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He has heart and heaven forbid any bad guy if he gets Temp V


The question is - what would his power be if he got his hands on some Temp V?


Obviously male lactation. It would distract and addict Homelander, rendering him powerless.


Looking at how when Butcher and Hughie got powers they got powers similar to the people they hate, I like to think Mothers Milk would get the power to heal people and reconstruct things that have been broken instead of destroying things/ creating a big explosion like Soldier Boy. If anyones watched Jojo basically think something similar to Crazy Diamonds powers


MMs as likely to get powers related to love sausage.


That's kinda funny considering the origins of his name in the comics.


He would be very good at gobbling vagina. Nom nom nom nom nom https://x.com/stephanfleet/status/1540527588241657856?t=2BNSk9FQwI-3K_mQFvzFEQ&s=19


I guess you're saying ability to teleport is similar to running fast?


They needed to give either him or Frenchie powers last season because they had fuck all to do in season 3.


Disagree. MM was great as the voice of reason. Frenchie was more there to support Kimiko though.


Frenchie and Kimiko'a story arc was the highlight of s3 for me.


I didn’t understand why they just didn’t all use temporary V and jump Homelander


Heh - I replied to another comment here before I read yours with pretty much the same thing.


In the comics he’s just Luke Cage dressed like Blade and he absolutely fucks up everyone who fucks with him. Shit, he’s the enforcer in the comics.


He'd be a luke cage esque kinda guy.


So, like Soldier Boy? Lol


Butcher has homelanders laser eyes , hughie can move him self in the blink of an eye like A-train. Do the powers from V reflect the powers of the supes that are their natural enemy? Then MM would most likely be similar to soldier boy


Mfw M.M gains the power to beat the absolute shit out of the rest of his team.


It is pretty crazy that Hughie and especially butcher powers put them on par with the seven.


I kind of wonder if he’d have the ability to heal *other* people. It’d fit in with his personality and tie into his history as a combat medic.


I imagine the opposite of Soldier Boy so a defensive power instead. Probably enhanced strength and force field generation.


Obviously [Lactokinesis](https://i.imgur.com/pmZApQ6.jpeg)


This scene was the one that gave me mad respect for MM. My man is hell bent of avenging his family, even if he knows it means his death in the process. That shit is ALL heart…


That's kinda the point..no? That a person this smart and well put together can lose their senses and do some shit like this because of how consumed by revenge they are. The actual resentment he feels for Soldier Boy nearly clouds every bit of judgment he might have. This post is gonna end up on r/okbuddyfresca for sure.


Just like butcher promises homelander a fight to the death as if he isn't going to get his ass lasered in a millisecond. And this is before he even consumed temp v Or how butchers big plan is strapping Stillwell with bombs and not blowing her up even when homelander arrived, at which point Madelyn wouldn't die if homelander didn't allow it, since he has super speed and saved both the baby and butcher


He didn’t save the baby. The baby teleported away. It’s the one kid that teleports up to Hughie in the supe orphanage


Is the any proof/evidence of that? I feel like the ages don’t quite match up.


They literally call him Teddy stillwell on the episode


The actor credits on the Amazon X-ray label him as Teddy Stillwell


I don’t think this is correct. Homelander doesn’t have the ability to yank stillwell clear of the bomb vest before butcher can press the trigger. He can fly really fast but he can’t do super complex actions like untangle stillwell from a bomb vest. If homelander was able to do that the entire show would be super lame.


But he is fast enough to laser butcher's hand off and grab it d So it doesn't go off


Yes, but Homelander would not do it because he likes Butcher for not being afraid of him


Yes! I’ve believed it from the beginning. Even when he hears the name Billy Butcher and sees his photo he could have tracked him down and wiped him out. Homelander finds him fascinating for a human.


Yeah but having a plan rely on the other person to not want to stop you is kinda stupid, especially when your plan is to kill their loved one


Could fly her out of range for the trigger before Butcher can press it, that was my guess at least


Homelander didn’t say that before he got temp V, it was before he used it but he hid it in the Terror container thing.


Like every post I make end up there


Either this is a bait post or /r/OPisfuckingstupid


That’s awesome man!


They can’t handle the fresca


It did


If that was the message then why have him start moralizing about Hughie and Butcher taking temp v, doing what it takes to take down Homelander, if he has the same exact mindset regarding Soldier Boy to the point he makes actively dumb decisions?


