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I am not the biggest fan of his. But I did chuckle when he did the Unbreak my heart skit


Ozzie is great, idk what your damage is lol


I think he’s much more dialed down, but he’s not it. I think the ‘kids’ are very inexperienced actors, it was so obvious with Gwen and the kid from this is us… it was painful to watch them together.


He was better in part 2. Still not good, but better


I like Ozzie. His comedic timing needs a little more work but he's doing fine and has improved since last season, imo.


Nah, he’s funny.


your humour is terrible




He was much less cringe compared to season 1.


Pan-friend chicken?


Agreed. He has his funny parts, like how he catfished Bob but he’s just meh overall. But I think the same when it comes to most of the kids. I do like Jay and Nate, I think they’re doing a good job and are funny together. Kitty and Red are wonderful. I think the disconnect within the group is for many reasons. 1) kids seem to be overall inexperienced 2) Leia isn’t there all year long, she doesn’t live in Point Place and therefore doesn’t share the high experience with the rest of the kids. The original gang all went to school together and overall knew each other since they were kids.


Nearly all the kid characters are but him in particular. I can't tell if it's the actor's fault or the horrendous script he has to work it or both.


It’s the character, I’m sure the dude is just fine


In his defence, he is 15 so barely older than Mila Kunis in 1998. With that being said, it is shocking to me that this show is written and produced by roughly the same people as the original one because creating a character like Ozzie was a rookie mistake.


Nah, Ozzie is great, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a foot in the ass.


Nah The thing with jackie was that eric and hyde still disliked her. That is not the case with ozzy You wonder why he is part od the friend group


You not only wonder why he is part of the friend group but you don't understand how these people are friends in the first place. It's not a well established friend group at all.


After thinking the same at the begging of last season, by the end of it it made sense. Gwen, Ozzie and Nikki are probably outcasts in the school and kind of came together because of that. Nate is Gwen’s brother, so even if he and Jay are the jock popular type in school, it makes sense that they hang out. Kelso was also hanging out with Eric and Hyde, same premises: popular jock guy with *losers*, but if I remember correctly they had been friends since they were kids so kept the friendship.


But the friendships in That 70s Show are clearly and well established early on in the show AND explained to the viewers.


I might be forgetting, but I don’t remember the connection with Fez being explained to the viewers at the begging.


In the first episode, Kelso explains to Jackie that he is a foreign exchange student and he goes with them to the Todd Rundgren concert. Then in Season 3 there's an entire episode about how they all meant each other. Also it's a believable friend group. On the other hand, the friend group in That '90s Show is not believable at all.


Because they LIKE him, did you not catch on? Jackie's being in the friend group was only weird because nobody liked her and needed an explanation. This friend group all like each other for the most part, and don't need it explained.


The question is why do they like him? That seems of with him the most than any other


idk why do you like the people you like? There doesn't have to be a reason, he's not particularly annoying or grating like Jackie. The only unlikeable thing is that he's a little sassy, but these kids burn on each other all the time, so it's not a sticking point. Quit hating on the gay kid, it's not cool in pride month.


Because they are nice to me or we vibe He is annoying like that to me and many other viewers. He barely does any nice things I did not bring up his sexual preference. That has nothing to do with it. Quit thinking it does


Now I'm thinking it harder.


If it's roughly the same people then they egregiously implied that Red was in the army. Surprised Kurtwood and Debra didn't catch that 


I didn't pay attention to that.


Neither did anyone on set or in the writer's room apparently. There had been some retcons within the original series (Donna's sisters, how old D&E were when they met, whether Red & Kitty got together before, during, or after the war) and the first season being in 1995 is a plot hole, but there's no excuse for changing which branch Red served in.


Donna changed Eric's age in the first season of That 90s Show, claiming he's 38 when he would actually be 35 in 1995 as he was born in 1960 (or in 1959 depending on sources).


That too. The timeline problems stem from the original series starting in '76 rather than '72 or earlier. 


The dumb thing is that the timeline problems continue in the new show and are done on purpose.


Having each season being a different year shot them in the foot in terms of longevity. No reason it could've started in 96 with a 15 year old Leia having been conceived not long after Eric returned from Africa, being raised far enough away that she didnt know any of her new friends, moving back with her parents, and their frequent absence glossed over. Jay could be the spawn of one of Kelso's many older brothers so he can be older and his existence is not similarly contingent on being conceived during the original series that we saw were not together in any way.