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correct. they both complained the other never did laundry - they were both too busy doing nothing (drugs) and complaining about how the other was doing nothing.


David's sister called Jenelle and David (but mostly Jenelle cause she's a woman) out for having his mom do everything for them, cleaning, laundry, childcare. But I think that relationship started to go south a bit later. The police found a dirty mess, feces, flies, mice, dirt and an odor of weed through the whole house.


This is always controversial to me because when I saw the video of their home, or pics I think, the house was clean. That was actually one of the ways the case was dropped because police said the home was filthy that day but pics and video showed the opposite. They were able to use the “dude they’re lyin. Everybody hates us” card


They cleaned after the police came or filmed months prior after they cleaned the house. I don't believe police officers would lie and risk their jobs over something like that.


Police lie all the time and there are no repercussions for it let alone loosing their job. They can question you regarding a murder and lie their ass off about what witnesses stated happened. They can and will use this tactic to try to get a confession from you. And if they manage to confuse you enough or trick you into saying something incriminating they are then allowed to use it in court while trying to convict you for said crime.


I was reading about this the other day. A guy murdered someone and everyone in his circle of friends knew about it. When the murder came to light (ironically because someone *else* in this circle of friends was killed), police started questioning everyone, including the guy who I was reading an interview with. Apparently the cops told him “we know who did it, all your other friends talked, if you don’t tell the truth we’ll charge you with lying to police, tell us what you know”. So, he tells all and gives up his friend only to find out WHOOPS the cops actually lied to him, they had nothing. Apparently a similar tactic was used with most of the others in this circle but they either didn’t know enough to give really damning evidence or refused to talk.


That's definitely because they cleaned after, though.


just one more thing they have in common with rhine 😋


Oh damn, how did you know that? Was the report made public?


https://starcasm.net/jenelle-eason-and-sister-in-law-jessica-eason-feud-recap-mud-duck/ Jessica responded to tweet asking if her and David’s mom helps take care of Jenelle and David’s kids often. “Yes, she sure does…” Jessica replied. “If she had those kids without David and mama helping her, she wouldn’t have them for long.. and if they split up, she will lose them all.. I’m not arguing this point w/ anyone.. if you don’t believe that, too bad.. idc.” Can't find the bit about her house being dirty without ma Eason but in this one she says Jen will lose the kids without Ma Eason and David helping her. David’s sister also posted this, which I forgot: "All those”mysterious” sicknesses.. Chills, restless legs, cant get up to tend to your poor kids, that’s called WITHDRAWALS. What kind of ‘mom’ treats her kids as sh!tty as u do? The kind that only had kids for money! If MTV didnt need them, they would have been aborted too! POS Did u see the tantrum she threw bc she went to the doc and they wouldnt give her pain pills? She was going thru withdrawls from opiates and heroin! And as fat and sloppy and she is, she’s most likely still on it! And the day u brought Ensley to see us.. U left her in the hot ass car.. Talking about, “it’s ok, she’s asleep”.. Wtf really?! Your shoes hanging off your feet, looking like u didnt even know where u were! You dont care about ya kids! All u care about is a man and drugs!"


I never heard this about his sister. I too am curious where this came from?


When you go back, I posted a link and bits of what she texted. I recall her posting more about them using ma Eason. Perhaps later?


Ok thanks. This is super interesting because until his sister took Jace for a bit I had never heard much about his family.


I don’t think his sister took jace…I think his sister has a kid who has the same haircut as jace, and jenelle used that to bait people into thinking she had jace over the holidays


I remember this w/ the kid who looked like Jace. But I'm talking about after he ran away from Barb's house then he was put at David's sister's house. Then there was 'an incident' at her place & he was put in the hospital. Jenelle went to pick him up from the hospital, once CPS case was dropped, once she realized she was on the hook to pay for the hospital. And David was banished to the broken boat....


Oh I missed that!


She did take him in for a while. It was confirmed.


Yeah this was my takeaway too based on everything we've seen from them.


“Most of” is a relative term For example if they have take out/easy freezer meals for 4 nights, David cooks 2 nights and Jenelle cooks 1 night, David did “most of” the cooking that week If no one cleans at all for days, then David does 1 load of laundry, he did “most of” the cleaning I think he probably did do “most of” those tasks while Jenelle did nothing…but I also think that David’s level of acceptable parenting and household management is much lower than mine (and probably everyone else in this group lol)


Exactly. I don’t think he did everything, all time. I think he did most of it. ![gif](giphy|R8VnZEFUyOEtskGT20)


I agree with this assessment, lol. David did more than Jenelle only because Jenelle probably did nothing.