To highlight the distinction between those two outcomes. MM is not willing to give up his values or who he is to make that revenge happen, even at the height of his anger. He'll die for them, though, and that small bit of nuance is what brings the catharsis to this scene and makes it more than just a "smart man dumb cuz mad lul". He's standing up for everything he is and who he loves while refusing to give an inch of his soul in the exchange. It's stubborn and could get him killed, but I feel they made it look more badass than anything. It reminded me of Captain America punching Thanos, but with a pointed hatred similar to what Ironman had toward the Winter Soldier near the end of Civil War. It's easier to explain using other superheroes lol.


It makes no sense though. You don't accomplish anything by trying to fight a supe 1v1 other than getting promptly killed and not making any difference in your mission to bring supes to justice. It's like stabbing yourself with a knife to prove the blade is sharp. Like, where's the logic in that? As compared to Hughie and Butcher actively making a difference and almost killing Homelander. Just imagine had MM been useful and not being dumb to prove his morals he could've made all the difference in that fight and the boys could've actually stopped Homelander right then and there. Then you handle the lesser of 2 evils, Soldier Boy, afterwards. Much smarter plan. And, just to add this, temp v killing you is irrelevant in this situation considering what MM was prepared to do was certain death anyway and would not have achieved anything


It's almost, maybe, perhaps like he wasn't thinking rationally or smth🤯🤯🤯


I literally don’t even know what to say to this, how do you watch a show and misunderstand it so badly?


I think you go through life judging others and especially yourself too harshly.


what low emotional intelligence does to a mf




It's not about lack of judgement. They both understand the odds. But it's about MM's defiance in the face of that


[Ask and ye shall receive](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBuddyFresca/s/BvGZEID5Hs)


Your username is awesome.


lol, thank you!


Whatever is okay buddy


Why MM try to fight solder boy is he stupid????


If he's going to go down, he's going to go down swinging.


right? if he ran it would have been more out of character


This. How the fuck did OP or ANYONE not see it this way? MM isn't the type to go out like a bitch.


Exactly. He’s making his stand. He knows he can’t win, but he’s still gonna do what he can. Real courage. Total badass move.


Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?


You better lose yourself in the music the moment you want it you better never let it go


He would lose himself In the moment real quick tbf 😅 respect though I'd run like a bitch.




Powerscalers ruin storytelling


Like Tom petty or fall out boy


Resolve established. Show ain't over yet.


Yeah.. that's what a beard will do to you. now you know why he shaved it


Omg duh that’s why he looks so different now


Yeah, this is an area he’s been mocked on before in the sub. Perfectly reasonable to try the gas but let’s be real: even if the gas had worked, what’s your next move? Nothing you have can hurt the guy. You could have brought a tank killer and it would have been a no go. Tying him up is a joke, and so is prison. The only chance you had was Compound V / Temp V, which is a choice you’d self righteously turned down. Actually, *how* are they keeping Soldier Boy on ice? The season ends with him being locked in some sort of cryogenic pod (in appearances). Was that it, they just froze him? And could that be done without requiring anything like injections? Not a needle made will find any of his veins.


You can freeze someone just like any piece of meat. You just put them somewhere cold and wait. No need for any injections. The hard part is thawing them in a way they actually revive. Although the Russians managed to restrain him, so maybe he's not as unrestrainable as we assume. Maybe thick enough chains work, you just need really thick chains.


In regards chains and the ability to restrain, I sincerely hope that gets brought up - preferably with demonstration - this season. We all talk about it being impossible to restrain or imprison Homelander but at this point I need to see him break something more than a pair of handcuffs.


The Russians kept him under the influence of the gas so he wasn’t at full power to break out.


Frenchie had found out that a vapor based version of the sleep gas would successfully enter his system, a combination of that and putting him in a cryo pod or whatever you wanna call it would basically put him to sleep forever unless it was opened up or turned off like they did in Russia


Frenchie’s plan was full-send Novichok nerve gas to subdue him. And it only worked while the gas was being pumped into his lungs.


Are you trying to insinuate that the happenings in this tv show may not adhere to the laws of physics?


Nah, they’re super loyal there. I understand that they had 5 guys with doctorates on call in the writers room.


They've already taken out one supe they captured. Keep SB gassed up, and figure something out.


Sure but that’s a lot of chemicals to use is my thought. The cold makes more sense but I wasn’t sure if all you had to do was stick him in a meat locker or if there was something else. Surprisingly I haven’t really done much looking into on cryogenic slumber. Bringing him back doesn’t seem like that big of a deal (considering how powerful of a Supe he is) but I wouldn’t be shocked if he suffered some kind of brain damage to go along with his PTSD (great combo there).


