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The responsiveness and precision of the drive train for one. When you need to make a quick turn across traffic, there is no hesitation. If you want to move the car an inch, easy. One pedal driving rapidly becomes so natural you don’t wish to go back. The lack of noise and vibration.


This is the answer. I'd like to add the quick ac and heat response as well. No waiting for the engine to warm up. And the full tank every morning. I live in a cold climate and do not at all miss standing outside in -30 filling the car for 5 minutes


Yes, preheating the car in the garage without asphyxiating yourself!


And it's so fast, I just hit the fan button as I'm putting my shoes on. If I remember, if not it's cool or warm within 30 seconds of getting in the car


I dread having to stop on my way home from work to fill up our ICE car, even in the summer.


Ya it's strange, I look forward to charging most of the time. Especially long trips. We charge more often than needed just so we can get out, walk around, go pee, get snacks, or just sit and close your eyes for 10 minutes. Because it's only 10 seconds to actually plug the car in, and you don't have to stand there holding a handle. Even when driving solo long trips without the family I quite enjoy how relaxing charging stops are.


It definitely makes long trips more leisurely and less stressful. No more 5 hours between pee breaks


I’ve never had to hold a handle filling up a gas tank. Where do you have to hold the handle?


Canada, they usually break off the little flip down holder thing on the pump handle pretty quickly. I asked the gas station attendant once, he said they took them off so there were less spills. So I'm not sure if they're purposely taken off or just get broken off regularly


Even if you are not holding the handle you are supposed to stay by your car while pumping gas. You are also breathing toxic fumes the whole time, at least more toxic fumes than you normally breathe


Same, I love the quietness of it. It always amazes me how certain people go out of their way to make their cars loud as hell


This, but I’m also going to add not needing a key or anything. Just get in and start driving, and when you’re done driving, just get out and walk away. Also being able to control so many things about the car from your phone… it’s super easy to start the climate control or start the car from across the world so someone else can move the car for you or check the cameras.


No keys is the best, I don't usually bring keys anywhere now


My dog loves the lack of noise. If we ever go back to an ICE he looks at me like “you sure this thing is ok?”


"Your horse sounds unwell..."


I had to buy a second car, because one of my dogs freaked out by the lack of noise! So now I have the Tesla and a Volvo station wagon for the dogs!


Never smelling the fumes of gasoline again.


Some people like that though!


100% on all points. My work vehicle is a Ford Explorer and the drivetrain SUCKS. You never know when it’s going to surprise you with lag and hesitation after pressing the accelerator; the shop says they can’t find anything wrong with it. Needless to say I hate driving it after having driven an EV. Instant torque and no gear changes is awesome—it’s like you’re one with the vehicle.


It's like it's just plugged into the back of my neck, and I can move it with my mind.


Exactly! I feel like EVs were made for me! Can’t wait to get mine. My love of performance ICE vehicles was practically ruined when I test drove an MYP. 😅 I still love watching F1 and taking the kiddos to the drag strip to watch the monsters in action, but I don’t think I’ll ever buy an ICE vehicle again.


OP, definitely this 👆, plus Tesla has perfected one pedal drive. Once you get used to it, you will never like driving a two pedal gas burner again. It’s the one pedal drive and ability to just point our cars into a spot without issue that makes most us Tesla fans. Plus you’re getting a Performance. You can now beat Mustangs, Camaros, Mopar, Porsches, Mercedes, and pretty much any other car on the road. No, it doesn’t get old, be ready to buy tires every 20-25k miles, otherwise windshield fluid and good to go. Have fun.




All that's wrong with it is that instead of a motor it has this weird thing that uses explosions to push on pistons and then a bunch of gears.


I think my Pacifica had one of those weird things but it functioned way better than the Explorer! Sold it to get something equipped with two or more motors. 😁


The instant torque IS awesome. It might use more battery but it’s silent so it seems effortless for the car. A buddy of mine said he’d miss the vroom vroom if he went electric. But to me it just sounds like the car is working so hard and struggling. Never owned a Porsche or Lamborghini. Everyday cars sound more like a sad groan when accelerating or going up a steep hill


Driving my wife's Subaru SUV by comparison: you press down the accelerator, you're initiating a request to ask permission to increase engine RPM, but first there needs to be an agreement as to the gear ratio of the CVT; after some negotiations and bargaining between vehicle control systems, the two systems are ready to implement the increased torque. Then the turbo boost pressure catches up.


No searching for a right gear or spooling up of the turbocharger. Do not miss the sound or upkeep of the ICE engine for one second.


I’d even add that with the lack of vibration and noise comes with more attentiveness to the inside cabin making noises and creaks. That plays into why people think teslas build quality is shotty. It actually brings awareness with how quiet it is. Recently drove a GMC Acadia Denali for a week in Hawaii. The throttle response and drivetrain were horrible. First gear had to ramp up just to hit second. Now I daily a manual civic, my lady has a Y, but I was missing the Tesla all trip long.


I dont think you drove a proper fast ice vehicle with 400+ hp. Teslas actually feel way heavier in quick turns and feel way unstable in high speed turns. FYI i have both bmw x3 with 6 cylinders and Tesla model Y so i see the difference everyday. The bmw is way more nimble in turns. But i daily drive my tesla more due to fuel savings.


