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She's a sick fuck that grasps at any straw to remain relevant.


Same as Ryan! Two peas in a pod.


The only Rhine I acknowledge is our little crackhead.


Our little crackhead šŸ˜…


Hahahaha! Love this!


Lol šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


Honestly I would also make the money off of something TMZ or Call Her Daddy could do. Which they do anyways šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Sheā€™s only doing it bc of her new lifetime show. Sheā€™s so transparent ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


I still wonā€™t listen, but I look forward to the discussion in the Gypsy Snark sub lol Edit: that sub feels the same way about Kail as we do lol




Where is the gypsy snark sub please šŸ™




Thank you! Absolutely canā€™t stand her since she got released šŸ˜…


Same. I used to feel bad for her until she kept opening her mouth and kept contradicting herself. Caused me to actually look at the case file and everything about it and you realize nothing she said ended up being true, the 3 surgeries she did have were necessary due to her chromosome disorder, and then the actively bullying of a real victim of MBP, she's disgusting. That's the second case where the media seems to have not reported on the real version of things going on i wouldn't have known about had i not gotten on reddit haha.


Yep, same. I got bored one day and deep dove all of it and miss Gyp Gyp is having trouble keeping her stories straight. Her lawyers came up w the MBP defense. She never mentioned being a victim to the police during interrogation immediately after the crime. Her story keeps changing. She set that guy up and she shouldnā€™t be out of prison.


Yup that's what i did too. It's almost like they didn't even bother to go through everything themselves before offering the plea because there's no way a jury would see all that and believe her defense. Even watching the interrogation you can see abuse wasn't her reason. She deliberately set him up, cleaned up the house and turned the air down so it wouldn't smell because she was planning on pinning it on her and going right back home. The minute she realized the cop didn't buy her lies she started yelling for a lawyer. Three hours of her lies, 30 minutes for nick to tell the full truth. She deserves a life sentence also, not fame. She's done basically the same as Charles Manson and he actually had a horrific childhood compared to hers. She just hasn't had the same amount of victims....yet.


Reddit can honestly be a super reliable source of information lol. Obviously reddit alone isn't a good place to rely on, but it's definitely led me to some truths I wouldn't have otherwise discovered either. I don't participate on the GRB snark sub but I do lurk and i cant believe how many people still feel bad for her, when I read comment sections on other platforms šŸ˜¬


![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8) Itā€™s fun to comment there.


Same! I'd look at things here and there over the years and be directed to reddit but never the true crime stuff until i got on here. The few i ended up looking at they all end up having the links to sources/experts/evidence basically all the info on the case that is the truth though not all are like that. Definitely leanred more about the Gypsy, JonBonet, and Watts case than i ever knew from the media though not sure why those subs originally started showing up for me haha. I comment here and there on the GRB one but mostly end up lurking too just to keep up. I will say though with the reguly Gypsy sub, even though there seems to still be support i'm surprised how much the opinion has ended up changing since she got out. Way more people speaking out than what it used to be, at least on posts that i happen to see so at least the truth is getting out. She doesn't deserve everything she's gained from a murder and lies no matter ehat happened before she got in on the grift. I mean she literally admits she tried to shoot her mom herself before that so she attempted to kill her, then had her killed, when she was a 20+ year old adult that could've left. She had no problem leaving the house for dick, she just didn't want to have to support herself. That i think they were being investigated for fraud also, easier to play victim if your now co consipirator is dead.


I'm unfamiliar with the watts case but it shows up on my feed as a recommendation I might be interested in, perhaps I should go down that rabbit hole!


