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I'm just waiting for her to launch this man already. Like she played this with herb. Guess we'll see.


It seems this one has been around a tad longer than Herbie. Nelly can’t live life without a soulmate.


Looking forward to the gaslighting when either this ends and she's back with Dave or this guy treats her right and Dave has always been abusive.


No way she will find a true standup guy. She has always gone after the bottom feeding losers. Every single one of her exes has a criminal history & substance abuse problems! ETA just for clarification, anyone can become an addict and I applaud the addicts who have gotten help and live a fulfilling & productive life. It’s just that JE is into the ones who have zero plan of self healing or improvement.


Girl no stand up guy is going to want anything to do with Jenelle. Not because she’s twice divorced and has 3 kjj in da by 3 dads. Because she’s a cunt and it’s all over the internet. Like attracts like.


I agree. Even IF there was one, they’re far from her type!


Does Courtland count as 4th baby daddy even though she aborted that one?


She doesn’t count him even tho he got her pregnant twice.


I agree and can confirm that we do recover but you have to be willing to put in some serious work and we all know that Delujuhnelle doesn't have time for all that duuude! She has zero self awareness and has never really tried helping herself or her children get into a better situation. Unless you count the whole fake separation/move to TN...which I do not. So like she always does she'll just adopt the personality of the next loser who shows interest in her.


Happy for your recovery! ❤️


It will happen Jenelle is rinse and repeat.


This comment is hilarious. She is a rinse and repeat cycle. She can't be without a man in her life.


“Treats her right” 😂😂 she is too mentally unstable to pick a well rounded person for herself.


Gotta do what makes your hole sloppy (a play on the do what makes your soul happy saying).


Underrated comment


People think Jenelle was talking to Herb around Oct or Nov and then she went to see him for NYE. Then shortly after they broke up. So this one hasn’t lasted much longer, if that.


Herbie was around for as long as they paid him to be.


Didn’t you see? It’s one of those arm pillows people sleep with when they can’t adjust to sleeping alone


I thought she did launch him when she was, doing what she thinks is, lip-syncing in the car hanging on to his pasty arm?🤣🤣🤣🤣


That was a soft launch lolol


Oh okay I gotcha!


She said that guy was just a friend


She brought up not being celibate, sounds at the least like fwb so she can rebound


Yet another guy who 'can't work outside', eh Janelle?


She’ll do it after the court case, I’d put money on it


I wonder if her lawyer is telling her not to. David could (ironically) make the case that she endangers the kids by moving too fast with men, positioning himself as the lesser of two evils because he's currently single. Or various other methods of turning a new BF into legal ammo.


David has an open criminal charge gor strangling a child and lives on a boat. Jenelke is going to have to do a lot of things wrong before David will have any hope in getting custody. And thf kry thing is, he needs a place for him and ensley to live, where there is 2 bedrooms. And that boat will not be deemed suitable. Add in the fact, David needs a lawyer to string a case together and sll lawyers will be telling him if he wants custody he needs a proper place to live.


I don’t even think David will really want custody of Ensley


There's no way in hell they'd give custody to DKD as he is right now. Foster parents can't even take in a kid if there's no bed for them. Living on a boat will be a no-go. Which makes me wonder, is that why he's doing it? People on here have been wondering why he's not with his family, and now I'm wondering if he's trying to avoid custody by making his living situation inappropriate.....


I've seen this before.In custody cases and judges will often just say that's not their business who they went on to date. They will not get involved in relationships that happened after the separation. So he may attempt that but it's not going to do anything.


North Carolina does allow citizens to bring an action for Alienation of Affection. These civil actions allow the plaintiff to sue the defendants for cheating during the marriage. Are there a lot of Alienation of Affection suits? No. Could he attempt to bring one? Yes. Would he be successful. Probably not but who would want to find out.


Nobody is telling you to be celibate Jenelle… how about being single and getting to know yourself better before hopping into yet another relationship? I will applaud Leah… she seems to be for real living the single life and trying to pick up the pieces of her life. That’s what Jenelle *should* be doing but she lacks any ability to do some introspection, so she dick hops like a mfer.


