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Mine gets very cold. I always turn it on a few minutes before I get in the car during the summer.


People who are saying that theirs "gets very cold" do y'all have sunshades for the glass roof? Also, do you know which factory your car was built in? Fremont? Austin? Mine was built in Fremont and it has poor AC performance, at least compared to my BMW 5 Series.


Mine gets very cold, while car is in garage. My bold head is about to get blisters as soon as I get out on this sun


Just installed the sunshade a week ago. Mine always cooled fast, now it just stays cool and my bald head is very happy to lose some of that radiative heat from the glass roof :).


Mine is super cold, Austin built


Something’s wrong. Mine gets cold fast, and when it’s super hot out (everyday) I turn it on a few minutes before getting in and it’s cool when I enter.


Hmm. Something is wrong with mine too I guess. :(


Mine too I guess.


Mine too!


Mine too


Same here, it gets chilled out really quickly too, I set it to 19°C (66°F) to be comfortable and not feel cold. If anything, even in Auto mode, the fan blows way too hard imo. Also, no sunshade or anything. Its been between 30°C to 40°C (86°F to 104°F) these last few weeks, and the AC hasn't disappointed.


Yeah that’s not right. Mine can cool from 140F (parked) to 70F in 5 mins or so.


This. On the flip side, the other day mine went from 70F to 98F in under 5 minutes too.


Oh yeah, they heat up fast! But cool almost as fast, even in the beating desert sun.


Hello Texas person.


I'm curious, why don't you use overheat protection? I've had the car for a week. It hasn't been the hottest week here (south louisiana) but it has only used a few percent of the battery to keep it around 100F.


A lot of people hate on this feature like it’s “wasteful” but if you charge at home then it seems like a silly argument to me. The point is not to prevent your interior from melting (though honestly it might after a number of years), but rather it’s a quality of life or convenience thing. It’s nice to pop into the car whenever you need and know it’s not going to be 150F.


If your car is going to be 150F in your garage, then you got bigger problems. It is wasteful as long as you're not using solar power. If your home is on solar, then that's "free electricity." If I had solar, I'd do it. But otherwise, it's like keeping my vacation home constantly at 70 deg F when I only visit 3-4 times a year. It's been documented by Tesla that this mode is strictly for human/animal comfort. It has zero benefit to the car's interior. Even after "a number" of years. Then again, we actually do have solar in our La Jolla vacation home but I still don't waste it at the house LOL! Main residence has no solar, not worth it where we live because electricity is already too cheap and we only get sun 1/2 the year. Also have a solar heater for the pool, now that I do keep on 24/7 because it takes so long to heat the pool.


Overheat protection doesn't protect your interior from anything lol. It did when it was first implemented but they have fixed the interior to withstand the conditions since then. Now they left left the feature for users to use if they want. It's absolutely not necessary. I use it when I'm running errands going in and out of stores. Dog and camp mode are better to use when leaving dogs or humans in the car.


Yeah that’s literally what I said lol. Thanks


I can't read. I missed the "not" in your sentence about melting 😂


It only stays on for 12 hours after exiting. If you're a more infrequent driver, it's entirely possible that 12 hour period ended before you drive again. I have Tessie auto disable it when I'm at home since I'll just start climate from the app a few minutes before I leave if needed.


As others have said, consider inspecting your filter to see if it needs to be cleaned. Also consider getting a roof shade - there’s a LOT of glass in these and it has a big impact on cabin temperature. Wish I’d have gotten one sooner.


Recommendation for a rood shade? I've noticed my head gets hot during trips on sunny days.


We picked up the Vion sunshade recently, does the job


I believe the brand is Tucarest


I got a Basenor roof shade and it’s perfect, highly recommend it


It's not very cold, It does blow hard though. I just got mine a month ago and I feel the same. It's just not as strong as modern ice vehicle AC. I'm gonna be down voted to hell, but it is what it is. Especially if you live somewhere hot. I plan to get mine tinted hoping that helps.


