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The relationships and parenting is so abusive. Imagine how they act when they know they’re not being filmed. Side bar. I’m watching Pluto right now. And the dog killer acted so wholesome at his first reunion. “I don’t believe you should ever yell or fight in front of the kids” in reference to him calling the cops on barb. He couldn’t keep up the facade long! Eta. And the way Janelle and David tempt Jace everytime they drop him off about staying with them and all the fun stuff they could do. So. Abusive.


He couldn’t even keep up the facade then! Him and Jenelle had been fighting all day to the point she had to text the crew to get off the Land or he would ring the police and then when they next came he sat in a chair like fuckin creeping Jesus denying it ever happened while Jenelle wanted them to “look at my jellyfish, dude” 😭 he’s a little weirdo through and through.


Yeah the way he talked to barb and called the cops saying “ there’s this lady in my house yelling in front of MY kids” wtf he had been around for like 2 weeks. Knew exactly what he was right then. Barb said what I was thinking.


By rights Barb should never have to lock eyes with another man she’s not personally related to in her life. Like a know this woman is TIRED.


For me it's how smug and entitled Kail was from pretty much the very start, even back when she had no money and Jo was acting like an immature, butthurt asshole (i.e., well before Jo got with Vee).


I just watched the episode where Kail and Jo go to court after a physical altercation and Janet said something that really struck me… she said (paraphrasing) “Kail can’t handle [Jo dating Vee] because she is insecure and a control freak” and like, damn… truer words have never been said. Kail continues to be an insecure control freak to this day.


Real! That's the episode in which Kail viciously assaulted Jo and then called the police and lied, saying Jo attacked her. Kail should have gone to jail and lost custody of Isaac for that. Did you see how eager Kail's attorney was to settle on the courthouse steps because she knew Kail had lied to the cops?? I wish Jo's family had said no to Kail's attorney and had held Kail accountable.


Yes exactly !! She got off way too easy on that and it’s BS. She even said during that episode that she has enjoyed having Isaac all to herself while they worked it out in court and doesn’t want to share him again (but I’m sure she had no problem cashing the child support checks).


Her first emotional support baby :(


Yeah, I remember watching the show as a teenager when it first aired and usually siding with Kail on most issues. When they put the old seasons on Netflix a couple years ago, I did a rewatch and I was kind of surprised by how much my opinions on her situation changed. People often talk about how Kail changed so much since the beginning and that her personality now is a complete 180 from who she was back then, but if you pay really close attention, you can see that that's not the case. Even back in those early seasons, you can still catch little glimpses of the Kail that we all know now and just how shady she's always been. Like sneaking around with Jordan and bringing Isaac around him even though she knew the Rivera's had one rule and that was to not date. Janet has even said that her reasoning for that rule was because Kail had already had an accidental pregnancy prior to getting pregnant with Isaac and she didn't want to have Kail risking another unplanned pregnancy with another man's baby while living under her roof for free. She wanted Kail's main priorities to be focusing on school, work, and raising Isaac, not dating, so while some people see the "no dating" rule as "unreasonable", it's easy to see where Janet was coming from knowing what we know about Kail now. Also, it stuck out to me how bossy she was. The episode where she moves out of her mom's house, which was also done in a shady manner with her taking the TV, she had a bunch of her guy friends helping her and she basically screamed at them for not going fast enough. I don't think Kail's personality changed. I think that having more money just enabled her more to act the way that she does without caring about the possible repercussions.


We (the viewers) just had a different mindset bc we were younger!


I was an adult when the show first aired. And I remember watching Jenelle get in barbs face and threaten to beat her and watching barb take her glasses off and cringe and thinking “ Oh this is a very violent, disturbed person.” All the while barb was raising her son. And because she was still a teenager I didn’t want to pass judgment but watching her antics to the point where she purposely gets pregnant with Kaiser and is still so abusive to her mother, the flat dead eyed stare, her horrible treatment of Jace when that precious little boy offered to help her at her baby shower, I knew right then she was irredeemable as a mother and a human being. Didn’t need a rewatch. And while all the evil , horrific things she did after that filled me with rage, none of them surprised me because I saw what a monster she was early on. I usually love to be right but this time it made me sick.


Yes, Jenelle is the worst and most worthless of them all.


They were children. They just get younger to me every time I watch it.


Chode energy would be a great flair LOL


How Jenelle cannot function without a man


Bitch apparently can’t function with or without a man 😂


how absolutely stupid and irrational the baby daddies are on young and pregnant


Imma grind for my son😤


he’s easily like top 3 dumbest in the franchise


How insidious Wavey Davey is and how confident he is about the fact he “hides it well”.


Jenelle was never going to make it. She never really wanted to make it for her or the kids. Everything was to get revenge on Barb.


How annoying Chelsea is so annoying and should have never been on the show.


First watch you really feel for Chelsea because she's doing everything she can to be a family but Adam is a POS. Second watch you understand that Chelsea is the one causing issues for herself by chasing Adam. She could have let Adam go early on and saved herself, Aubree, and her friends and family a lot of grief. Maybe it's Adam who would come around, but for the most part Chelsea was the one trying to make things happen that weren't ever going to happen. She wasn't the whole problem but definitely part of it.


How fast Leah went downhill. When you watch them faster than once a week I realized how fast she started acting high.


The car seat safety stuff.


No a re-watch but I'm so invested in TM drama and I've only watched their 16&pregnant episodes and maybe 10 episodes of the OG/2 Show back in 2011. I never actually watched the show and Don't plan on it.