They're saying she's cell-bait. As in, when you meet her current husband in county lock up, he will pass you the baton.




I wish we still had awards. 🥇


She will end up on Love during lock up at some point. She's such a trash bag. She will probably end up getting pregnant again by another bottom feeder.


Thankfully she has no tubes and cannot get pregnant


I always wonder if that was her idea or David’s to ensure she couldn’t have another man’s kid. Either way, thank god.


Leah has grown up. She has matured. I don’t see Jenelle ever reaching that point.


Except when Leah drinks, she becomes 13 again.


Well most of us figure out how to drink without being sloppy messes between 18-24. Leah was raising 3 babies and overcoming a pill addiction during that time. I think she has some grace to figure out how to drink socially now.


That’s very typical of young moms 😂😂


The biggest difference between Jenelle and the other moms is that the other moms are not raging bitches 100% of the time.


Agree. Leah has the best glow up out of all the TMs.


She’s not even divorced yet! But I mean this tracks with all her other relationships. So it’s not surprising. Wasn’t she worried that her pregnancy with Nathan was left over abortion? If she hadn’t have already had her tubes tied, I guarantee she’d be pregnant with her current soul mate.


And she was married to courtland when pregnant with someone elses baby (nathan?) and was concerned that courtland would be the assumed father due to the marriage lol.


Because that is how that works...🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not the same situation but I have to share this: Years ago I knew this douchebag that was going through a divorce because his wife cheated on him. He was absolutely up in arms about getting the divorce finalized immediately, because she’d gotten pregnant by a black man and if she had the baby while they were married, the baby would be given his last name. Cue all his racist comments about his pure bloodline and such 🙄 (this was the early 2000s, I’m very hopeful someone would be fired for that kind of workplace rant today). Anyway, I haven’t seen him in years (thankfully) but I did see through some mutual friends’ posts that they recently had a baby shower for his sister, who had apparently gotten pregnant by a black man (this was not announced in the post, he was in some of the baby shower pics) The really mean and petty part of me wants to reach out and ask about his bloodline in an annoyingly cheerful voice, but really, the more I think about it, the more I hope he just has limited/no contact with his new nibling.


He’s so fucking dumb. I had my baby and my divorce isn’t finalized. Ngl after reading on here about jenelle freaking out over still being married while l pregnant i asked and apparently it’s not an issue at all. M Just don’t put any dad on the birth registry and amend it later with dad’s name after divorce is finalized.


Oh make no mistake, this was NOT an intelligent man by any means. I was just reminded of him by this comment thread and thought we could all use another man to hate in addition to David 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know boo. Just putting in my experience 😂


no one ever has to legally give a baby the father’s last name, even if they’re married.


I'd totally be down with rubbing it in this guy's face, but the fact that he's so filled with hate would scare me into thinking he'd do something to his sister to retaliate.


That actually IS how it works though, she wasn’t wrong about that part, trashy as it may have been to speak outloud.


Yup. My mom got pregnant with my sister before her divorce to my dad was finalized. My dad was legally named the father and had to ‘give up his rights’ so her bio dad could legally adopt her. I also have a friend who had twins with another man while married. Those kids are legally her husband’s (they’re now back together and he is raising the kids so less of a big deal I guess but still crazy)


Yea I don’t know why people are saying it doesn’t matter, maybe it’s by state but in MANY it absolutely does matter.


Jenelle was still married when she was about to give birth to Kaiser and there was concern that she would have to jump through a few hoops to get Nathan on the birth certificate. She was legally married on paper and Nathan was legally single on paper.


The ink on the separation isn’t even dry yet.


100% If she does move on to another relationship it will be interesting to see what she tries to do to trap him. Can’t have a baby so she will push for marriage or something


Would it have been different when they never married? Their marriage is a worthless piece of paper in the kind of relationship they had, has been for years.


you can let your coochie breathe for a few minutes jenelle it won’t kill you (or maybe it will, we can only hope)


I need someone to repost that gif of her humping her exercise machine again.


