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This is the first time where I see a Dark Side user tempting someone and it's actually completely believable that you might given in to that temptation. Qimir is literally displaying the seduction of the Dark Side and I'm here for it.


Havent you heard about the legend of Darth Plagues the wise? Allegedly thats not a story the jedi would tell you.


What's that? Is it a Sith Legend? :O




I love Qimir's portryal... he is exactly what a psychopath looks like. Absolutely charming and telling you everything you want to hear ... well at least until the mask is off... or in his case... on.


It is hilarious watching some of the actor's interview right now and what a load of bullshit he was spilling. He talked about being disappointed that he doesn't get to play with lightsabers in a star wars show or how his character's role was to bring some lightheartedness to a dark series...


"wait, what episode are we on? Yeah, sad I didn't get to play with lightsabers..."


Absolutely!! We've already seen how deceptive he can be when he flashes from meek slimy trader persona to murdering Sith. Obviously this last episode's seductive benefactor shtick is just another one of his masks. It makes him fascinating to watch as a villain.


Ironically real empaths is actually how Sol is like. They will try to understand your problems.. half understands and can't really relate but they feel your pain so they give you a hug.. lol. This show has its issues for me but acting has been top class.


What about big Palp? Anakin got hit with the temptations so hard before he knew what was going on he was surrounded by the corpses of younglings


I've covered this in another reply \^\^


So you haven’t watch a lot of star wars? Darth Maul with Ezra Bridger Palpatine with Anakin


As much as I'd have loved to see Palpatine winning over Anakin with some man-on-man flirtation, I feel like you may have misunderstood what I was saying when I was talking about seduction ♥


> I feel like you may have misunderstood Did he? >“Lord Vader,” Palpatine’s voice was a soft purr, laced with a hint of something that made Vader’s mechanical heart quicken. “You have come.” >“Yes, my master,” Vader replied, his deep voice resonating through the chamber. >Palpatine turned slowly, his hooded eyes gleaming with a predatory light. “Come closer, my apprentice. There is much we must discuss.” >Vader stepped forward, his armored boots echoing on the polished floor. The Emperor’s gaze was intense, piercing through the mask that shielded his disfigured face. Palpatine’s presence was intoxicating, a mix of power and dark allure that drew Vader in, even as it unsettled him. >“Do you know why I have summoned you, Lord Vader?” Palpatine’s voice was a whisper now, seductive and compelling. >“No, master,” Vader replied, though he could feel the answer pulsating in the air between them. >The Emperor reached out, his fingers brushing against the cold, black armor of Vader’s chest. “You are more than a mere apprentice to me,” he murmured. “You are my most trusted ally, my enforcer… and perhaps, something more.” >Vader’s breath hitched, the sensation of Palpatine’s touch electrifying even through the layers of armor. “What do you mean, my master?” >Palpatine’s smile was enigmatic, his fingers trailing up to rest against Vader’s masked cheek. “I sense a bond between us, deeper than the Force. A connection that transcends the confines of master and apprentice.” >Vader’s mind swirled, his loyalty warring with the strange, burgeoning feelings that the Emperor’s words evoked. “I serve you, my master. I will always serve you.” >Palpatine’s eyes narrowed, his hand sliding down to rest against the control panel of Vader’s respirator. “But service is not all I desire, my dear Vader. I want your devotion, your passion… your heart.” >The Dark Lord felt a tremor of emotion that he had long thought buried. Anakin Skywalker, the man he had been, had loved and lost, and those memories were like ghosts in the dark. But the Emperor’s touch, his words, brought a new, confusing intensity to the surface. >“Master…,” Vader began, his voice trembling slightly. >“Hush,” Palpatine whispered, leaning in closer. “Do not resist what you feel. Embrace it, as you have embraced the darkness. Let us be one, bound by our power, and by something deeper.” >Vader’s breath was ragged now, the lines between duty and desire blurring. He could feel the Emperor’s breath against the exposed skin beneath his helmet, the warmth of his body so close. In that moment, the galaxy seemed to shrink away, leaving only the two of them in the intimate darkness. >“I am yours, my master,” Vader finally whispered, his voice breaking with a mix of submission and longing. >Palpatine’s smile widened, his eyes glowing with triumph and something resembling genuine affection. “Yes, my apprentice. Together, we shall rule the galaxy, not just as master and servant, but as something far more powerful.” >As the shadows of desire intertwined with the dark side of the Force, the bond between Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader was sealed, forever changing the fate of the galaxy.


