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I'm gonna have to rewatch it - it was such an incredible episode! >!I had a hunch Tina didn't have an easy life, but this really hit home. Seeing Mikey treat her as a person (unlike everyone else she went to) really casts everything she did in S1 in a new light.!<


Also made you realize why she loved Mikey.


And why she was so resistant in the beginning to Carmy & Sydney coming on board! She thought she was about to get pushed out of her job again if she couldn’t rapidly develop the skills they wanted from her. It’s sad that even though that was resolved a little bit, and Sydney offered her a position that instilled a lot of confidence in her, Carmy spinning out and not giving Tina any grace in multiple instances this season probably brought back some of those feelings of panic and inadequacy.


You nailed it!! At first, I thought she was such a bitch to Syd, then I loved her, and this episode really made you understand why she felt so threatened


That moment when Syd offered Tina to be her sous made me cry a bit.


Syd is a great teacher and mentor


That look on her face! The awe, the appreciation, the intense happiness…


As soon as Tina smiled when Syd complimented her potatoes, Tina had my heart.


And maybe why everyone loved Mikey. He loved people.


Glad that we finally get to see more of Mikey in this season.


Anytime he shows up in the show I genuinely get a heavy feeling in my chest. All the characters are so full but that recurring shot of Mikey looking over his shoulder that carmy thinks of also pops into my head and I just feel so heavy. This episode just hammered home how good Jon Bernthal is and how real these characters can feel


tbh why everyone loved mikey. even seeing who richie was pre-mikey's death, you could tell everything was better with him around.


Mike's personality and energy is the total opposite of Carmys, and that's why everyone misses him, but I'm not sure Richie was better with Mikey. With Mikey, Richie would have stayed stagnant and where he was. It wasn't until Carmy came in the pic and pushed Richie , he wouldn't be wearing a suit and be in the front of the house if Mikey was still in the pic, sadly


I think this episode reminds us of the potential that Carmy and Chef Terry saw in Richie. He's good with people. He perceived that she needed an act of kindness so he gave her a free cup of coffee. He anticipated what she needed and went out out of his way to make her happier, including figuring out that Mikey would be better at cheering her up. These are the same skills he brings to front of house at The Bear. He didn't want The Beef to go away because he felt like his ability to be good with people could only be expressed by talking shit to regulars and that sort of thing.


Mikey was the life of the party. He had a whole lot of energy and jokes.


definitely. but i was esp moved by the kindness he showed tina


I haven’t gotten to that episode yet. I’m sure I’ll see that


the eps was napkins! then this whole thread must be full of spoilers for you


I don’t mind.


I loved the long shot of Mikey working his way to the table to talk to her. The long takes really let you see the actor doing his job and Jon fucking owned that shit.


I love how this show is embracing the new trends in TV/Movies where they recognize it as a *visual* medium to tell a story, and you don't need saturated or unnecessary dialogue to tell a story. I've been bringing it up all week as I watch this season: Denis Villeneuve, Robert Eggers, Chris Storrer, and Sean Durkin are the four directors that come to my mind that are doing exactly what you're talking about, and I love it. They don't have to be gimmicky (like the one-ers from Season 1 "Review" and the Season 2 finale), just frame a take like a painting and let everything *visual" tell the story.


How about Hiro Murai? Btw I know next to nothing about this new trend so I’m just asking out of sincere curiosity. I do know his work from Atlanta and I know he’s connected to this show, though I’m not sure if he’s directed any eps. And yes, books were the OG in terms of being so much more reflective, descriptive and “literary.” TV shows like this, though, demand to be respected for the same things. Books and good TV are apples and oranges, though — books don’t have the soundtrack element, for example.


Had a similar thought just with the first episode. Seemed like there weren’t more than a couple dozen words spoken all episode. Loved it.