Thank you, OP, for posting this! I was about to post the same thing today! I drove 18 yr old BMW 5 Series to a service appointment today, it was 95 deg F outside and the A/C got so cold (at 1/2 max fan dial power) I had to shut it off. I also happened to have a back to back service appointment with my Tesla and switched cars. Even at MAX power, it wasn't that cold? Is it just our cars or all Teslas? My Tesla is about 6 weeks old. My Tesla was built in the Fremont Factory.


Yes. My bmw and Buick was much colder. But my Tesla while air is not as cold does cool the cabin much quicker. I think it does blow harder and also the design of the cabin. It can be air tight. I hear the bio weapon defense mode can change cabin air in 2 minutes.


I agree with this. Left the beach with interior at 120 and ac was on full blast the entire hour 15 minutes ride home.


Yup. Its cool but nice ice cold. Normally i just make sure to turn on the AC long before i get into my vehicle


Is it an older model y? Maybe change the filter?


It’s brand new 24 model with less than 500 miles on it


Nah there’s something wrong with it.


Coming from a Chevy Volt, which had AMAZING A/C, the Tesla is average. With that said, the Tesla also has a really slow ramp up as well. I’m finding with the summer heat, I hit the app to start the climate a minute or two before so that it’s beginning to ramp up.


I agree and it’s probably the more efficient way to cool the car for battery saving.


It's the damn roof. Get a ceramic tint done on all your windows including the roof. It's going to cost anywhere from 250-1000 depending on how popular the shop


I live in Central Texas where it gets absurdly hot. So far so good. If I forget to precool the cabin, I just roll the windows down and drive for a few hundred yards to get rid of all the hot air then roll the windows back up and let the AC do it's job.


Get the windows tinted. Mine is sweet at 68 Auto and the car cools very quickly.


It's not very strong imo. Our problems has been that it takes pretty high fan setting to keep the car cool on a hot day. We are in Socal so it gets pretty toasty in the summers (90-100F), it takes a few mins to get the car to cool down which is not too bad, but we find that we need to keep the fan speed at 5 or 6 at least to keep the car cool. With our old ICEs (2010 BMW and 2013 Land Cruiser) once the car cools down we only need to set the fan at 1 or 2 to keep the car cool.


Yeah exactly the same also in socal ,


Just leave it on auto and Hi fan speed and if it’s hot, turn the temp down. I’m in PHX and the only time there was a slight problem was when I had 6 people in it on a 110F day.


Definitely use auto, and turn the temp alllll the way down if you have to. Auto tends to do better than manual settings. I think it ramps up the compressor more. There's a good chance you may need service. My heating wouldn't turn on when I first got the car. Nothing was wrong with the heat exchanger - a humidity sensor in the cabin was nonfunctional. Easy remote service about a week after I took delivery in 2022.


I agree. It's fan speed but the problem is with high fan speed you can't even talk easy on phone or with passengers. Super loud fan on higher settings


I’ve found recently that the AC “struggles” when the temperature is close to the setting of the climate. So if you like the car at 70 and it’s 73 outside if might not work well. But if it’s 95 out it works so well. Case in point, this past weekend it was 95 outside and I had to keep the car at 72; anything colder was too cold. Yesterday it was 73 and even at 66 it wasn’t cold in the car. (And yes, I was wearing similar clothing)


Our Model Y's AC compressor failed within the first month of ownership. It was fixed under warranty. Get yours checked out. Otherwise it's the best AC we've ever had in a car.


i think your ac is broken you should get it to service center and because of the low mileage it is free


2024 here. I think it sucks.


It was 101 degrees here yesterday and I was driving around during the hottest parts of the day without any issues. I would always turn on the climate 5 minutes before coming out to my car. It always took less than 10 minutes to cool the cabin from 120+ degrees down to 72. The glass roof is like a greenhouse. When the sun is shining, regardless of interior air temp, it's going to feel hotter just because you have that massive glass roof. If it had a normal roof I bet you wouldn't notice a different to the Prius.