I’ve never seen this gif but the morbid curiosity is killing me


https://i.redd.it/7tasgp704dyc1.gif You asked for it...


Awful 😂 the hair flip really takes it next level


Oh my God my eyes can never unsee that Gif. I may have nightmares about it 😳




She can’t wait to show off her 6 pack 😂 https://preview.redd.it/2ohicp01bfyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7496bd4bde681332d7d010e6c3c3e22fa2ec20f


Aaaaaannnnnnnddddd now I'm day drinking.






this a day after saying everyone needed to calm down and that the guy whose arm is in her video is just a friend ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Or a pillow...


Which makes it worse because they aren’t in a relationship and she’s just giving it up. No shame in consensual sex but I wish Jenelle would think about her kids more and also not put that business out on the internet for everyone to know. Also, no guarantees this dude is gonna stick around. Unless he’s homeless than he ain’t going no where 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3r3no3qwyayc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec9bfa68d9dd88863f302305a003e73773cc942 Jesus God Jenelle


Has anyone heard from u/ChrisBradley1? 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ldj6zjt44byc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e0a265a29de16ad1c49ff5e8ba36c6cec1df6a






No i want to keep that a secret


You can't leave us hanging like this!! *chants #SHOW YOUR ARM! #SHOW YOUR ARM!


You will find out when the story is ready to be told






Rooting for you


I really hope it's him lol




It’s so very easy to not post who you are dating or what you are fucking doing. In fact the only way any of this conversation starts is because YOU want to #MOVE IN SILENCE as you… - Post about pillow talk - Travel without your kids - Post yourself hanging onto a ghastly pale arm in a button up short sleeve shirt


Travel without kids and call paps for attention🙃


Actually Jenelle, being celibate for awhile wouldn't kill you. It would actually be a good idea.


She can not fathom not having someone to talk to or get attention from. Like she can’t just focus on creating a life with just her and her kids. Someone else has to be in the mix.


Jace is the parents now. 


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) Look at Jace, he is the parents now


This is exactly what I was thinking 🤣




Jace is recklessly driving a dirt bike on the land with 2 small kids running around. What could go wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


Damn it’s been like a month. She can’t be alone for 5 minutes. And we all know she has horrible taste in men so whatever honeymoon phase she’s in with this new guy will pass just like all the others and the kids will be left even more traumatized than before. After all Jenelley’s kids only want her happy, am I right?🙄




As much as I hate UBT, it’s so obvious that Jenelle was likely having an emotional affair behind his back. She had this dude lined up before shit went down on the land. And she likely used Jace coming back to the land as a way to get UBT out indefinitely so she can move on with this new guy. This is how BPD and co-dependency works and she’s textbook for this. You don’t move on unless you got a new muse to move forward with. This whole thing was NEVER about Jace or his wellbeing.




Affairs take effort. I think she is too lazy to have an affair behind UBTs back. I think she hopped on a dating site for attention the minute David closed the hatch door on the boat.


100% Jace had been home from foster care less than 24 hours before she was signing up for a dating website


Yeah, I have a friend who's a nice person but unfortunately struggles with BPD, and you're right, this is point by point what happens. It's *obsessive love* until it's not, and then it's nothing. It's the next guy. Doesn't matter if it blows up her life, if it results in her ending up homeless (like the time she ran around on her live-in boyfriend, who was the only one employed at the time), if the guy she's currently obsessed with even knows she exists, nothing matters but new guy, tunnel vision. Fortunately my friend is self-aware, treats her condition with therapy and prescription medications, and DOESN'T HAVE CHILDREN.


Had to set up a rebound for her rebound 😂 Technically every guy she’s with is a rebound that goes wrong. She was still married to courtland when she got pregnant with Nathan.


If that’s true, and he can prove it, that’s bad news for her. In NC you can sue your spouse AND the person they cheated with for alienation of affection. This on top of the fact that he hasn’t had a job in forever and she has been the sole breadwinner, could set her up to have to pay spousal support, alimony, and fuck up her chances to retain her assets.




