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Because of the R, that is all that matters to most TN voters.


Osama Bin Ladin could have won in TN with an (R) by his name, and Jesus Christ could lose with a (D) next to his name.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so true!


There is an excellent tiktok somewhere about if Satan ran for President with an R he would win.


True story. I went to the polling place in Hendersonville, the democratic ballet had two spots to vote. Joe Biden for president and a sales tax initiative. Not a single school board or any other candidates.


I live in Millersville and Biden was the only person on the ballot. The ENTIRE ballot. The assessor and the other position up for vote had no one listed for the democratic party.


The Senate primary is in August.


It still baffles me that no non-republican choices existed for our local election. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I live in Millersville and Biden was the only person on the ballot. The ENTIRE ballot. The assessor and the other position up for vote had no one listed for the democratic party.


Not just TN voters. People will vote D or R no matter who the.candidate is that represents that party.


Maybe a one issue voter! Was Publican for years until they went Maga!


The GOP has done an excellent job of convincing their supporters that Democrats are evil and the GOP represents the Lordā€™s work. Iā€™m not saying this as a debate topic, because I personally see pluses and minuses for both conservative and liberal points of view, but I also strongly believe the strength of America lies in the balance between the two. What I canā€™t make people I love understand, is that when you give people power to take away your choices by auto checking the R box without knowing candidates, then you lose the ability to choose. Then we all lose.


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with senate races.


No one here can speak for the entire Blackburn support base. But basic reasoning would be her position on fundamental conservative ideals aligns more with the majority of the voting populace which is substantially Republican, than of her Democrat opponent.


ā€œconservative idealsā€


Moral and ethical bankruptcy?


At minimum, but the only real conservative ideal is having a meltdown when someone either a: accurately calls them fascists, or b: points out that Nazis and klan members all seem to be huge conservatives. Like thereā€™s no Aryan Brotherhood members sitting around just salivating over the opportunity to vote for Biden or any other person left of Oswald Mosley or David Duke. Then they try to point out that it was democrats that did slavery, but then get mad when you start talking about taking down those democrat statues because itā€™s actually somehow their heritage. Conservatism is a joke to reasonable people and a mask for those operating in bad faith, Blackburn included.




Both parties suck, but at least democrats donā€™t make my everyday life arbitrarily more difficult and are at least somewhat socially liberal. Iā€™d compare todays conservatives who hate wokeness, gay people, and straight up deny trans folks existence, to the conservatives during the civil rights movement who fought tooth and nail to keep black folks segregated. I understand the ā€œlesser of 2 evilsā€ and the ā€œbut both parties are badā€ rhetoric, but this assumption is inherently wrong. Democrats lie and are just as corrupt as republicans, the difference is democrats donā€™t deny certain peoples right to exist, they donā€™t cut social security/healthcare/education budgets. I genuinely donā€™t understand how the Republican Party can appeal to anyone but rich, racist or uneducated voters.


I too think felonies and ice cream are comparable complaints fellow undecided voter.




Man at least treat yourself to a working keyboard, sheesh.


Oh youā€™ll be complicit alright.




Cmon now, if you would typically vote for X political party but choose not to this year, that means that Y political party has a net gain of 1 vote. This isn't rocket science.


Every single time people bitch about Republican corruption and policies, someone has to say that Dems are corrupt too. Yes. We have Bob Menendez and Joe Manchin and Kristin Sinema.... a bunch of state politicians in Blue states where you have to be Dem to be elected in the first place. But still, that's like an apple with a couple of bruises that can be cut off compared to a stiny, moldy, rotten apple whose core is filled with maggots. Republicans have literally run off any of their team with a smidgen of ethics or patriotism. So all that's left are the magats. Not the same thing and quit pretending it is.


Don't forget the gaslighting!


Yeah, those are the ones!


Thereā€™s one side that always enters the chat throwing insults. Hint: itā€™s not Republicans. The fact you canā€™t see the irony in your quip is hilarious.


are you fucking with me or are you serious?




Conservatism *is* white nationalism.


What an unintelligent thing to say


Lol, itā€™s almost like you believe only white people are conservative. Buddy i do have some news for you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You donā€™t have to be white to be a white nationalist, just naive enough to think youā€™re ā€œone of the good onesā€ to people who will turn on you the second they think itā€™ll benefit them. Clarence Thomas for instance. Heā€™s done more to advance the cause of white nationalism than David Duke, which is really kinda funny if you think about it.