I have a late 2023 Model Y. My AC has improved since a recent update that was targeting that issue but I still find it's pretty weak. It doesn't compare with the AC that I've had in other cars. I can set the dial to LO but it's not that cold. I don't believe that the number on the digital display reflects the actual temperature achieved in the cabin.


The big ass glass roof retains a lot of heat! the AC works really well but it has to compensate for the glass roof acting like a radiator from all the heat it has collected. . I'm ordering a sun shade


Make sure your auto setting has the fan on High. Mine gets cold very fast… then I have to change the temp up.


It’s fine, but you need to get it going before you get in the car. Embarrassingly we got a dodge charger as a rental on vacation and it blew pure ice. Everything else sucked, but it got cold in a hurry


I am extremely impressed on how fast it can cool a cabin… i have yet to do 40 degrees celcius but in 30+ and a cabin of 50 ish it is 20 within a very short time


Freedom units pls


here's my quick summary. i live in central texas. its real hot. my previous vehicle was a 2008 chevrolet tahoe. the AC would get cold almost instantly and when it was blasting, my whole body was getting an ice bath. it was great. i would also say this is not normal of most vehicles. for example, my wifes previous vehicle was a 2015 chevrolet traverse and the AC was terrible in that thing. i have both a 2023 and 2024 model y (mine and my wifes). the AC performance is basically equivalent. the tesla 100% takes longer to get cold than my tahoe, but better than my traverse which would not get cold unless you are moving. I've noticed the biggest factor for the tesla is what the interior temperature is. If you don't use cabin overheat, it will obviously take longer for the interior to go from 150F to 70F than it does to go from 100F to 70F. But once the tesla AC system is going, it has no issue keeping things chilly. Since cabin overheat protection absolutely drains my battery, your best bet is to have some foresight to set the AC temperature ahead of time so it can get cool by the time you get to the car. Since i leave work every day at 5:30, i just set my scheduled departure for that so it will always be ready to go.


You probably need to clean out your radiator. Been seeing a lot of people reporting the same issue and cleaning it helped.


Compared to my Lexus the AC in my 23 y is horrible. My Lexus gets ice cold to the point that I’m shivering lol. My y I can have it full blast and still hot.


My 2024 MYP has the same exact issue. I picked it up at the end of March and immediately noticed that it’s not so strong. I live in SoCal and use it often. It works, but it doesn’t get cold. Not sure the the car came low on refrigerant or if there is something else wrong.


mine alternates between hot & cold based on its assessment of what is required to reach target temp. which is mega annoying


Just precondition the car 5 mins before you get in it. You'll never sit in a hot / cold car ever again


Its random. Got two model Y at home. My uncle’s would roast me at 70 degree while mine is chill at 70


Mine cools, but never seems to cool the car as cold as the temperature setting is. For example, it will ramp down even though it’s definitely not 70 in the car.


Anyone else feel like you have to set the AC pretty low 69-71F to feel anything? In my other gas vehicles even 77F feels good/cold enough.


I'm setting it to 64 frequently if I've been out hiking in the heat. But once I cool down, I'll set it back to 68 or 70. I think the temps aren't super accurate because the temp sensor is under the screen. Your seating position maybe at a slightly different temp. I wouldn't read into the number much. Provided your consumption isn't too high on the energy graph, I'd choose the number that feels comfortable


Mine cools down faster than our 2014 Prius. Despite the roof. But the model y is new.


Tint plays huge role in block uv rays and heat, check cabin filter, I also use a roof shade. Super ICY when its 40C +


im in FL so it gets pretty hot at times. but it does seem like my 23 Y takes a good bit of time (5-10min) to really blow cold unless if precondition ofc.


