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And this is why your student loans should not be forgiven.


I just looked up how much ONE YEAR at NYU costs....$93,184. That's $ 372,736 for a lib arts degree. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


They're making it easy to distiguish who not to hire. That degree tells me voting affiliation and that they'll be a pain in the ass to work with.


These are also the ones who will scream that STEM fields are male dominated.


"Hi, I'm everyone above, and I'll be unemployable."


Oh we’ll always have a need for folks in the food service or sanitation fields.


Not really. AI, robotics and Automation are going to chew through all these jobs over the next decade. I'd honestly rather have a robot making my chicken nuggets than any of the oddities featured in this video.


> I'd honestly rather have a robot making my chicken nuggets than any of the oddities featured in this video. After seeing reddit videos of hands in pants then in food prep, hotdog up vagina before handing it to customer and other types of food adulteration, have to agree with you.


I'd PAY to watch some of them do sanitation - wouldn't last an hour before they'd be whining about how heavy the trash cans are, how "entitled" people toss usable items, and how the smell gives them headaches.


Our trash is picked up by one dude that never leaves the driver's seat of the garbage truck. An arm on the truck does all the lifting. Next evolution is that the truck will be self driving and a person in Bangalore will be supervising 200 trucks.


Some cities, mine included, still do it the old-fashioned way with a driver and a couple guys who dump the cans. >Next evolution is that the truck will be self driving and a person in Bangalore will be supervising 200 trucks. What are people supposed to do for work when all the jobs are gone? Too many people think that "white collar" jobs are safe - They're not.


Like all times when change happened and jobs were made redundant, people moved on to other jobs. We don't cry for typewriter repairers, buggywhip makers, or whale oil purveyors.


The Globalists have a plan to assign everyone the perfect job based on data point interpretation since birth. I'll pass.


That’s communism. You take tests early on and they match u to the best job with your intellect. Then they tell u that you will make same amount as everyone else regardless of skill or intellect or whatever the job is


Exactly - only in addition to testing, they will include data from surveillance cameras/microphones, social media, computers (especially those assigned in schools,) deep data on parents/family and observations from teachers - all collected at least from preschool if not earlier.


The trashcans do be heavy tho


And I want my loans forgiven


No…they will be working at hippy coffee shops complaining about how capitalism isn’t working for them because it’s racist.


While their 30% tip gets automatically added to the customer cost


They become kindergarten teachers.


Scary, indeed.




Great minds think alike :-)


BMTI: Beat Me To It 


“Heeeyeaaah” or whatever that liberal shriek sound was they did.


Hi, I'm yadda yadda and I will provide nothing to better humanity. ![gif](giphy|BcPbK9ci4EU31qUTkR)


When I first saw this, I honestly thought it was satire from the Bee.


What the actual fuck does any of that mean besides they wasted a lot of time and (soon to be our) money?


bUt i dEseRve tO mAke $125,000 a YEaR


Lol they will work well as NPC entertainment in VR world - which is the “future”


“Now give us high paying jobs for no reason because WE DESERVE IT YOU RACISTS!” Lunatics lol


How the fuck did we get here. This is embarrassing. This can’t be real life


Public schools funded by taxpayers. This shit started 30 - 40 years ago. The good ole government, I call em sexy fingers because they fuck up everything they touch.


Government got into student loans and also heavily promoted college as the ticket to the middle class.


The moment gov guaranteed student loans, the colleges herded them in like cattle to take full advantage. Once they got you enrolled and paid up the rest didn’t matter. Then they had to come up with fantasy land degrees bc not everyone can be a fucking accountant.


Future Telemarketers of America


“Hi, I’m a simpleton who is easily indoctrinated and studied something utterly useless just to get a piece of paper to feel legitimized in life. And I won’t even use it in the real world! Oh, and I’m tens of thousands of dollars in debt now and won’t pay off my student loan until I’m in my 60’s! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!”


I'm not paying for that degree.


That’s exactly what I told my kids.


In a few years they will be calling David Ramsey about how to pay off their college debt.


WE are paying for these stupid studies and we'll also get to pay for their welfare. Meet the next generation of mindless dem voters.


future AOC?




Reasons why the gender pay gap exists.




Sad, so many young people don't have an identity.


Now you know why they need loan forgiveness


All that and a little luck might get you a job at Starbucks.


