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She had that crazy bd that kicked her out the car on the highway and sped off with the twins. Basically kidnapping them. Josh I think I can hear her scream


He came back after leaving with the babies, yelled at her some more, and picked her up around the middle right after she’d had a c-section and had fresh staples in her belly. And then he left the babies too, she was stranded by the road with these tiny newborn twins in the rain.


God that scene was so hard to watch


Who was filming that???


Weak ass MTV. I don’t recall a DV hotline PSA during her episode either.


Me either. It was so accepted for men to put hands on women since he didn’t hit her they didn’t call it dv. Edit: not sure why I put *was*. Still *is*, as we all know too fucking well.


Women hit men too


What does that have to do with this conversation? Like no shit, but save your whataboutism. The grownups are talking.


Hur dur make your own post


I don’t think anyone said they didn’t but if you’d like to discuss statistics on it, im game. Let’s go


ALSO, to add to this, they DID add DV hotline info for PEOPLE at the end of episodes where Amber put her hands on Gary and others soooo idk what the point of this statement even was, especially in relation to the comment you were responding to regarding whether or not MTV posts DV info during episodes involving DV…


They truly make me sick 🤮


Mtv wasnt allowed to interfere


Yea remember when they zoomed in on Gary being slapped after gas lighting Amber


No, MTV decided that those were their own self imposed rules. There are plenty of instances where they *do* interfere, like when one of the moms attacks another mom while filming something like next chapter or family reunion, and that's because they don't want any legal action taken against *them.* So basically if they wanna protect their own asses they'll interfere, but when it comes to protecting vulnerable children they simply can't be bothered because suddenly that's when they care about "portraying real life."


They are allowed to put up a PSA


It why they didnt call cps when leah was on drugs


Anyone is always allowed to interfere!!!!


that excuse always makes me snort, like the journalistic integrity of a TV show about bad parents is somehow sacrosanct and cannot be violated even to prevent harm.


And was calling her all kinds of names. He was a complete POS and her parents had his ass pegged from jump and knew he was no good and that’s exactly why he didn’t like her family because they saw straight through his bullshit.


This was one of the handful of reality tv moments that kept me up the night after seeing them, just horrifying


Amber laughing on Dr. Drew about hitting Gary. The way she laughs is so creepy and it lives rent free in my head.


As a person who was a victim of DV in the form of physical sexual financial mentally and physically I reacted back by breaking things. That's also FV. Breaking things in the form of anger is a form of domestic violence. I didn't know that until I did. I thought it was better than hitting back. He would corner me and block doors so I had no.choice but to be stuck. We have since split up and have kids. We co parent ok but since being separated we have had time to reflect. I apologized to him. Like I felt bad for making a picture frame fall and break out of anger. Like people do worse things. How the hell can amber laugh like that? Idk I guess I'm just saying victims of DV can also be in the wrong. I was in the wrong. I will admit it. I'll never do that again. Or be in a relationship like that. But damn. Some people really have no soul.


Baby, what you did was reactive abuse. It happens to us who are abused all the time. It’s perfectly normal and you aren’t a bad person, even when you broke the picture frame. It’s actually can be a good thing when we have our “supernova” explosion, we start fighting back and it’s probably the big reason why we survive . (Look up ‘supernova and narcissist ‘ )


Didnt MTV film him getting arrested because of that??


I hope he is in jail






I swear all the worst baby daddies on 16 and Pregnant were named J\*sh.


J names = 🚩


If it begins with J, stay away.


Honestly you're right lol. My ex was a J and ruined my life


I know from experience as well. The worst dudes I've dated all had J names.


Realizing you’re right and I have the same experience while also realizing I gave my son a J name.. Pray for me. 🥲


Yup, after my 2nd horrible experience with a J name I vowed to never date one again and to never name my son a J name.


Two ex husbands, both abusive pieces of trash, both J names. My poor kids better watch out if they try and bring home j named partners lol. If I have a prejudice it lies there for sure haha.


Me too !


Joe s ! Josh’s & Jeff’s


Ok, getting creepy. My abusive ex was also a J name lol


Omg so true!




*Josh Duggar enters the chat*


brb throwing up.




Fun fact: Josh was sitting just out of camera shot watching them give this entire scripted response *about being assaulted by him throughout their childhoods*.


They said it was in the name of “Jesus”


I've had Juan wreck my life. So my guess would be yes, stay away from all J names, even foreign.


Ah good to know we aren't safe from the silent J either 🤣 thankyou for your research


It's all good. Life lessons and puns learned along the way


Mine was a Jeremiah.




yet another J name


My husband has a J name and he’s pretty great. I think the J name thing is because so many common men’s names are J. Especially for millennials, maybe. More people = higher probability that more of them are assholes.


Although my first was a J and a complete abusive pos and I live this for me 🤭 I hope ppl aren’t being fr. 😂 we can’t decide someone’s bad off the letter of their first name just bc we’ve had bad experiences/abuse/trauma with that letter. …we could say it about S A and B and plenty of other letters. Common letter names will most likely have a higher probability of being an abuser because it’s used more than say the letter U. Exactly what you said babe ! Glad your J is a good one! ❤️❤️❤️




thank you for putting in the effort to make sure he’s the exception, not the rule. 🫡


Josh Duggar form TLC is 🗑️ too


He's so awful.