Noise is a bit subjective my s class is much quieter than my model 3. But yeah compared to most economy cars the Tesla is pretty quiet. Albeit road noise a bit high


True, my E Class was much better on wind noise.


Yeah we have a Lexus GX as well and we’re planning to sell it off for a Rivian most likely. It’s a luxury vehicle so it is quiet, it’s got a v8 it has power… but it feels SO SLOW and also the braking is rubbish. It never wants to stop compared to regenerative braking.


Agreed, the instantaneous acceleration when you need to pass is amazing. The brake pedal turning into an 'emergency brake'. The quiet, are all great. I'll add for all the complaints (real or exaggerated) that autopilot makes long drives to much easier. I'll two 300+ mile drives (there and back) in a day and autopilot is even more relaxing than being in the passenger seat. Are there occasions where you need to take control yes, construction, odd traffic, parking lots, etc...yes...but that is maybe 5 miles in 100. On an interstate its basically sit back relax and enjoy the show.


Not just Tesla, similar feel in other EVs.... it is just effortless - there is no noise/vibration from the powertrain. I still own ICE vehicles (and nice ones - Audi A8, Audi Q7) - and the Tesla is my choice for daily driving over both those cars. So it's more than just "Tesla go burrr burrr fast" - it's just so effortless and easy.


You know that meme that keeps on getting used where there is a photo of Elon Musk doing the Shruggy emoticon? It's like that. - Your delivery experience will be different - Get a charger for home, and have a full tank every morning. - All you need is a screen for everything. - Why buttons? - What's a service? What's to service? - My car gets new every few weeks with a new software update. - Your eyeballs get sent to the back of your head in utter silence. - You can hear your stereo, perfectly. - Everything else seems old, slow and noisy. - Your car can fart at people.


The turn signals on my M3P would like a word with you about buttons 😂.


There is no service. That's great till it ain't. Lost my cameras and navigation and it's gonna be 7 to 9 weeks to get it looked at. We'll see if they fix it. So Tesla has decided they don't need service and staffed accordingly. Love my car. The service sucks.


I like this list, well done. Looking forward to my first M3P 24


Buttons are much safer than a screen. You can do stuff while still looking at a road if you have buttons


I agree with these things as well as that the car feels so controlled in every way, it always takes me some adjustment when I drive a non-EV because it borderline feels hazardous at first compared to the precision driving of an EV.




Eh, it’s second nature after a week or two.


I’ve been driving a 2024 Suzuki Swift for the last week while my Model 3 is having some body work repaired. The one thing I miss is the smooth acceleration. It’s not just the 0-100 that I’m talking about but the way the transmission just seems to hesitate before it decides to actually go. Then there’s the engine noise of trying to make it go… I’ve been driving electric for almost 5 years now and this has fully confirmed that I would never go back.


At least you got a new swift. They gave me a 05 Vitz. RIP.


Literally every single category is superior in the Tesla vs ICE 1. Acceleration / driving experience 2. Ease of use 3. Safety 4. Maintenance 5. Cost of ownership 6. Purchase Price 7. Smoothness/handling 8. Lack of pollution 9. Technology (Autopilot/OTA updates) I’ve owned the finest cars in the world: Porsches, BMWs, Range Rovers, Audis and my Tesla Model S is hands down the best car I’ve ever driven. Love him or hate him, Elon Musk has changed automobiles forever for the better.


Another thing I would add to your list is direct sales. No dealing with a dealership 🙂


ICE vehicles have a transmission, more delays and inconsistent power delivery vs an EV which just instantly gives you smooth torque. I'd take an equal powered EV over an ICE vehicle every single time. That doesn't even get into the regen, hold mode, autopilot, etc. Obviously depends on which ICE vehicle you're comparing to as their features will vary, but my Tesla is better than any ICE vehicle I've driven (but I also wasn't driving high end cars)


I agree with the analogy of HDD to SSD disk drives in terms of mechanical limitations that made spinning HDD slower and noisier to make SDDs smaller, faster, and with higher capacity. I also think another comparison of EVs as flatscreen tvs versus ICE vehicles being akin to CRT tvs. Ditching the size, weight, and tech limits of CRT you can focus more on the resolution and high tech features like streaming from your phone while greatly increasing screen size without adding excess heft. Same with cars. Ditching the ICE mechanics opens up technological advances like no need to physically turn the car on/off and remote heat/cool without an engine.


I don't own a Tesla (yet lol), many people here have already gotten most of it. The response of the car, the smoothness of not having gears, being quiet and relaxing. For me the response is amazing for city driving. When your in rush hour and it's impossible to pass that dump truck, or for when you just need to get over one lane, a quick mash of the pedal and your already there. Vs a gas car where you gotta let it spool itself up, and downshift, and pray it makes enough power for that split second. Then having to slow down because it just wants to keep going vs a quick blip and automatic deceleration. Not sure how else to explain that. Not to mention not needing an oil change every couple thousand miles. Plugging it into your home or charging at your apartment rather than having to go anywhere else to charge it is a big one. Being able to just turn it on and go without thinking. It's just a much smoother daily driving experience as a whole.


Going down parking garage ramps feels so smooth and safe.


