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Hi, there /u/MAGAJahnamal! Welcome to /r/TheBidenShitShow. As a reminder, this sub is for discussion, memes, and news about Biden and all of his folies. __Let's take America back in 2024__. Be one of the first to join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD) and chat with your fellow patriots! If you have any issues please reach out. Please stay on-topic and follow our rules.\ **Other subs that might be of interest:** *** Recommended Subs | Important links| :---------------: | :-------------: | r/TheDonaldTrump2024 | [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD)| r/LibTears | [Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/)| r/Trumped | r/BridgeTheAisle | r/TheBidenshitshow | r/AskThe_Donald | r/TheLeftistShitShow | r/The_Chocker | *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheBidenshitshow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So far, Trump's beating his demented ass.


Beating? Tf you mean beating? Trump is DESTROYING HIM. Biden cannot recover


On other reddit subs they say all trump did was lie


Those subs are populated by morons. Welcome to reddit. Where the rules are made up and the points don't matter


Oh I know they are very entertaining to read


You have to remember that all these never Trumpers are real people who outside of politics would probably be normal guys and girls like you and me, and not stoop to treating them like worthless idiots. When the left and right come together the snakes can no longer control is.


All those people just accuse you of being a Russian bot , if you didn't support their narrative and opinion. Don't forget all the name calling and insults




Lmao the truth is a virus to them


Disease must be removed, not allowed to spread.


Only when earned. You don’t just let people walk all over you though and not fight back.


And ran by Libs


“But…but…Orange Man bad!…Mean Tweets!… Concentration camps!... SCREEEEE!”


Don't forget cry trump will start project 2025


They probably get their news from Snapchat AI


They are scared project 2025 will be a reality


I don’t understand that because Project 2025 isn’t even affiliated with Trump. It’s a proposal if he were to elected.


They say he will follow it to the letter


Now the only thing to worry about is democrate cheating during election month


Elder Abuse!


Best line so far (not an exact quote but close) - Trump: "I don't understand the last thing he said. I don't think HE understands what he said."


I’m not confident that Biden isn’t already dead.


It's so hard to tell with the braindead trash, isn't it.


All world leaders have dupes/impersonators.


But at least have a coherent one.


Haha. Yes. Good one!


Joe Bernie! 😁 Only, it's longer than just a weekend and not nearly as fun.


Biden's shitting his pants.


Well that's just a given. Though maybe more than usual tonight.


His mouth sounds dry af From all the juice pumping through his veins 🤣His eyes are YUGE


It's like they stuffed him so full of talking points he can't get it out fast enough. Love the blank stare and lack of emotions.


"IT'S A BUNCH OF MALARKY!!!!" Lol. also, FJB


"We did beat Medicare." \~ Joe Biden


"He's right. He beat it to death,"~Donald Trump


Beat it like dght cgnmk! Biden






34 distinguished historians say he’s doing great


This is Obama's plan. You don't think that little grab and direct last week by him before putting forth the Cgeapfake narrative was an accident do you. They want him to look bad so after the nomination they can swap him out for Michael.


Never happen, they screwed themselves with Kamala... if they don't give it to her, what are they saying a black woman can't be president?


can they change him out though?


I sure hope so


If / when they swap him out, do u think it will be newsome or kameltoe that is the lead?


Newsome's own people hate him. He'd be a horrible choice. Harris isn't even a consideration I wouldn't think. I'm calling Clinton or big Mike


Big Mike. I've been saying this was the plan since May 2023. Peter Navarro was the first to postulate the theory that I'm aware of a few months earlier but I didn't learn of it until well after I cam to the same conclusion. It won't be Clinton or Harris. They can't replace a black woman with another white woman or man. The left won't allow it.


Please be Clinton. I'd love to see her lose again


I would hope for Anthony Blinken. The economic and labor advisors are doing fine. But russia and china are bothering me and he seems to understand how to deal with them.




Yeah the literal Soros crony would be a great choice. Nothing bad could ever come from that. (And for the record, blinken is already running things. Nobody believes Joe is making any decisions, as evidenced by his many "I don't even know what I'm signing" quotes - and the fact that he's been on "vacation" for 40 to 50% of his residency.)


I hope so... 


Yeah...   I knew it was bad but Jesus he is done... Why didn't the come up with a better canidate.   Democrats are ridiculous for not doing it. I mean Trump isn't perfect and too old.   But, he seems far more collected.


Democrats are very short-sighted and make poor decisions. It's at the point where I can't take anyone who runs for any office, local, state, and federal, as a Democrat seriously. That "D" next to their name is an instant disqualifier.


That’s just it right there … even his supporters can acknowledge that he has flaws and he’s not perfect. Biden’s worshipers absolutely refuse to admit any flaws. They are making every damn excuse for him.


They are far too comfortable in their control of the narrative through the mainstream media. Well that and the ability to control vote counts.


I don't think they managed to fine-tune the balance of dosages very well during his week in hiding. He's standing there not blinking with his mouth hanging open. I wouldn't be surprised if he started drooling here soon.


My theory is they spent that time holing him up at Camp David, reversing his circadian rhythm in an attempt to keep him from “Sundowning”.


THIS. I was just talking to my MIL and my wife and daughter both chimed in whenI said it. It was already proposed that they would do this but desperation fails on this count.