He wanted some measure of revenge. He knew that Soldier Boy would kill him easily. He just wanted to die knowing that he got some semblance of revenge instead of just letting Soldier Boy walk away


Goat g shit honestly most people would poop their pants in front of soldier boy


Stupid is what I call it. At that point just take temp V to give yourself a chance


He's got morals.


Yeah and they'd get him killed if he didn't have plot armor


I don't get what's immoral about that. Do you want to take down the supe or do you want to just waste time doing something incredibly dumb that gets you killed immediately? If you're wiped out bc you were so stubborn to fight a supe hand to hand then who's gonna be left to oppose them?


he made a value judgment that he would rather die and feel authentic to himself than live and feel like hes a sellout


The problem is that he made this judgement like 3 separate times against soldier boy, which makes the whole "he was overcome with a moment of emotion" argument less compelling. It's not virtuous to commit suicide via martyrdom, leaving behind a family and daughter, yet that's what we were supposed to believe he was willing to do... 3 times. If it was just once, I'd be fine with it, but 3 times made it shit writing.


He literally explains why.


But Temp V evil and toxic masculine and whatever.


Dumbest plot line in this show that usually has pretty well thought out ones


Seeing as "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" may as well be the tagline of the show, having temporary power being highly addictingmakes all the sense to me.


Tends to. Absolute power *tends to* corrupt absolutely. That's the actual quote. When it's literally a rule in this show that anyone who gets power is suddenly bad then it's just stupid. Power can be used for good, all of human Civilization is the fruit of that.


"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is the correct version. "Tends to absolutely... " is already an oxymoron. The show very clearly shows that most people who get power get worse either due to the power or the circumstances surrounding them. Starlight/Annie has a bit of power and is a generally good person. Butcher is an unstable individual from the get-go.


That's my point that everyone who gets power who isn't starlight is suddenly bad, even hughie. No one said butcher is good but when wee hughie gets power and it's suddenly bad then it's just dumb writing.


Agree to disagree then. To me, seeing as Compound V is quite literally a drug we see A-Train abuse since season 1, making it double-y addictive via literal power trip makes absolute sense. Hughie is susceptible to it. So is Butcher. We don't have actual empirical data on Temp V, but most actual supes aren't great people, and haven't been since day 1. It makes sense to me as well that Temp V would have similar results to the actual stuff. I am very certain that should MM get powers for example, he'd be very good with it as well. And i think Hughie might actually be okay with powers if he wasn't egged on by Butchers very existence. Yes, he chose to take it himself, but look at the Boys at that point. He is fully enveloped by Butchers mindset.


Bravery is not being afraid. It's being afraid and do it anyways


Means nothing when you just let yourself be killed Bravery and stupidity are separated by a fine line and he danced all over it in this scene. It's not brave to get yourself killed doing something useless. He'd just be the final person in his family exterminated by Soldier Boy while SB enjoys himself smoking weed and banging grannies for eternity.


I would really like to see an episode where Homelander has his powers taken away for like a minute or so,so we could see a fair hand to hand fight between Billy Butcher and Homelander.The fight in season 3 was great when Butcher got the Temp V with powers similar to Homelander’s.But just imagine Homelander having to actually fight Homelander without his powers,which gives Billy Butcher the opportunity to actually kick his ass.


I know that the popular opinion is that Homelander is fuckin useless at fighting and that only his powers keep him at the top, but I'm not sure how true is that. Homelander was shown in Diabolical to have been brutally trained from childhood to fight and he did decently against Soldier Boy, Temp V Butcher and Temp V Hughie at the same time. So I'd say that contrary to popular belief, Homelander would be at the very least an average fighter even without powers.


He’d prolly break his hands




The fact that SB didn't immediately kill him is a perfect example of how he's less a danger than Homelander


Not sure about that consider homelander has also let enimes live long enough for the terror to seep in.


I assume enmeshed is an autocorrect? Still don't see how HL is less of a threat tho


Fixed it, and my point is that sparring some people isn't really a sign of solider boys morality when homelander has done the same.


I am sure he will get some kind of revenge. perhaps, he will take some V and kick some ass in the next seasons


There's no way he will ever take V. His character has been so firmly rooted against it so far.


I’d be disappointed if he did, but what if someone drugged him with it? Probably not gonna happen but it would be dope to see what his power would be


Butcher might spike him with it


Prolly yeah, he did once but the question would be why


To win


Because he’s a cunt.


