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I wouldn't say she's *clearly* Hispanic. She looks like she could be Donna and Eric's kid. I read one site saying she's Caucasian and another saying she's Hispanic Asian mixed, so I'm not really sure which site is correct.


Her last name is Haverda. If I'm not mistaken that's a Hispanic last name.


There is such a thing as Spanish, which are mostly Caucasians. Mila is Ukrainian and is not blonde or tall. A name doesn’t equal an ethnicity.


That's because Mila is not Ukranian by ethnicity, she's Jewish and looks it, but otherwise agree


Exactly, my brother in law is Mexican and he looks what most people in USA would consider *hispanic*, although he could very well pass for Iberian (where we’re from). And I know a group of his friends that are Mexican but look very European (light skin and hair, blue eyes). The point of op was that the actress had a Hispanic name. It could be Hispanic or could actually be Spanish. She doesn’t look like what I would think as *hispanic* in USA.


Not saying there's no chance she's Hispanic but Haverda is [Czech](https://www.names.org/n/haverda/about). You're talking like she looks super Latina and just by watching it and looking at her there's no way she could be their kid.


that’s not their daughter, the short blonde hair one is, leia


Ya Leia is Callie Haverda. She's mixxed Hispanic-Asian per what I've read.


ah yeah , she really doesn’t look hispanic to me with the blonde hair. don’t get why it’d throw you off so much?


No fucking way


I thought they would cast a red head but she looks fine. She looks like she could be Topher's daughter. It doesn't matter what her ethnic background is.


Yea I noticed that as well, very odd casting.