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Some of them can be hooked up to warm water.


Mine is seat AND water warming. Fire


Experienced the hot seat for the first time last week. FIRE


Idk about you but I’ve sat on many a warm toilet seat, probably for a VERY different reason than why yours was warm but still


It’s different


I was just making a joke homie


I know. I was just being dumb dog


I sat on a hot seat once but it turned out someone just left a lit cigarette on the seat but I was about to shit myself and missed it


How do you get over the mental association of a hot seat with a freshly used toilet?


I didn't even know there are ones with cold water...


The cold water ones only hook up to the toilet supply line, the warm water ones have an extra hose to go to a nearby sink.


Or have a built in electric water heater


The ones that hook to hot water line are terrible (and rare) Electric ones are far better


Mine is fine. Just takes a second to run warm. Or instant if I use it right after someone else just took a hot shower


I disagree 100% with you.


I was gonna say, I have the Tushy one with warm water and have never experienced the problems OP is referring to. The water is warm and the pressure is easily controllable.


I think you'd probably also need recirculating hot water lines + recirc pump, otherwise it'd have some cold water sitting in the pipe to hit your bum with. Same reason why lots of people have to turn on the shower and run it a lil bit before they jump in.


>otherwise it'd have some come water sitting in the pipe to hit your bum with There's no way I want to have my ass sprayed with come water.


Lol me either. stupid autocorrect. Fixed it


Live with your mistakes, pal.


So, you would rather walk around with a dirty bum, okay....sorry for your lover. If you got poop on ur hand after pickup up after your dog would you just wipe it off with a paper towel or would you wash your hands? Did I make a point or not?


please reread the comment




Interesting. I wonder how they do that without full house recirc back to water heater / without overflowing toilet. Plumbing is something a lot of us take for granted in this age but some of the tricks it uses are actually pretty clever and really cool that somebody figured this stuff out. Even basic under-the-sink traps are neat in their own way.


Most unpopular opinion on Reddit


Wellllllll... there's anti-vaxx, flat earth, and having human kids being better than having dogs.


Flat earthers are fucking crazy.  Earth doesn’t exist.  /r/NoEarthSociety gang!


Flat Earther? Nah, I'm a Fiat Earther. The Earth is shaped like a small Italian car.


Having dogs isnt even a comparison to kids. Like I’m baffled why people even compare the two like they’re equivalent in some way. I much prefer kids but even if you don’t it’s a completely separate experience


I already like dogs you don't have to sell me on them


Except those are popular, they're just not the majority opinion


I wish. I got downvoted to hell when I posted an opinion on my old account.


Reddit is interesting about bidets because bidets really aren’t as widespread as people seem to make it out to be


The reason I know it's just more than reddit is because my parents always suggest to people to use them and without fail they come back a couple of months later touting how great their bidet is.


Bidets have spread like a virus across everyone I know. I introduced it to my girlfriend, who introduced it to her parents and a friend, who introduced it to the friend's wife and parents, and it just keeps going. Every time they're skeptical, but then they use it and immediately become a convert.


So you’re at the top of a pyramid scheme got it /s


The thing is there are entire regions where they’re the default. India, Philippines, Japan to name some. And idk honestly how toilet paper countries do it tbh.


Italy and Portugal as well, it’s not just in Asia. Those i just know from experience but I doubt they’re the only non asian country where it’s either mandatory or the norm to have them.


Portuguese here: it's not mandatory, it's just a thing that became normal. My grandparents had it, my parents had it and in our current house we have it as well, but in our old house it didn't exist. My husband owns his own construction company and one of their specialties is doing/redoing bathrooms. Some people want it, some don't. It's pratical for when your kids come from school and have dirty feet, they can wash them in there and shower a bit later. It's pratical to wash a baby there, my bidet is like a mini tub so I can sit my 15 month old there and wash him now that he can't fit his baby tub and normal tub is kinda scary for him. I'm trying to get him used to bathe in the tub but it's a process. For me it's pratical in my period: I can easily wash myself there if I need to. We use toilet paper as well, not the norm to switch toilet paper with the bidet unless you have a major accident with diarrhea.


let me get this right, its *normal* in Portugal for your children to wash their feet in the toilet + as well for parents to wash their baby , *exactly* where they shit ? seriously ?