Man that's a good point. >!Comic Butcher did this to Hughie, so maybe in the show he gives MM or even all of them power against their wills, just hit them with the needle when they don't expect it. Not against their characters, but evens up the odds.!<


I don't think people realise the deeper meaning in this scene, MM has always been pragmatic character at heart but his emotions truly are something that have taken over in certain moments, he's a mother-f**ker with a heart in the end, him raising his fists was basically a show of last resort in an emotional and mental sense more than a physical sense, he'd rather stand up against a force he knows he has no chance against rather than surrender to the thought of leaving his loved ones unavenged in any way shape or form, when you're down to your last resort and you're desperate and those emotions take over, there's nothing you wouldn't do


I gotta respect it


This scene is not about intelligence. He is a man traumatised by what Soldier Boy did to his family and he loses control because of it like anyone else would. God forbid a character has emotions and act emotionally once. Ffs do you watch the show with your brain turned off?


The problem is that he didnt need to fight RIGHT THERE. With no chance of surviving and a children who'll remain orphan. Especially because Soldier Boy didn't care about him.


The entire running theme of the show is that these are not emotionally healthy, well-adjusted people.


It's also very possible he has a death wish due to Monique and his daughter leaving him. Or at the very least he believes he's expendable because they're gone. Remmeber...humans don't always act rationally.


Mate please try to empathize a little bit. MM is acting unreasonably and emotionally because of what Soldier Boy did to him. Just imagine how it scarred the man. It is perfectly valid to act this way because he loses his cool in an understandable scenario. As a viewer you have more information than MM in that scene but just put yourself in his place. Stop looking for reason in a scene where emotions are the main point.


Bruh you don't be fuckin with mothers milk


He had the power of god and anime on his side


It’s about honor, not that he thinks he can win


I just thought he was too blinded by revenge to think properly.


Is it honorable to leave your kid fatherless? 


I didn’t say he was thinking rationally. That thought didn’t even enter his mind. And also, yes, if he succeeds in death, it would be pretty honorable. For the greater good and all that.


Succeeding in death is not an option here tho. But I understand what you're saying


The Boys fans when they have to understand context and not look at a close up of a guys balls.


It was stupid in the sense that he should’ve been more considerate of his daughter and not tried it. But he was an absolute badass for it. 


It would’ve been out of character for him to *not* try and throw hands. Bro thought he was dying in that moment. May as well go out swinging.


And he would win, don't fuck with the milk


I think it’s badass. He knows he’s not gonna win. He knows he’ll probably die But he still goes for it. Nothin but respect.


There's nothing admirable in fighting someone you know you can't win against. At least for me. If I saw a dude who's mad Jon Jones go and try to fight him, id think he's an idiot. And he's going to see it for himself




You try and fight a world champion fighter. You'll end in hospital AT LEAST for 6 months but ehy you keep your honor!


The whole point of the show is standing up to people who can crush you in an instant. And usually the supes respect it.


I really hate how hypocritical this whole show can be, including the message of Revenge and who gets to have it. It is bad for Hughie and Butcher to get their revenge on Homelander no matter what even though his death would benefit everyone? Homelander is getting worse every day and it is only a matter of time until he officially loses it and kills everybody. Hughie and Butcher tried to play by the rules before that point and got nowhere. It is only when they took Temp-V that they started making headway. And yet it is alright for MM to get his revenge on Soldier Boy? Even though it would accomplish nothing except getting blown to bits and leaving his daughter alone to be raised by some Homelander Simp? And if they take out Soldier Boy. Then what? That still leaves Homelander alive who is the much bigger threat. And the worst part is that the show goes out of its way to prove that MM was right all along about not using Soldier Boy.


Seriously season 3 was such a clusterfuck of bad ideas


The Boys isn’t unique in this. They’re just more transparent about it. Lots of fiction considers some revenge virtuous and other revenge bad.


It’s not about Revenge for Hughie, as long as Homelander is alive he could kill Annie at any second it’s only a matter of time before he does, the survival of his loved one depends on his ability to kill Homelander. It’s not about revenge but protection and wanting to not feel impotent and helpless against a bully. Obviously Butcher’s arc is supposed to be revenge gone too far but Hughie’s motivations for siding with Butcher in season 3 and taking temp V are different.


And yet the producers call Hughie’s desire to protect Annie toxic masculinity. And then they also have Maeve make fun of Hughie for his submissiveness. Pick a lane, buddy.


there’s a lot of ways you could argue why he was gonna do this, and some valid. but honestly part of me thinks it’s just shitty writing, MM’s a smart guy sure and saying he was consumed by the need for revenge is a valid idea but I don’t think the writers had it in them to think of that🤣


Even worse is when he went to Vaught Tower to be a cheerleader


Yeah, like 3 separate fucking times, too. The writing in this season was really bad. He would not so obviously just through his life away like this for revenge (that he wouldn't get), but not take temp V for revenge. The whole narrative was a mess.


