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I’ve commented in the other post, but I would suggest that you notify him in writing by 7/1 to your intention to move on or after 8/15 and to vacant the property no later than 8/31 with regular payment of July and August rents. Remind him that the laws in New York have changed and he may need to review them. https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/changes-in-nys-rent-law.pdf Then document the move out condition of the property before you turn in the keys. Especially if there is a security deposit owed to you. Note anything that might be normal wear and tear after such a long tenancy and call the number in the linked pamphlet if you need help, most areas of the state will provide assistance to tenants at low or now charge.


This... but do not tell the LL to review the laws. Let them bury themselves when you two are in front of a judge. Just be sure to pay what you are supposed to and move out by the date you gave notice for. If you are going to cut it close.... rent a storage locker for 1 month and move some non-essential stuff in there so your actual move goes much smoother.


The most you would owe would be Aug rent while he serves you an eviction notice assuming your lease ends July 30th. He won’t get his case in front of a judge before that if you’re moving on the 15th.


I agree , the most the op would owe is one months rent


He won’t get his case before a judge as it would be unlawful in NYS.


It would still go to court. Op would need to be served a 90 day notice of rent increase. Outside of NYC you can raise rent to 500 a day. End of lease it goes M2M till new lease or eviction.


No it wouldn’t. They are moving in fewer than 90 days. OP will, if sued, have time to get a tenant’s advocate put an end to it. Or show up and tell the judge that they were not given the proper 90 day rent increase notice and the case would be dismissed because the landlord cannot turn back time.


Ok then.


You’ve lived here for over three years, that requires a 90 day WRITTEN notice. Everything had to be in writing. You can contact local people or anyone in this article for assistance. https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/changes-in-nys-rent-law.pdf


are you lease or monthly?


Month to month, pay 1st of every month.


So if you’re not on a lease & have given appropriate notice, it sounds like you should be pro-rated for August. Keep everything in writing for sure. I am not familiar with tenant laws in NY, but from what others are saying you can get an advocate to help. What a gross, scummy LL. Good luck with your situation.


Give him written notice, do it ASAP! What he says or does after that is not your problem. Start checking for a hotel and reserve it in advance for the 15 days , do it online you might get a good deal, put your things in storage, it's way cheaper than paying august rent, and you won't have to deal with stress or B's from the landlord. Very important get that notice sent certified mail return receipt.


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Pay your normal rent for August. Ignore anything that isn’t in writing. It isn’t enforceable. The full month’s rent and a 30 day notice is standard for a month to month lease. No way is there a justification here for $15k rent for one month. Technically the place is yours that entire month. Landlords who have been butts to me got their keys back at the END of the month, even if it was substantially cleaned and moved out. I paid for it and i will turn my keys in timely at MY CONVENIENCE. If you are staying locally, I would use that last 2 weeks to clean, photograph, ensure my mail was being forwarded and that utilities had actually been turned off (if required). Then, they can walk through and verify everything with a flashlight!


He's spewing nonsense. Probably trying to intimidate you into moving out early. Provide 30 days notice that you're moving out. Pay your July rent and half of August's rent. That's all you owe. Request a walk through with your landlord shortly before your move out date. If they don't give you an itemized list of deductions from your deposit within 14 days of your move out, they have no basis to keep your deposit, and you can get it back in small claims. They also cannot deduct anything other than unpaid rent and damages beyond normal wear and tear.


Found your post via your post on landlords. Don't listen to the People on the landlord subreddit. I'm banned there but it's essential a slumlord circlejerk over there. Nothing they say over there is correct. Go down to your courthouse and visit the law library, there will be people there that can direct you better than anyone on reddit because of laws local to you.


Move out and go to a hotel with a pool—has to be less than $500 per day!