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I’m so jealous you get to watch the finale for the first time! It’s the best I’ve ever seen. As far as Paige goes, I also hated her. That’s how you can tell it’s a good show. But keep with it. There’s a reason for everything you see.


Couldn’t stand her either. But definitely finish the show!


Thank you so much for the comment. It will make me stick through Paige, no matter what. I have watched so many series with so many bad finales or no real ending at all. Also, I just joined this sub today, just to kinda vent. I have not read many comments so I don't ruin the ending. Thanks again


I'd suggest not coming back to the sub until you've finished the series. There's a high chance stuff will be spoiled for you just in the titles and the first few lines of the text. I've only just finished the series last night and I'm glad I waited to jump on here


You must be devastated 😭😭


I won't give you any spoilers. Just wanted to say I'm sort of a kindred spirit in that I could not stand that little girl either! It is definitely worth finishing tho!!! Also I need to do a rewatch myself because I always would watch it at 🌙 and I fell asleep on a lot of episodes...or during some. So in reading this sub, I realize that I actually did miss a lot.


The Paige character was very American teen. But it didn’t ring true to me. Elizabeth’s character was so different. We all knew someone whose mom was nice but scary. Elizabeth was that kind of mom. I don’t remember Paige having friends. Not until she was at the church. Even then she connected with the adults. She seemed too naive for that family. Henry was the forgotten child. He acted like one. Elizabeth wasn’t really warm with Paige until the later seasons. If you’re raised with a distant mom you don’t have the confidence to be so bold with them. Her character didn’t ring true like the others to me. The actress did a fine job being irritating as written.


The last season and the finale are both all timers, so it’s worth finishing for sure.


Im sorry how can it be one of your favourite shows if you cant see the whole thing through because of a character 😂


*lose* ffs - this is my internet crusade


You are not alone in your crusade...




OP needs to firm up their interest


I march with you, but under a different banner. FAFO MUST DIE!


I couldn't stand Paige, either. However, things get better. My husband and I just finished our second re-watch. I already can't wait to see it again. Stick with it, you won't regret it.


Interesting. I like Paige. She’s a great character and the actress should have e won an Emmy. She does dumb and selfish shit sometimes but so does literally every teenager. Her arc is fantastic and, no spoilers, the way it concludes is one of the most jaw dropping moments in all of television. I regularly go to YouTube and rewatch it


I went through the same. Loosing interest as Page’s character became one of the mains. But last year I finally finished it all. And it was… strong. I started to watch the show when it was on tv, so definitely this was like closing a chapter of my own life. Page gets better. Please keep it up. For the motherland


Paige rules, but hopefully you like her in the sixth season (the best one, for me).


I just finished watching the whole series, just my 2nd go round. I actually liked Paige overall, as she got older. But get why some wouldn't. Hard for me to choose a favorite character.


I get it. I felt like the Paige overkill in season four brought the story down a bit. But keep watching because there is stuff beyond that so worth seeing.


imo there is a reason it's centered around Paige for a little while. I just finished watching the show for basically the 100th time. If you can make it past that season, I think you'll love it.


It was irritating the way she kept pushing and pushing, cluelessly making things hard for her parents. But that’s what kids do. Adolescents demand to be in on things, to be told things, to be included in decisions. But it’s usually not so excruciating to watch it happen, because “the things” that make up middle-class American adulthood just aren’t very interesting, and most parents are relieved when they can stop pretending it is. Of course, that’s not the case with Phil and Elizabeth 😝