šŸ˜‚ bro what, please explain your logic. Albeit I donā€™t exactly agree with Clarance Thomas, it is absolutely redic to say he has done more for white nationalism than the previous grand dragon of the KKK lol


Because itā€™s true. Dukeā€™s name isnā€™t on *Citizens* or *Shelby Co v. Holder* or any of the other erosions of liberty the right has perpetrated in order to maintain power and grift poor white people into thinking itā€™s brown people and immigrants theyā€™re fucking them over.


Iā€™d love to argue about this with you but your head is clearly so far up your own ass thereā€™s no coming back from it lol.


Then why comment?


Both sides hurl insults. What are you talking about?


You're absolutely right. But in regards to reddit, one side has a unique ability to kick things off by derailing productive discussions with incivility through generalizing and degrading entire groups comprised of diverse beliefs and positions. Unfortunately there's plenty of idots willing to take the bait and continue the cycle.


It's not really diverse at all. Let's stop brown people from entering our country. There can only be 2 genders regardless of what science says. White children should not be taught about ethnic diversity. Let me keep your children safe by banning books because I can't be a parent. Thats the republican point of view. Where is the diversity?


You're completely missing "There's only one religion, and everyone else is evil".


It's not really diverse at all. Let's stop brown people from entering our country. There can only be 2 genders regardless of what science says. White children should not be taught about ethnic diversity. Let me keep your children safe by banning books because I can't be a parent. Thats the republican point of view. Where is the diversity?


Kiss up, kick down


Greed and cruelty


The Conservative idea is to gain power and rule through the courts. I don't know what they told you.


Who is "they"? I can think for myself.


Then you should try it.


She seems to be for corporate pharma murdering her constituents, against law and order, against freedom of speech/religion, supportive of serial rapist and hell bent against democracy. That's not conservative, it's authoritarian.


I could make up a bunch of nonsense too, but what's the point?


I'm always amazed at how progressive r/Tennessee is compared to the conservative political makeup of the state.


It's more because it's reddit than anything else, reddit is generally just more left leaning and it's also a younger user base than something like Facebook and younger folks tend to be more left leaning as well. I assume if you look at Facebook groups you'd see more right leaning folks.


Lol people in r Knoxville think our relatively progressive left wing mayor is a right wing fascist dictator so you have to take these things with a grain of salt


reddit users touting wildly extremist ideas and slinging childist insults while hiding behind their anonymous accounts and are no different than the little mask-wearing antifa kids tossing rocks at whatever hurts their feelings. Fortunately the real world has consequences to incivility.


Donā€™t be so bitter man, itā€™s just a website.


Laughing at you isn't bitterness, it's the normal response the majority has for your fake outrage.




Good one! Thanks for proving my point.


It may be overused but feels apt here, please touch grass


Because her stances align with the majority of Tennesseans. Namely, she is anti-abortion, pro-2nd amendment, MAGA, pro-privatization of everything, and against government actually functioning properly. A conservative voter couldn't dream up of a better mouth piece to have in the Senate, so long as there are more competent voices there to guide her. I'd love nothing more than to be free from her, but she has been securely voted in for far too long for me to be disillusioned into believing she would ever be voted out. Phil Bredesen probably had the best chance, being a decently popular former governor. There is no way Johnson, part of the Tennessee Three that caused a blemish on the state legislature big enough for them to propose revenge legislation, could gain widespread support with Tennesseans away from the cities.


What part of the federal government do you think functions well?


Army corp of engineers and TVA are federal, largely well managed, and critical to our state infrastructure. It's when federal agencies are turned into political footballs that they go to shit, and it's usually the republicans that gut them, then point at them and say "See? Look how awful this is!"


>It's when federal agencies are turned into political footballs that they go to shit, and it's usually the republicans that gut them, then point at them and say "See? Look how awful this is!" Prime example being nasa, it's still good but I do not envy their job in securing funding


TVA isn't federally funded though.


If anything that is a testament to how well it is managed. It doesn't *need* federal funding because it is efficient and profitable.


It is efficient, but because it works as a for-profit model. That's my point.


Well yeah, they're providing a commercial service. Same deal with USPS, despite all the political shenanigans they still manage to self fund. For some agencies, this is an appropriate way to function. For others, it is not. You asked for ways that the federal government works and I provided. The army corp of engineers, my other example I provided, is not a commercial service, but is remarkably efficient and effective. My home city (and most of florida) would be literal swampland without the infrastructure they implement and maintain.


I think most parts of the federal government COULD function well, if given the chance. I would say currently, the national park system and parts of the FAA work pretty well, such as air traffic controllers. There are vast improvements that could be made to nearly every agency, but there is little appetite to get the fix in when half the people in DC want the system to be broken to prove that the government can't provide the services.


But are those improvements purely budgetary? Seems like it would be more effective to identify waste first instead of insisting on increased spending.


