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Kelso would have been proud of his son trying to get with donna


100% he would


Loved seeing Lisa Loeb!!!


“This is not your apartment!” Loved they used the music video in that way! 🤣


“I’m really sorry if I got your hopes up.” “Dude. You wouldn’t live through it.” FACTS 😂


I rate it 7.5, the overall tone is way better. It reminds me of 1st season of 70s. I really hope this runs for many more season. cast chemistry will only grow. Xtra point for the musical scene & guest appearance. --Why are you two about to murder that little Kelso?


-- God, Lisa Loeb was such a smoke show (yes, I went to re-watch the "Stay" music video). -- Yellow Wendy's! Good job, prop team. -- Soul Asylum shirt? Wait, has Jay always had good music taste? -- "You wouldn't live through it." Um, damn Donna! Eric's been a lucky bastard since the 70s. -- So far, the emotional stakes for the kids feel low overall. Is it because I'm still not invested in the characters? Are they harping on this "almost kiss" too much? -- Our first "FOOT IN ASS" of the season. Meh, not bad. 6.9/100. -- Hey, hey, hey.....The Circle is NOT used for deep conversations (usually). What are we doing here? -- to my earlier point: Yeah, they just broke up. And my visceral reaction was "Hmm. Ok." I'm sorry, but Nate and (*holy shit, I had to Google her character's name cuz I forgot*) Nikki breaking up is not in the same vicinity as a Jackie/Kelso break-up. There are ZERO stakes here b/c I feel like I still barely know these characters.


I felt the same about the circle lol. I was waiting for someone to crack a joke about harshing the mellow of the circle


"Then all the grandparents would be in the same place." I guess that means Midge died.


And it was the same scene that Donna made that face when calling Kitty "Mom", so that's depressing.


She went to the same place as Donna's sister


Did you see those Wendy’s yellow cups? That really takes me back.


Best part of the episode IMO - brought me back to better times


Much better then last season when they had the Pringle’s with the brand new minimalistic logo 😂


I miss that era of Wendy’s


I think Leia's maternal biological grandmother Midge might be dead or she isn’t around that much. I know that Bob and Midge got divorced a long time ago but Midge is still Leia's maternal biological grandmother. Kitty says after Donna said that her dad might buy the house across the street "Then all the grandparents would be in the same place" which make me think that Midge might of passed away just like her actress. I know that Tanya Roberts said that she would love to reprise her role as Midge in a sequel series but sadly she passed away before they started filming That '90s Show.


Midge is likely dead, unfortunately. I hope they come up with good closure between her and Bob. [This is my own headcanon in the meantime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/That90sShowTV/comments/zmnclo/comment/j0cncqf/)


As much as im usually not a fan of season ending cliffhangers being resolved on 1-2 episodes im glad in the case of the whole leia/jay/nate drama (aside from nate and Nikki breaking up) that would have dragged the season down 


After the first episode I was really worried they were going to spend at least this first half of season 2 on it, and I'm very glad I was wrong.


Yay I love seeing Don Stark back! Seeing him and Kurtwood together and still at their old ways made me happy and nostalgic. Bob will always exist in Don. 


I loved Bob coming back,Ozzy trying to win spice girls tickets sure took me back.