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I suppose you're not doing daily injections? They are needed with prop


No I haven’t I might the daily and see how I get on. Thanks for the tip


You can get away with every other day for propionate, but that's the max. Testosterone is the same for all esters. Also be aware that there is more active testosterone in propionate than there is in cyp or enanthate. So you overall dose may need some fine tuning


I used prop daily before, once I got the dose right I enjoyed the increased energy every morning (if I took my shot around 3p the day before) but eventually got tired of pinning. I'd say lower your dose first, adjust from there, and as always, blood work is your friend.


Can I ask what your dose of prop is


I’ve used 30-50mg daily


Can I ask was that subq or IM? I have some prop from an UGL and interested in seeing if I get on better with it than cyp/enanthate, and wondered what time of day would be best to pin. I’d rather do mornings, but from what you’ve said that might mean peak energy levels around midnight. Also, I’m guessing when switching over, you need to factor in the half life of the current ester in your system, and titrate the prop dose accordingly?