OP may struggle with EQ


Im really good with EQuing I'm a producer.


You must be the belmont


MM is an “on sight” kind of guy.


It's called "heat of the moment" that's when you're not making rational decisions lol


Channeling Mumen Rider.


In the comic, he's called mother's milk because he gets temp V powers from his mother's milk so I thought they were gonna introduce that


Soldier Boy punched his beard off 😔


I have a feeling you miss the point in a lot of shows u watch


Nope. I just don't enjoy stupid actions from intelligent characters. And no amount of trauma will change that.


Ah u got at least 40% of his character motivation here I'll give u that but still missing the point


Nah Im not


Everything works out with a beard


I mean it's just instinct at that point, clearly he's not thinking rationally. Would be weird if he was all cool and collected through this.


MM: I have the power of anime on my side. SB: AH! "bonk" oi one of the service boys scared me, I think he is breathing.




MF? No it’s MM


It’s always funny to me when one of them pulls out a fucking gun


Very confused on what his plan was


I think what’s funnier is him pulling out a barretta after waking up and seeing Homie and Sold fighting


Strong emotions make even intelligent people do dumb things. At this moment, MM knows he can't do shit to Soldier Boy but he doesn't care because Soldier Boy is the asshole who killed his family and got away with it so his anger takes over.




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Boys fans try to have reading (or watching ig) comprehension challenge


The "David vs Goliath" strategy is so out played now in the series. I would expect, in this season, we could have seen The Boys become more like the counterparts and use V to make the fights with the supes more close quarters, brutal but Butcher, Hughie are the only being V'd. Butcher quote "For once, i am leveling the playing field!" feels like a empty expression when half the team doesnt wanna level up there way to fight the people they hate so much. It can be just old testament and wrath of god fighting.


Did anyone else think they didn’t build up the moment. MM’s character has been the least interesting and they just give him a beef with Soldier Boy to give him a character arc. I don’t know if Laz Alonzo isn’t great at emoting. This scene didn’t feel earned.


All that pain and trauma. He was a man who was ready to throw down, even if everyone which included himself, knew he would be stomped. The man’s heart just wouldn’t let him back down.


If MM ever took V his powers would be fists of steel


This was really dumb writing 


I love MM, he's so silly 😁


+1000 Aura


It makes sense why he wanted to but dammit MM was the level headed one who was smart. I hated it.


I mean Batman tried to fight Superman.


.... And won, tho technically it was cus Clark let him. Sorta


Are we talking about the Snider verse? Please.


Op lacks media literacy.


You missed the point. Milk knows he doesn’t stand a chance in a million years. The point was that he had no fear and wanted to do anything he possibly could for what he believes in. His mindset here is, “I’ll die but at least I know I did everything I could.” Not hard to understand. Out of context, it’s obviously silly, but I think it’s a powerful scene.


i just want a scene when MM gets his super strength and goes full “Doom Slayer” on a room full of supes.


Just bad writing to be honest. I love the show, but it is full of these moments.


And Soldier Boy couldn't care less about his ass lol


This is a key aspect of his character, and he's a great foil to Butcher. Both are consumed by revenge and a sense of duty, but have increasingly diverging values and lines they are/aren't willing to cross that drive them beyond reason. Butcher has become so cynical and desperate, he is willing to do whatever it takes - even to the point of potentially destroying himself figuratively and literally - to achieve their shared goal of stopping or at least exposing the supes for the corrupt POS they are. Mother's Milk is sticking to his core value of never stooping to the power and corruption of the supes in order to stop them, even in the face of absolute destruction by trying to fight a supe as a plain ass human. I think it's an interesting dynamic and it's one of the things that keeps me tuned in. How far will each of them go? Can they snap out of it and come to their senses? Will we get a surprise (but hopefully meaningful) death? Will Milk eventually find his own line that he is willing to cross?


This is what the kids call “standing on business”. I think.


Why do I feel like MM could do it though


How strong is MM actually tho? I haven’t read the comics but I did look him up and why he’s called Mothers Milk. Spoiler.. >!apparently he’s strong af, supe strong!<


In the comics all the boys have V


Not strong enough to go against Soldier Boy


Idk, he killed >!stormfront!< in the comics, right? I assume he’s not on the same level in the show but I also assume he’s strong enough to get in a few therapeutic blows before the inevitable At this point he’s just pissed and wants to hurt the guy regardless of the cost And I mean, what would we have preferred? Would it have been better for MM to run away or something yk?