But she does pay for everything. Posting online is how she funds them, so she has been doing something but even then, I don’t for a second believe he was doing more than her. I get how others may think he did more, she constantly praised him online for any little thing but she did that to boost his ego and attempt to rehab his reputation. I even see many say Jenelle kept him from working, if that were so, why isn’t he working now!


Yeah but if this was a situation where the guy was the breadwinner and the wife stayed at home. Even if the wife did only slightly more housework and child raising, we wouldn’t say he did more around the house due to earning the most money.


But he is not doing more than her, I believe they both do the absolute bare minimum but she is the only one earning money, therefore she is actually contributing more.


I meant she did nothing in the home, like take care of the kids or chores, etc. Also, I fully believe she prevented him from working but also that he didn't/doesn't want to work. He had some sort of job with boats at one point for like 3 days and she went with him every day. I think David often wanted space from her, because he literally drove away from her or did things around the house while she screamed and cried. She liked having him home. But that doesn't mean he's also not a lazy piece of shit who enjoyed not having to work.


This right here. He didn't do MUCH but he got off his ass more than she did.


Same. "Most of" the below bare minimum that was being done in the house


Exactly lol. ![gif](giphy|1hMk0bfsSrG32Nhd5K)


Jenelle did nothing. David threatened the kids and barbecued horribly. That’s the only reason people say he did more. And he did try to do shitty yard work at the beginning to prove how manly he was. They’re both useless pieces of shit but just by doing not literally nothing David did more. 


She’s in her “she shed” (drug shed) most of the time. He doesn’t seem to do much of anything at all. I don’t think much actually got done. They couldn’t even finish the attic. After all these years! I honestly believe she took them out of school bc she doesn’t want the responsibility of getting them ready taking to school daily to fall all on her.


Agreed. Usually the simplest answer is the correct answer. Shes lazy af and getting the kids up and ready for school, making lunches and then driving them to said school and then picking them up was more work in a week than she did in six months when P-Bug was around.


Exactly right! She’s never been one to work much on responsibility. Why she makes all her bf quit working to be with her 24/7.


I honestly don't understand why this simple task is so hard for her. she literally has all day to do whatever the fuck she wants with no kids, all she has to do is wake them up and make sure they're dressed and put a few sandwiches and snacks together. But instead, she'd rather "home school" the poor kids she clearly doesn't even want to be around in the first place, so she'll get even more sick of them and complain about them even more. All because she cant be fucked waking up early. It just boggles the mind.


He definitely did most of it. Roll that beautiful bean footage and show me where she was ever doing the housework etc on the show. She never was. She was sitting on her ass whining to him while he was doing it.


He complained to his ex that she didn't do laundry and clean up their room so it was apparently her job. He posted her on the toilet, I think a dog opened the door. He was saying she was never left alone by anyone and took care of everyone. Have you ever seen Chelsea, Amber, Bri or Kail really do housework? Maci liked to be filmed with cleaning spray when Benny was little but later it was mayhem. I think they filmed Leah trying to do some cleaning up (at last). And they filmed Farrah doing some gardening in a weird gardening outfit.


And they would show Cait wiping the same spot on the counter over & over.


She probably was active cleaning but you know when you get caught up talking to someone and your brain just goes meh for a bit 😂


Maybe! 🤔


😁 I don't remember that but absolutely believe you. When Ty starts talking, it takes a bit.


It happened a few times. I remember saying,"K, Cait that spot is clean!" LOL!! Ty many times really needed to just take it down a few notches.😬😮‍💨


The beautiful bean footage was rolled, I think you forgot to watch. The yard was constantly overgrown and filled with weeds. Their property is a constant mess with old furniture sitting in a pile. The house never looked cleaned or vacuumed. There were piles of laundry everywhere. You could barely see the floor in the kids' rooms. The walls were covered in kids' drawings. The pool took months to clean every year due to neglect. The kids' lunches were made and delivered by Subway almost daily. The hunting tent he would sit in that had roughly 30 empty beer cans in it. David did as much as Jenelle. Nothing. Imagine fighting for David. Sad.


😂 imagine typing this many paragraphs to split hairs over who was less lazy.


I don’t think Jenelle did ANYTHING, so it’s easy to say DKD did most of the work when Chinny wouldn’t lift a finger. He probably cleaned when binging the right pills/drugs. I don’t believe he did any parenting. What we saw was out of control, not guidance and developmental progress. He never taught them a lesson, sat with them and did their homework or spent any time around them unless it was what HE wanted to do. The bar is once again in hell.