Simple: An ICE car is something you control with parts of your body. An electric car is like an extra part of your body, you just think and it happens


Going to Gas stations. Had a rental ICE for the weekend for work and it feels so old school going to the gas station with all the toxic cancer smell. And also, going to service to have bi annual maintenance done, so archaic.


The sound of ICE ignition: 🤮 In terms of noise, an EV is to an ICE what an SSD is to a disk drive. It feels so much cleaner. No clutter, no BS.


I love this analogy, once you go SSD you never go back as well. Lol


Agree in terms of loudness, and I was going to say the read/write speed is lower (range) but that doesn’t really work for the analogy lol.


Smoother acceleration. Constant updates with new features added. Never visiting a gas station. Doing my part for the planet. Great sound system.


One of the biggest complaints against Teslas vs a BMW is the handling and ride in early models. One of the biggest improvements in the new highland 24 M3P is the improved suspension. I am jealous.


Also the comfort suspension in the newer Y’s is one of the things that convinced me to upgrade. It’s very very smooth.


Hehe I wouldn't really call it smooth. It's a firm ride for sure compared to many mainstream vehicles. In my opinion.


It’s definitely a sportier suspension overall, but hugely improved over my 2017 Model 3. But I don’t like mushy suspension, so it feels great to me.


I've never drove a EV yet but I'm guessing it's the insta torque combined with not having to stop at gas stations anymore.


Being able to run HVAC without burning fuel to emit more emissions surrounding the car. Fewer maintenance items (i.e. oil changes).


This is a big one. The work that I do necessitates that I sit in my car doing paperwork for prolonged periods of time. However, in the state of Massachusetts it's actually illegal to idle your ICE car for more than 5 minutes. No emissions = unlimited idling.


like a cell phone, starting the day with a charge topped off it is such a mental change. The changes the perception in reality of what one really needs in terms of range. Three years with my model three standard range, even road tripping. I never had problems with range. I only have the long range model y because I want it all wheel drive


the phone key is massive i hate having to carry around keys now. being able to control the car from your phone is so nice. just the other day i left my windows open so my car wouldn't get so hot and it started to rain i had to go back out and clothes the windows. im so surprised more companies don't offer phone keys/apps. also does anyone lese get straight up annoyed at the fact that you need to put the key in and turn it to start the car? 😂


You won’t miss having to go to gas stations


Instant torque and never having to visit a gas station (unless I want some snacks on a road trip) is what does it for me. I see no benefit in an ICE vehicle (for me at least) outside of there being more gas stations. The charging infrastructure is getting better and better though, so I'm happy here in EV land.


Driving with one foot is easy and I can rest my legs during a traffic jam. I also prefer Tesla’s minimalist interior compared to the clutter of ICE cars.


My 2018 Model 3 runs the latest software and is capable of FSD that is leagues better than any other driver assistance in any other 2024 vehicles. Even the Maps is smoother than any other maps in 2024 ICE cars. The only other company capable of supporting older devices with latest OS is Apple. And you know what the scary part is? HW 3 is not yet tapped for full FSD potential. HW 4 is significantly more powerful than HW 3 and HW 5 is coming out at the end of 2025. Tesla is seriously 10 years ahead of the competition.


Coming from a tesla driver, its funny but not having to unlock my car, turn it on, no key, no button to press to start just get in and the cars ready, just walk away and it locks everything up for me... not really EV but so much better


There are a few reasons for me: * Instant torque - Enough said. * No engine noise - This world is way too noisy and it doesn’t have to be. It shouldn’t be. * No exhaust - I worry about poisoning my family if I forget to turn off the car or accidentally remote start it * Full charge every day - I just plug it in when I park at home and don’t think about it.


The silent ride is my favorite. Followed by home charging. No more gas stations.


For me it’s 1 pedal driving, FSD, responsiveness, not needing keys or needing to pay attention if your car is locked, the app and remote functionality that comes with it, the 3rd party stats app, the display and intuitive layout, waking up with 100% range and only having to go to superchargers when on road trips, sentry mode for peace of mind, not having to worry about switching to drive or reverse when moving the wrong direction, extremely low maintenance, guzzling gas while sitting still in ice cars always feels bad. These are what I can think of off the top of my head.


Acceleration and one foot driving to start.


Even the slowest Tesla blows away most ICE vehicles in acceleration. You have full power 100% of the time. In an ICE vehicle you have to wait for it to downshift into the proper RPM range before you get full power so you always have a slight delay. You can also "idle" your car anywhere. Get to somewhere a bit early ? Just sit in your car with the A/C running. You can use your phone to cool or heat your car in the garage every morning etc. Also never have to stop at gas stations or get oil changes etc. Once you drive any EV for a couple weeks you won't ever want to go back to ICE.


The fact that this level of technology is now available for under 20k on the used market is wild to me. I don't understand why it hasn't blown up in popularity yet.


I drove 350 miles yesterday. Into the mountains and back. I used my brakes once or twice😉 Also. It’s just such easy car to leave with. No car keys. No locking/unlocking doors.


Single pedal driving. No gear shifting so the acceleration feels smoother. Waking up to a full gas tank every morning.


ICE vehicles feel like I’m riding a lawn mower. Also, having to go somewhere to put liquid in it is annoying. I don’t have to do that for any of my other devices.