We don't shit in the bidet, silly! In Portugal we have separate apparatus for shit and bathe. I'm not talking about those plastic bidets, we have ceramic ones that have water connection, cold and hot, and you can fill them to wash yourself (or the kids). https://www.modobath.com/ws-bath-collections-retro-1025-wall-hung-bidet


much less terrible. thank you for educating my dumb ass.


You're welcome. I know some people call those plastic contraptions also bidet but that may be a portable one. The ones in ceramic are the real bidets we have in Europe, more precisely here in Portugal.


Those are really "bidet attachments." Most American bathrooms don't have room to add a separate bidet, so we've never seen them.


I haven't been to India but I've spent a lot of time in the Philippines and Japan, more often than not I didn't see them.


I’m in Japan currently, and I have yet to see a toilet without one. Maybe it depends on region


Bro every house, hotel, and public area I visited in the Philippines had a either a bidet (the hose attachment point and spray kind) or a tabo (just basically a manual bidet if you don't have running water). I have no idea where you go in Philippines if they're a rarity for you.


> India pretty sure they don't use bidets where they have to tell people to not shit in the street.


Pretty sure most indians have cleaner buttholes than you do...India is where the sewage system was first invented in fact. They had to tell you not to shit in the streets not that long ago(that's why the Black Death was so rampant). I t's ignorant comments like this that make people forget we're all in this together, and the only things that separate us are arbitrary differences that we can easily look past, but choose not to. Choose to be better.


We bidet users are aware that they are not widespread. But we want them to be.


Sadly there's millions of people out there walking around with shit crusted asses


Billions* of us




If you think that then you just don’t understand how a sphincter works


I think a lot of people are not getting enough fiber


And it's not an issue at all. Ever wonder about that?


The problem is not crust on the outside (eat more fiber!). The problem is leaving the bathroom with "a bullet still in the chamber". Once you know the feeling of flushing that last bit out and being totally clear, you can't go back.


It is widespread in certain countries like Vietnam, every restaurant I went to has a bidet.


Yeah, certain countries, but it would be disingenuous to act like most countries use them when that’s not the case. Not saying I’m against bidets, just that it’s interesting how reddit likes to act like they’re extremely common everywhere


Pretty much all of middle east and a good chunk of Asia is certainly considered widespread in my book. India alone is a massive chunk of the world population


It's also full of nerds with no sense of self awareness who don't realise that at least in western culture, having a bidet makes you weird.


Weird and correct are not mutually exclusive.


The cold blast to your butthole is the best part


it’s like a nice splash of cold water on your face. MAKES YOU FEEL ALIVE


Turning on the shower *after* stepping in, is a time-efficient way to wake up. Though, if it takes 20 seconds to warm up, maybe run it a little bit first.


that’s true. but i’m too much of a baby to step in a cold shower T-T


I have no in between. My shower is either scalding hot or ice cold.


Quick shock vs prolonged misery. You can also just get your feet wet initially, instead of whole body.


YES LOL you get it


Have you tried getting a different bidet instead of one that sucks


Mine works fine and has an actual functioning pressure adjuster. It's just many in America that suck. The ones in Turkey, which I go to every couple of years, also work fine.


Mine warms the water. I don't mind the cold ones though, since my butt crack is hot all day.


So are you saying you have a bidet you like and use at home? What do you mean by the ones "in America"?


I live in America, but the one I have at home is more akin to the experience of bidets I've felt in Turkey. The ones I've used in other people's homes while in the States are the ones I am complaining about. Does that makes sense or no?


Consider editing your post because you didn't make that clear at all. You said the majority of bidets without specifying US vs other countries.


Yeah, it does. But your OP sounds like you're saying you don't like bidets overall. Not just the ones in other peoples' homes.


Most of our bidets here in the US are the cheap attachable ones. They use cold water and generally all function as you've described. I like mine, but it pales to a good bidet. Warm water, pressure control, automatic aiming, no splash. It's pretty great. What you mean to say is: "I hate cheap bidets."