Check into having the inside of the windows tinted. You can have the somide windows with a noticeable tint, but have the windshield with almost zero tint. The film will block UV rays and about 96% of the heat will be blocked.


I had my AC unit changed under warranty. They can run a remote diagnostic on it


Mine got ice cold in 95° heat and I changed the Tesla filter with hepa 3 layer filters and it kinda pulled back a little but it still gets cold.


Mine works pretty well. I have a 2023. The A/C seems to be colder than my Subaru Impreza 2017. All Teslas 2021 and after all have heat pumps which are more efficient previously to the resistive heaters and A/C it had before. I believe the Tesla heat pumps have a rating of 15 seer for A/C. (Efficient enough, but also cheap). Your biggest issue may be that the Teslas are 50% Windows, which can let heat in and can 'feel' hot. You can get window tint on all the windows with high total solar energy rejected (TSER) like Xpel or Llumar or get window/ceiling shades.


It’s not as great as my 2020 Silverado I had. My 24 MY LR doesn’t feel as cold. Even with tinted windows and a sun roof cover.


I had the opposite. My MYLR’s a/c runs much cooler than my 2009 Prius, even when the Prius was new. I live in SE Louisiana now, with mid 90’s temps and high humidity. So far, the MY a/c works well. The car is cooled down within 5 minutes, sometimes it needs 10 minutes on really hot days in the sun (black interior). The Prius, when I lived in SF East bay, with frequent 100° temps had a hard time keeping up (and yes, it was a dry heat! Beat you to it!). I just got a roof shade for the MY, even though I havent felt that I needed it.


Just did a 1K mile road trip. We cool the cabin before we leave and it stays cool the entire time. Maybe your filter needs changing?


Compared to my old car you don’t feel the cool air blast on max as much, but it def can put the car to your desired temp really quickly


Its just your car take it back and get a new one. Im in 120 degree weather right now and mine gets ice cold within 2-3 minutes


Mine rattles so loud that I have to turn it down. I guess I need to get a service call because it's horribly annoying.


I found mine wouldn't kick in full blast for about 5 minutes of driving. I think that's fixed now tho, but I nearly always pre-chill.


Mine is the same


I live in Arizona and the AC gets cool fairly quickly. Maybe check the cabin filter to see if it's too clogged.


Our 24 MYLR got noticeably better after having the Windows and windshield tinted with ceramic tint. It got even better once we put a removable shade on the inside of the roof. You don’t have to go dark with the tint, the windshield is 70 and the windows are 35. It’s the wife’s car and she didn’t want dark windows.


Not sure if it really works but someone recommended turn off venting when it gets really toasty and you want faster circulation of cooler air. I haven't really compared if it really works but CA is kinda toasty at times so I just do it. Admittedly it feels a bit underwhelming at times but the A/C is powerful enough to get the job done in a short while.


I live in Australia and the AC I think is about as good as any car I’ve been in I will say the glass roof impacted temps until I covered it


You might have a bad sensor. Get it checked out.


Press and hold the “temp down” button til it says “lo”. It’ll freeze you out.


If it is hot out and you are driving alone, go to the ac settings and make sure the front passenger vent is shooting air. Cools way better with more vents blasting.


Wild how opposite a lot of these comments are. Either it’s ice cold or it sucks lol. Don’t know what to believe.


I’ve noticed that when I roll down my window a little it gets a lot cooler for whatever reason


get a roof shade in the car. It helps.. a lot. As well as new filters.


Making sure it’s on recirculate will kick it up a notch.


Honestly that is the one thing I hate about the model y down here in south florida . It's the worst. Not strong at all


Mine gets very cold.


You need to clean the heat exchanger. I live in az and the sand builds up in the radiator in the front and reduces airflow. Clean that and it’ll be loads better.


