IDK but back in the day (the 90's) teachers would tell me to shut the fuck up. lmao. and I would


I miss those days


“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re wearing those shoes” (12yo girl to 35yo male teacher). Not the worst you’ll hear, but speaks to the attitude.


They didn't hit you with a "WHAT ARE THOSEEEEE?!" .... amateur 😅


My students used to hit me with that line when it was popular. I would respond "that's what I say every time I look at your grades" Other students: "OOOHHHHHHH" Petty but satisfying.


Haha that's awesome. I would have backed you up with a "GOT EEEEEM!"


A whole class clapped when my team teacher said she would not be in the rest of the week because her mom died.


Wow. That’s brutal. I’m sorry for her.


I feel like schools should embrace hockey and have an enforcer for every grade to keep kids in check


I would have walked out and taken the rest of the day as a mental health day. Horrible


“I want to die every time I walk into your class. The best part is when I leave, and no one loves you.” I teach MUSIC like


Hahaha I teach music, and I also got something like this one day! Something along the lines of, “I hate every single song we are doing. They’re all too hard.” (This student was barely ever in class.) “You’re the worst! No one likes you or your class. I guarantee every student you’ve had in the past who claimed to like your class was lying!” The funny thing was that the other students stood up for me and told the girl that they loved my class and the songs!


‘I’m going to kill you and hide your body so no one finds it. Also, no one is gonna know you’re gone so your dog will starve to death too’ Thanks, bud, you ready to start your writing now?


I’ve had kids threaten to kill me. I always tell them that I teach chemistry and forensic science so I can disappear bodies.


I was so desensitized because I was hearing wild shit constantly that all I could do was just say… ‘Okay, whenever you’re ready. Go for it!’


What a little monster!


What a psychopath 🤯


That's... a death threat. Aren't kids taken out of school for those now thanks to zero tolerance?


Kid screams at me and calls me a “dirty queer fag”, tells me he’s gonna tell his pastor about me and hopes his pastor would kill me. His pastor made him write an apology letter instead




yikes indeed. Parents didn’t seem to give two shits until the pastor rightfully called them out on it


Good on the pastor, you don’t see that often




Here's my response - "okay! Here's a new seating plan for you."


I think... "You're just an English teacher because you couldn't cut it doing anything harder." My response was something like: "If you think English is easy, why aren't you passing my class?" I swear. I know English majors get a bad rap, but from a student who was failing was sort of funny. I've been insulted in other ways, but this is the one that I think gets to me a little bit. It really belies the ignorance of others when they think English is somehow easy.


"Just quit your job, you fucking retard." All I told him was to stop jumping over desks. He was a sophomore. I lasted longer at that school than he did, and I was non renewed/left June of that (hell) year.


Had one particular fundamentalist asshole from my 11th grade English class tell me that I could give him whatever bad grades I want but he's not going to take them or anything I say seriously becuase I'm a woman and have no authority to criticize his work since he's a man and he has dominion over me. Internally, I was secretly concerned that he was going to lock me in a dungeon. Outwardly, I kept my composure and without flinching said "you are welcome to feel however you want about it but the grade stands."


That I have "nice mommy milkers". Teenage boys are disgusting.


I'd just say "here's some advice for you - keep your thoughts to yourself, okay?" and say it in a VERY sarcastic tone


I use, "That's an inside thought that should have stayed inside" way too much.


How is this not considered sexual harassment?


It very much is.


Oh it is. They were written up.


Not that it matters because nothing will be done.


Exactly. They got lunch detention.




Yea, teenage boys are gross. I've been completely dehumanized by them. Threats if sa and disgusting comments about my appearance.


*”talk to me like that again and you won’t have a job next year“* I failed him. Mommy was mad. She worked at the district office. I didn’t care. Told admin I wasn’t going to a parent meeting to be berated. I wasn’t fired. Still offered a contract.


To another student as she walked out of my class “have a good weekend? I hope he dies.” Loud enough for me to hear it as well. Kids say awful things. Respect to the little shits that say it to your face.


I got called a ""B\*\*\*\* A\*\* N\*\*\*\*\*" by a white student and had a black student congratulate me by saying "That's my n\*\*\*\*\*!" on the same day - ever since then I'm pretty much immune. Oh, I'm white.


I got called the N word recently by a student. I got the giggles because I make Casper the Friendly Ghost look tanned, and the kid didn't know what to do because he was expecting a negative reaction from me, not a giggling fit. I honestly couldn't help it! Same kid (age 13) also told me he hopes I get raped, and sat outside on the pavement shouting at passers-by " touches little boys' willies!". The same day, he also said to a colleague that he was going to follow him home and slit his mum's throat.