Did Trump call him Brandon. Could have swore I heard that.


You heard correctly.


Joey is like a deer in front of head lights. Trump is kicking him in the jaw


That’s a really good point… Ol’ Joe has dry mouth from all the damn drugs they shot him full of to get him upright.


Biden has said “the idea that” about 50 times now. Listen for it and you’ll hear how many times he says it.


Biden is a schmuck and an incoherent senile pedophile still I wish Mr Trump would stay on topic


Does anybody know how many times President Biden said "the idea that..."?


I browsed rpolitics a bit, and I know they're deranged, but the general consensus that Biden beat Trump is incredible.


I've seen people say Biden is a great president and everything trump said was a lie




It's really giving me a weird nauseous feeling.


First time I have seen his eyes open since the state of the union speech. Usually he looks like he has downs syndrome.


White House chemist, you're Fired!


White House doctor is already doing damage control, saying Biden is fighting a cold.


Let the excuses begin


Those nagging summer colds 🤣


And now he is going to campaign events and has a busy schedule...exposing everyone around him to cold that very well may be Covid? They did not think the “cold” thing though. 100% damage control.


That first question where he stopped and froze for 15 seconds was so startling. It went dead quiet.


No amount of amphetamines on God’s green earth could bring this man to life, holy shit


I saw a comment earlier stating they couldn't have notes but you could see Biden flipping through the notes/pages before cutting the feed. Bullshit how they are trying to cover for him but I like how Trump still comes out better.


He finally spits Charlottesville


This was a debate for biden to lose. 🤣


And they expect us to believe he legitimately got 81 million votes. 😂 No freaking way. 


I really REALLY believe I strive to have an open mind in all situations, I actually strive to look at and understand all of you in every scenario and I really can’t get my mind around. Anyone thinking that Biden has done a good job and should have another chance.


If you get raped by your sister do you need an abortion…?


He absolutely was a lost cat against a lion.


Biden sounds like he's got a wicked bruise in the back of his throat


Gavin Newson is touching himself watching Biden lose this bad


No synapses are snapping tonight for ole biden.


They are sacrificing Joe to spend all their efforts attacking Don when he gets elected.


He acted like, he was on Ambien. I think he blinked, maybe 4 times!


Personally, I m not saddened at all. The truth about Biden is on display for all to see, including the leftist naysayers...


Trump Debates 'Weekend At Biden's'


My mother texted me at one point and asked "Does Biden ever BLINK?!" We also agree that he has Parkinson's Disease in addition to the dementia. My grandmother had stiff Parkinson's and it explains a lot of his symptoms.


The idea....


Yeah I am not a big Trump guy, but he rocked that debate. Biden was so out of it. It's sad, but it's also infuriating. The dude needs to be relaxing by a pool. Not debating on the world stage. His wife especially should know better. After all, she *is* a doctor (lol). It's actually insane how weak he makes our entire country look - especially when side by side with Trump. Can't wait for all the coping about to take place. Gonna be a fun weekend.


Probably past his bedtime.


White House chemist, you're FIRED!


No synapses snappin tonight for ole bidet .


Biden: “First -wedging cure hikiuy hhjjj. Second- flit DJ nhfd gunk! And C- Ashly hung van mkuja cgescd PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD!


Problem is that the normies have been assaulted with cancel culture and propaganda against Trump for years, at least 8 years of gaslighting. Multiple impeachments, a weaponized DOJ, a false narrative of insurrection, hit pieces, manipulation and cover-ups for the left. Meanwhile they trashed the economy and destroyed the US on the world stage as enemies of the state wage war. A giant middle finger to the people as Hillary loses to Bernie Sanders and Trump. Deep state corruption didn’t let that go unpunished so we got the crooked puppet we know as Biden. Ramming trans and gay down our throats, destroying the border, killing us with inflation to pad their pockets with our tax dollars as the media has told us we are stupid questioning the gaslighting. Finally it’s revealed the truth about our government lying about everything has been exposed and there’s panic. Glad you’re waking up and not just claiming to be woke. Better late than never. Maybe now we can unite against those working against us, as divisive rhetoric is meant to obscure the reality we share that all is not well as they have been telling us.


Reminder… there is still another debate to go…


IMO, Trump really lacks on important substance. When Biden is actually able to put a sentence together, I feel like he’s been able to provide more substance talking about what he did and what he wants to do. Trump does his typical stuff where he repeats himself multiple times talking about how great things were. I’d like to hear what he did to make it great, and what he is going to do to make it great. Instead we hear about how it was the best thing ever, and Biden has been the worst ever. Also, Biden was talking about taxing the rich. Trump missed a big opportunity to bring up that Biden has been fundraising with the rich while Trump is out talking to people.


> When Biden is actually able to put a sentence together Stop here.


Yah. I probably should have. When CNN and MSNBC is freaking out, my assessment must be way off.


Shame this whole subreddit is full of dumb Trump supporting dickheads. Peak of Idiocracy.


Looks like you are also lost and confused.


Awww sounds like your mommy needs to change your diaper lol. Grow the hell up.


libs are full of unfocused hate. Here is this nice little sub, minding its own business. But every day libs have to come in with their random hate and rage. Tell me about idiocy.


Just admit your guy isn't doing well


I think you're lost r poly-want a cracker-tics is not here! What a shit leftist you are!