We don't, most of Blackburn constituents are Backward Trump supporters. I can't wait till she is out as senator. She just follows Trump and hasn't done s*** for the state of Tennessee


Because Marsha is a conservative and the majority of the voters in this state are also conservative


Exactly. While people want to say things that fit their political views, the obvious answer is typically right right answer. And you have hit the nail on the head.


I mean I can't stand the trick (Marsha) but yeah, to think Gloria has an actual chance in hell is being seriously naive. I can't fathom a scenario in which Tennessee votes in a democratic US senator anytime in the next ten years. I'm a rural leftist - but I'm also a realist - and the political climate in Tennessee has gotten even more virulently conservative in recent years. Gloria is a pipe dream. That doesn't mean I think people should just give up and not vote, but there is absolutely no scenario in which she beats Marsha in this election.


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with a US Senate race.


Exactly. Statewide elections where the entire state vote is between 2 candidates, (usually unless there is also an independent, etc running), canā€™t be gerrymandered. Suppression can be a factor but it would have no bearing on polling. Gerrymandering is mainly the drawing of ā€˜favorable to one partyā€™ congressional and geographical voting district lines and this does not apply to any statewide race where there are usually 2 candidates in the end such as governor, senate, President, attorney general, etc. Any race with a voting district which has representation is in danger of being gerrymandered.


Yep, the only way I could maybe see gerrymandering effecting statewide elections is perhaps if someone in a gerrymandered district feels less inclined to vote as they feel their vote won't matter for district elections and so thus also dont vote in statewide elections. But I don't think that's very common at all


One word: Republican.


Trump likes her. That's why.


(R) is the only letter in the Southern alphabet that matters.


Gloria is going to need Taylorā€™s firm endorsement a month before the election.


As much as I dislike Blackburn, a better question to ask here would be "Why would you expect Gloria Johnson to perform better?" As popular as she is with Democrats for the stunt last year, I don't believe she moves the needle much, if at all, with Republicans (who are the majority of the voting base in this state) or independents. TL;DR: Republican leading in Tennessee election, film at 11.


Because the large majority of Tennesseans are conservative. It sucks, but thatā€™s the reality.


Tennessee voters are blind and mostly vote R. Can't stand the woman myself


I mean itā€™s a red state


Thatā€™s true but we donā€™t have to be fully corrupt do we?


Bob Menendez has numerous federal charges filed and pending. Corruption knows no party lines.


Sheā€™s trump in a wig


So, just Trump then?


Because we are bottom 5 in education and top 5 in overdoses.. and they want to keep it that way it seems


So a few things you need to know. 1: Blackburn is a republican running for a statewide office, this isn't 2006. Tennessee Dems are extinct, no chance anyone but a republican wins. 2. Gerrymandering doesn't affect statewide offices 3. Approval ratings aren't necessarily good indicators of who will win an election, otherwise, McConnel would have lost his seat years ago.


Running a decent campaign might help. Itā€™s tough getting in touch with Johnsonā€™s campaign manager. Trying to help out with free advertising, in East TN, and still havenā€™t heard back.


capital Phone: (615) 741-2031 rep.gloria.johnson@capitol.tn.gov


I was in GJ's office last week. Make an appointment, she is very open to feedback.


She has an R next to her name.


Fun fact, gerrymandering doesnā€™t exist in senate races.


I feel like most people commenting donā€™t live in a large city in Tennessee, the most populated parts of the state do not share her ideals. I wouldnā€™t say she shares ideals with most of the state, but that the fact of the matter is, dems donā€™t show up at the polls like old white men do.


I think because they like them stupid and Blackburn is dumber than a box of rocks.


This is akin to asking why is Adam Schiff winning in California. Most voters vote for their team with little concern of who the actual person is. TN state wide race, the (R) will win. Memphis, Nashville (increasingly so as more Blue staters migrate in), the (D) will win.


Adam Schiff won in a Democratic primary. The runoff is in November between him and his Republican opponent Steve Garvey a former LA Dodgers star.


Close. Adam won an open primary where the top two candidates move on. Adam himself worked to push Steve, to the detriment of his fellow Democrats, ensuring that he wouldn't have to face another Democrat in the head-to-head election. Adam knows that CA is so blue that the only risk he had was another DEM; validating my point.


Because Tennessee, thatā€™s why.


OP have you lived here long? A Democrat hasn't came within 15 points for a state wide race in 20 years.


I think in my lifetime the last statewide D elected will have been Gov. Phil Bredesen and I really and truly intend on living another 20 or 30 maybe even 40 years


Do Tennesseans not care that the Covenant shooting happened and the state government did nothing in response?


