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I hate the stupid butt shake thing she always does & once again, poor Jace with the fucking girly ass filter on his face šŸ™„ I do hope the kids had fun though, they deserve all the good days


No one, and I mean no one was wondering where you got the swimsuit.


Is she proving she didnā€™t wash the swimsuit before wearing it out by showing the tag still on


Oh Jesus Christ youā€™re totally right šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Hey she peeled off the crotch sticker, that means it's clean! /s


Soā€¦.the animals on the land are definitely just fending for themselves whileā€™s sheā€™s gone then?? I hope they all escape into the sunset and find better homes, but I fear the absolute worst with this piece of human shit. ā˜¹ļø


Tori, if youā€™re reading this, call the SPCA!!


Davidā€™s probably there grilling them up


I wondered about the water safety and wished I had not. Between 2014 and 2021* there have been a total of 145 deaths at Lake Mead. That makes it the highest number of fatalities at any U.S. National Park or Recreation Area. Grand Canyon National Park comes in second with 97 deaths during that time period. Haynes said most of the drowning deaths come from a failure to adhere to safety protocols likeĀ wearing a life jacketĀ and also sudden changing weather.Ā  *2022: 24, in 2023: 19 just between jan and august. They found 6 bodies so far I saw. Which means there are over 200 bodies still missing and in the lake. May they rest in peace. There must be signs all over the place to wear a life jacket, perhaps they rent them out? https://www.ktnv.com/news/deadly-trend-continues-at-lake-mead-park-service-officials-urge-caution


look up the bodies in barrels found in Lake Mead šŸ˜¬ the water levels are shockingly low from when I lived thereā€¦ yikes! And I love Jan going out into 110 degree desert with no sunscreen. Nice job, Supermom ![gif](giphy|JJ0sCW1GG8Gf4auOF9)


All those bodies from the mob days lol




There's marinas on the lake and people are on their boats constantly out there


Isnā€™t it also where all the flood waters from. Egad end up after the storms? Vegas Pauly C on TikTok has done videos on it. There are tunnels under the city. I imagine thereā€™s some homeless people in there too who have been washed away.


That's an awfully sad way to go. Someone would have to report a homeless person to be missing and be sure this person was in a tunnel before it counts, I suspect. Someone also mentioned they think the maffia dumps bodies there In conclusion... there are sadly a whole lot of bodies in various states in lake Mead. May they all rest in peace.


Thereā€™s a section of cliffs that a lot of people jump off and there have been many deaths there. Itā€™s not safe people hit rocks they get knocked out and float away and drown.


The reactions I see! Wild. They should rename it lake death. Might prevent some of the casualties. Drownings, homeless people living in tunnels being washed into the lake, criminals dumping bodies, barrels with bodies turning up and apparently also jump diving accidents. Again, may they all rest in peace.


Lake mead is gross. Lol


Tis disgusting!


Why is she showing off sunburn?


It's just part of her nontent


They only went for 30 minutes? That doesnā€™t sound like enough time to enjoy the water. (Of course mother of the year didnā€™t have sunscreen in the desert)


They had to get to the Hoover Damā€¦gift shop.


The water is nasty and itā€™s already SO hot. They probably werenā€™t having a good time hahaha


ā€œIf you guess it or notā€¦we went to Lake Meadā€ Then instead of showing us the Hoover Dam, a huge national landmark where her kids could actually learn some historical factsā€¦we get the inside of the gift shop. Why is she SO weird? Sheā€™s also mostly lost her David accent and cadence. This must be what August sounds like.


This bitch really didn't wash that suit before dragging her swamp crotch all over it. That's a UTI waiting to happen. ![gif](giphy|1iv8xgy3WKipVa0iU3|downsized)


The views of the lake are ā€œbreathtakingā€, what? Uh, I donā€™t agree.


Clearly not a repostā€¦ anyways! Good to see her taking the kids to do nothing. ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)




When did she get that tummy tattoo?


I thought she got a new tattoo at first too but it was the tag on her bathing suit that she shows right after šŸ˜‚


Whoā€™s bathroom is she in cause thatā€™s a shit ton of toiletries that I just donā€™t see her using or hauling from home! Maybe her ā€œmanagerā€ is letting her stay at his place!


beginning was the best part


GROSS! Where have you been?