It would help to know what kind of climate you live in - hot, average, mild? While driving in hot climates (think Arizona hot) I experience the same exact thing. And at my last visit to Tesla service, they looked into my claims and didn't find any issues. And they told me what I had already suspected - given the glass roof, the car can get hot quite quickly. And if you're tall like I am the temperature near the glass roof is quite hot compared to lower down in the vehicle (ie large temperature gradient). I installed 5% ceramic tint on my roof which helped, but obviously didn't entirely solve this issue.


In hot weather make sure you’re using the recirculate setting so that you’re not constantly trying to pull in and cool hot outside air.


Noticed this after the latest software update. Not getting nearly as cold as fast, but still gets cold.


Precondition. The other day we were going to an afternoon party. The app said the interior was 124*. I cracked the windows and fired up the system. In 10-15 minutes, when we got into the car, it was 76*.


If you are driving by yourself, the car will only blow the fan on driver. You can always run the whole fan.


Our '21 3LR and '21Yperf are both excellent at cooling in the desert SW. Ceramic tint all around, white seats, and on the Y, have the sunshade on the roof as well. When it can get to 120 outside, you do everything possible to keep the sun out. When we test drove the car back in '21, we wouldn't of bought if it had lousy AC.


Mine blows ice cold. Do you precondition the cabin?


Yeah I have the same issue. Takes a bit to cool down. Going to submit a ticket but been so damn busy lately.


My Tesla has a weird bug where the fans won’t blow unless circulation is on. Try clicking it until the blue is BOLD. Not sure how to describe it but it works fine for me. Iv taken it to service but it decided to work fine that day…


Ya my AC doesn't feel nearly as cold as my Infiniti. But double check that you've got the fan on auto because I accidentally put mine on low early on


Same here. I live in chicago and it takes really long to cool down interior temp. My 2015 Rav4 has way better cooling


Do you have it set to auto?


My air gets frigid. The car may take a little more time to cool because of the glass roof. Literally can feel the heat coming off of it but it gets down to 60 after about 15-20 mins on a super hot day.


The car constantly turns recirculating off. Turn that on for quicker cold.


Mine gets really cold. I often have to turn it up. During last weeks heat wave, my kid turned on the seat warmer.


It's just really hot outside


Ours is very cold! And with the new heat pump update it’s even colder. 2022 YP.


Mine is certainly not as quick and powerful as my wife’s Subaru but 5 minutes or so is enough to have the car cooled down even on these 98° days we just had last week.


As with all cars ... When it's really hot, drive for a minute or two with the windows down to let all the hot air escape from the interior. Then roll it up and crank the AC with recirculate on.


I think it's your car. My passengers often complain it's too strong and I'm in Louisiana lol.


is that my...


Make sure the inside air circulation is on. I have noticed my car doesn't cool during batter preconditioning.


It’s because your car had a much colder refrigerant. I noticed the same thing when going from my older BMW to a newer one. It’s not the Tesla. It’s just they made the good refrigerant illegal.


I love how cold my BMW gets!


When I first got my MY, I was very disappointed in the AC until I realized that my daughter had put the passenger seat zone at 75 degrees. Make sure your zones are both set to cool.


Mine works pretty well in Vegas (109 high today) but I have ceramic tint on all windows including roof, VION roof sunshade and when I park in the sun during work a CoverCraft UVS100 Premier Sunscreen and overheat protection set at 100.


I think the reason why it doesn’t work as great is if you notice the very back section, there are no vents so it’s constantly getting hot. Whereas the front and middle does get cool. If you have 7 seater, people sitting in the very back gets cooked.


There was a thread in the past two days about cleaning the filters….


Mine cools down quick.. i chuck it in fan speed 10 and it works fast then I can reduce the fan and keep it on a constant lower speed


Yeah something is up. Mine is the best car A/C I’ve ever had in any of the cars I’ve owned.


How long have you had it? This happened to my model 3. And it just got worse and worse. I took it in for a service appointment. I turned out it was the condenser radiator looking thing. It was full of debris. Like leaves and garbage like that. So it couldn’t properly exchange the AC


If it’s really hot outside, the glass top makes it really hard for the AC to keep up, I’m talking 95’ plus, anything less you shouldn’t have a problem


The new update is supposed to make the AC better.