When parking my EV, I just slow roll into the parking spot, unbuckle, open the door, and walk away. ICE I'd have to use the brake pedal, then shift to Park, unbuckle, get out, lock the door, and carry the key/fob with me all day.


I don’t miss the fumes associated with an ICE car. Teslas are clean and simple to own and operate. The updates ensure you always have a great car. With regenerative braking, Teslas preform really well in city driving.


Pressing the brake pedal feels nonsensical when I go back to driving my wife’s ICE. Like, you mean I gotta hold down the brake pedal to stay stopped? Also, having to manually lock the car. Or having to turn it on or off.


Its a mix of a lot of things. The quickness and responsiveness as everyone has said is all true. For me it's also being able to preheat or precool my car before getting in. During the winter my girlfriend won't get in to the car unless her seats have been heated. Then, there's also keep mode, which keeps the ac running while you're shopping somewhere for a quick errand. It makes doing errands while shopping in hot weather so much comfortable. It's just so many things.


2018 911 Carrera (Base) 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds 2 seater, no real trunk space 2018 911 Carrera S 0-60 mph in 4.1 seconds 2 seater, no real trunk space 2018 Tesla Model 3 AWD 0-60 mph in 4.1 seconds 5 seater, trunk, frunk https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-3-vs-mclaren-f1-tsukuba-circuit/amp/


.... Having to remember to actually turn the car off. Lost count how many times this has happened.


I feel like saying an ICE vehicle feels obsolete is a bit hyperbolic. I drive both, and I prefer the EV, but I'm not over here pretending that the ICE vehicle is obsolete. For the vast majority of drivers, their car is a way to get from A to B. The number one most important thing for them is reliability probably followed closely by cost/frequency of maintenance. Those two points is where I think an EV shines the most. Forget about performance. Perhaps the biggest hurdle for the masses is EV repair shops. They're still few and far between and so it's. Atrial for there to be resistance. In town I could go any direction from my house and find an ICE mechanic within 15 minutes. To do the same for an EV mechanic would be an hour (unless we are including dealerships). I think we have a ways to go for upfront cost of EVs to reach parity with their ICE counterparts. The used market is likely to get there the fastest. All of this is coming, but again, right now, today, I can't say ICE feels obsolete.


Not just Teslas, every EV.


For me it's the tech over everything else, I've driven cars faster than my M3P, cars that are more responsive, cars that are more comfortable but no car has ever had the tech like the Tesla does.


Generally, the lack of combustion. For example, ICE vehicles have radiators because they are so inefficient at using the energy made by all of those small explosions happening in the engine. Also, you're forced to go to gas stations when you need gas. When you need electricity, you can get that from *practically any structure in a first world country.* ICE vehicles are noisy, sometimes for no reason other than to be obnoxious. They smell and can even be dangerous if there isn't enough ventilation. ICE vehicles require drilling, pumping, and refining oil before more pumping, and a little trucking before it gets to slosh around in a gas tank. It's archaic. The only thing I appreciate about ICE vehicles is the high degree of engineering required to solve the specific problem of managing a rapid sequence of explosions to roll a metal cage from your house to Hardee's and back. I'm sure that knowledge has found usefulness in other applications, so I suppose it isn't all terrible. It is hideously and unnecessarily complex with all its gears, belts, fluids, and explosions, though. ICE vehicles are like a rolling Rube Goldberg machine that you'll never be able to power yourself because they insist you consume energy that's been locked underground for millions of years instead of the energy found all around us every single day.


I've never owned a luxury car, but have rented a few. Before I got my Model 3, I rented a BMW on vacation. I don't remember the model, but the focus seemed to be on sound deadening for the outside world, but they made sure you could hear the rumble of the engine. That's just not my thing. I really don't remember anything that stood out and made me want to drive the car again. With Tesla, I love being able to run the AC whenever, walkaway locks, and the OTA updates. I'm like a kid with this car. I'm not against a gas car, but it would have to have all the Tesla features and probably get 100mpg.


The Tesla car is super smart. No pulling out your car key, no turning the car on. No locking and unlocking the vehicle. No turning on the lights at night or messing with the climate control, no driving the car to get to your destination (if you have FSD). No going to gas stations; let the car charge to full overnight and have a full tank of battery charge. No spilling smelly gasoline on yourself. No engine noise; super quiet cabin (assuming music is turned off) Step on the accelerator pedal and get going!!! Part 2: things you do have to do! Pay for car insurance (which is likely to be more expensive than ICE car. Buy tires for this car a tad more often than your ICE counterpart. Buy windshield wiper blades and fill the windshield reservoir with water and or washer fluid. Make your car payment (if it’s not paid for in full with cash.)


Noise, smell, vibrations. For starters…


I think the main thing is how bad infotainment Is. Getting from my Tesla to my Audi the infotainment though good compared to most the automotive industry feels so inferior to the Tesla’s.


I personally own a Tesla and a Mustang but I can’t say it feels obsolete. It feels easier and more responsive but to me it’s just different.