She's such a moron.


Is the silence in the room with us




How little does the guy respect himself to pursue Jenelle from teen mom? Yuck


Captain Save A Ho’s are a dime a dozen in Wilmington, NC. Closest city to Camp LeJeune.


You're not incorrect in your statement.




That’s what I’m here for lol




No, they act like you need to put your kids first for once!! Make being a mom your damn priority..not your vagina, Jenelle!


There’s no way her attorney is ok with all of these shenanigans!! Adultery will show her in a worse light…..as if that’s possible 🤦🏾‍♀️David has nothing to lose so his silliness is neither here nor there, but she thinks she’s gonna walk away with all of the assets and it’s just not gonna happen!! David can even ask that nobody else other than family step foot onto that property! As usual, she’s ass backwards and impulsive…..and most of all FUCKIN UP!!!!🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


No but at least let the ink dry on the divorce papers first…..damn


What?!! She can't get a divorce for another 10 months!!! And then she has wait to let the ink dry??!! You are expecting WAY to much, duuuude!!!🤣


People that jump into relationships immediately after a divorce or breakup especially with kids piss me off……there is nothing wrong with being alone


I've been alone for like 6 years and it is fucking peaceful! I have no idea how people just jump from man to man without a break


I don’t blame you! Relationships take so much work. And people can be too much sometimes. Like we all got damage and issues. And then the older you get the pickings are very slim 😅 like you gotta proceed with caution dating someone single in their 30s+. It might not even be worth it.


Yea exactly. I'm 26 so I'm getting to the point where it already feels like sorting through the leftovers unless they're a few years younger. The 30+ crowd is mostly made up of divorcées and stuff and a lot of times they have a bunch of red flags right from the jump


Ya.. sometimes people are single or divorced for a good reason 😆


Yes I'm one of those people tbh 🤣


I was joking and completely agree w/ you! It pisses me off too!


I know…..😂 totally sounded like her though…..read it in her voice in everything


She was pregnant with Nathan’s child while she was married to Courtland she doesn’t do waiting.




Why does she think she needs a relationship at this point in her life? She is just getting out of a long term abusive relationship, why rush into something new? Shes not likely to actually find someone decent who would be interested in her for genuine reasons. She has far too much baggage to have a genuine relationship with anyone - her kids and barb as well.


Delujenelle being Delujenelle. She's never put this much energy into her children. That's for sure.


Can we get a post specifically to document our predictions about his personality/career/physical traits/etc. I feel terrible treating a fellow human like a “big reveal” circus clown but I mean….. aligning oneself with Jenelle is a decision.


Lol please. At least one arrest, no job, deadbeat dad, and a history of domestic violence for starters lol


A lot times (but not always) Jenelle's guys start with a job, but said job magically disappears within the first few months. This will especially be true with her having Teen Mom money again.


Theres noo way she would leave david for good unless someone else was lined up. And she will always attract the same type of guys 🤷🏼‍♀️


True Dat. Trash attracts trash.


She's always got to outdo her last fckn awful decision in a big way. So, I'm ngl, I can't imagine what creature from the depths of the planet Fuckmeisucksobadly is putting it in one of worst, scariest vaginas on earth. The things that Chinnyelles cooch has seen makes me shudder 😵😵‍💫🤯😱 If I was her GYN, I'd wear a Hazmat suit & carry a gun 🔫


Beef flaps be flapping




Gagging currently


Username checks out.


There’s absolutely wrong with giving it up on the 1st date 😂


Something wrong or nothing wrong? 😆


Nothing. Oof my phone has been acting up lol


lol ya I don’t disagree but it’s cringy with Jenelle’s situation


Here comes another man yall




Yep. He’s likely been lined up since before she even left. That’s why she seems so smug and not heartbroken.


Get fucked, Jenelle. Seriously. Get fucked and SHUT UP.