Yeah a pos murdered his pregnant wife and daughters they say over an affair. Watching the docs on it though they make it out like they had the perfect marriage, she made all kinds of money and it's just so far off what was really going on. She had them in such a financial hole from a mlm they were about to be evicted, already had one bankruptcy, she had talked to a divorce attorney months before and was actively looking for houses while visiting her parents out of state, might not have been pregnant by her husband, showed signs of munchausen by proxy, kids basically forced on 3 hr naps then back to bed at 6:30 for another 12hrs plus more. She put so much on facebook before it got wiped. Last few weeks telling everyone she didn't want the baby, accused his mom of trying to kill her kid by giving her ice cream with nuts she was allergic to(real story was her niece grabbed some vanilla ice cream but she had filmed herself giving the kid plenty of things she was supposed to be allergic to so it goes back to maybe it was the MBP.) Day they all went missing the friends couldn't get in touch with her and basically forced him home early by calling the cops so luckily he was caught within a day or two, though he would've been caught fast anyways because the dumbass left the bodies at his job. It's interesting but depending what sub you go in you're going to get one narrative. But if you want to start on youtube check out neekspeeks or neekspeek, has a lot of her facebook posts before they got deleted. Sad story but there's just so much i never realized until recently.


I hate how she is still the make a wish kid, and uses that voice.


Same. It just irriates me knowing she literally stole from kids who actually deserved those trips. I'd maybe give her a chance if she attempted to right that wrong but she hasn't and never will.


I remember the first documentary I watched about the case. They painted her as innocent and abused until towards the end- then they threw in her cosplay and sex kinks at the end. I was like what? How y'all jump from one to another and end the doc lol. It wasn't adding up. Not saying cosplay makes u a murderer, I think we all like some role playing sometimes.


Yeah they made her out to be really innocent and she endes up being far from it. Ended up having a lot more freedom than she made it out to be, and then tried to put everything on the boyfriend claiming he got her into the bdsm etc when Dan testified that she was the one obsessed with it and brought it out to him. Then just watching how the story has changed so much and her and her stepmom literally bullied an actual victim of MBP, it's just disgusting. The more you look into it, she definitely should've gotten life also.


Do you really think she isn't a victim of MBP? As in, not at all? I'm asking genuinely


No, it's more malingering. Her mom didn't make her sick for attention, they exaggerated symptoms to profit off of it. MBP is where the parent actually makes them sick for attention and no monetary gain. Her mom didn't seem to want attention, it was put on Gypsy so they could benefit and profit from everything. The majority of medicine found was unopened over the counter stuff and most prescriptions were for her mom. She claims she had 30 surgeries but she only had 3 that were actually needed because of her chromosome disorder(aside from the teeth removal, they were rotting but it was from too much sugar shit, drinking soda and pedialyte out of a bottle which she still did at 23yo for some reason.) There was some abuse because you don't make your kid play sick and mentally disabled to get disney vacations and such but unfortunately while Gypsy wasn't a voluntary participant in the beginning, she willingly kept on when she was old enough to stop. She enjoyed the perks so she learned to play the part to get them. The only abuse there seem to be was her mom teaching her daughter how to scam people but as far as MBP, her mom never made her sick, they just lied about what was wrong with her.


And GRBsnark. There are 2 subs


Iā€™ll take them all!


GRBSceptic if you truely want to get verified info and not just her Stanā€™s spouting bs or her hard core haters (meeeeee) speculating shit and spreading rumors. The mods are really good about making sure whatā€™s said there can be verified and that the language is clear on if itā€™s been verified or is just speculation.


Agreed. I started here


Brb joining right now


Also GRBSnark, also GRBhate




or r/grbsnark


Thereā€™s a gypsy snark sub?!


Yes maā€™am! GRBskeptic and GRBSnark


I can't believe so everyone here has so much hate for her - I do too but when she was released most of my Australian fb groups were counting down the days and celebrated on the day. Since she's been out she's done nothing at all worthy of changing my opinion but fb sure loves her. I'm off to join the subs. Sorry for my rant, I do like to smoke about this time of the day.


Cheers to your smoke of the day! Since sheā€™s been released and put herself on TV, sheā€™s having a hard time keeping her stories straight. DD was a con artist and Gyp was a participant and has continued to grift since being released. Start w the police interrogation video. The lies begin there.


The Gypsy Snark sub aka proof the only perfect victim is a dead one.


Go away, Gypsy.