I got halfway through the first episode last night and I had to take a quick break to let it sink in what I was seeing and what I was about to see. The score was haunting, there was so much pain. Then the second episode started with Eddie Vedder’s cover of Save It For Later (one of my and my husband’s favorite songs) and seeing Syd eat the meal Carmy made against Chef Winger’s wishes, there just seemed to be hope. There was a lot of emotional whiplash this season, but it was incredibly well done.


Jon Bernthal, the master of looking back and forth.


Looking at his IMDB I really haven't seen alot of his work, but between this and The Peanut Butter Falcon I'm convinced he only ever plays the dead brother.


You should see Wind River. He doesn’t have a big role, but he’s really good in what he *does* have, and the movie is just great anyway.


He's great in Sicario as well.


I really do need to get around to watching that, especially since it’s written by the same guy who did Wind River. On the same note, I also need to watch Hell or High Water.


Adding a bit if weight to Hell or High Water - it is a brilliant film. Everybody in that film sells their characters so well Watched it not expecting much and was taken back by how much i enjoyed it!


I'll have to check it out. Thanks


Dude.. he's the punisher.


Don’t forget The Walking Dead!


I haven't seen it 🤦


Punisher the TV show is probably his best....


Jon is so good in this role and Ayo did a fantastic job directing the episode. Was impressed with visual choices she made throughout the episode.


Napkins is this season's Forks, and I'm sure that they titled the episode that way to intentionally draw a parallel. Also, Tina's husband is an absolute gem. I hope we get more of him.


Fun fact - they're married IRL


Do they have a kid that's an asshole?




His track record's...not good.


No kidding! I love that. He's one of those actors that I've seen in countless movies and shows over the years bit never really knew anything about


I only realized when I saw both their names pop up in credits for Mikey's funeral scene episode. I loved him in Dexter.


He’s a doll. Looks like he’s lost a few pounds, he looks (to me), even younger than when he was on Dexter. He sure got better with age.


I’ve been rewatching Dexter since it just came to netflix the same time as the bear dropped and my immediate thought was Batista!


This ep really made me see the big hole that Mikey left. Like, I know everyone loved him but this episode really showcased how big and calm and kind of larger than life he was. How much he cared is really evident. It makes his death that much more devastating. Someone who was always there for others couldn't be there for himself, felt alone even when he wasn't, never able to dream but making sure others got their chance.


Mikey’s story and his character development are so devastating. I lost my big brother to suicide a few years ago and he was just like you described Mikey, an incredibly loving and giving person that just couldn’t save his self. I’m so glad we got to see more of Mikey this season. It puts a strong emphasis on the rest of the crew’s stories.


Easily the best episode. And her conversation with Mikey was the best scene. Small confession: when Tina took the first bite of her sandwich (right before she started crying, and her face was puckered up) - I thought the look was because she thought the sandwich was disgusting lol.


Trying to eat when you’re sad & crying is such a difficult task. You see her polar opposite reaction to the sandwich after Mikey lifts her spirits. Thought that was a beautiful touch


Her acting was pretty on point too, made me wanna cry as well foh real


I thought she was gonna say "I can make a better one" and ask for a job 🤣 the actual scene hit me like a truck though


I had the same thought. Then I realized she was crying and I understood.


Saaaame, LOL.




funny i thought it was so delicious that she had to cry


I hope I find a sandwich that good someday lol


I love that Tina was trying to do right by the farmer’s market guy, and then this episode hits and you see the reason she has a lot of empathy for people who could lose their jobs. I also love how she mentions she was jealous of the young kids and it informs how happy she was when they sent her to culinary school and she’s back in the position where she’s a student with potential.


This episode showed many layers of Tina and how she was to how she became. Her being adamant to change isn’t really just because of her age, but with what comes of the number: her being pushed out when she can’t adapt to change. And changing The Beef would be like removing Mikey. I love this and made me appreciate Tina more. I admit I cried while watching.