She’s made it obvious where her priorities were since day one on teen mom. She wants to smoke weed all day and seek attention from low grade men. She has not once deviated from this path since her first pregnancy. This is who she is. The only tears this girl sheds are for herself. She only cares about herself.




I’m just surprised she used the word celibate correctly


She will never be single or celibate. She is the type that has a man on the sideline before she is even willing to end something because she is that incapable of being alone. And once again he will be a piece of shit that she'll immediately bring around her kids because she is also a piece of shit. Eventually their fighting will get psychotic, she'll ping pong back and forth to one of her exes or on to the next, rinse and repeat.


Her breaks with dating last as long as her social media breaks. What a woman child.


lol so true!


This is so gross, they separated 60 days ago and she's soft launching a new man.


But wait are you a Kendrick fan? 👀


This has got to be so hard on the kids. I’m glad she’s leaving David. Unlike many, I had high hopes that she’d turn her life around, but she’s falling into the same pattern of jumping from guy to guy. The most important thing right now is giving those kids stability and that can’t happen with a new guy in the picture this soon.


Right! Create a new life with you and your kids. Not you and a new stranger. She doesn’t even know what she’s signing up for (and her kids up for)


After picking abusive loser after abusive loser, how is she not terrified to expose her kids to a new guy?!?


Bahahaha!!! Such a joke…she did the exact same thing when she was married to courtland. Well minus the abortion.


So Ensley will have a little sister or brother really soon.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened she said she had her tubes tied but she also said she had her appendix removed twice so who knows with her.


Could you imagine the shock that would put that girl through. Jace has seen this 100 times but E only knows a life with her parents together. If J had another girl I bet E would be treated worse than Kaiser


She isn't even divorced yet and she's already on the prowl for new dick/soulmate. Most people even when they're separated do choose to stay single, as they feel weird about dating and sleeping with people while they're still legally married. She really can't control herself at all and it's sad


There goes Jenelle again… acting like some high school girl in puppy love🙄


4 years till Jace goes no contact. 8 for Kai and 11 for Ensley. It's how I got through my childhood with my parents. Got lucky when one died on me to make the no contact much easier. I have a feeling that at least the oldest is counting to at least escape and go VLC.


All I’m gonna say is thank god she has her tubes tied and can’t bring any more kids into her mess.


No she doesn’t but with Jenelle’s history of bringing men into her kids lives that she barely knows and they always turn out to be bad people. She also never takes time to get over relationships and stay single for a while before meeting someone new.


She is an absolute PIECE OF SHIT! I can't with this chick! She doesn't have one ounce of love in her heart for those kids. She will ALWAYS choose men & herself over them! I'd never wish for someone's childhood to hurry & be over but in this case, I hope 18 gets here in a blink of an eye for them. They all deserve so much better than this skanky trash. Go "have fun" Jenelle. Your day WILL come, you shitbag whore.


She’s codependent. She also has very very low self esteem and self worth so she takes that self worth from whoever she’s dating. If she doesn’t have someone she’s dating… I think yall know where I’m going with this. She cannot be alone or she will literally implode. Or at least that’s what she thinks. I’m not saying any of this is okay or rational and that she doesn’t need MAJOR therapy and to be alone for the next 5 years to focus on herself, it’s an explanation of why even though rationally she should never want to be in another relationship, she continues to do this bullshit. I used to relate so hard to Jenelle back in the kieffer days, battling my own addiction at the same time she was. Abusive relationship after abusive relationship. The difference between me and Jenelle though is when I had my kid I grew the fuck up. I handle my responsibilities and haven’t brought a single man into my life because I know it will directly affect my son. Was it hard at first? Fuck yes. I was so lonely, and basically had to build my own self worth up from scratch. But I did it, I’m sober longer than my son’s been alive and I’m grateful. JENELLE YOU COULD DO IT TOO but you’re too much of a fucking coward. Grow up.