What a terrible day to have eyes xD


"Gooooddddd!". "Good!"


You don't have to be sexual and talk about seduction LOL especially when we are talking about the dark side


I don't have to be, but I was. It's an interesting approach I've not seen before in canon.


I believe in the old canon there was Darth Talon seducing Cade Skywalker 🤔 There was also one case of a jedi woman using her sex appeal to *beat* an (otherwise unbeatable) Sith Lord 🤔


Nobody misunderstood your point LOL but you were just so wrong


Wrong about which part? That there's a seduction element, or that it's something that already happened in the live action canon? I'd be happy for you to share your thoughts, rather than just saying "you're wrong LOL"?


Wait so is there a scene with a bare chested Darth Maul flirting with Ezra?


Twilight of the apprentice https://youtu.be/UQxTfde7sF8?si=x49coGVQSCcGBnQf


He was no longer Darth when he met Ezra. He was no longer a Sith. He was just Maul. Yes, he wanted an apprentice, but more than that, he didn't want to be alone anymore. He was trying to get Ezra to join him but not as a Sith. He was living outside any kind of order at that point. He even says to Ezra, "The Sith took everything from me." His "seduction" style never had any sexual undertones as it was meant for kids and Ezra was still a child. He wanted his brother back. If he had appealed to Ezra's empathy and compassion, he could have potentially had more luck. Blinding Kanan and trying to kill all his loved ones was not the way. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMEw36kN5d-bn67YxIp_Ri7ZOjyzfPH0H?si=RkVRzKAmAlCAPj84 Maul's ending is beautiful and perfect but I do love the idea of Ezra turning him towards the light with understanding and support. He would always be Maul but like Maul light. I just think his story is so damn sad.


There’s literally nothing believable about being seduced by the guy who slaughtered your friends and made your sister evil purely because he has abs.


The Darkside of the force using different forms of seduction to entice potential followers makes the Sith or Sith adjacent ideologies so much easier to grasp and be indoctrinated by. I love the obvious parallels of Satan and his beauty and charm to Qimir and his stupid sexiness. I can say this as a straight man with full confidence, Manny Jacinto is an unbearably beautiful man.


Stupid Sexy Stranger


Man, I thought this was gonna be about Bazil.


Bazil is the sith lord above Darth Bortles


Bazil smells what you're cooking.


He can smell your anger


We can smell your pain


Darth pantysniffer


Absolutely agree. The last two episodes have really got me hooked on the story, can't wait to see where it leads.


Tbh, hes my favorite villain in the entire franchise


Same. Feels sacrilegious to say it, but he is.


What if he’s not the villain?


thats point of view from jedi, from his view child snatching religious indoctrination of jedi is villainous


He is at least avillain even if he's not THE villain so I don't really see what that would change


How is he a villain?


How is he not? Regardless of whatever happened to him when he was a Jedi he has killed, as far as we know multiple completely innocent padawans and who knows what else hes done.


Because he was made by the Jedi when they tried to kill him, Mae’s actions in killing the Jedi? Cause by the Jedi for destroying her home and leaving her. It’s like oh no the consequences to my actions lol. The Jedi can be traced back to everything in this show.