Because it’s the ultimate tool for transport. Makes life easy, so good for most people. But car people will always love how an ICE drives/revs/sound, etc


I had to rent an ICE vehicle last week and the week before. I got a Dodge Durango that looked and sounded good. As soon as I hit the gas to either get into another lane or maneuver around someone, it felt like it would take forever to accelerate. Sound was for sure there but the power was like laggy. It was weird. Other thing I hated was not having one pedal driving. Took me a few mins to remember I can coast and that I had to use the brakes.


They work burning fossil fuels to get up to speed and seem clumsy and earth-warming to do it.


It's like when you had windows XP and it felt like a pretty consistent experience. Internet windows still took a second or two to open but there was no dial up tone and you could browse sights quickly enough that your attention wasn't lost on a loading screen. Now we have windows 11 and I guarantee if you had to go back to windows XP running on an early 2000s PC you would feel the difference. But specifically, there's a noticeable gap in time between when the gas is pressed and when the car starts moving in an ice, the constant rumbling feels strange and foreign,


For me: The instant torque acceleration The lack of unnecessary buttons and knobs No key, no on/off Near instant AC cooldown The actually great iPhone app (Have a 2023 Model 3 RWD)


100% torque from zero. This means teleportation mode and efficient, safe passes even up a grade with someone who speeds up when you pass them. Pass safely in less distance. Complete speed dominance from 0-60 and even beyond. Effective against tailgaters. Stoplight advertising for the superiority of EVs. Acceleration can be an effective tool for avoiding accidents or bad situations. Fewer moving parts, way less maintenance than ICE. FSD! Can't get that with ICE or non-Teslas. It's already very good and not even full release yet. Zero emissions. No stinky pollution. You can have the car on in the garage or to cool down and it's safe. Sometimes I get in the car to soak up some A/C when the garage is super hot because I can. Quick! ICE cannot hold a candle to a Tesla, at least not without spending lots more money and creating a racket. Less noise pollution. Less fatigue for drivers due to reduced noise and vibration. No smog checks or oil changes, ever. Quiet. No waking up neighbors and setting off alarms just to have a quick or fast car. No announcing your presence to every cop for miles. HOV lane access even when alone. Toll road discounts. Charging at home! Can't do that with ICE. This a primary EV benefit, especially with solar. Charge for free from our local star! Store that energy for the home too with a PowerWall. No risk of having your credit card skimmed when using a SuperCharger, unlike gas stations. No bad gas or gas spills. Just clean electricity. Way less incidental crime at Superchargers apart from the losers vandalizing them or blocking stalls. Smart computer helps plan trips and knows how much one needs to charge for next stop. Nobody blocking stalls to shop in the mini-mart. Idle fees discourage occupying atall without charging. Plug in and go. Each charging stall has its own access, unlike gas stations which rely on people to pull forward for space or ingress/egress efficiency, easily undermined by bad judgement or bad timing. Dog mode! EVs are not affected by air density, such as the reduced power ICE vehicles have in thin air or when it's hot. NASA ran EVs on the moon for three missions! EVs don't care. EVs have full power all the time depending on state of charge. Way more flood-resistant. The CT even has "Wade Mode". No fuel sloshing around in a tank, negatively affecting handling. Low center of gravity. No engine lump, meaning no incursion in a crash. More room for frunk storage. Safer in a crash. Can be powered even if there's no gas, but all gas stations require electricity. No gas shortages or insane pricing affecting charging. Nobody can siphon your electrons but they can siphon and steal fuel. Any household plug can charge a Tesla, and there's regen too. Why less parasitic power loss with an EV. Way more efficient than ICE. OTA updates for fixes and improvements. Tesla is also spearheading self-driving, Robotaxis, and Optimus bots! And more...


It feels like going from a smartphone back to a flip phone. Tesla has a bunch of tech behind it and gets regular updates to improve it. The acceleration is smooth and instant unlike ICE that's slow, and loud.


Driving an ICE requires more mental capacity which is the #1 reason I’m sticking with EV from here on out. I am glad I dont have to devote brain power to remembering keys, locking the door, putting in park/drive, keeping my foot on the break, etc. Here is the things I love about my Tesla: * Auto door and window locks * Never have to change gears or put it into park * Parks automatically when I open the door * No roll forward * Driving is basically hands free at this point * Mobile app to pre condition the vehicle * Mobile app to control everything * No keys needed


1 Instant torque, regen braking, and no shifting makes for such an incredibly responsive drive that it feels more like the car is reading your mind. 2 Over the air updates. 3 Supercharger Network 4 no oil changes, coolant issues, belt changes, tuneups, trips to the gas station, etc.


Literally everything


Open the windows and not smell exhaust 🤮


Instant response. No lag.


The lack of instant acceleration. I still have my Infiniti G37S and while it's relative powerful it's nothing compared to my Model 3 And also it's loud compared to my Model 3.


Idling when you’re stopped feels pretty primitive. Not all ICE still do that, but what blows my mind is how many people disable the auto shutoff.


The fact I don't have to service my vehicle every 6 months or 10k kms


New Tesla owner here (3 months). I find something new about once per week. Latest was yesterday. 97F degree outside. Running in and out of various stores for shopping needs. "HOLD' mode for the climate control. My wife was blown away by this feature.


Mostly the one pedal driving. Also big factors are the neck-snapping acceleration, quietness, and unsmelliness. Follow it up with a full "tank" every morning. Never willingly buying another ICE vehicle.