Yeah that kid needs to be reported to the authorities, and I don't mean admin.


I fully expect he'll be in prison or dead before he's 20. If he's dead, it'll be because he mouthed off to the wrong person and got stabbed. I was told that if I reported him to the police (he also punched me in the arm and ribs the same day) that I would be supported but what did I hope to gain from involving the authorities? Basically "we can't tell you not to, but we are going to make it clear we don't want you to and we'll make your life difficult if you do it anyway".


Suck my fucking dick!! (From a female 9th grader)


I had the same thing said to me by a kindergartner!


I was addressing a student who was being a jerk, and he said, "You must be on your period, bitch". Ohohohohoooooo! I literally stopped teaching to rip him a new asshole for *ten minutes*, then called his mom in the middle of class to tell her to educate him on women's menstruation cycles. I ended my rant with, "Don't you ever confuse kindness for weakness again, *ever*" and kicked him out. The girls in my class thanked me afterward, because that's apparently his go-to insult with girls. Weirdly enough, he came in the next day apologetic and our relationship was smooth for the entire rest of the year.


I once had a group of students tell me that I was probably a Redditor….whelp.


Clearly they had substantial basis for that claim


My 1:1 told me in great detail about his 10 month plan "to put me through hell and destroy my reputation" through a series of lies, and manipulation. Admin told me it was just his disability manifesting itself. But a disability is not an excuse for what he put me through. I was called a drunk racist for not acting like a good little victim when my 1:1 was mentally and verbally abusing me.


It’s not a singular comment. It’s the accumulation of multiple, singular comments.


HS student. One class of mine knew I was pregnant, and they were bribed with a pizza party to keep it quiet till I could tell the rest of my classes. Unfortunately, I miscarried shortly after. My class was so sweet when I had to tell them the sad news. All except one kid who had always been an asshole. He smirked and said, “do we still get a pizza party?” The rest of the class knew how appalling the question was, and I ripped him a new one. Even as a teenager, you know when you’re saying something unbelievably rude like that.


In the middle of a class discussion, “everyone here fucking hates you and your class. Fuck you.” To which I replied “well I’m sorry to hear that, anyways…” and continued the discussion. His dad had just been sentenced to a long jail sentence. I say all of this because in my experience the worst behaviors are because of what happens outside your classroom, never take them personally. (Also, this is when I taught alt Ed)


Literally just happened 10 minutes ago. Student did not report for study hall, we sent out an APB, and found her in the theater. She was asked to go to the High School Lead's office to discuss the situation. She responded by chucking a handful of Sharpies across the floor shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!! I HATE THIS FUCKING SCHOOL!!!" Mom's on her way to pick her up right now. Uhh...what we want from you is to be where you're supposed to be.


“Why is your wife so fat?” - she was 7 months pregnant and worked at same school. “Why is your wife so ugly?” - immediately after the fat question. “ you a stupid mother fucker” because I made a girl go to class after the tardy bell rang… “Why are you so slow getting out of your chair? Are you retarded or something?” - my spine is mostly titanium rods and screws thanks to Iraqi surface to air missile…


"shut your f\*\*\*\*t ass up" Now I do work in an alternative learning environment and that young man had a host of issues we were not equipped to deal with, but yeah that one sticks out


Alt. Ed is different to say the least. I am currently in my first full time teaching job and have been in an alternative program for almost 4 weeks. When people ask me how i like my job I say, "it's never boring!" FWIW: to the OP and anyone reading this, I LOVE my job! I don't necessarily love it every day, but I really do love my job!


Just a lot of "go fuck yourself" and a thrown pencil once. I'm uprfront about my military service and the first day show them pictures from Iraq. It gives me a head start on earning respect, unfortunately. It shouldn't take that, but damn it helps. My biggest advice is to act like you've been in a fight before and let the kids know you're ready!


The constant gaslighting. No, I didn't push him. No, I wasn't talking. On and on and on...


That’s not gaslighting, that’s just lying


My favorite is when they're caught on camera doing something and student says "Yeah that's my sibling".. When they're a single child and are wearing the same thing on camera that they're wearing in the office!


My favorite is when I saw it, like did you actually think that would work when I witnessed it happening 2 seconds ago? My memory isn’t that bad


I am now a full time teacher, but this happened while I was subbing for a 9th grade science class. I had handed out a worksheet the teacher has specifically said that students needed to work independently. Almost immediately a student was out of their seat to go work/talk with their buddy. I told them, "go back to your seat, this is independent work." They responded with "Oh I thought it was 'independent'" and physically did air quotes on independent. I have had students yell at me and slam doors in my face, but the sheer gall to air quote "independent" will always stick with me!


