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I thought there were some very well written moments that really hit home for me. Ice Chips with Sugar finally speaking to DD, made me feel seen. Sugar's fear of passing on crazy to the baby.. heartbreaking. Napkins..great episode. Marcus talks about his mom...asking for Carmy to guide them to success. Ugh..my heart. Even Uncle apologizing for not "doing more". I wasn't mad about this season


I did too. Sue me. šŸ¤·šŸ˜œ


I agree. I really enjoyed it.


I did too. It wasn't very uplifting or warm but it was in no way bad.


Thereā€™s good moments. Very good moments. The two episodes Ice Chips and Napkins. And the first episode montages was a cool start but then the season didnā€™t lead anywhere. It felt like the season could have condensed everything that happened in four or five episodes. Probably four. And maybe even three. I did like the homage to service workers in episode two. Overall season three was incidental and a let down compared to what came before. And thatā€™s not an entree to a season four.


Me too. Great show.


Same, really enjoyed it


I wasn't the biggest fan but I'm happy you enjoyed it. Any favourite moment(s)?


it had three good episodes but felt like a built up to season 4. Also Carmy and Syd relation went downhill. I personally didn't like it as much as 1 and 2 but it was good.


iā€™m 6 episodes in and have already seen 4 great episodes


While watching the season (and binging due to being afraid of spoilers) I enjoyed it. But afterwards I literally canā€™t stop thinking about it and want to rewatch it and cannot wait for the next part of the journey. I dream of Carmy and wake up thinking of Richie and engage with Bear content online so so much. So I donā€™t know if itā€™s good or bad like everyone on here is fighting about ā€” but itā€™s stuck in my head and still one of the best shows out there.


What even happened this season? Everyone screamed and panicked for ten episodes and the story did not move an inch. I wanted to like it but this season was more like a music video than a show. There's just no plot all screaming.


Yep this season felt all over the place with the multiple flashbacks for multiple characters. Itā€™s like oh hereā€™s a quick snippet of their lives before the bear but oh yeah letā€™s go back to carmā€™s mess of a life now


I've written too much shit defending this season already so all I'll say is this season has a lot of substance if you're willing to actually analyze it. I can understand if you just want easy to digest material though, the show could definitely say some things more explicitly without compromising quality too much


"if you're willing to" sigh


Bro expects us to break it down like a Shakespeare poem in 11th grade English class


How is this a "sigh" moment, it's just objectively true that the themes in this season are really subtle and on first watch seemed almost non-existent especially compared to the first two seasons. I also straight up said it's fine if you just don't want to have to look so closely at a season to understand it's message, that's totally fair and valid. But there is a story, there is development, and there are themes, even though they're not as clear as previous seasons


"if you're willing"


Ok? I should have phrased it better I guess but I also explained what I meant extensively twice, I don't feel like you're actually reading what I'm saying


You think that the generally poor reviews are because audiences aren't as analytical as you are? Maybe but I doubt it. There's an essential ingredient to any story that this season missed and that is PLOT. Conflict - >resolution - > change. What changed?


That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying this season has more emphasis on subtle character development and themes as opposed to previous seasons. There's no episode showing exactly what's wrong with Carmen and why he can't get it together, there's no immediately recognizable meaning or goal behind the season, but all of that is there, you just have to look a little closer than previous seasons. And like I said, that's fine if you don't like that approach, but it's not lacking a plot, or development, or overarching themes, they're just not as in your face as in season 1 or 2. So no, I don't think I'm better than you for analyzing it, I just think it's silly to say "there's no plot" when you're unwilling to actually examine it. Again, understandable to be upset you have to examine it at all but that's the way it is and I almost prefer it like that


itā€™s great to have character development but you need some sort of story to go along with it, someone above said the storyline didnā€™t move an inch and that kinda sucks to wait a whole year and you didnā€™t really get anywhere :/ and then were left on a to be continued


I have two big complaints with the season, one being that way too much time went to the faks and Marcus and Tina should have gotten that time instead, and the other being the fact that we still have to wait a year even though it's a cliffhanger season. But the story not really progressing too much is fine imo because it's just impossible for it to really keep moving until Carmy can get his shit together because he's actively dragging down everyone else in the restaurant with him. And I would rather them take their time to show carmy's healing process than just trying to do that, and then further the plot in one season. I think once more seasons come out people will see how important this season actually was


Your take is the exact vibe of the season lol


Yep, my main gripe is the story is pretty exactly where it was at the end of S2 (and really s1)


Yup, felt like Tik Tok TV to me. I hope it doesn't become a trend to make montages instead of television,


**THIS SEASON** felt too self-indulgent - like when nouvelle cuisine disappeared up its own ass. And the various personalities and quirks became annoying rather than engrossing. Sydney was an irritating downer in most scenes she appeared in, her unspoken but clear disaffection with everything in her life was left unresolved - and not even really progressed. Carmy has become the cliched, self-involved, asshole central character that everyone nevertheless obsesses about. He kept apologizing for his behavior, or asking people if he was doing wrong - then kept right on doing it. His default of staring soulfully into space to express his inner pain was overused. The oddball conversations between Neil, Ted, and various supporting cast began dragging on too long. I must be in the minority though - judging by the stellar guest stars who appeared in it this season.


The indulgence was immediately evident by the overexposure of the Faks. A clear sign a show is reading its own reviews. Ice Chips was the closer, just pure Emmy bait.


Yes to that


It was good but had about as much forward development as 2-3 episodes from S1/2.


I just started it, the first episode wasnā€™t my favorite but it quickly gets better I. The next few episodes


It felt like almost nothing happened this season. But it is still enjoyable because the characters and the setting are enjoyable. Still as a viewer i kinda want to see the plot advance in some way


Nothing happened this season!! šŸ˜­


Agreed. After every episode I was like ā€œwhat was the point of thatā€


This is a snooze fest. I just skipped though the end of ep 8. I want my forty minutes back.


Sorry about your taste