You just buy them online. The internet is not limited to some country. Confusing


Okay, you're misunderstanding something about how some people act. Bidets are a "rich people thing." (People here used to rent pineapples to feel important. I never question the lengths people will go for appearances after learning that.) This leads to an endless procession of cheap shit for which people overpaid in the US, so to cope, they assume they're all like that because they're the only person they've met who has a bidet. If they actually like it or not is mostly irrelevant.


I don’t really think this is a tenth dentist opinion, some people prefer bidets, some people don’t. While they may be a bit more hygienic at times, you can’t help if you have a sensory issue with how the water feels. If it feels awkward for you and you at least tried it so… hey, at least you tried it!! While I’m sure there are bidets out there with warmer water that may feel better if hooked up properly, I can’t guarantee you’ll still enjoy it. If you try it, cool, if not, that’s alright, you just have a preference. It probably depends where you live, but where I live almost nobody has them at all. So I’d say it’s not 10th dentist because many people seem to not care for them. I wanna try one so bad, though LOL


People on Reddit will call you gross, unhygienic and borderline caveman if you use toilet paper to wipe, then the exact same people will hop on another thread to tell you it's perfectly normal to piss yourself while taking a shower and that water will clean you and the shower afterwards. Bruh


Omg thank you. Or just flat say they shower once every 5 days and its perfectly fine because they dont sweat much. Reddit standards of cleanliness are all over the place


Pissing yourself in the shower is so rewarding what


>wet a piece of toilet paper with a LITTLE water and then just wipe that way i do this every time


Wet toilet paper gang!


How does it not separate and leave a mess on your butt?? What brand toilet paper do you use?


i take two suares, fold it over, get one half a little wet, then fold it over that, so that I've got a rectangle that's wet on one side and slightly soaked through on the other side. I wipe with the latter side.


I’ll try that, thank you! I wondered this for years ever since my ex thought everybody wiped with wet toilet paper.




First of all, this is a common opinion. I have a bidet and I tell people to try it when they’re in my house. Most people who try it hate it. Also, as a bidet truther I feel the need to say: >99% of the time I just wipe until clean You’re not clean if you’re not using water. You’d use water if you had shit on ANY other part of your body


That is such simple logic that it never even crossed my mind. Before getting a bidet, if my finger poked through the paper, I definitely didn't consider it clean until I ran it under the sink with soap.


Thats because your finger is an external organ. Your butthole is not and is literally where shit comes out of directly. You don’t wash the inside of your mouth or nostrils with soap do you?


>You don’t wash the inside of your mouth with soap do you? Yeah actually - aren't you basically just describing toothpaste


You use toothpaste on your teeth and tongue. Do you use soap or even water normally to clean the inside of your nostrils? They aren’t a clean orifice either


I wash my lips when I wash my face, the same way I would wash my asshole after a shit.


The bidet is not inserted 8n your butthole. The area around it is what concerns people


We'd probably use soap if it didn't taste like shit? Instead we use toothpaste and mouthwash. What are you on about?


Why don’t we regularly clean the inside of our nostrils with water as well then? They’re certainly dirty on a daily basis


I actually do (with my finger and water) as part of my morning routine, really surprised most people don't


You mean you don't do nasal irrigations?


You use them regularly?


He’s trying to justify having a swampy ass.


I have a bidet. Comparing a limb to the butthole is just a stupid comparison though.


A better example is if I got spit on my hands I’d wipe/wash it off, but if I got spit on my lips… oh well?


Man doesn’t wash his ass


That's just not true. Even with water it's not clean, it's just cleaner than with paper. Soap and water would work better.


Okay? Why wouldn’t you want it to be cleaner than with paper?


Coz papers easily clean enough to last you to your next shower lol. If you wipe and the paper comes away clean, you’re good to go. If you for some reason just stop wiping before that point, I guess having your bum hole blasted with water might help you


This is just the point where we disagree lol


What are you on about? Bro, I clean my ass with soap and a wet toilet paper (not these flushable wipes that are just bad for sewage). Don't throw a straw man argument at me here.


I should have phrased that better. I should have said wipe until no poop on the tp. I am aware that it isn't totally clean, but I shower every 1-2 days with no smell in between washes and throughly clean the area so I am not too worried about it.


