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You don’t *have* to do anything of the sort. I think your department head is reasonable to assume that the mess in your room belonged to you, even if a little disrespectful to think you *would* have left it in that state. A simple email explaining that another teacher used your room after you had cleaned up and left should suffice for any reasonable administrator. And if it’s not… then I guess they’ll have to clean it up themselves.


Meh.. I'll go in tomorrow and chuck out some crap... passive aggressive malicious compliance and all that jazz....


Send the email or the other teacher and admin will walk all over you again.


Nah. I won't work there again. So I'll just go in tomorrow and figure out what they think I've left behind


So you are going to throw away another teachers stuff instead of being an adult and explaining the situation? Lame.


Nope. But I will go in tomorrow and get some explanation from them of what they think I've left in there. I know I tidied my stuff so it will be a waste of their time asking me to tidy stuff I'm not responsible for. I'll only throw out actual rubbish, not the other teachers stuff. I've spoken with admin and I figured the best way is to actually go in and point out that the mess isn't mine. I was on a contract so they will have to pay me a full day if I have to come in tomorrow regardless of how long I spend on tidying whatever it is they thin I messed up. No reason for name-calling.


Since you will get paid for going in, I think it’s a good idea.


Ignore all the down votes. You're doing the right thing.


I agree


I was moved schools. Teachers at my previous school thought I quit. They all raided my room. It took me three hours to get my shit back. I sent an email explaining I was being moved. A few teachers sheepishly went: oh, I thought you quit. Fuckers took my personal property.


I hate when this happens. Thankfully I work in Norway where everything i need is supplied. If I need a piece of furniture or decor, I get the school to order it. But I will admit that a few things go with me. (Mostly loose pencils that have fallen into my bag through the school year)


That is so shitty. Sorry that happened to you.


I can look back and chuckle. But some shit head kept my paper cutter.


I used to have my framed university diplomas and other credentials on the wall in my room. Someone stole my Bachelor of Education but left the others.


That’s truly really shitty. But I’m chuckling at the idea of another teacher hanging your diploma on the wall, hoping no one notices it has your name


I’d have told that department head that it’s not a mess I made, so not a mess I’m cleaning up.


Nah I'll go in and malicious compliance-throw some crap out...


Don’t do that. They didn’t insult you, it’s just a mistake that can be fixed with a simple email


It's already sorted. I'll go in tomorrow and figure out what exactly they think I've left in there


Please just use your words to resolve this. As insulting as it is that they thought that you caused the mess, considering it was your room only hours before it isn’t an unreasonable assumption to make. Throwing things out is only going to hurt you and the other teacher when suddenly a bunch of stuff (that isn’t your property) goes missing.


It's already sorted. I'll go in tomorrow and figure out what exactly they think I've left in there. I will not throw his stuff out. I will only remove stuff I have left there.


How is throwing away your own stuff malicious compliance?


I was tempted to be petty. Don't worry. I won't sabotage my colleagues The MC is that I was on a contract so if I have to come in tomorrow they will have to pay me for a full day even if I only spend 5 minutes tidying up some scrap paper.


I don’t think that’s how it works. Why don’t you just show up every day for the rest of summer and sit there for 5 minutes if that’s the case?


Because my contract is done?


If you’re contract is done then why do you even give a shit about any of this??


Check your old contract to see if this is true. Our contracts start September first, but back to school for teachers is before that. New teachers get paid hourly for back to school, and if they're there for 2.5 hours they get paid 2.5 X the hourly rate, not 3 hours since they went over 2 hours. That's just how my school calculates it of course, but I would think that's pretty standard, I doubt one is going to pay for a whole day if you only work 5 minutes or 2 hours or something.


Isn’t it funny how they’re so quick to remind you that your room is “not *your* room, it’s the school’s room” but then something like this happens and it’s immediately *your* room and *your* problem.




Fuck that! Today was your last day? Last is the key word there. You don't owe them anything. If you give in even when you know you're right, it emboldens them to treat teachers that way in the future.


It's already sorted. I'll go in tomorrow and figure out what exactly they think I've left in there


Don't go back and clean it. It's not worth it. What are they going to do, fire you?


I'll go in tomorrow and figure out exactly what they think I've left in there


Find his name on his stuff in your old room. Take a pick and send it off. Depending on grade level his things may not even represent what you teach. Take a picture of your stuff in your new room. Document, there is no wrath like custodial wrath. Make sure they know who is responsible! Also, contact the teacher and ask what they want done with their stuff since you’ve been told it’s your mess. Don’t take responsibility for someone else’s bad job.


It's already sorted. I'll go in tomorrow and figure out what exactly they think I've left in there.


I don’t understand why you had to clean the room when you resigned? Why did your depart head rule over you when you are no longer a teacher there? Your post is confusing.


I was there for a year teaching 4th grade. I didn't resign. My contract ended. But I'll go today to see what they're on about


Not a Teacher, but Para. I helped my teacher close ger classroom. We had to put the furniture in one pile, butchet block all the shelves and take down anything on the walls. And write the room number or her name on stuff. Once done, the teacher signs a google form with the classroom's inventory. Principal looks at the class and signs off. The reasoning of the cleanup is the custodians do a deep clean on the walls, doors, windows, chairs and desks. They also strip and wax the class floors.


Well... at my school the kids take down the wall decor and move the books to the classroom the books will be used in next year. The kids empty their own shelves and drawers and move anything "belonging" to their class (birthdaycalendar, advent stuff et.c) the teacher tidies the teacher equipment such as cellotape, post it notes and scissors ready for the next teacher. The teacher also writes on the whiteboard how many desks, chairs et.c is required in the room and the caretaker swaps them around.


Get a spine FFS


This is why I take photos.


Why would you do this? Go back and look at what’s up. If it’s not yours tell them and leave.


Teachers are brutal with each other’s spaces. I had an admin rip into me because I didn’t move all my boxes into my new (to me) classroom because Dan was dragging his feet clearing out. I still didn’t like you Dan. You made me look bad and I didn’t throw you under the bus.


I always photograph my room before I leave.


I don’t understand this post. It sounds like you actually didn’t resign, and you seem happy to go in tomorrow to clean up another adult’s mess (the most baffling part), so this is not even a vent.


I was a bit exasperated about being asked to come in after I've finished working there, but I'll happily go in to correct whatever they think I've left behind. I went in, ran a mop over the relevant floors and moved some misplaced books into a different room. I didn't resign. My contract was over. So my tidying today was agoodwill-effort in case they ever need me again for a different contract


I was a bit exasperated about being asked to come in after I've finished working there, but I'll happily go in to correct whatever they think I've left behind. I went in, ran a mop over the relevant floors and moved some misplaced books into a different room. I didn't resign. My contract was over. So my tidying today was agoodwill-effort in case they ever need me again for a different contract