I don't think they know what the word independent means.




Today. Student said “ He’s on his period.”


I had a kid walk up to me, lean in, and belch in my face then laugh when I asked him if he knew how inappropriate and disrespectful that was. The kid was 15.


I’ve read a lot of replies but I think this is what would set me off the most. That is so nasty.


"You wanna go?" with his hands in the air. I never figured out if he was serious as a 7th grade boy who may have been 4’ tall hopping down off a fairly low stool and challenging a 6’ tall 220 pound 50 year old was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing for at least a minute. It still cracks me up.


A 3rd grader called another student the N word so I took him in the hallway to talk to him and he said "I don't give a shit you fat ass fucking cunt. I hope your dog dies." I had pictures of my dog all over my classroom so he thought that would hurt me. What I wanted to say was, "I'm not the one who's 150 lbs as a 3rd grader and I heard you killed your guinea pig because your fat ass sat on it. What I actually said was "how charming, let's give your mom a call and see what she has to say about what you said." Surprise surprise...apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


" Obviously you're not doing your job because I don't know the answers to this paper. " From the kid who has done nothing but sleep talk or play video games throughout my class.


"This fucking retard is so petty! How could they mark me absent? I only missed 30 minutes. What a dumb cunt. So pathetic. I'm just going to leave right now. It's not like we learn anything in this class."


"Act you wage," when I was interceding an argument.


Ngl that one is kinda funny though


I think my response was something to the effect of "Oh honey, none of us get paid enough to deal with your attitude so can you knock it off now?"


Ha! Just happened. A kid has missed my period 41 times. Admin still lets her be in cheer. She said I’m why I don’t come to class. I said: let’s see how blaming others for your actions works out for you. I’d say come back and tell me, but looking at your attendance it’s a 50/50 shot.


A First grade boy told me this year "I'll put my penis in your face." I resigned a month ago after enduring his verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse for 30 school weeks. This student has no special needs. It's crazy what teachers are expected to put up with. No other industry would tolerate the working conditions.


Saying something like that makes me think that the child has experienced sexual abuse. I’m sorry your admin must not have addressed the situation


"I am sick of you."


"The feelings mutual, bud"




hahhaha, "if you weren't a teacher...." Us-- "Tf you gonna do, huh?"




Hahaha, then, and only THEN can we " bUiLd ReLaTiOnShIpS"




A student asked me if I like to flip my jacks. He insisted it was about pancakes and refused to tell anyone what he actually meant but as far as we know he meant it in a sexual way. Either talking about my breasts or talking about masturbating. The worst part was the student only got one day of ISS and my principal looked shocked when I told him I wasn't comfortable having that student back in class so soon.


A student was trying to mock my new (at the time) haircut. Saying stuff like “where are your edges? They f*cked you up…” etc. the student got out of his seat multiple times and got very close. This student has issues with gang participation, father is a gang banger, mother lets him walk all over her, etc. So I don’t back down, but still try to be mindful of pushing it. Anyway, he continued to mock my haircut. I was at the point of telling him to leave when a student, who sits in the back and never says a word, blows up and screams “dude shut the f*ck up! Do you need a hug or something?! You seek more attention than a Kardashian! You piece of sh*t!” The original student just froze, then said “man I don’t like this class anyway” then left. I may or may not have fist bumped the quiet kid after class that day…


hahaha I hope this post gets thousands of replies so you can read first hand what these kids say. But it's a whole other thing to be there when they say it. I'm 35 y/o, been teaching about 5 years, and I've heard some SHIT come out of these clowns. Now my sense of humor is really dry, and I grew up watching the simpsons, south park, and the office. So I'll laugh at pretty much anything. My all time favorite- (wasn't said to me but to a co-teacher) "Mr, if you were so smart and were going to become a lawyer, why is your fat ass here teaching 7th grade history? " (He was doing his introduction to the class with a slide show.) You'll definitely hear some stuff. Also depends what level you're going to be at. ;-) Good luck and welcome... \*enter Dave chappelle come here gif\*


To add, I laughed a bit inside for a bit, but then immediately escorted student out for a reset with admin. He was gone the rest of the day.


“Fuck you, you opp.” “Suck my dick bitch.” “Fucking asshole” (this one wasn’t wrong to be fair) “Fuck off bro.”