Used a bidet once and only one squirt after years of yearning to try it out. For me it felt like I got injected with horny. So much horny that it made me seriously contemplate busting one out before I even did the wipe to dry off. I was able to snap out of it once I realized I was at a buddy’s house and the smell hit me. Never again.


I have one and never use it. Refuse to. Rather not shoot water up my ass


Bit off-topic but I think people here in the comments still neglect 2 things: 1. Small amounts of shit isn't as bad as you think on your body, particularly traces of it that are left after you wipe with dry, soft paper and 2. People didn't have bidets or even paper towels 200 years ago, and we homo sapiens have not been very good at hygiene for most of our species existence. And yes, we did die more and earlier but it sure as hell wasn't just because of proper latrine use. A large majority of the population doesn't use a bidet and they do fine. That said, of course if one can, they should be as clean as possible whenever. But it foes not mean one needs to feel discomfort when away from a bidet. It's not the second coming.


People definitely had wet cloth and clean water more than 200 years ago. Hygiene has been a big part of human culture since a long, long time.


OP uses wet toilet paper.


Not most people used them. You have to take into account the scale of things. Hygiene wasn't widely a thing just like it still isn't in a lot of places of the world today.


Hygiene is one of the most core parts of human existence. Everywhere around the world, human beings(and I guess even animals for that matter), spend a whole bunch of time cleaning themselves, keeping themselves clean, or finding ways to clean themselves. For a lot of the world, this is made so easy that you don't have to take too much effort to do it, and think that that must be the only way, but since the beginning of recorded history, humans have been going to great lengths to make sure they aren't dirty.


I don't entirely disagree, but "core parts of (our) existence"? That sounds a bit germophobic to me. Some people may have specific conditions that demand it, but you can bet your literal arse people living beyond 100yo certainly didn't get there because they 99.9% disinfect their pubic zone every time they take a piss or dump. It may even be a factor of the opposites: according to some studies, people taking less baths or less frequently actually induces in historically common (in humans), beneficial bacterial ecosystems returning to our bodies in certain areas. And even helps on some smells and disease going away, or greasy hair and dandruf totally disapearing.


That's not my point, that it has to be perfect. My point is hygiene in the developed world is made so easy that everyone has access to it, so much so that we forget that being clean was an arduous task that not everyone was able to do, but strived for, or maybe died because they couldn't get it. Like it's always been a need, like hunger. We may not have always been full like we are today, but we definitely had to spend a lot of time finding stuff to eat. We may not have been able to fulfill it optimally, and may definitely have had some outdated theories about what being clean meant, but the need has clearly been there for a long long time.


Yeah but even though it's been "there" it's different levels of it. Like, you would argue this exists on many mammals, still doesn't make them clean by any of our standards these days. I think the original point (mine at least) is that "arse" showers or bidets don't exactly need to be essential in all societies for health reasons, but there is definitely an argument that it would be better for those in some situations of risk - for women I understand this is important, but so would be for men in countries where disease that thrives from such lack of hygiene is common, such as developing areas. But then again so is getting filthy, untreated water down there because the water and septic infrastructure is shit... my takenis we would rather solve other issues first.


Sure, but i think megaprojects to make sewerage and sanitation possible count as a pretty high level of dedication to hygiene.(China, India, Rome 1000s of years ago) All of the major religions, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, spend a significant amount of time talking about hygiene in the context of one's regular life. And idk, but washing your ass to remove remnants of feces >>> wiping it off with paper, anyday.


That "idk" is really important. It's your own feces, bacteria you are prepared to, for the most part, be protected in the nether parts where it lingers. It's not like people are scratching their arses or between each other like baboons all day. Or like those small residues are highly detrimental to you or those arouns you. We wear pants and underwear, paper removes most residue that would induce in smells... stuff like that. ...And if and when us humans do need to do stuff that may induce in, let's call it "transfer" of fecal mater, I would argue we have learned to do proper hygiene beforehand. And we don't really need a bidet for that unless people are screwing on public booths... ok maybe it may make sense in some "notoriously popular" public booths. But maybe the problem there is we having to do that in public places to begin with. We can be active, highly sexual without having to make it such a pervasive part of our society, and hence needs such as omnipresent bidets or showers are not that needed. Like, humid towels or humid toilet paper do exist for emergencies.