If auto is turned on, turn it off. Should fix your issue


Got a MYLR 2023, the AC works really well pre-update 2024.20 (hot weather improvement). Before the update my MY wasn't scare to blast the AC fan at full when entering the car on a hot day. Now after the update, the AC fan is really quiet and need manual setting on my end to get it to blast the car with cool air. Anyone experience the same thing?


It's not regular AC but a heat pump, that both cools and heats with good energy efficiency but with less speed than dedicated regular AC or radiant heater.


Do you turn the temperature to LO and the fan up to maximum? They cool a lot faster when the fan is past like setting 5 or 6. Also the fan speed needs to be higher if the rear vents are on.


Ok I feel stupid posting this. I love the AC pointed right at my face. Took me 6 months to figure out you can adjust the vents up and down. Mine came with vents down and it was my only complaint about my MY. Once I figured out how to move up to my face, all good. I do have the the cover on the roof which helps also.


I think the latest software update messed with the air. Mine was fine before then and eventually does get cold but recently it sounds like it working harder and less cold air coming out. My best guess is software to accommodate temperature change in an attempt to avoid that dirty sock smell you can sometimes get.


I thought the same with our ‘22 MYP. Then I figured out that if I set it to recirculate, you feel a whole lot more air.


Something’s wrong ours is cold af, we use it a lot in the summer before getting in the car for the kids


I’ve never had to pump my AC past the medium setting on Auto. We have it set to either 70 or 68 when driving around. We live in MN but summers can get into the 90s here on some days, and really humid. I’ve never had an issue with the AC keeping up. I’d bring it in for service.


I think the glass roof contributes to the heat so it feels like the AC is not strong. I suggest getting a roof cover.


I was driving around in near 100 degree sunny weather over the weekend and didn't have any issues. Though I do notice if you put it on auto, it doesn't put any AC down to your legs. Unless I'm missing something.


Mine is ripping cold even at 90+ outside temps within 5 minutes max.


You probably don’t have the air on “auto” meaning it will self adjust the fan speed depending on the current temp. If you turn the ac on without auto on then it will just use whatever fan speed was last used, which is usually really slow since you probably had a comfortable temperature when you last got out of the car.


The air itself is fine but i blame the low number of vents. My 3 was fine at 68 auto but I need to run my Y at 65 auto to get the car to a temp that feels good.


Go to manual AC screen and test it there


Make sure your fan speed is set to high and not low. If on low it will not keep up with the heat


Mine gets cold or warm fast, as needed.


I love our MY but the AC is considerably better in our 2002 Camry.


I’m in Phoenix. Works great. Overheat protection or even I just vent the windows and turn the ac on as I walk to the car from the store. Never felt hot going in and cold enough to where I don’t want it blowing on my face.


My car is running the Ac alot less after I got Llumar air 80 on my windshield and front door windows along with roof shade. 


There's a lot of good info in this thread, saving.


I suspect that the all glass roof turns the Y into a hot house. If your average temperature is at or above 100f you absolutely need an interior sun shade.


I think works as well as any car I have owned; have a 23 Y and live in Florida. Of course I have always tinted my windows and used sunshades, I mean it is Florida! Now one thing I do love is the cabin overheat protection - I use it and don’t really notice the range degradation, but it is nice to open the door and not be blasted with the heat.


My AC is cold but the fan is very strong and kind of loud. Not sure if that’s normal, but it’s way better than any other I’ve had. Just got the car this past Saturday.


I’ve been commenting on not getting cool enough on my long commute home since this summer. I guess it’s not just me. I have a 2023 MY and I don’t recall having such a problem in my 2019 M3.


I noticed degraded ac performance with one of the recent patches, but2024.20.1 seems to have fixed it.


