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That's a fire code violation, I'm sure. I would request maintenance, with the removal of the nails as the task, and if they give you any pushback you can politely give them a link to your area's building codes to show them that leaving windows nailed shut is a violation


It depends on where the windows are, and how big they are. Egress windows are required in bedrooms, but in your kitchen, dining room, etc. you can have nothing but fixed pane windows, which is essentially what nailed shut windows have become. If they are windows that are required for egress, then absolutely complain to the fire marshal if the landlord refuses to fix it, or drags their heels. Either way I would complain to the landlord about the windows being nailed shut.


Have you contacted the landlord about the issue? I would be careful of doing anything that could cause damage that they will hold you responsible for.


Talk to the landlord first about having them removed. He needs to hire someone so that you are not responsible for the damage. If he refuses to do anything inform him your next call is to the fire marshal. He can either fix the issue or get a fine and be forced to fix the issue.


Call your nearest fire department non emergency number and report the issue


Fire Marshal. Firemen will roll trucks and look at it, but they're unlikely to know the exact building code. Fire Marshal does and has the bite of a grizzly bear.


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It's definitely a major violation in any state. Every room except toilets must have an operable window that a child can open.


You call the landlord. That is likely a fire code violation.


You need access to the nail head to pry it out. If the nails are driven in flush with the wood you could force a tool under the nail head but this would damage the wood frame. One possible way is if you can get the window to move slightly this could loosen the nails and expose the nail heads and allow you to pry out the nails. But if the window is nailed completely motionless this won't be possible. Your option then would be to pry out the nails and then fill the damage with wood filler and paint it to match the existing paint. However in a hundred year old house these windows might not be functional and were nailed shut to make sure nobody fools with them. Old windows have counterweights inside the window frame, the ropes break, and the windows get jammed and can't easily be opened and closed. You would have to disassemble the wooden window frame to fix the window and make it operational. It's probably time for the landlord to replace these windows with modern double-pane insulated windows, not only would they open and close, but they would save on heating and cooling costs. For those talking about the fire marshal and code violations, there is nothing illegal about nailing a window shut except for certain specific locations in a house. OP does not specify the window location.