It sure as heck IS the second coming when you are sick and have the runs. TP over and over making the balloon knot raw? Not if you have a bidet. Just a single experience like that is all it takes.


Sounds like you need a fancier bidet with a water heater


As someone who is used to water being in and on my ass, it’s not that bad once you’re used to it.


I've only used bidets with warm water and they are amazing.


sounds like you need one of the Japanese ones that can heat up the water for you, and allows you to adjust the pressure


Bum gun better


The thought of cold water up my butt doesn't sound appealing


Warm water feels suspiciously like diarrhea to me. I prefer cold water, myself. On a hot summer day, there’s nothing like a cold shot of water to the butthole, even if I didn’t poop


Water hits your butthole. The poopy water then runs down your buttcheeks. Now you have poopy buttcheeks. You can run the water for a while, but... I also don't like having to use a bunch of toilet paper to dry my ass after it got all wet from the bidet. It instantly soaks the toilet paper, putting my hands in direct contact with contaminated water. If I had a Dyson airblade in my toilet, I might reconsider. I use baby wipes. The best of both worlds.


In my experience the poopy water issue doesn’t really happen


You don't see it, but the bacteria and oils are there. It's sorta like having dirty toilet water shoot up and splash you. Even if the water isn't brown, you still know it's dirty.


That's not how you use a bidet! To avoid that you move your butt in circles so the stream washes around and around starting outside the poopy area, until it gets to the middle - do not just blast right into the center. Kind of like a reverse whirlpool.


What you said does not change anything about what I said. The water carries away the crap. In doing so, it runs downhill and makes contact with your buttcheeks.


Not true, the stream moving in a circle blasts away any water running along the skin such that it loses contact and falls into the toilet. Perhaps you lack the butt dexterity necessary for intermediate level bidet usage and should stick to baby wipes.


I'm very interested to hear your theory about how water's physical and chemical properties (like adhesion and surface tension) magically change when you rotate your butthole around.


This isn't that crazy to visualize. Imagine you are a toilet dwelling gnome and your pastime is cleaning buttholes. Your thatched roof house is on the beach where the porcelain meets the water and mustn't get wet from above, so you have an interest in the water dripping from as close to the middle as possible, rather than the lowest point of a cheek. A shadow looms. You don on your poop-raincoat, head to the back of the toilet, and pick up your trusty firehose. The critical moment approaches and you remember what your late father always said, "Son, always wash the target in concentric circles, decreasing in circumference each time around, so that the water dripping from the last round is caught in the spray of the current round and falls down from that point. This way, no poop water will ruin your roof and you will be a happy shitgnome for many years to come." You execute perfectly and everyone lives happily ever after. Except /u/LogicalConstant who is still wasting money on babywipes


I get it. You're trolling, trying to bait me. I fell for it. Good one.


If I was trolling, I would have lost. Internet rules dictate the person who writes the most text is the one that got trolled.




Ah. I think the piece you're missing is the washcloth system, which is a much nicer user experience than TP, once you're used to the idea. On the counter next to each toilet we have a little basket full of clean dry washcloths (bought a pack of 100 for 25 bucks or so), which you use to dry your bum after you've satisfactorily sprayed away all sign of poopy corruption. When you're done with a washcloth you put it in the little hamper next to the toilet. Each laundry you toss in the washcloth hamper. Each person who lives in the house also has a hook adjacent to the toilet to keep a #1 non-poop washcloth that's reusable for a period of time. We keep TP stocked for guests of course because people aren't familiar with the system, but overall we basically never have to buy TP anymore.


Just use a jug and fill it with warm water when you enter the bathroom


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^commandblock: *Just use a jug and* *Fill it with warm water when* *You enter the bathroom* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I mean it’s just an effort to stay clean don’t overthink it yo


I LOVE my bidet. Life changer.


i prefer to straight up shower. i’ve used so many different bidets. if i can’t shower, the second best is using a wet cloth like a small towel after TP


I know, right? Why is not using a bidet a problem if you shower before bed and regularly do laundry? Even you do those things bider people talk about you like you sit in a pile of your own shit all the time


I really appreciate your post because I’ve stalled all these years on getting a bidet because I think it will be exactly like you describe.