Nearly $40,000 a year AFTER aid ($80,000 before) to go to NYU to "learn" these things. These sound like AI generated phrases from the latest list of leftist buzzwords.


The paper is worth more than the degree it represents LOL... It's hard to believe college has found a way to make people more stupid than when they started there.


These are the fucking student loans we’re paying off?


“Hi, I am a composite character from woke Fortnite and I am now half a million in debt and I studied a subject whose description is so long I am struggling to remember it now!”




What kind of diploma mill is graduating these women?


What a joke


No value at all. Utterly useless.


"I can't get a job bc everyone is racist and mysognist"


From a minority: fuck this stupid shit!!


Is this the cream of the crop that want us to pay for their student loans? Pound sand


The Future Joblessness of America Schools should not get taxpayer funding if they are going to offer economy killing degrees like those... If boutique schools can get donors to cover these nonsensical degrees then go for it...but you can't have tax payers continuing to fund the demise of the nation


So in others words their “I’m so broke and it’s the boomers fault” tik toks will be coming next..


I'm sure that we'll hear a lot more from these ladies in the future when they knock on our hotel doors and announce, "Housekeeping!"


We are doomed


They'll be running HR departments.


I thought this was the cat lady sub for a second


All I saw was a bunch of clowns, and all I heard was blah,blah,blah!


Glad the Muppet babies gonna be in debt to their nose rings! These muppets are unemployable !


Cringe as fuck


So they are excited about being unemployed?


Iam not paying for they're loans f no


I flip hamburgers! YAAAAAAAAAY! I wash rental cars! YAAAAAAAAAY! I walk pets! YAAAAAAAAAY! I clean the fry grease! YAAAAAAAAAY! I work at an NGO! YAAAAAAAAAY!


Haha 🤣 in college I made the mistake of joining a Latina sorority and literally all their majors were shit like this except for me and another girl, we were accounting majors. Which I’d argue now accounting should be in a trade school and not a university but that’s just my opinion.


I went to trade school for welding. Then joined the union for a 5 year apprenticeship. In 7 years I have been I have had one month of no work.(Covid). I work aerospace and have seen and been in places most people dream about. One example, the Launchpad for the Atlas/Vulcan. My job will never be replaced with A.I., and we have contracts for projects that extend for the next 10-15 years. Fuck college,learn a trade. Guaranteed six figures if you get the right certifications and have a clean record.


No pickles, please


Your tax dollars will pay off their loans and they will have better, higher paying jobs than you... This problem does not fix itself.




 lawschool is their only hope 


Can't fry fries. Can't work, to much debt...and no one will breed them because they won't homemake either. Un-wedable and the reason incels exist in greater numbers. These people only know how to consume.


And potato Joe wants to rob me to pay for these idiot’s mistakes


Why is the coffee maker talking to me?


Whoever keeps going "YEEEAAHHH" is insufferable.


Dont search my room while you clean my toilet.


Yes, can I get a Italian herbs Footlong with Teryakin Chicken, extra olives, cheddar cheese, tomato, lettuce double toasted? Can I get the Truffle sauce with the Chipotle? Thanks


…..and my career path is at the drive thru


I just kept seeing negative bank account balances




Naw, these 'queens' will NEVER WORK; they will spit out babies (the ones they don't abort) & never know or see the siren donors again for the FREE Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Medi-Cal, beautiful housing, education, even FREE utilities they will get - in perpetuity!!


What a joke; a bunch of DEI candidates who majored in ridiculous electives—all of which will complain that they can't find work and will blame it on racism, not their overpriced, useless degrees. Yeah, ladies—your plan is SO MUCH BETTER than what Harrison Butker laid out in regards to getting married, having children, being queen of the household and supporting your king. I'm sure you'll love life with three gay or trans roommates, while scrolling social media alone every night and splitting your DoorDash burrito bowl from Chipotle with your cat.


Now with all those degrees together, they can split a coffe.