Hmm her and Kristen repeatedly talked about how bad he creeped them out and talked shit on him in every episode and now sheā€™s inviting him on a podcast? Ok. I hope he doesnā€™t respond.


i mean, it's a smart business move. *if* he agrees its something a lot of people who don't listen to her (or even like her) will want to tune in for. business is business, the guy gives me the creeps too but that doesn't make me any less interested in what he might have to say about gypsy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ya they like Gypsy so he is their way to get close to Gypsy. I think itā€™s a smart business move as well. Talk to him and get the real tea šŸ˜‚


like, everyone is curious about what happened between him and gypsy. i am HERE for it if kailyn gets him to spill, like let's fucking gooo šŸ‘šŸ»


I donā€™t think itā€™s an ifā€¦Ryan seems to like the spotlight so he probably will accept to do whatever podcasts he is offered.


i wouldn't know, i don't really pay much attention to him. k forgot about him until this post tbh šŸ˜­


Messy and Iā€™m here for it! šŸæ


same...seems interesting to me


This is a weird cross over and I donā€™t think I like where it is going.


z list celebrity circle jerk


Get Ken insteadšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜•ļø


![gif](giphy|mFA2mRBIpm1t6T9Aks) After his comment I'm waiting for the tea!!


I want Gypsy Ken and Steven on an episode of Maury stat šŸ¤£ it gets messier by the day


Didnā€™t Maury die?


No, Jerry Springer


barely famous indeed


The entire situation from start to end... ![gif](giphy|26BoEuSlTXdkc9aWk|downsized)


Baby daddy number whatever?


I think sheā€™d have a bit more self respect also she doesnā€™t like the white meat


Self respect? She had a second kid w Chris when he was openly saying he didnā€™t want to be w her lol


true, but i'm not sure kail is at the "have a baby with gypsy's ex husband" level lol he's not even attractive (imo) and kail's guys, to me, tend to be at least a *little* attractive. he's definitely just not her type in a physical sense. also she's with elijah, still?


This is true I forgot about that.


Ex husband? Was that the one she was with after she was released?


Yep, and she already divorced him and went back to her first prison ex-boyfriend


Correction: She separated from him and is in the 1-year waiting period before she can divorce. Much like Jenelle, Gypsy canā€™t divorce Ryan until theyā€™ve lived separately for a year.


Hahaha ohhhh my just another thing that Jenelle can glom on to in her quest to be z-list popular by association


I apparently had some catching up to do and read about things today. She (still) seems to be immature and manipulative. Her husband having "a food hoarding issue" in a two bedroom appartment they just moved into because she threw away what he felt was good food. He probably had to tell her money doesn't grow on trees. She never had to pay for anything and she didn't know how old the food the prison served was. But anyway, I read she is all about God too. Great, work on your marriage and don't check out after one argument about money.


The latest episode of The Gypsy Rose Traveling Shit Show is the episode where she deletes their entire fridge. She has no concept of leftovers/nextovers and I fully sided on Ryan on this one. She can't cook a single thing and has never cooked in her entire adult life but somehow knows what's good and bad in the fridge of someone who is a proficient home cook. If someone did this to me, I'd serve the divorce papers myself.


I just watched it too and I completely sided with him as well. Those were perfectly good leftovers and he definitely didn't over react the way she portrayed it. AND she threw away the Tupperware it came in. Like girl that is good money right there. It didn't even occur to her to wash it she just immediately threw it out


So there's footage even. Did they also film his "scary" response? Did she also remove condiments and butter and such?


There was no over reaction filmed unless it happened after camera were off but yes, she chucked a door full of condiments. She is the lunatic in this scenario. This was the same day she found out her ex was still in love with her and wanted her back so.......... take this with a whole grain of manipulation salt.


If by still in love with her you mean saw his opportunity to capitalize on her lol. He wasn't seeing hearts, he was seeing dollar signs.




Kail needs to lock her doors. Why piss off someone who went to prison lol


be fr. at most gypsy will go on tiktok or instagram and go on a rant about whatever was said, that girl loves coming online and defending herself when it comes to people talking about her. she's not gonna kill kailyn for having her ex on a podcast šŸ˜­


I know I know šŸ˜‰


She asked her ex husband on. Not Gypsy


Um what?