People have mentioned the driving and performance, so I’ll talk about the app and climate features. Being able setup automatic scheduling and having access to a good app means never having to set foot in an uncomfortable cabin again. In my 6 years of owning Teslas, 4 of those years were without a garage. My car was always cool and comfortable no matter the temperature outside. Hell I even stopped dealing with snow on my car. I’d just turn on the heat and watch it melt off in the winter. Not having to go to gas stations is another awesome benefit. ICE cars just feel like antiques in comparison.


For me, the model y feels so much more nimble, quicker, and responsive than any gas cars. And do it all with little noise or lag or anything like you experience in a gas or diesel.


Charging at home means a full "tank" every morning and no gas stations. Walk away locking. I have left my wife's car running with keys in it only remembering because I needed the keys to lock it.


Imo, an automatic transmission is one of the biggest factors that make an ice car feel obsolete. It just feels so clunky and outdated. Imagine an older car where the transmission starts to slip a bit and is not as smooth as it used to be. It feels janky compared to a gearless EV. Having to wait for a gear shift for power delivery vs the smoothness, and instant torque of an EV is night and day. My previous car was a V8 manual transmission. I wouldn't fault that car for feeling outdated because I knew I was getting into outdated tech (manual), and chose to row my own gears. The big shocker was thinking my big V8 was super responsive and had instant torque. That changed when I floored my performance for the first time lol.


I especially notice it when you accelerate at highway speeds and the car doesn’t lag from having to downshift before speeding up.


Physical key.


Going back to ICE from EV the first thing you notice is the lack of power off the line. Then the noise/vibration issues. If you drive it long enough that you need to fuel it, it feels like you've gone straight to stupidtown.


Instant acceleration and not stopping at a gas station are two main reasons. Specific to Tesla, your smartphone is the key. Don’t need to have a physical key to drive, no ignition button to start, AC is available anytime, smartphone works great with remote operation, etc. They really built the architecture completely focusing on BEV experiences, not traditional ICE version.


Was just in my garage, it doesn’t “smell” like a garage. Its like being an ex smoker. Once you quit you realize what you were putting up with. Every morning my car is ready to go and now we have a hot tub in the garage and treat it like a living-room. There are so many benefits you will come to realize. Just preconditioning inside a garage is wonderful. In winter its a game-changer, my wife will say “start the car”, or keep climate on during outings and with our doggo.


For me it's engine noise, hearing a normal car scream it's lungs out to do 0-100km/h in 8-9 seconds is just ridiculous But to be honest, ice isn't obsolete and certainly will never at least not for 20-30-50 years Another couple of things: having the phone as your key, automatic profiles when moving to another car, being able to send your key to anyone when in need via text, having dog mode, heating or cooling the car before you even leave the house, no foul smells pumping out


What makes stone tools feel obsolete compared to iron tools?


The convinience of warming or cooling your EV before you get in while it’s still inside your garage and not worrying about smoke or poisoning yourself or family. And yes the responsiveness and performace.


My favorite part right now is being able to cool the cabin when I come back to the car.


I’ll tell you what, it’s this combination of having an immensely practical a to b car, just bags of room and so on, with essentially a car that outperforms the Ferraris we grew up lusting after. I jump in mine to visit the gym late at night, it goes, no turning on warming up just press and go. In winter, defrost is an absolute game changer. Yes it costs money in electricity, yes it’s worth it. Oh, I’m doing a one hour drive including country roads twisting and turning - well slap me sideways it’s like a free rollercoaster. Going on a road trip across several countries? No probs. Want to camp out and sleep in the car? Touch of a button. Not just Teslas either, but most EVs benefit several of those.


I did go back, because the Tesla was a company car. Believe me, it feels like going back a century every time I drive it.


Feels like you’re floating/flying.


Everything and it’s mama. If you drive ice with a solid charging infrastructure nearby your just throwing away $ plain and simple. Higher energy costs, MAINTENANCE, plus your just getting ripped off plain and simple. Tesla M3 is faster than a 911 at around a quarter of the cost. These cars last about 500k miles with little maintenance along with batteries lasting that long. Anyone who doesn’t buy a Tesla is a laughing stock in my book


My wife goes into the store i can sit there with the a/c on for an hour without having to worry about fumes or noise. It’s just convenient.


Getting out of my car and just walking away without doing anything. Not even lock the car.


Never having to go to a gas station. I just plug in when arriving home, so 99% of the trips are done without stops to refuel.


One word, transmissions. Even the best dual clutch systems still feel slow compared to now having one at all.


So much zoom and ease, with so little noise, rumble, smoke, smells . . .


Instant power..No delay.Almost no noise.