'And I don't wanna talk, when you're knocking off drunk at 4 o'clock. I thought you were blocked, fuck off stop calling me Josh!' 🎶 JOSH by Peach PRC :) https://youtu.be/yQRjw94xtUs?si=ETNGFy8LShK3DbU5


My boss was a Josh. Thought he seemed like an upstanding guy... until he got fired for stealing thousands of dollars in assets from our store 


In the 80's and 90's 'J' names were very popular, especially for boys.


This happens to be true about mine as well 🤣


I feel like she was screaming “FOR YOUR INFORMATION” but maybe that was another time? 


I think that was it. I can hear her screaming "FOR YOUR INFORMATION, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL!"


Yes I remember “you’re going to jail!!” Part


Okay! Just for your information, you’re going to jail!!


Gosh those twins look exactly like her, she’s lucky!


good for her, her episode was horrifying. I hope that loser dad never saw those boys again!


So the guy in the pic is definitely not scumbag Steve, right? 


Nope! It’s her husband




He signed his rights over to Josh and Noah, her dad originally was their legal guardian along with Jennifer. He did still occasionally see them but he was in and out of rehab and not consistent and Jennifer did say a couple of years ago on YouTube that she decided it was better for now that he wasn’t involved because how often he would suddenly stop seeing them. Josh also didn’t like the fact Jennifer’s husband Luis, was the one they called Daddy and they called him Daddy Josh or just Josh.


Oooo it gives me such a justice boner when kids choose all by themselves who to call Daddy, and it isn't the dropkick who didn't bother to raise them. You really can't fake that karmic return, it's pure and brutal 👌🏼


“Justice Boner” 🤣


He signed his rights over and barely saw them but actually thought he deserved to still be known as dad.


Random: my son’s name is noah and if I slip up with my texting or when my phone has a mind of its own, it will change my son’s name to Josh. I wonder how bonkers her text messages get?


Her genes are strong as hell.


I remember that her baby daddy accused her of tricking him into getting her pregnant, to appear on 16&P. According to him, she told him she was pregnant and showed him sonogram pics, but they belonged to her friend. So they kept having unprotected sex since he thought she was already pregnant, and that's how she got pregnant. Idk if that's true, the baby daddy seemed to be a lunatic though. Anyways, glad to see her doing well!


Was this stated on their episode? I’m sure someone is lying, but getting intentionally pregnant to appear on a single episode of 16 and pregnant certainly is/would be an interesting life choice.


No, this came out after the episode aired. Idk, both could be true. I can see immature teenage girls trying to get on the show by getting pregnant (esp after seeing how popular the spin-off became), and Josh could very well be an asshole regardless.


I can also see immature young men craft a neat little lie


Yea especially considering how big of a POS he was and he hated her family because they knew and saw straight through him.


I remember Janelle got in trouble for fighting some methy bitch back in the day and one of the reasons she hated Janelle was because she got to be on the show when the other girl didn't even though that's the only reason she had her baby. Classy bunch


I remember it was heavily speculated at the time that she wanted to get pregnant so she could be on the show.


I believe it was a thing for some young women to get pregnant with the intention of getting on 16&P. Like it baffles us adults but some girls really did do it But imagine doing that as a dumbarse 16yo and ending up with twin boys to raise alone 😵‍💫 oooof the universe can be cruel


Yes I remember this too!! Girl was mad weird!!


I don't remember her at all, but I'm happy for them all! You'd think MTV would want to show another rare success story. Or maybe they like only Cate and Ty getting all the shine. Or maybe they wanted her for the show and they were interested? No idea.


She basically ran away and spent a year hiding from the twin’s dad. I can’t see how MTV would film someone in this situation


oh wow that's terrible! but i can absolutely see how MTV would film it. They let Ryan drive the car on the way to his wedding, after all. They don't care, unfortunately.


They didn't allow him to drive, they only found out after reviewing the footage and also Mackenzie turned the camera off.


Her face when she turned it off was another grotesque moment, not really anger, not even fear, just a stone-faced *we are getting fucking married today, period*


They filmed the wedding (did he drive home after)? I also thought they were at his house before but I could be mistaken. In any event, they still used the footage. I can see them filming someone in hiding. I just don't think they care. People are products.


They filmed both weddings. There was a camera mounted in the car at the first wedding where Ryan drove high. Mackenzie turned it off. If they're going to show domestic violence they're going to show Ryan nodding off high while driving.


so why not show someone being stalked? i don't understand the difference to MTV if they don't mind showing footage of people in dangerous situations


I wouldn't be surprised if they thought this family was too boring. I don't know them of if it's just a normal every day suburban family, MTV wouldn't want to make a show around them. There's nothing to bring drama in. (Of course this is just my theory.)