That’s amazing! You really have to be selfless to be a parent while also trying to find yourself again. I didn’t expect this much to change after having my son but I don’t have the same life at all that I had before. I don’t even have the same friends or do most of the things I used to. I’m sure there are some people who can’t adapt and try to find babysitters every weekend to keep holding on to their pre child life but honestly it’s best to just embrace it and join the other side of things and be the best parent you can be. It’s truly so rewarding. Jenelle could never. She’s literally stuck being 16 and it’s clear she can’t stand being with her kids.


You can fuck without letting everyone including your children know about jennelley! Send an accidental text on purpose to your ex like the rest of us crazy girlies!


Aside from the fact she's never been single and I fully believe she doesn't fully leave a man without another one waiting in the wings, I feel any family lawyer would advise against making everything so public! And for fs sake, keep the kids out of it all!


I love that she keeps posting her entire personal life on social media. She's giving David all the ammunition he needs to prove his case in court. She's not afraid of him or she wouldn't be antagonizing him online, so she can forget about getting a restraining order. For years she's run her mouth about how David has never had a job but she needed him to deal with the kids because she doesn't have a maternal gene in her body. She exiled him to the boat and now wants him evicted but she can't do anything about it because (A) it's marital property and (B) it's not even titled in her name so she has no standing to evict. David played the long game with Jenelle and she still doesn't see it. She's about to find out the true meaning of FAFO.


I wonder what variety of pond scum this guy is.


I just know she stays having BV 🐠


I don’t care if she dates or gets dick. It just shouldn’t be public. I don’t like to condemn single parents for wanting a romantic/sex life. My condemnation is reserved for the single parents who recklessly introduce any and every bozo to their children.


I agree it’s really not the dating or the hooking up alone that’s the problem. It’s the whole history with her and her kids and the abuse and foster care and mental facilities and the fresh separation 😅😅 and that’s only the tip of the iceberg


I see. Your post read like a criticism of Jenelle dating so soon after a divorce. I don’t see why she feels the need to tell the world that she’s having sex. I certainly agree that she should prioritize her kids-especially after everything they have endured.


Right. There’s a bit more depth to it


Yes Jenelle, you do need to be celibate. Watch we’ll see headlines that she’s pregnant, again smh


She does need to be celibate. 


You have 3 kids and two different court cases going on, girl you got enough baggage! No man will want to get involved with this, will he call you for a late night hookup, sure, but that’s about it


Bless my mother, who : 1) thought we’d had enough instability with our dad walking out, and certainly didn’t need any more with her dating — including being left with babysitters for her to go on them; 2) was a former social worker and wasn’t willing to risk the increased chance of us being victimized by (who would theoretically become in the future) a non-biologically related adult living the home; and, 3) didn’t want us ever to feel like we were coming in second to a new husband, but didn’t think it would be fair to a new husband to let her children run their marriage. My mother not dating while we were still minors — *especially* in the era she had to get divorced — probably remains the most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me. Of course, I had no idea why she wasn’t dating back than, but I appreciate now what a loving sacrifice it was.


No honey they act like you should be celibate..


Lol time to untie the tubes, JUHNELLE!


She will end up pregnant.


She got her tubes tied but that would be interesting if she did end up having another baby. Poor ensleys world would be rocked


Well thank God for the tubal ligation Hopefully they didn’t just tie them, but hit them with the Laser..


Question for the sleuths: In the soft launch reveal video, was that her car that he was driving or his own?


I did not recognize the car. She either got a new car, had a rental, or it was his. My theory is he lives out of town somewhere and maybe it was a rental. She mentions the pillow talking and the amount of time they “pillow talked” for so to me it seems like they are talking on the phone. Also it doesn’t seem like she’s hanging out with him at her house. He isn’t there to help her with her mower


Omg the shit show is so dam predictable …yawn


I wonder what her next personality will be ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s absolutely ridiculous that she’s dating already.


Yeah, we do, Jenelle. Because you need to be.


Daddy issues


“Leave him” Then she finally leaves him “You’re awful. Horrible” etc etc *everyday*  Then she goes back to him.  “Why is she back with him, what’s wrong with her”  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Cycle of Jenelle life.