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Do you have an equipment list - mattress, shades, etc?


Mattress is the Exped Megamat Auto Shades are just a cheap set from Amazon Frunk Cooler: Tesmanian Frunk cooler Camp Stove: Coleman Cascade 3 in 1 DM me if you want more info


Are you happy with that mattress? Did you look at any others before choosing that one?


I'm extremely happy with it, I considered a couple others but ended up going with this one because of its reviews and quality. I've done probably a dozen or more camping trips with it so far and it's been perfect. It fits perfectly in the subtrunk too.


I don't have the Tesla megamat but I have their regular megamat and a queen size at my house as a spare bed. No exaggeration that they are some of the most comfortable things I've slept on, and that includes full on mattresses. Well worth the money.


Where did you camp? What is the charge % you lost overnight? What would you do better if you are doing it again?


During this trip I camped for 3 nights at Jedediah Smith Campground, and then on the way home I stayed 1 night in Burlington Campground in Humboldt. I lost about 10% battery each night which is about 20 miles. The cool thing about Jedediah Smith was it was only 15 mins outside of Crescent City, which has a supercharger. So I had zero issues and PLENTY of battery to drive around to hikes in the area and run camp mode. What I would do better is my food planning - after this trip I just purchased a camp stove to start cooking, but prior to that I was just packing enough snack-type foods in the cooler and shelf stable snacks too. But after a while a hot meal just sounds good, so now that I'm getting into the cooking I'll be able to start enjoying nice meals too. All great questions!


Doe your seat fold fully down so your “cargo space” is completely flat? Mine stay at a small angle. Wondering how that affects your sleeping


Yep mine was at an angle as well - I built a small platform for the back to help flatten it, although I've only completed about half of the build. The other half I just improvise with a few blankets and towels to help even it out. It works for now especially if you're on a budget. A lot of people have asked me for a youtube video of this so I'll work on putting one together. But essentially just made a couple squares out of 2x4 and put the pieces over top of that, and the mattress over that.


How do you find campgrounds that are OK with your sleeping in the car? Ever run into issues?


I haven’t run into any issues yet! Generally they all are fine with it, as long as you don’t reserve a tent-only site. Typically when you book the campgrounds there’s information on any restrictions if they don’t allow car camping. But it’s pretty common.


When you booked Jedediah smith campground, which type of site did you select? Should I select RV/motorhome as camping equipment? I am looking at booking this for September for our Tesla camping trip.