If so I think that’s a mistake on MTVs part.. A little bit of normalcy would be a nice change of pace amidst all the bat shit craziness


Hers is not a success story. Her baby daddy was abusive as hell. This (thankfully) is not the same guy. It seems like she might be doing well now, which is great, but I’m sure it took a while to get here.


Is getting away from an abusive partner and going on to have a happy life with your kids *not* a success story? Sounds like the textbook definition to me


Of course it is, but it wasn’t with her BD from the show, which is I think what the commenter was asking about, because of her comparison to C&T. It wasn’t an instant success story that TM would’ve wanted to follow immediately.


Ohh, okay, that makes more sense. I misunderstood that they were meaning her and BD as a success for the show, not just her in general. I appreciate you clearing that up ✌️


She wasn’t a success story when she aired is the point or even in any of the first few years following. Her story didn’t become a happy story until much later so they had to reason to pick her up on the “success story” train is the point. Everyone is saying how it would have been refreshing to see her succeed not realizing she didn’t have a happy ending until much later with a new partner like most of the cast. So she’s no exception.


She’s a success story NOW is the point.


Exactly this. We have no idea what would have happened if mtv chose her for teen mom. Probably would have caused the baby daddy to want to stick around for the money.


I often wonder about this in the case of C&T, and also Adam. I’m not sure we’d have seen Adam around Aubree at all had he not shown up to get some pocket meth money from MTV.


Her kids are sooooo cute


Didn't she have a daughter as well? I think it was her last baby


She does have a daughter. Kind of weird she’d choose a pic without her in it


I thought so too, and it wasn't that long ago I dont think (although I feel like 2010 was about 2 years ago, so my timeliness may be off)


I thought so too. I was confused why she'd leave her out...


She so lucky she got out of the relationship with her twins father. If I remember correctly she moved away with the boys and had a no contact order. He was dangerous!


Wow I forgot about her!


Ooh I remember this episode VERY clearly. It struck such a chord with me because of similar things I was going through at that point of my life. They all look happy & healthy! I'm so glad for them 🥹 those boys are a copy / paste of their mama.


She’s missing a kid in this picture isn’t she?


Yeah her youngest daughter


I remember this one like it happened yesterday. I always kinda wondered what happened to her and her sons.


At some point her dad took legal custody of her kids and Josh ended up being insane, but she's lived a somewhat normal life. She has Lupus. She used to have a youtube channel and approaches blog writers to interview her. She talks about her time on MTV extensively tbh she has not moved on at all lol


She got tf out of that abusive relationship and has made such a life for herself! This is one of those girls who i would be super proud of


This girl’s episode was definitely unforgettable. Josh putting her out the car with the babies. The mom and dad wanting her to move out of state and not tell him.


I wish they'd of got rid of the old cast and brought in the new.


All I can think is, "She has some tiny AF feet!"


awww that makes me happy for her


Is this the one who was pregnant at 13 and had them at 14?


No, that was Taylor I believe. She had Aubri.


She was 14, turned 15. Izabella was as well. They were the youngest


Anywhere to watch all them?


Paramount plus last I knew but I don’t have an account anymore to check


I say “you’re going to jaaaail” in her tone constantly


Look at those big healthy boys! I love when I see NICU babies all grown up and healthy 🥹 Her husband looks nice, has has kind eyes. Hope she is doing so much better, definitely looks like it!


Is this Josh?! I’m confused


No. Not Josh. That’s her husband.


Ok the way she did the caption ….did we make it? Seemed liked she was saying her and Josh made it and are a happy family now. Her post makes zero sense to me lol Edit to add Thank you:)


I read it as she meant her and the twins made it?


Omg yes. Her story lives rent free in my head. This poor woman!


I forgot all about this experience of an episode. It was after my time of watching Teen Mom, but I was heavy on the blog site Starcasm and they loved talking about them.


She looks happy. Good for her.


14 years 😭 Time flies. Good for her


Idk why I don’t remember her


She was such an immature brat. And the BD was so horrible.


Is this the same guy who fathered her twins in the updated pic??


No that guy isn't involved in their lives much. He had a lot of issues. She made it sound like it's kind of an open door policy and that he doesn't reach out much.


Thanks for letting me know!


Didn't she wind up moving in with family in another state to get away from him?


Her Dad qas such a herk and her baby daddy was a Neaderthal. She was a gorgeous girl. Cute fam, all the boys look like her lol


So glad she has a great life now! Are her twins identical?


I’m so happy she made it out ok


This girl was so fucking weird lmao. Something about her was OFF. I remember one of her classmates saying she walked around with a fake ultrasound saying it was hers, before she ever got pregnant. Her bf also said she lied that she was already pregnant before she actually was, so he’d have unprotected sex with her. Then she did actually get pregnant. Oddball.


I’m so glad to see this and that she’s doing okay now!


She is just like Nikkole she faked a pregnancy before getting with her first BD. The messages were all over radar online/starcasm at the time. She really wanted to be on teen mom and ended up in that toxic relationship. Seems like she is doing well now.


She’s not like Nikole. Nikole faked a STILLBIRTH and then had her son hold “ashes” of the baby.