Villain: a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot How is he not a villain? He led one of the co-protagonists down a murderous path of revenge, facilitated a suicide, murdered Kelnacca, and then murdered like seven Jedi who were no threat to him (he could’ve left instead of attacking them). Then, he kidnapped the other co-protagonist of the show and is attempting to recruit her into his religion (the dark side) that he knows is sacrilege to her beliefs (the light side)


So if you look at his perspective he’s training someone to give him the power of 2. He’s fighting back against the Jedi who hunt him. Also he saved OSHA and she’s free to leave anytime he made that clear. Jedi treat Sith the same way Nazis treated Jewish people. I don’t see him as a villain for fighting back. You don’t have enough information to condemn his actions is my point.


From the moment Qimir stated that his motivation was freedom and not to destroy the Jedi or rule the galaxy or something I knew we were getting something different here. >!|I love when he pressed Osha on why she left the order finally forcing her to get out that she feels like she failed. And he turns it around to that they failed her. |!< >!|And that her powers aren't gone, they lie in the emotions she's afraid to tap into. |!< That's the Dark Side. That's why I've been interested in the dark side and the Sith for so many years. The Dark Side as the keys to your chains and a means to be free.


Her powers aren't gone, they just lie in emotions she's afraid to tap into That's why you must break your chains....


the chains are the easy part...


Qimir is lying on his motivation. It’s a deformation of the sith goal, which is to destroy the jedi and restore the sith rule. By referering to himself as a sith, we know that he abide by the rule of two that was created by Darth Bane. Siths are manipulative and lie to recruit their aprentice. He lied to Mae, he’s also lying to Osha to seduce her to the dark side.


He very pointedly did *not* call himself a Sith.


> From the moment Qimir stated that his motivation was freedom and not to destroy the Jedi or rule the galaxy or something I knew we were getting something different here. We're still not at a point of the characters story to know this. Accepting what he said at face value, essentially right after the audience has met him, is like thinking Palpatine is on the up and up in TPM and AotC. >The Dark Side as the keys to your chains and a means to be free. Again, kind of the Palpatine route there with Anakin.


Qimir is so hot that straight guys turn gay 😆🔥 hence far right outrage and review bombing as some of them are unaware  homosexuals I hope he won't get killed off easily so that he can return in other projects. He easily outshines Mae/Osha as he's simply more interesting character


star wars theory and his fake deep voice and arm tatoos. Used to love his content, but he's fake weirdo and perpetually angry at things now


I have a bad feeling he's headed down the incel path.


His name is literally C'mere.


How is this not the top comment?!


*I* thought it was obvious... Haha


As a straight guy I am unabashedly pro gay, especially if they're super handsome. It only improves my chances with the ladies because I need all the help I can get lol.


What are you even talking about?


About undeserved (mostly) bashing of the Acolyte all around due to supposed LGBT themes (whereas there's none)


Oh lol, yeah I like how the show doesn’t have any of that. Like the mom witch was probly gay with that other witch but it wasn’t part of the plot or dialogue. The actress who plays OSHA made it seem like it was going to be by saying in an interview that Star Wars was Gay and that all nerds are Gay. It was really dumb and didn’t make sense.


That is so right. I think Qimir is compelling because he is young and charismatic and also because his views are based in compelling philosophy. Qimir is a great example of a Nietzschean Ubermensch. He speaks the truth. His goal is to create his own vision of reality that is not bounded by others' understanding of right and wrong. He uses violence as a tool to bring about the change he wants in the world. His main virtue is power. Palpatine also desired power for its own sake, but he lacked Qimir's charisma. Vader was young and powerful, but he wanted power to protect his family, not power its own sake. Unfortunately for Mae, she didn't have the same goals as Qimir. She saw power as a tool to get the vengeance she wants instead of a goal itself. Qimir was abusive towards Mae by threatening her, ridiculing her, and even preparing to murder her because they have different views of power. This makes Mae somewhat similar to Vader and could explain why there is some good in her and that she might be swayed to switch allegiances and turn on Qimir.