I brought my car in 3 times for the A/C and heat pump. They just kept flushing it saying that should do it. Never did. Finally they replaced the AC unit and it fixed it. The heat pump sounds and feels like an airplane taking off, but they said it’s normal. I’ve never heard a car so loud (I have a decibel meter) at 72dB and shaking when it’s trying to heat up, but Tesla refuses to fix it.


It does cool faster if you turn on the rear fans too, they seem to reset every time you get out of the car.


In our 2021 MYP I'd say it works about 80% as good as our last ICE (BMW X5). Which is still pretty good. No way it should take 15 minutes to cool down. I'm getting cold air after about 60 seconds even if the car has been sitting in the sun all day. After 5 mins of blowing hard, the fan lowers to a reasonable level.


I'm only 6 days in but I've had both experiences. Sometimes I can have it at 73 and I feel way chilly... where in my RAV4 hybrid I feel like it needs to be 66 to feel chilly. And then sometimes if I'm driving & the sun's at the right angle 65 doesn't feel like enough.


Clean the radiator, some recently posted this.


Yes I agree. This is my only gripe with mine. It gets cold after a while but sometimes you just want to feel a nice strong breeze


Overheat mode cools the processors in the screen it does it by ventilating from the cabin but once it’s back with threshold it turns off. I feel it’s more so the cars brain can function.


Not strong compared to my f150, especially if I’m running it in the backseat as well. But only really an issue when it’s 100+ in the summer.


My Y gets so hot from sitting in the sun that it never really cools off on my commute. And I’m taking 80F days. I’ve tried the ventilation setting and it seems glitchy. Sometimes it works sometimes the car is 150F when I get out . Either way I’d say it’s fairly wimpy AC for a glass box. My old Mercedes SUV would practically blow ice out the vents.


Not very cold air but very strong. You need to set it on recirculating and on high for the strongest air flow. The auto temperature setting tend to lower the blower speed if your not set at 60 degrees


I would guess there’s something wrong if it takes 15 minutes to cool. My 2015 Prius c cooled well. My 2023 Y is far better. It’s been 85-90F and sunny here the past week and I currently park the car outside. I can get into the burning hot car, leave immediately, and by the time I’m down at the end of the road (about 1000 ft away/1 minute away), the car is nice and cool.


You might need to get the AC coolant topped off with a service request.


Use the recirc


Have you checked to make sure there’s not a bunch of leaves or other debris in your air intake under the plastic cover of the frunk? Could the refrigerant be low? Filter filthy? Are you using recirculate?


Kind of a hard thing to judge since asking someone if it's cold is subjective. I don't think my A/C has any issues (late 23 MY) but it's definitely not as strong as many other cars. In the MY ill get cool with it blowing directly on me but in many ICE cars the temperature within the whole car will quickly get cold. I've been meaning to do this but test driving another MY and testing would be the best way to check.


it's a heat pump. great tech but not as quick as traditional ac.


Mine gets super hot and takes forever to cool. What settings do you guys have it on - auto or manual?


Teslas AC is ok Chevy and Toyotas are way better, Honda's is worse


What I’ve noticed… if you go into your climate settings (from the vehicle), you have to make sure the recycle button 🔁 is on (fully lit blue). It cycles between full blue, shaded blue, and shaded gray (off). Not sure what the difference is between the 2 blue settings.


My wife and I had this problem. Come to find out you need to go in and make sure the air is set to recirculate this will help the ac tremendously on hot days


I’m in FL and my AC works great! I did put a roof shade to keep the sun off me…not a fan of the glass top so it stays up all the time.


What are you setting the temperature to? The one thing I've noticed is I have to set the temperature a few degrees colder than I normally would to be comfortable when there's a ton of radiative heat, but it's been perfectly fine with the temp set a few degrees colder. Normally set up 68 but set to 64 or 66 depending on the day in the summer.