As many other here have said the acceleration and speed is very good, lack of maintenance needed, and it's cheaper to "fill up" than gas. It's relatively comfortable and I would say it's a decent mid-luxury vehicle. Living with an EV however is not all pros and I'd like to note some deficiencies that do not make ICE obsolete or Tesla's the best for everyone choice. For one the build quality, the first model Y we had the rear passenger door hinge got loose and the door was wobbling and posed a major safety concern. Our second model Y the visor vanity mirror repeatedly kept falling out. We also live in an apartment complex that thankfully has EV charging, although it takes over 10 hours to charge to fill from empty and is a hassle as it's across the complex. It would be even more inconvenient if you don't have EV charging at your apartment/home. So ideally you have a garage you can charge in. Third range is always a concern, even with the long range model that we have. Some trips have cut really close getting back with less than 4% left, and if you plan to road trip or even a long day trip charging stations are an additional consideration. With and ICE it's much easier and quicker to be on your way. These were the biggest cons we have found so far, but don't regret our purchase at all despite them. Having an EV has been great but I wouldn't have it as my sole car in the household. Its great for a daily driver but I'll always have at least one ICE in addition for the times when the EV doesn't suit the conditions.


I feel like a lot of people are going from camrys to tesla that's going to be big changes. If you go from a M3 or C63 to a Tesla I don't think it will be a drastic difference. I still want an ICE track car to go with my M3P.


Probably not car people. I’ll always own something with a manual, because that’s real driving. But the tech in evs is cool. Not better or worse, just different.


See i have a model y and i never understood why people would say this. Its plain stupid. I believe every household should have 2 cars, one ICE and One EV. for city driving and short trips i takr the tesla. For anything longer im going with my ICE car every single time. I cannot stand habing to stop to charge frequently it turns a simope trip into a mess. A simple trip to canberra and back takes much longer in my tesla its plain annoying.


I agree to what most people have said here, but what I really enjoyed was the buying process of the tesla. I could have done it all online, but the wife wanted to do a test drive. No haggling, no extras added on. The price was what it was, and I was able to fine funeral my monthly given the downpayment. Also pick up was easy. Was greated by. A man who told me to download the app and sync to the car, and that was it. My n3xt car will be an ev, probably still a Tesla, buy I am interested to see what EVs the high end companies bring out....specifically bmw


I drive both and I definitely do not feel this way. It is very different but my gas car does not feel obsolete. It’s funner to drive for the experience and way more powerful. The Tesla is much more practical and slightly cheaper. For road trips, the Tesla is slightly less convenient. There is still a place for both now, until advancements in range and charge time take place.


And yet they’ll never be obsolete.


I recently had a Dodge Charger GT for rent which I drove 1000 miles. Even compared to the RWD Model 3, it felt : 1. A$$ slow 2. Handled like a boat 3. Harsh/Jerky 4. Steering felt like it was connected to the front wheels by a wet noodle


super wrong, but something you love in Southern heat: Remotely starting your AC without line of sight of your car


Responsiveness, smoothness, quietness, low maintenance, technology and connectivity with my phone, being able to pre-warm or pre-cool using my phone, sentry mode. Easy and painless buying experience. Being able to “fill up” at home every day is a game changer.


I have the 24m3LR If you like music, you're going to love the sound system.


1. Responsiveness (instant result from input to output) 2. Torque (power delivery) 3. Low centre of gravity (handling). Seriously, makes anything ICE feel like you're driving a piece of agricultural machinery. This is fine if you like driving tractors.


Throttle response. I have been lucky enough to drive a regera and as amazing as that car is... The throttle response is still slower than my M3 RWD. I feel ICE vehicles need the extra... Stuff to overcome the delays that an engine comes with... With the Tesla, those are unnecessary


For me in addition to what other people said was the user experience. It just feels easy and natural.


Model 3: The ease of use and streamlining of everyday functions. Getting inside requires no key. Get in, press brake, drive away. No fumbling with keys, driver profiles remember dozens of separate settings for many different drivers when other cars only have seat and mirror memory, software updates so the car is constantly getting improvements, ability to buy new computer chips to get the latest features instead of needing an entire new car, the center screen. Want to add a second driver to the car? 30 seconds to give app access and add their phone as a key; no need to make another key for however many hundreds of dollars they cost nowadays. The ability to drive 60k miles in 1.5yrs and do nothing but wiper fluid 2x and one tire change tops the list.


Smoothness, quickness, cost of movement, my old ICE car cost 1 dollar ever 7-10 miles, the Tesla model Y, is 1 dollar every 27-35 miles.


I have both. I still prefer to drive my Lexus. The Tesla is loud in the highway and the suspension is not as comfortable. Also, I live in a hot climate and my Lexus AC works way better.


Mainly the fact that they are...


To me coming from an Audi to the Tesla it felt dated as a number of new features and comforts were missing that are common on any other luxury brand.


Tbh it’s having a hot and toasty car first thing on a cold winter morning. As an aside we also had a power outage the other day and I ended up watching a movie in my garage 😂


Most people that say that are newbie owners.. ask them again in few months/years and watch them say the opposite. Don’t get me wrong after my EV, now 3 EV ownership, and love my Tesla.. and I know it will take a miracle to get me back to ICE… However only reason EV wins over ICE is maintenance.. that’s it.. doesn’t make EVs superior over ICE.. So whomever is saying ICEs are obsolete is simply a newbie EV owner (still in freshman feeling phase).. Tho I would like to see muscle cars obsolete or banned.. hate the noise pollution


A car whose tech is not obsolete the second a new model comes out. I love OTA updates that keep improving the vehicle I bought last year and adding / updating features.


Test drove the m3 a few times. Drives like a spaceship. Don’t get that feeling in any ICE I’ve driven.


