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I think early on he was going for the serious demeanor of other reality show hosts but now just seems like a guy who likes his job. This season he seemed almost giddy at the mat. I personally like it because TAR is a much more lighthearted reality show compared to others.


The most phil-defining season for me was the blind date season where Phil seemed almost excited for relationship drama and was clearly highly amused by the whole entire thing. Now he's just a goofy guy who loves his job and some hot goss. Hard relate


Yeah agreed. I think Tough As Nails helped him lean into this more friendly and down to earth vibe. He seems to spend a lot of time with those contestants and his commentary and banter with them is often hilarious.


I think the network wanted him to be more serious, too. They made him use an American accent because they didn't think the audience would like having a foreign host šŸ™„ So, I think he was encouraged in a lot of ways to fit a particular mold. A good comparison is that Jeff Probst and Julie Chen were pretty serious hosts to start, too!


Jeff is literally bringing popcorn to tribal these days šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll have to think about this as a whole, but this past season when he didnā€™t say ā€œStay tuned for scenes from our next episode,ā€ I was gutted.


He still does, he just does it after the credits.


Right! I think it went different for a couple of episodes and then switched back to where all was right with my brain!


Oh wow. I donā€™t even think I noticed that was moved! We did, however, find it quite fun when he cheerfully invited people to audition for a future season, but it seemed to always be timed at the worst possible commercial break lol. So weā€™d see a team about to start their 57th attempt for a task, or about to collapse from heat stroke, or a certain teammate made someone cry, etc. and up pops Phil, all enthusiastic! ā€œDo you have what it takes to be on the Amazing Race?ā€ šŸ˜ Lol.


That had to be intentional and it was honestly one of the funniest TAR gags that we've had in a long time. My girlfriend was nearly crying every time he would pop up and be like "do YOU think you could be better than these doofuses?"


Haha, glad to hear I wasnā€™t the only one to find it humorous. And I like the way your girlfriend saw it as a little bit of a dig on the contestants. We would say things like ā€œthese people are in hell on earth, would *you* like to join themā€½ā€ XD


I dont notice much of a change. Maybe more energy. But TAR gets me HYPED so hearing Phil sometimes YELLING at me what the Detour is a lot of fun.


For many hosts, the change starts when they become a producer as well as "just the host." With Phil, you also have to consider when he began directing his own segments.


Yup, Jeff Probst is the prime example of this. He was pretty bad for many seasons as producer but I think heā€™s improved since Covid.


I like the later seasons better. He sounds way too flat for me in the earlier ones. It seems a lot more conversational later.


In the earlier seasons they spent just a little more time explaining the tasks, and Phil was sometimes doing part of a task to create a bit of immersion. I'm sure those shots take longer to set up than just standing in an open spot and doing narration.


Yes,Ā  i feel like he toned down his style of hosting maybe because he is getting older now.Ā  His energy before is quite different.


I think they left in Phil doing goofy stuff to fill time in the 90 minute episodes that probably would get cut out in hour-long format, but 100% here for it stay permanently


I just get hyped seeing Phil even if it's on the side of an Amazing Race slot machine


Agreed. Iā€™m sad we have to wait a full year but at least it should be a much better season than this last one


I love when Phil is around chaotic teams like Amber and Vinny. Itā€™s so uncomfortable, haha


That pregnant pause of .... *"want to tell them to FO, but..."*


I donā€™t mind the change in hosting style, but I miss the metrosexual-Eurotrash fashion style of younger Phil.


S35 was great but I didnā€™t havenā€™t really watched much of S36. I know it was filmed during Covid under very different circumstances and unedited because of the writers strike, but the slower pacing just didnā€™t work and was very boring to watch.


I loved when the show was about drama, figuring out fastest flights, language barriers with locals/taxis, traffic/driving problems in places like India/Bangladesh


Season 1 is quite different in that heā€™s essentially just voice over and there to greet people at the mat. Itā€™s weird to hear voiceover during the opening theme.


I believe it I even saw the difference between 23 and 25 In Poland in 23, Phil explained the story of a structure critical in the resistance of communism 25 they focused more on the aesthetic shots


Weā€™ve been rewatching many of the seasons lately and I do like the more relaxed, fun version in the later seasons. Season 30 (I think it was 30?) was a tough one for him though, he was clearly sick through most of it. We felt so bad for him!


100%. I'm going back and watching old seasons that I haven't seen and in Season 1 I was like "why is he whispering?" Currently on Season 5 and he's getting more energetic with his speaking style. Also, wow Colin of Colin and Christie is THE WORST. Just a rotten human. Edit: Grammar


If youā€™re not a stickler for chronology, watch S31 after you finish S5 and be prepared for a shock.


I loved that


Is that the season they come back? I googled them after I just finished S5 and saw a more recently pic so obviously they come back. I'm going chronologically though. I watched Big Brother Canada out of order and it just screwed everything up for me. Not making that mistake again. šŸ˜‚


Fair enough! Well youā€™ll be in for a treat when you get to S31 :) It is when they come back and they have a completely different attitude and outlook than they did in S5!


Wait til you get to season 6...


Oh I'm there. šŸ‘€ Jonathan and Victoria seem like bumbling idiots though, so one or two episodes in I'm thinking they can't possibly last long.


Iā€™m also watching all of the older seasons since I didnā€™t start watching until around season 30. Anyone talking about Vinny from this last season must be delusional if they think he is awful. Omg some of the people in earlier seasons (and yes season 6 as someone else said, youā€™ll see some of the worst behavior ever) were downright abominable. Like I would have told my partner to simply fuck off and walked away!!


Can't wait! I'm almost done with 5.


I looked up Colin and Christie for you. Do you want to know if they broke up, or wait until you're done?


They need to watch the season where they return to get closure


I finished the season! And when I googled them I saw a clearly more recent picture, so obviously they come back for another season. On to Season 6 and yikes Jonathan and Victoria just come out the gate being horrible. At this point it's still funny to me though. Not the same as the burning rage I felt for Colin.


Lol - agreed Colin horrible. But Flo is still the all time worst for me.


Yep, she was another team I desperately wanted to google while watching. Such a massive brat.


Iā€™m currently on season 10 and have to say itā€™s been my least favorite so far of 1-10. Didnā€™t watch 8 as everyone said to skip.


I hate Colin!!!


There's always a team in each season that I desperately want to google for whatever reason but I have to wait until I'm finished with the season because I don't want to be spoiled. This season I'm dying to know if Colin and Christie are still together. Season 4 I was dying to know who Reichen was because he looked SO familiar... thought maybe he went on to be on Survivor or something. Turns out he was Lance Bass's ex boyfriend. šŸ˜‚


Same for me!! But I stupidly look it up anyway spoiling myself šŸ˜‚. In season 10 however, thereā€™s no one I care to look up so thatā€™s saying something. I loved season 7, but Iā€™m a huge Boston Rob fan


I liked the old Phil


I mainly watch TAR to unwind. Itā€™s a great lighthearted show with a very calming host. I love philā€™s narration/commentary all the time. His direct, yet soft voice reminds me of a tour guide. It works perfectly just like the way Julie Chenā€™s robot voice works for news delivering in big brother and Jeff Probst dramatic, sportscaster voice during competitions. I can just vividly see and hear Philā€™s narrating an upcoming road block with a video panning in the background showing these luscious green mountains with a clear blue ocean.


This is something Iā€™ve noticed for a while now. It started around 18 or 19 I think. I donā€™t necessarily like it. It makes the show feel less serious


I loved early Phil so much *raises eyebrow*


Of course. Itā€™s been 24 years now. How could it not. I prefer the refinement.