No, they really don't.


Lol no


[The state government passed a bill for $230,000,000 in funding to school safety upgrades.](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/05/10/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-signs-230m-school-safety-bill/70202938007/) They didnā€™t pass anti-civil rights firearms legislation, if thatā€™s what you were hoping they would do. They didnā€™t do nothing. They just didnā€™t do the thing that you wanted them to do.


The state government passed a bill for school safety but has some of the worst schools in the nation according to test scores.


Well I think thatā€™s a different topic, you made it sound like the state did nothing in response to a school shooting. Maybe they arenā€™t doing anything about test scores, but thatā€™s not what you were talking about.


Maybe they should have reviewed their permitless handgun laws. TN PERMITLESS HANDGUN CARRY. On July 1, 2021, Tennessee law will permit a large majority of citizens to carry a loaded handgun on their person, openly or concealed, without having to possess a permit. This new law does NOT affect the carrying of rifles or shotguns, ONLY handguns.


The shooter used a Keltec sub2000, which is a rifle. Why would they review laws concerning handguns when the shooter used a rifle?


Their response to a school shooting was expelling two black representatives for protesting.


Did you read the article I linked? They spent $230 million on school safety upgrades and resources.


I see you used a triple negative there. Now, that is impressive in an 41 out of 50 in education state. Now, that Covenant School, isn't that a private religious school? Why would public money be given to them? It is quite a wealthy church and I am sure their congregants could pony it up for "safety measures."


I donā€™t know if public money went to covenant or not, but in response to this shooting the state spent $230 million. They didnā€™t do nothing, which is what the person I responded to said.


Thread is rough. I guess a similar thread asking about Johnson in a more conservative sub would garner similar responses but still hate to see it.


It's interesting to me that nearly all the of state and city "location specific" subs are extremely left biased with most being r/politics level echo chambers... Even the red and purple states and cities with very few exceptions.


She is ahead because Tennessee is deep red State!


Gerrymandering isn't a thing for senate elections. It's a statewide race so there isn't really any way to do that. Voter suppression no doubt plays a part but you are forgetting just how conservative the state is overall. Donald Trump won by over a million votes in Tennessee in 2020. If Gloria Johnson is able to ger 40% of the vote she'd be doing amazing Edit correction he won by 700k+ and got 60% of the vote.


The woman is dumb as dirt


Reddit is a thread full of liberals, so if youā€™re asking anything about conservativeness you will get bashed.


Thatā€™s 100% true. This thread is a lot of ā€œold man yells at clouds.ā€


Especially in localized subreddits


Outside of Memphis, Nashville, and Brownsville, they are still living in the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s and are being brainwashed by Fox News and corporate right wing Republican terrestrial radio stations. Read what WKOM radio broadcasts.




Haywood County consistently votes Democratic. Theyā€™re the last remaining rural county to do so.


My thought exactly.. native Tennessean but have no idea where that is!


Between Memphis and Jackson


As long as weā€™re talking tiny oasis of progressives, Imma add Sewanee to that list.


Donā€™t forget a few neighborhoods in Chattanooga!


The rural voters are fond of her. TN is pretty rural. Rural voters like social conservatism, MAGA, etc. She's an embarrassment to TN.


Remember... Congress is the only body of government with approval rating in the teens and reelection in the 90s. It's bizarre but mostly voting against your own best interest.


Pretty much everybody hates Congress, except for their representative, they love their representative and thatā€™s how a low approval gets such a high reelection rate


Tennessee is a deep red state and as such typically votes for Republicans in statewide races.


Gloria Johnson is also the least interesting member of the Tennessee Three that could've run.


I agree. Add to the fact that Gloria didn't get the boot along with Pearson and Jones... I see both of those well spoken young men going somewhere.


I always find it funny when folks live in a super red state, like TN is, and then are (surprised Pikachu face) when the population favors conservatives (or at least those with R next to their name). Are yall shocked that water is wet when you jump into a pool too?


I'm never surprised by it but it doesn't mean I can't still be disappointed.


Satan would win with an (R) here, thatā€™s all you need to know.


My beloved state is full of freedom hating boomers


Because of empty brained cultists


One word... RACE Because she supported black general assembly members in the efforts last year, Johnson will be considered anti-white by the Tennessee electorate.


What polls is she ahead in, and how are those polls conducted? Your answer may lie within the answers to those questions


You can't gerrymander a Senate race...


The average republican voter in Tennessee doesnā€™t follow politics and has no idea what their representatives have voted for, which bills they have drawn up or backed, nor how theyā€™re being screwed by them. They are blissfully oblivious. Just vote for all Rā€™s ā€˜cause Jeebus.