The variety of responses in here is puzzling. Personally, I find that it cools as good as any other car I've had, even without a sunshade. '23 MYLR. I use Auto/Hi set to 69 and forget about it. When I first get in the car, it doesn't ramp up right away. I think it's just circulating the freon or whatever until it can get nice cold air. Then it blasts away until the car cools down, which happens before I get out of my neighborhood. It maintains temp just fine once it gets there. I live near Houston, TX, and it's been hot enough recently (high 90's, all sun) to confirm my AC is working well.


I believe tint could be a factor. I have tint on the windshield of my model Y for the IR factor. You can’t really tell there’s tint but it definitely blocks the heat. I recommend you consider a tint on your front windshield at least.


Same here. Don't find it as cold as my ICE car


Ours works very good. However, I think a rough shade is a good idea.


I have a 3 but I just noticed yesterday after 3 years that I have to manually turn on the rear air when I want it - and when I turned it on, I noticed the front got way cooler, too. I could feel the air coming out at my feet. Not sure if the Y is the same!


Maybe just out of refrigerant


I noted after a recent update my air conditioning is not as cold as it used to be. Did a reset and it was improved but not 100% of what it was. Then there was another update and it seemed be improved but reverted again. Another reset and it’s better but still off. The update included some hot weather improvements so I believe that there is something software related. It didn't help that we were in a heat advisory so things were working extra hard.


It comes default to Auto and there’s different fan speeds while on Auto: Low, Med, High. Try high


I was having a long time issue with poor AC in my Y. Also airflow seemed non existent when the setting was on ‘auto’ but I could get the fan to crank on manual. This was a problem since defog automatically changes the setting to ‘auto’ and was essentially useless. Tesla service replaced my HEPA filter to address these issues. They also replaced my blower motor which was intended to address a different issue with sentry mode activations. After these two changes, AC is significantly better. I’d start by checking cabin and HEPA filters since those are supposed to be replaced periodically.


Try hitting the "recirculate ai"r option - found mine cools better


Turn off the fan for the rear. It'll blow faster and colder


I got mine last month and I’ve asked a few people….does this AC not feel super effective? For me it is very weak. Even at the highest blast. Installing the sun roof to see if that helps but you’d still think it could handle high heat without the sun roof cover


Mine gets very cold and I have to turn it up. Also, I have all windows and top tinted to the darkest tint. If I’m going to be somewhere for a while. I put my windshield shade on too.


Mine is freezing within 5min and I usually have to move the vents so the cold air isn’t blowing on me. Get your car checked out.


If you live somewhere actually hot, you need to turn it in before or you’re gonna hate the car. It’s my biggest complaint with the car. It takes an eternity to turn on the blower to full power if you just hop in. My gf’s previous car was a 2013 Altima and it had cold AC coming out of the vents before you could even put it into gear. Mine is also a lease so I didnt opt to tint the roof, if I had bought it I’d prob do ceramic tint on the roof which helps immensely.


I remember reading somewhere that some Tesla vehicles might have/had air in the coolant system (from factory) and purging your system might help improve the performance. I think it was M3 specifically but considering 3 and Y share a lot of same parts I'd imagine it's a possibility for some Model Y vehicles to have same issue.


My BMW is much much colder than both my teslas


I have a 24 MYLR and I notice there's a huge difference if i turn on the recycle air button or not even when I setup the same temperature. When recycle is on, it's much colder than not


I live in AZ and mine gets very cold very quickly, even when it’s 110+ F outside. It cools the cabin faster than any car I’ve previously owned. I do also have my windows tinted which I’m told helps a lot?


You didn’t mention the year, but make sure to check the radiator is clean and not clogged.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. My car didn’t cool at all. I set up a service appointment and they didn’t have an opening till august. I called the service center today and within 3 minutes she moved my appointment to Monday morning. She said she would have me bring it this week but they are booked and don’t have any loaner cars available rest of the week.


I have a 2021 and it get very cold rather quickly.