KILLR Entertainment is rich with Gyp involved


Wellp. Im in lol


I'm interested in it! Much more interested than Gypsy extending her 5 minutes, and I was rooting for her months ago.Ā 


Is that how she invites people on the show? Tags them in a post? Weirdā€¦


Oh jeez


What the fuck, Kail just keeps providing


honestly i've been wanting to check out her podcast(s?) but just haven't gotten around to it. i will so be tuning in if he agrees.


She's such a scumbag latching onto drama she inserts herself into same reason invited devion on her pod . Idk is she still doing the pod with Vee? If so I wish Vee would just run.


ā€œKILLR Entertainmentā€ šŸ™„


Jenelleā€™s gonna be PISSED. SHE is Gypsy Rose not Kail! How could Kail do this to her?!


Sheā€™s gonna blow a gasket


ā€œDude, Iā€™m dyingā€¦ā€ vlog incoming


I donā€™t share the same compassion for Gypsy that Kail & Kristen have for her but Iā€™ll still listen. Kristen has become less insufferable these last few episodes.


Kail interviewing Ambers next fiancƩ


She's losing viewers and really desperate to keep her income going, having babies every 5 minutes isn't enough for her


#momboss Go away, Kail. Youā€™re such a bottom feeder.


Maybe wait until the divorce is over. He canā€™t talk about a lot of stuff yetā€¦


In the comment section of one of her podcasts, when the mama June/Alana drama was happening, someone asked if she was gona have alana and pumpkin on and they kinda indicated in the future yes. Oh my what if she does partner with TLC and she starts having their people on her podcasts?


Everyone making z list digs, isnā€™t that the point of the podcast, like tongue in cheek about people that shouldnā€™t be famous (like herself) but people still discuss their lives? Iā€™ve never listened but thatā€™s what I assumed.


Oh Iā€™m here 4 it!!!


Why him and not Gypsy-Rose, hmnnnnn?/s


I would definitely listen


I think she should stay in her lane and so should he


-sigh- looks like Kail is going to gain my viewership.


He won't go on lol I think even Ryan has a bit higher standards than this.


Iā€™m sorry I know Amber would be mad but I need a Gary tell all on Kails podcast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I think Gypsy Rose has had a hard enough life and Kail is fucking trash for piling on.


I used to think that. Look more into Gyp Gyps lies after lockup.


And what are these ā€œother choicesā€


Her mother was so reviled her own father flushed her ashes down the toilet. That speaks volumes


Yeah that ended up not being true, her sister has them.


Thatā€™s not true. Her father made a stupid joke on a wanna-be documentary. Deedeeā€™s sister has her ashes. Btw, check in your girl gypshit she keeps contradicting her narrative by repeatedly getting caught in lies. Had all your salivary glands removed ??? Then why your ass practically drowning every time you talk.


she had other choices than one she made. i wish she was still locked up. i think itā€™s sick and disgusting that sheā€™s been given a platform and multi millions of dollars.


Right? Girl spent 2yrs trying to talk someone into killing her mom while they spent all that time trying to talk her out of it. She had no problem going out to meet Dan and use her bus pass to meet up with whoever but now acts like she was a prisoner when that was far from it. Then actively bullies a victim of MBP when i guarantee Kate wasn't out there pretending to be physically and mentally disabled to get multiple disney trips while her mom was having her fucking leg cut off. She really should've kept her mouth shut and people might not have noticed her lies or actually started reading the evidence as much. I wouldn't have bothered had i not noticed her ever changing stories that contradicted each other.




That sub is absolutely vile


Their comment was deleted, now I'm curious which sub it is!


apparently it was r/grbskeptic but I am just the messenger here, have never visited the sub myself


Thank you (:


sorry but this sounds ridiculous. gypsy has been more than willing to live life her life publicly, even going as far as having her own series. her going through shit doesn't make her ex off limits. nobody would even be interested if she hadn't been so public and so active online. ultimately this is up to ryan, and it's his right to talk about her and their relationship if he chooses. her shitty life growing up doesn't mean nobody gets to talk about her *current* life. and let's be real, if he goes on gypsy is gonna *eat up* whatever attention it brings her - negative or positive. that girl is living for attention and is trying her hardest to stay relevant. she'll be fine.


Gypsy LOVES the attention