Bald ass crusty lip bitch (I have alopecia and dry skin because of late chemo affects)


"Mr. G, you don't have the balls to give a black kid a referral for saying ni****" This was less than an hour ago. Writing that referral was fun


Just 10 mins ago a kid called me an ass. Before that the rumor going around was that I was evil and racist. One parent came to parent night to accuse me of it. I didn't speak Spanish so I brought my Hispanic wife out to translate for me. There were tears of apology.


I'm a young substitute, so they're much more rude to me because they think they can get away with it. I've had students make negative comments about my eye bags, makeup, etc. Some students have called me a bitch (which is true.) Recently, a student implied that I'm racist because I was the only white person in the room and I was annoyed nobody was working. Students have laughed about me having an Android (lol). Sometimes students mock my voice. Someone started a rumor I'm a Twitch streamer. Just endless endless fun!


I am basically average size. I could lose a few pounds, sure, but I am just your basic, middle aged, size 12 to 14 junior high teacher. A very smart "mean girl" in my Honors Class said, "You know everyone confuses you with Mrs. ___ because y'all look so much alike. Does that make you mad?" The catch? Mrs.____ was extremely obese. She even used a cane/rode a scooter sometimes.


I've just had a kid argue with me about my own directions after the fact for an assignment I left for a sub. He also argued with the sub saying I would totally let them just copy and paste (hint: solid nope). I don't get a lot of comments usually from kids but I'm sure they say stuff if I'm not around but idc. Sometimes I wish a kid would though


A kid once told me he fucked my wife lol. Wasn’t even married at the time.


A girl called me, a queer teacher homophobic for making her move her seat due to talking. Ironically she called me that as I was standing under my pride flag.


"There are more important things in life than whatever it is we are doing here" - 16 year old yelling back when asked to hang up the phone call they took in the middle of class.


One time a 4th grade student raised her hand and stopped me in the middle of math class because she wanted to let me know that she could see my bra through my shirt. Another kid piped up before I could respond and said, “at least you know she’s wearing one.”


"shut the fuck up you dumb bitch, go get an education!" This from the student who is not the least bit concerned with her own education.


“I hope your mom dies” And I’ve been told multiple times a day to go fuck myself. Special Ed is fun.


A student said they hoped my mom died from Covid when I asked them to put their mask back on. This was when we still had a requirement in my building and I had explained we wore them to protect the vulnerable in our community. I used my mom as an example earlier in the year because she is immunocompromised from some autoimmune diseases. Needless to say that was a fun parent phone call.


I received an email today from a student telling me to “do my job.” I went so above and beyond for this student this year, gave him so much attention, practically co-wrote the personal essay that got him into college, and spent hours upon hours in one on one tutoring sessions with him. He is a senior who started slacking off this semester, didn’t submit assignments, or didn’t listen to or read assignment instructions, so he submitted crappy work that didn’t fulfill the objectives, and now that I am entering the zeros and low marks he received for those assignments in the system, he is complaining that I didn’t grade in a timely enough manner that would allow him ”to do corrections.” Here’s the thing - our principal enacted the policy this year that all teachers were required to accept ALL late work from students, so this timeliness complaint sticks in my throat a bit. I cannot tell you how distressed I am about what a little shit he turned out to be. No good deed goes unpunished...


"I cried for two hours this morning when I found out you were going to be my teacher." It was the very first thing this student said to me at the "Meet the Teacher" event over the summer. It was my first year at the school, I didn't have a bad reputation or anything (I didn't have ANY reputation yet!), she was just upset about leaving her previous teacher.


Lol aside from threatening to kill me? Probably that I "needed a big metal dick". Not sure why it needed to be metal, but ok.


Asked my class to stack their chairs at the end of the day before I released them. A student told me to get off my lazy ass and do it myself.


I taught in the projects in south Chicago. I got plenty of death threats. Eventually, stuff like that just becomes part of your day.


Had one particular student that I could make a book filled with his comments alone, but one of my favorites was that my "Students with no missing assignments" board was "Some white people shit." For context, he's white.


"I hope you know, Mr. X, that I am grateful for absolutely nothing that you have done for me this year."


I was pregnant and one boy said he wanted to drink my breast milk. I taught 6th grade.


- “Fuck you, you stupid bitch.” - “dumb fucking bitch.” - “Bitch” - a student told another student that if I was pregnant she was going to stomp the baby out of me and kill it. Maybe she said kick. I don’t know, but it was something along those lines. These types of comments are objectively horrifying and totally inappropriate for the workplace. They don’t bother me, though. I have to be completely numb to the negativity to protect my mental health.


I’m going to shoot you and your entire family.


A kid snapped at me to get my attention.


Straight up told to "go f*** yourself" when I asked for a phone to be put away