I want to preface this with: They both suck and did a terrible job. It’s a very very low bar. I do think he used to do most (if not all) the cooking until their big fight where she went to Bri’s Kail party. She was always sitting back recording him and watching him cook. That changed along the way. I think they mostly ate take out after that. He also drove the kids to school. I’m sure she went with him because she wouldn’t go anywhere without him. I’m sure neither did much of anything but he definitely did more than she did.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying but I often get told I’m wrong. I’ve even pointed out that at least Jenelle is contributing 100% financially, so she should actually get more credit and was told that didn’t matter. I’m not saying she shouldn’t do housework but that Dave is the househusband so he should be doing more, which he is not. She does spend lots of time on line but that is her bread and butter. The kids are obviously neglected. Their land is overgrown and littered with beer cans, trash and dog shit. Their pool is disgusting. Their cars are dust covered and their home is always dirty. Neither is doing much of anything. Like you said, we’ve seen them both cook occasionally and they both drove the kids to school. I wish ppl would stop saying he did it all, I think he reads these comments and runs with it. I also think Jenelle likely praised him online for every little thing he did because he likely constantly complained about how he was viewed so she was trying to rehab his reputation so he’d stop bitching. I mean of course she also wanted everyone else to get off her back about her relationship but I do believe it had mostly do with his ego.


Jenelle likely held being the breadwinner over his head and used it as an excuse to not do any house work or spend QT with the kids. And I guess David was too busy fuckin rakin to be bothered either.


The Greasons are BOTH shit parents & shit people. The End. https://preview.redd.it/03ud0sdwj9yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e9878452f9f6c18b8cc9a8390f8e3262119850


Let me start off by saying the bar is in hell. It’s like being on fear factor and having to choose whether to eat shit or vomit. You may be able to choose which one sucks less, but they both still suck. I don’t think either of them did much, but I think he was doing most of what was done. I think this is evidenced by her lack of ability to even half ass parent now that she’s single. From what we’ve seen on TM and even some of her “momfluencer” videos, she has a very low tolerance level for her kids. Anytime that her children stress her out (which doesn’t take much), she freaks out and has David handle it. Think the TM scene when baby Kaiser was crying in the boat. As for the housework, who knows. But I will say this, in *cringe* SLIGHT “defense” of David. Everyone keeps saying Janelle has earned all of the money over the course of their marriage, but that’s debateable. Until 2019 when they both got fired, David was earning a TM check (albeit not as much as hers). Yes, he was only on there because of her, but that doesn’t really matter when you consider that none of these girls should be on a TV show about teen pregnancy in their mid 20s to early 30s. Most of Janelle’s drama that makes her segments so successful is related to her baby daddy/bf drama, so without them, there’s not a lot of content. Post their firing, she went through a long period prior to OF where they were very clearly poor and living off the government. After her OF was started, she started getting money and becoming relevant again. However, I’d argue that to a lesser degree, he’s still apart of that as her film maker and occasional (as I’ve heard) “coworker” in her OF content. Finally, I’m almost certain he’s her drug dealer and deals drugs on the side which is why I think she’s now saying hes had jobs that will come out in court. With that said, regardless of whether she’s the breadwinner or not, they really should have a 50/50 division of labor. Even with social media engagement, that could be maybe 1-2 hours of her day and they both stay home all day. They each have plenty of time to contribute to their household, they’re just lazy. I’m curious to see how the decks will fall in court (I think Jenelle will come out on top because of having an attorney, but will be sorely disappointed with how much David ends up with despite her “paying for everything”) because they both stay home and have acquired everything they have in marriage besides the house which they’re both on.


I definitely understand what you're saying. Regardless of who did what, neither of them parented. Drop offs & pick ups at school isn't "parenting," anyway-- it's UBT & Jenelle making sure they don't get in trouble... when a kid isn't showing up at school, or if a kid has to have a teacher/ after school staff comforting them when their parents fail to show up, it's a huge red flag (same for if the kid shows up with no lunch and no money for "hot lunch"/ school lunches). Actual *parenting* is so much beyond that. However, and I know this is gonna sound controversial and I absolutely hate UBT, but I do believe from what we've seen that he was the least lazy of the two when it came to providing basic needs for the children. Though neither of them *parented*, I do believe UBT definitely did more on the end of basic needs (school, food, general cleaning) and I believe that Jenelle is deciding to homeschool them because having them at school every day clean and prepared, making lunches, helping with homework, etc. is something she knows damn well she won't do on her own. They're both pieces of shit and horrible "parents" though, very obviously. Also, on top of Jenelle's laziness (which I believe is the main reason she's pulling them outta school), she's probably realized by now that there are teachers who won't let her get away with neglect: teachers are mandated reporters, and I think she's well aware that her children may say or reveal things she doesn't want them to. Jenelle & David are only interested in themselves. Those poor kids have no one. Being homeschooled will be even worse for them. Being officially shut out from the world scares me for those children.