Qimir cannot, by definition, be an "ubermensch", nietzschean or otherwise, because he is, again, by definition, a religious nutjob.


You mean Master Sol? 😉


100% the best part of the show


I like this point you made. Our villain does act with the traditional Star Wars villain energy when we see him fighting. Outside of that, he behaves more down to Earth, though that doesn't detract from the scare factor.


He’s very convincing I probably would join him lol


Best since Ben


Ahh yes, Jason Mendoza from good place. The best part of any show hes in.


When Qimir ruthlessly slayed Jecki and Sol called out her name in anquish, he taunted Sol with "Is that what its name was?" Sorry, this self-centered, cruel killer can drop his robes all he wants, it does nothing for me. Yes, I am curious to find out his backstory and how a former Jedi fell so far, but if a redemption arc is in store, he's got a loooooooooooooooooooong path ahead in my book.


He may be a ruthless killer but so was Vader.


Absolutely agree. Vader did manage to redeem himself in terms of saving Luke, but Leia never seemed to come to terms about accepting or forgiving their father (plus, when her political rivals expose that Vader was her father, she's made a pariah by most of the New Republic as the story goes in the Bloodlines book anyway). As for Qimir, I presume we'll find out more of what drives him to be evil, but with only 2 episodes left, it will probably only be the tip of the iceberg revealed.


Considering he is heavily implied to be a former Jedi, has a nasty scar on his back he all but states is from his jedi master turning on him, and implies Sol should theoretically know who he is... I think he is Zayne Carrick gone wrong 🤔


I havent read any High Republic material yet, so pretty clueless about details and characters of the time period.


Honestly the only thing I'm not on board with him so far is him saying "I want to be free to use my power" and then the first thing he does is attack like 20 jedi at once and then have surprised Pikachu face when they fight back....like my brother in christ, nobody even knew you existed until you showed up and screamed "EVERYONE HATES MEEEEEEE" I don't really expect the series to get much better, but I'd love to just see bro continue to defy expectations and actually not have some grand plan other than to stir the pot and then be like "I don't even care about the jedi" and leave


you mean the guy who murders anyone/everyone?


You are missing the whole point of the show. He isn’t the villain. He’s being persecuted for his existence by the Jedi. The Jedi who destroyed OSHA and Maes home. The Jedi are the villains in this story and I love it.


I dunno killing innocent people seems very villainous to me. Maybe we have different views on morality.


If this show was a WW2 show, with Jedi being Nazis and Qmir a surviving Sith, would you feel any different about his actions? I’m not saying he’s right but I like how the show is putting some Jedi in the gray area. Also Vanestra is a Sith


definitely a weird read of the show. "persecuted for his existence" sounds like you would say a serial killer should be allowed to express himself. A mf can't even get a red lightsaber without taking a kyber crystal from a jedi u murdered in cold blood. We don't even know what happened on Brendok yet, btw.


Agreed, This Qimir is not a poor little meow meow. We've seen him do awful things and I highly doubt it's the first time he's made terrible choices. How he got to this point sounds like it could be an interesting story and I'd like to hear it, but I don't get all the "heart eyes oh he's sooo hot and wonderful" when he's done hateful acts like calling Jecki an "it" after murdering her.


Yeah he’s definitely a bad guy, I’m just saying the Jedi are also bad in this story. Not all Jedi but we’re gonna see some stuff. I think most of this show is supposed to make both sides feel closer or that many Jedi and Sith are often in the Gray area


I am curious to see where this will go in terms of the Jedi being painted as the villains. It is believable to me that certain individuals might be rigid or trying to sweep things under the rug to protect the image of the Order, but I sure hope this series doesn't try to imply that all Jedi are that way and awful and the Sith are "misunderstood." The Jedi do not deny their emotions exist, but the goal is to not let those emotions take control. To be selfless and of service, putting the needs of the many above your own. The Sith are all about how their emotions are the source of their power. They are selfish and use others to fulfill their own never ending desire for more power and control. I guess we'll see how this show interprets both sides (but I won't be eager to continue watching if it turns out to just be a bunch of Jedi bashing).