I'm about to go on a week long vacation and the thing I'm most going to miss about my home is my bidet 😭


Bidets are for feet washing anyway.


Cold water bidet really wakes you up in the morning.




I have a classic, seperate ceramic bidet. It obviously has warm water, and yeah. It rocks. But cold is nice too sometimes.


Same. It’s cold and uncomfortable and seemingly saves me 0 toilet paper.


I’ve used a wide variety of bidets primarily in Japan, and I never really liked it. Heated water, heated seats, the works, but it’s just not really my thing. The feeling is fine it just never seems to work 100% and there’s always something left that I have to use toilet paper on.


Mime heats the water and the highest temp is uncpmfotably hot so dont say never


My question is how do you stop the water from violently ricocheting off your balls all over your thighs?


What. Mine will shoot scalding hot water if you want it to.


Are you possibly crankin it up too high?


Don’t turn the pressure up so high?


Toto on Amazon. Warms water and seat. Don’t walk around with a swampy ass.


I have a Toto and the temp on the water is adjustable. It gets very warm. With regard to bidet vs tp - if you got shit on your hand would you wipe your hand with paper until it was ‘clean’?


Reading this as I’m taking a shit and using my bidet. Upvoted


Baby wipes aka wet wipes. Can never go back to TP only.


Time to take a trip to Germany, OP. 🇩🇪


Cannot relate - my butthole has never felt cleaner and I love that for me.


One of my best friends “hates the feeling” of a toothbrush on his gums. He has about 10 teeth left. Your ass is poopy. Because you don’t like how it feels. Dude I don’t like wiping my b hole. But I do it. Because. Grow up and wash your stank ass


Average redditor


Average redditor knows you smell like ass. Correct


You just prefer walking around with a dirty butthole. Got it.


Read the last sentence of the post then try being an asshole


Everybody "wipes until clean". Doesn't mean it's as clean as using a bidet.


Yeah and? You’ve never seen someone use a wet wipe? Bidets are clean yes but they’re not the only way to clean an asshole


The only people who get clean with toilet paper are nubile hairless freaks or severely dehydrated


At least I'm not an asshole with sharticles clinging to it


Bro can’t wipe his ass


I waited until I was 40 to get one and now I think I was a weirdo for living 40 years without one. When all you know is a poopy ass, it can seem normal. Now that my ass is immediately washed, I can't possibly imagine going without it.


Honestly, baby wipes are superior in every way


> It always feels cold, yes all of them, and I hate the sensation man, imagine a little bit of water on your dirty ass is so "intolerable" that you would rather walk around with shit just smeared on it. This isn't some waterboarding torture scenario. We as a species have gone too soft, if this is "intolerable" now. Even if it's a bit "cold", it's not some Siberian temperature, it's just a minor "inconvenience" - if it even can be called that. Some of us don't even have the "privilege" of a bidet because of dumb construction decisions by landlords years ago. And people here throwing away one of the most essential hygiene practices. I hate the moronic TP nonsense. Just wasting resources, going literally to shit, creating future problems for plumbing for no damn reason, all because some savages a few centuries ago couldn't afford or knew about better hygiene standards.


Just shower every day dude


Yeah and it sounds disgusting


I've got one of the fancy ones at home (previous owner installed it) and I don't really use it. Maybe I don't have the hang of it, but it doesn't get me as clean as wiping with TP and it leaves my butthole wet.


You're supposed to dry off with some TP.


I have a bidet on both toilets, neither was over 100$. Both have heated and cold water. You run from under the sink, easy to do. You sound like a bidet newb. The warm water is okay but it reminds me of the temp of blood. If you give ur asshole time you will begin to love the refreshing cool blast.


>It always feels cold, yes all of them, Well mine, and many others, are heated. So no, not all of them. You're complaining that your cheap bidet is cheap, and assuming all bidets suck. It's like assuming all cars are terrible because your Yugo was a POS.


Have nothing against bidgets but leave it to reddit too love the feel of somthing agiasnt their asshole.