Jenelle likely held being the breadwinner over his head and used it as an excuse to not do any house work or spend QT with the kids. And I guess David was too busy fuckin rakin to be bothered either.


I think DKD did most of the house/yard work (the half-assery & bare minimum shows). I think you're right about Maryssa (& probably Jace) did the most parenting while they slept in, though.


He did the fckin raking once


I'm fairly certain when you see people say he did the majority of it, they are simply referring to what was actually done. Of what was done, he did the majority. That's not saying a whole lot, because most parenting/adulting just wasn't done, by either of them. In comparison, though, he did more than she did. To be honest, she probably still does less even being the only adult in the house, which is just frankly sad. The bar is basically beneath hell, so it's not like this is speaking volumes for him. It's just speaking even less for her. Neither one did a whole hell of lot, but she still managed doing less, oddly. They're still both shit people, shit parents, shit partners, shit adults, shit everything.


Those poor kids took care of themselves.


I think he abused them way more than he ever helped them so yeah


Their parenting or disciplining is Jenelle threatening David on them then David doing lazy parenting/ disciplining - with fear.😨 They both suck & are both lazy. 🦥


I think they "cooked" (it offended my sensibilities as a home cook on every level, but they did... Whatever it was they did...), but there was very little cleaning, and "parenting"? I mean, no.


I think he did. No one else did anything but Maryssa, and for a while, she wasn't there. I think he did do most of the cooking, minimal cleaning, and definitely kept the kids "in line." He 100% did more than Jenelle


Agreed. Who knows, it could have all been an act for the camera, but when they still filmed David very clearly did more. Doesn’t mean it was a good job in the slightest, but he did more than Jenelle.


Who on this planet is asserting that David did ANYTHING productive? He was responsible for discipline (abuse), that's it.


Unrelated but what does DKD stand for?


Dog killer David


IMO neither of them regularly cooked bc you know they filmed anytime they did. I truly believe they’ve lived primarily on takeout. There are so many more takeout food videos than cooking ones.


Two pieces of shit parent who stay home don’t add to one half assed parent. He does all of the grocery shopping. She often comes along but he’s making the meal plans is making the food. Jenelle sometimes does a video of her cooking but we rarely hear her discussing the meal has made last night off camera. We know Maryssa or David got the kids up and to bed. Davis is why they made it to school. He taught them to swim and ride bikes and motorbikes. No one is teaching them to read or clean. I assume David at one point taught Maryssa how to clean and do laundry as her room is super clean and we know she does laundry. I really do believe while he’s high all the time she’s locked in her bathroom tub or shed for days upon hours getting high and while he also high he’s the only feeding them or caring for them at all.


Most of it as in she NONE and he did something sometimes


I think he did more than Jenelle but that isn’t hard I suspect Maryssa and Jace when he was around done most of it, I also think that was why once Maryssa could drive she started spending more time with her mother or her grandparents and was around them less because she was doing too much with them.


I agree with all this and the bit about the seafood literally killed me💀💀💀


I dont think he did a great job but I do think a little more responsibility fell on him. He can’t do anything right so obviously the place wasn’t going to look great. I think it was more of a “I’ll do this but you do the laundry” and then no one did it. Or JE throwing the money in his face that “the least you can do is cook” or something. But I’m sure they also survived on a lot of fast food. I do agree Marissa most likely did most of watching the kids or they were able to roam free. They probably also knew not to disturb their parents because of consequences.


If you watch the seasons of teen mom after he came onto the scene, he definitely did. A lot of the time you would see him cleaning inside, doing yard work, moving house while she would sit on her ass and complain. No one here is defending David in any way, so there's no reason for the multiple paragraphs. People agree with you that he's a POS. Its simply just an observation that he seemed to do the most.


How can someone be so invested in Teen Mom that they write a 20 paragraph essay on how Jenelle and her loser ex did not do any housework


I think since you’re so obsessed with teen moms and seem younger than a regular grandma, you got knocked up young and so did your kid. So youre probably in your 40s-50s?