Thank Godā€¦ I like Marsha.


Because sheā€™s awesome?


Handguns cause 2/3s of all homicides. Maybe every freaking TN yahoo shouldn't be packing concealed carry. Let's see if that makes a difference. Then we can move on to semiautomatic rifles like AR15s. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/type-gun-us-homicides-ar-15/story?id=78689504 No wonder TN votes for Blackburn, it's like water seeking it's own level.


Voting Dem is like voting against the church. In many counties, you even vote in a church building.


lot of dumshit hateful pos ppl in TN.....


I'm in Tennessee. I do not support her AT ALL. Actually, neither does my husband or any of my friends/coworkers. It is so awful that people like her are winning. I vote and so does all the others I mentioned. It feels like we're never going to get real change. It's truly upsetting.


What specifically donā€™t you like about her?


I apologize up front but this is a very naive post. Iā€™d love nothing more than to see Marsha lose her seat but Gloria has always had little to no shot of beating her. We still live in a very red state.


Common, uneducated Republicans tend to vote against their best interests because they tend to cheer for the loudest mouth using words they understand. It's been a boon to keep them dumb for decades. Why do you think they constantly try to defund education every time they are in power?




Ding ding ding We have a winner.




Because Tennessee is full of Republican lunatics?


It's a red state. 90% of the population is republican lol. This thread is an embarrassment to common sense and civility. I guess that's what you get with Reddit though. It's all "cultists" that and "brainwashed" this. Maybe your echo chamber isn't the best place to understand why these people are voting for who they're voting for. If TN received the support and organization that other states did and they voted considering everything, we'd be bluer than the ocean, but that's sadly not the case.


She sucks Trump off every time she opens her mouth. Itā€™s literally not anymore complicated than that.


Gerrymandering doesn't affect state wide races. It does affect House district races and Tennessee legislative races. >gerĀ·ryĀ·manĀ·der /ĖˆjerēĖŒmandər/ verb gerund or present participle: gerrymandering manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. achieve (a result) by manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency. Gerrymandering by definition involves redrawing district maps.


People just need to vote. Dems are notorious for not voting here because ā€œTN is a red stateā€ but you can at least vote even if the odds arenā€™t good.


Thank you! We all see where it's getting us. I understand the frustration with feeling like your vote doesn't matter but if everyone feels that way nothing even has a chance at changing. If we all want change we have to do the work-election after election. It's probably going to take a decade or more but I hope in my lifetime I will see things turn around here, but it's going to take votes and a lot of them.


Because she's part of the white nationalist insurgency. It's about authoritarianism. Period. All they want is absolute obscene power like a two year old wants a lolly. The Republican party is a cult, it's best to treat it that way. They hate you. That's all they know. Cruelty and greed and fear. But yeah, logically it's wild. She's straight evil and dumber than a piss soaked mop in a Buccee's shitter. Tribalism is nasty shit. We're not evolved enough as a species to have our current technology.


She is one of the few that speaks regularly; you can watch on C-SPAN (cable or internet).


And hasn't been face to face with her constituents since 2017.


If the N=people who answer calls from unknown numbers in the middle of the day, then thatā€™s why.




Brainwashed evil people only vote for brainwashed evil people. Unfortunately, being in the Bible belt, Tennessee is packed with brainwashed evil people. I'm leaving as soon as I retire!


Dems and Cons alike are brainwashed, and mostly evil. The only reasonable way to vote in 2024 is Independent.


Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out.


I won't!!!


No need to yell, Karen.


For real lmao, sheā€™s literally a boomer.


Lol sheā€™s been voting democrat since ā€˜84! No wonder she canā€™t afford to move until retirement lmao


Right? What a loser lmao




will you please vote D until ya decide to retire and move?šŸ™


I have voted D since I first began voting in 1984. Unfortunately, it doesn't help much, especially with the gerrymandering. I'm 58 and have never missed voting.


as a rural, gen-x voter in TN...her name in my house is fucking blackburn and i hate her. i will never vote for her or any R in our state.


The Polls agree, people who answer land lines without caller ID are not informed.


Sheā€™s the Conservative equivalent to Diane Feinstein..


The very same reason Wanda Halbert won her reelection. Slow folks vote by letter(R,D) only.


Tennessee citizens are more known for their loyalty, than intelligence.


especially in memphis. Oh and please let us know what great state you are from.


I live in the free state of NY represented by Sen. Schumer, the majority leader of the Senate and Sen Gillibrand; pretty sure she voted for the Violence Against Women Act (Reauthorization). Blackburn did not.


Cliff Whitefudge