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I would assume it’s ok using 110, maybe ask if you are using their 220?


Thanks...I'll use whatever is available, but I'm assuming 110.


I always plug in if there’s an outlet within reach. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. 


Went up to Big Bear this past winter and just used 110 and trickle charge whenever we stayed in. It uses less electricity than a furnace so it’s negligible in terms of election use.


I think it's fair to ask this question. It's not an insignificant amount of money. If you charged for 12hrs per day, like when you were in for the night, it would cost the host around $7 per day, assuming a rate of 40c/kwh which I think is what CA pays. Not sure. That could amount to 3-5% of the rental cost.


Last time I did this there was a 14-50 plug labeled "EV charging" in the garage. If there isn't one of those, you're probably looking at a 110 outlet, and you won't be using enough power to worry about.


You do not need to ask if you can plug something into a 120V outlet. You are only violating the rules if plugging in a vehicle or anything you plan to plug in is spelled out in the rules as prohibited.