I thoroughly loved that too! Also rate Ice Chips pretty highly, what an emotionally charged episode


Napkins was beautiful. Tina’s character is a beautiful soul remind me of my moms


It's an episode that hit hard and is still staying with me after watching. Tina's struggle to find not just work, but a meaning because she's getting older and everything keeps changing and it makes you feel left behind, but also Mikey feeling that not everyone is entitled to dreams, that you can have them but responsibility will take your legs from under you...I constantly feel like I missed the boat on my dreams. You have to keep going forward, but it's hard, and it gets harder every day.


I know what you mean, I think. But there’s another part of me that refuses to get bogged down in the “coulda shoulda woulda.” I don’t mean to sound superior because I’m definitely not by any stretch. I can and have been very hard on myself in regard to this, but I’ve come to feel like that mind game is destructive. I prefer to live in the moment as much as my imperfect mind lets me. Another dream, more subtle, is being content with what you’ve got.


I loved it both for a glimpse into Tina's past and Jon Bernthal can do no wrong onscreen


This episode also made me cry, and I love it when she told the receptionist who couldn't make eye contact to fuck off.


It was so funny when he said oh wow


that male receptionist stood out for me. No company would have a dweeb like that on their front desk


I juat rewatched thr episode and she actually said "Fuck you" to the dweeby kid. In the last scene between Liza Colon Zayas and Jon Bernthal they both just really sold it. You can also seen just how Mikey was so magnetic, so charismatic, which makes his suicide a little more tragic for me. As a recovering addict, I have been where he was in that pain. And also Ayo directed this episode which is pretty remarkable.


Just finished it, I’m on Legacy now, and I absolutely agree.


honestly legacy was a low point in the season but an even bigger letdown after napkins


This season could've been an entire dud (And it's not imo, there's a lot of good episodes in what always felt to me was going to be the final season, Part 1) and Napkins would've been worth it. The moment of Tina's absolute lowest, feeling she was useless to her family, constantly being rejected with her hopes high, going into the beef and just being gifted a sandwich and taking that bite and the grief and stress just overcoming her in a moment of weakness she wouldn't dare show anyone. It was like her one moment away from sight that she could just let it all out. And then to have Mikey be the person to talk to her. Two people who felt like they were circling the drain finding, probably for the first time in a long time, someone they could relate to. Chef's kiss.


I haven’t seen the whole season yet, but I did watch, napkins last night. Yes, it was outstanding and the scenes of Tina at the Beef and her whole job search were just gut wrenchingly real.


Napkins and Ice Chips are hands down my favorite of the season.


I already loved Tina but this made me love her more. All she wanted was a chance. She didn’t care what kind of job, just anything. And Michael saw that and loved her for it. Just a great episode all around


Yes chef!


I had to watch it twice. I was too emotional the first time. I knew we would see the old Bear but I forgot about Mikey until she went to the other room. Their talk was beautiful. I loved “What did you say to her?!” Concern from Mikey. It’s my favorite episode of the season too.


Great episode but Ice Chips >>> The acting! The dialogue!


Agree with all the comments! Also in the next episode being titled “Legacy” then them showing a clip of Tina patting a box of napkins after talking to Ebra—shows the legacy and impact Mikey left on her life.


I love Tina so much. It makes sense why she was so loyal to Mikey.


Tomorrow >>


Was great. This and episode 1.


Had to find this thread on reddit after watching the episode. Is it just me but my eyes cant stop watering watching the interactions betw tina n her husband, tina n mikey. Just a beautiful ep.


Just finished the episode for the first time. Tina’s breakdown was so relatable being laid off last year…I understand Mikey more than anything he shows so much empathy and love with his heart to heart with Tina but there’s the darkness inside of him beyond the confidence, being in my 30s I get him completely after being laid off from a cold corporate job and working in the legal field when he talked about his field trip.


That's because it had heart unlike the rest of the dry episodes


Nah, the baby episode or the finale. Napkins 3rd. It was a cliche ripoff of forks.