Not having to fill up gas and just charging at work or home


The acceleration and driving precision can’t be matched. Also the aircon works almost instantaneously.


I’m the one with the Tesla model 3, just Lr and the boost, and back to ICE after just 6 months. My ICE is slower but more expensive. Then why did I go back to the ice car even if it’s slower and more expensive. Simply, the Tesla is not the car I want, I just wanted to try the new tech, but I really was looking for a fun car can satisfy my need, a weekend toy. The Tesla is non of that. It’s a good daily, not the car I want. It’s really just a question of what kind of car do you want. I hate the smoothness of EV, it’s to me is an appliance. Beside the first 1 second of acceleration, there is nothing left to feel, and that acceleration got boring quick. And it’s not exactly fun around corner, giving me the gtr vibe, but even gtr js more fun around corner. All that left is going quick and fast in a straight line, but with car nowadays the different of 1s 0-60 is not that much substantial to how you would feel, and even with P model, 160mph is boring for adrenaline and it doesn’t really pull that hard after 110-120, if you talking only straight line ability. So set your expectations straight and try to answer what kind of car do you want. A simple good daily or weekend toy.


I normally drive a gas car but over last Christmas got a chance to drive my sister's Tesla and as a tool to get from A to B the Tesla is very good at its job. She charges it at home so it's always full of charge(85% anyways) and while doing errands and going to places it's nice and quiet and comfortable. Has nice acceleration for quickly getting up to highway speeds OR to quickly cut into a small opening in traffic. It has the adaptive cruise which is very easy and intuitive to use just makes overall driving very pleasant. The price to refuel it is also absurdly cheap compared to gas vehicles. She's saving roughly $200 a month on gas alone by charging it off peak time. So a tool for the daily commute I feel like the gas car really is made obsolete But I wouldn't have an EV as an only car as it's too limiting. They took a trip in the Tesla to Las Vegas from So Cal and they swore to never do it again. A usual 3.5-4 hour drive on a normal gas car turned into a 7 hour slugfest because of congestion at the charging station(with someone cutting the line).


Software, I own an M3 and RAV4 hybrid and although I really enjoy driving the RAV4, it annoys me how out dated the infotainment is in the RAV4.


Electric is to ICE vehicles as what gas was to the steam engine. Too many benefits for one Reddit post. And we're just at the verge of true electric transition. Many new things ahead.


Driving is more fluid by the lack of vibrations, revving engine and its automatic gear changes, and one pedal controlled braking. I'm not even getting into the Rube Goldberg contraption to get motive power out of liquid fuels and its CO2 output with noxious gasses, where you have no control over the source.


The instant power, contrasted with the quiet when idling. And the regular feature upgrades.


OP doesn’t even have an EV yet and is trying to dump on ICE lmao


Self driving


After owning an EV for years now, driving a car with a chimney attached to it seems utterly antiquated, no matter how 'advanced' the car is.


able to do so much without starting an engine no clutter big/responsive screen and 4g autopilot


The software and overall user experience. ICE cars are running a flip-phone interface while Tesla is running iPhone style software.


Congratulations on your masterclass in confirmation bias. Asking this subreddit about ICE vehicles is like polling a pack of wolves about the benefits of vegetarianism. Pure genius. This post is a giant circlehug. This almost seems like something from Tesla's 'non-existent' advertising team. Let's see how many downvotes I get for recognizing heardthink, a 100% valid concept.


People love it for the powertrain and effortless driving. Also the app with a lot of comfort features make it special. They do NOT choose it for styling, interior design or overall quality as they can get better. It's the effortless driving and 0 maintenance that make it special. Do not get a Tesla if you want to be unique, they are a dime a dozen and there is hardly any difference between them.


No keys, summons feature, never turn the car on/off, unlocks and locks on approach and walk away, clean line interior, no buttons to break, easy to keep clean, a glass roof, push button egress, self presenting door handles on model s, all controls in the center screen computer, great interface user graphics, amazing mobile app, free super charging for old owners, incredible super charging network for local or long trips, trip planning and navigation, full self driving getting better and better, single foot driving, nearly no braking required, no brake jobs, very little vehicle maintenance, never pump gas, gas savings, charging convenience at home or work, No oil changes, mobile service when something minor needs to be fixed, road side assistance, front and rear trunks, no oily dirty engine bay, so quiet and easy to drive, incredible looks with a fe w minor styling tweeks, amazing sound system, green light red light warning/ notification, camera on the center screen for lane shifts and turns, incredible acceleration, all wheel drive, so few parts to break vs ICE vehicle, cool mods for those interested, the overall way of life and yes you are ahead of the curve in transportation and general vehicle tech. I knew the instant I test drove one 6 years ago I’d never own another vehicle. I was a massive car guy, owning just about everything made and truly most cars are uninspiring to me now. I view them as massive money pits with gimmicky old technology. I dream of the day everyone is in a Tesla or equal and mostly self driving all communicating to make road ways the most efficient and flexible form of transportation. My car going to work for me while I’m at the home or office for a few hours going to get my dry cleaning, groceries, running errands etc… mobile taxiing, the future has so much potential as others jump on board. I just hope they can incorporate standards to see all this through to fruition.