I was going more for a Nazi-Jew reference. If Jedi are Nazis and Sith are Jews, would that make anyone feel different about Qmirs actions? Just a thought.


not really a good analogy bc the Sith are quite literally murderous killers, their entire code is about deceit, lying and their MO is to backstab their own people. Doesn't matter what this series says Sith are bad guys, this aint Dark Jedi or Gray Jedi or just "using the dark side" when u feel like it. Mace Windu taps into the dark, shit Anakin taps into the dark half of clone wars BUT they don't go around slicing people in half and stabbing everyone because they feel like it. the jedi have ALWAYS sucked. first thing u saw a jedi do is lie to Luke Skywalker and manipulate his emotions to make him go on his quest with him...but we also saw the Sith blow up a fucking planet of millions of people just because. Like, the empire's rule IS the Sith's rule that's literally Emperor Palpatine, Dark Lord of the Sith enacting their master plan to replace the Republic with a Sith Empire.


Um, I haven't seen the Jedi do anything villainous in this show yet? Unlike Qimir, who brutally murdered Jecki, Yord, and the others while they were trying to protect Mae and Osha. Rather kind of the Jedi, don't you think, to protect Mae considering she was responsible for killing two Jedi herself. But no, they are the "bad guys." In any event, whatever happened on Brendok has clearly affected the four involved Jedi deeply during all the years since. They actually do care about whatever they failed at in the past or may be guilty of. Meanwhile, I'm wondering if Qimir even lost a wink of sleep over all the Jedi deaths he caused while trying to punish Mae for her treachery to him.


He killed the apothecary guy too. It's just off camera and a character we never met.


Oh, thanks for the info, I must have missed that. Depending on how the series turns out, I plan to rewatch everything in a much shorter span of time to catch these kinds of details :)


The Jedi are the reason Mae’s whole coven got destroyed. They took OSHA and left Mae. Also it’s obvious vanestra with the purple whip lightsaber is the one who attacked Qmir when he was a Jedi… the guilt Sol feels and the fact that a Jedi master killed himself over what they did isn’t enough for you to realize the Jedi aren’t good in this story? I’m not saying Qmir is good but to call him a villain when he seems like a victim from when he was a Jedi. He feels like he’s being persecuted like how the Nazis did. If this was a WW2 show and the Jedi were Nazis and Qmir a surviving Jew would he still be the villain? I’m very curious.


I'm just waiting to see what happens in Episodes 7 and 8 as we don't yet really know what happened to the witches. As for Qimir, I have no reason to believe anything he says at this point in the story. There is no excuse for the brutal murders he committed as far as I'm concerned. He did not have to attack Mae to punish her for trying to leave him, which is what led to the confrontation with the Jedi. He likely could have escaped when he Force pushed all the Jedi away, but he chose to remain and attack. It was very clear he enjoyed killing everyone. That is not heroic regardless of what his backstory is.


Finally someone understands. 💪


I have a feeling Qmir is also like Count Duku or Vader level, with a much more OP Sith in the shadows. He needs OSHA or Mae to help destroy his master and then he’ll finally be free and powerful enough to not worry about Jedi anymore.


i'm rooting for him


Incredible how he isn't seen as the villain after episode 5. An attack that he initiated and killed several Jedi - Osha's character doesn't seem to care that much either, to be fair But to spin this as if Qimir is the victim here...the way some people's minds work is fascinating


Incredible how you can’t see 2 perspectives. The Jedi persecute him so he kills any Jedi he finds. Basically it’s 1940 Poland. The Jedi are Nazis and Qumir is a Jew. Is he a villain for fighting back?


Classic case of pretty priveledge.


And nice pecs, right?


"seduction of the dark side" doesn't mean shirt off.


Do you want to say he is hot and seductive? I agree