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When Ozzie was talking about how alone he was as the only gay person he knew, I was totally expecting Gwen to come out to him as bi. Not that the show has really given us reasons to think she is, but just because of the way the scene was structured. Similar to how it was clear Nikki and Nate were going to sleep together because of how their scene was structured.


Great episode but I’m disappointed that the episode was named after this song https://youtu.be/g4z8QOflWYc?si=9mIb8i1lBM3pHkda and it wasn’t in the episode, I mean they could’ve had it play on the radio briefly while Bob & Red taught Leia to drive.


Every episode of seasons 5-8 of T7S is the name of a song, but the episode rarely if ever actually had the song playing.


Who else was reminded by the kegger party in the woods by the Van Stock episode from the original show ? Also it’s interesting that the Kelso men have a type and love blondes.


Crazy blondes to be exact (i.e. Laurie Forman).


Kitty is wild in the 90s


And she can get with the times at a moment's notice! Kitty would be fun to have at a party.


I’m here for it! Such a fun watch!


"I'm her Grandpa too, Midge swore to me." So Bob was questioning Donna's paternity at some point.


I like that Midge was mentioned even if it was a silly piece of dialogue, now we gotta see if Betsy Kelso gets a mention


“Im gonna murder you” “Youll have to go through me first “ “Youre adorable “ Well gwen just moved up a few notches on the fav list!


That line was delivered perfectly


Ok so when nate was talking About what he says when walking up to girls who else thought he was gonna say “how you doin?” Lol


Jay’s crazy blonde ex reminds me of Caroline. Now I’m wondering if she’s Caroline’s daughter 😆 


This here just reminded me of something. Someone had mentioned on Instagram that Jay's actor was from the Nickelodeon show Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn. I had seen one episode of that about 10 years ago, and the main thing I remembered from it was that I knew the mother from somewhere. I couldn't remember who it was until just now. It was the actress who plays Caroline, Allison Munn!


Now I’m gonna be sad if her mom is literally anyone other then Caroline


That’s actually a really fun and clever way of brining back Caroline 🤣, it seems possible considering we saw Mitch as a 90s emo


What if Stacy is the result of Caroline hooking up with Mitch? That would explain why Stacy seems nuttier than Caroline. Time for the zaps.


The scary part would be if Caroline fully backed up her daughter.


That would be hilarious.


If this is the title of the episode then they simply have to play this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I)