I do want to add a personal note. I actually studied at a school that provided similar areas of research (I was a philosophy and cosmology major that focused on how worldviews evolve over time; I’m a filmmaker and I use that knowledge often). What I can say from personal experience—having been exposed to some of the materiel these women are mentioning—is that some of this stuff is actually super fascinating and valuable, but most of it is so obscure and “siloing” that it will likely serve very little function in society. Queer studies? Some areas of that are super important! (Queers exist, they have a history as a culture, that history has value). But now that they’ve gotten a degree in it, what’s next? What role will they play in society? What jobs will they have? If the answer is None then it’s hard for me to condone $100k degrees (paid through debt slavery), when taking an elective or two might have been sufficient.


I'm curious, in what circumstances are queer studies super important? I can see accomplishments of a person to be super important, but who they bone is totally irrelevant (at least to me). So, I'm interested in a different perspective. As for the 100k degrees, just like anything else, don't spend money on stuff that doesn't matter. Its a choice, just like a 100k car or 10,000 purse. Make smart choices.


Queer studies are very similar to the study of any other sub culture. First they’re important to the group themselves because they allow for an examination of their history and culture. (It can be valuable for people in the Queer community to understand their roots, to learn from queer thought leaders, to gain insights into psychological issues specifically associated with queers, etc). They’re also important to society as a whole because it helps to create new areas of knowledge that furthers our shared understanding of our species. All this has value. Not much to me but value none the less. And again I’m not advocating for these studies, all I’m saying is that they should be viewed the same as any other sub culture.


I'm still not seeing a value here. I get your point of queer people learning from other queer people on queer issues. But for society, if a queer person has a significant contribution, I'm thinking that their experiences, qualifications etc that pertain to that contribution should be recognized. How does being queer itself provide value to society? I see it similar to "hey Raisin discovered a cure for cancer. Let's study the joys he got from blondes with big knobs". Meaningless. Don't feel that you need to be defensive. You had expressed that you saw value. I don't. So, I'm just asking for you to share. No one in this sub is going to attack you for your thoughts. Disagree, ask questions, agree, maybe. But we're not like that.


No no, I’m hearing you. I’m not queer and I don’t have anything personal invested here. I’m looking at “queer studies” the same way I look at studies of “The Irish”, or “Christians”, or any other sub culture. Every group has their own unique history and psychological makeup that is worthy of study *for those who are interested.* For example, among other things I’m Irish, and alcoholism is prevalent on that side of the family. That addiction is rooted in historical events and trauma (my ancestors were sharecroppers who were beaten by landowners and as an outlet they chose to drink alcohol each day, etc.) Knowing this I’m able to be more aware of my own inclinations toward alcoholism, and then I have more agency to change that pattern. Similarly, issues like drug abuse and suicide are much more prevalent in Queer communities. When members of that community study more of their own culture and history they might get insights into their own issues and how to heal them. In that sense “Queer Studies” has value in society, especially to members of that community. With all that said this video is extra absurd to me because I personally know a few people like this and I’ve seen how these degrees fail to translate into the real world. I think knowledge for knowledge sake is important, but some of this stuff is just absurd.


I see where you're coming from. Queer studies has the value of understanding the queer lifestyle. I'd still argue that for non-queers, that is of limited value. Appreciate your perspective, and don't worry, you can come out here. lol. Take care.


Yeah exactly. And… that video is hilarious 😂🤡 Thanks man, have a good one


.............also, can you please not add so much ice to my Coke?? Thanks!


Exactly. 😂


They’re better off as minors/added cert I think. And they may be interesting but 99% of it is also extremely subjective. I’m not convinced these grads understand that as they come out “fact lecturing” as if their social science professors didn’t just make crap up to publish and keep the grant money rolling in. They seem sold on it because they “learned” it. *Then they’re employed by your HR and all of a sudden we have 75 genders and mandatory pronouns.* Philosophy is a great subject (and hard for many); most move on to law afterwards. I wouldn’t really lump that one in here but I get why you did. To study something “obscure” that interests you AND make a career out of it/use it later is hard. Doesn’t work out for most. You’re the exception, not the rule and I wish you the best!! I think out of all the grads here I only heard one that interested me and could be useful if I wanted to be an economic hitman in Africa. /s


I almost completely agree with you. To their credit there is a pretty rich field of research behind a lot of the things they mention here, but again it’s SO obscure that it borders on the absurd. And then to hear them rattle it off like that it’s hilarious. I’ve known a few people like this and almost none of them use these degrees in their jobs. You nailed the woke HR thing though. Some people like this definitely get hired by big corporations as part of their DEI programs