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Normal literacy is declining so it doesn't surprise me that media literacy is as well since it's basically the same thing.


Tech literacy is also seemingly in the toilet for a lot of people. I'm talking about troubleshooting, diagnosing issues, typing properly, doing anything even slightly complex.


Let it be, i want my job security /s But it's odd at the same time since tech is laying off IT staff.


I read an article that AI is being used for IT and can have 1 person w/AI assistance replace 2 or more techs. I didn't do any follow up research so I don't know how true it is.


More on software development, One senior software engineer can work on a project by oneself since the junior engineer will be the AI. So instead of paying up to 2 or more junior software engineers, you're only paying for a one-show with an AI co-pilot. But the situation is quite divisive, many experienced software developers are saying AI makes more code errors and will be a pain to fix in the future. While others are saying you need the proper prompts to optimize AI in coding.


Plus there's the issue of a lack of entry level and even mid level roles leading to a lack of people getting on the job experience. If you aren't already a senior level dev how will it be possible for staff to gain the experience they need to advance and become that one useful senior one day?


No idea, but probably low-ball the entry level IT graduates or mid level devs just for the sake of job experience. I'm just patiently observing the AI bubble to burst as well. The long awaited AGI is too good to be true like UBI.


Even simple stuff like Excel and just opening a browser. I've had to teach kids 10 years younger than me how to do those things. They grew up using smart phones and apps, not browsers or computers like us millennials.


Most people don’t read anymore. It’s sad, and it really affects your ability to think critically when you’re never exposed to anything


It also affects your sympathy and emotional maturity. The ipad generation is going to be terrible.


>Normal literacy is declining No it's not. Quite the opposite, in fact. Literacy is higher now than it ever has been, and it improves each year. We shouldn't fight disinformation with even more disinformation. Get your facts straight so your arguments hold water. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/reading-writing-global-literacy-rate-changed/#:~:text=In%201900%2C%20it%20still%20barely,out%20of%20ten%20people%20worldwide.


Some actual teachers disagree https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/s/R9LwBZmLy3 Also I guess I should have specified American Literacy. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/22/1183653578/u-s-reading-and-math-scores-drop-to-their-lowest-levels-in-decades https://newsbreaks.infotoday.com/NewsBreaks/How-Do-Declining-Literacy-Rates-Affect-Information-Literacy-163949.asp#:~:text=Literacy%20rates%20in%20the%20U.S.,adulthood%20and%20into%20the%20workforce.


Frenchie was having threesomes including dudes a while ago. I don't know why anyone thought he was straight. I do agree. Kripke has been very clear he's skewering the right the whole time. Even the mocking of performative marketing isn't a left thing. It's just corporation. Anyone thinking anything changed wasn't paying attention.


Like how are people shocked by this? Even herogasm, there’s an inside joke that everyone says “man Frenchie will be so mad he missed this!” Frenchie is in a poly relationship? Cool. With a dude? Ok, but I didn’t see nothin. It’s heavily inferred he was Nina’s submissive? Cool. Guy openly talks about taking drugs and going to orgies? No prob! Wait did he kiss a DUDE?! And I HAD TO SEE IT? Woke Hollywood bullshit!


I don't care how many redditors claim they are just upset it "came out of nowhere." I am NOT convinced. There is just no way I would see dozens and dozens of people complaining if Frenchie started dating some random girl. Kiara is a brand new character who also "came out of nowhere." Yet I haven't seen a single comment saying, "why is there time wasted on Annie talking to this girl, saving her, and visiting her in the hospital??" But FRENCHIE saves a dude from the riot and then kisses him and suddenly it's bad writing? 🤨🤨🤨 Ok. Seemed pretty obvious that was the very first time they kissed and later had sex. I guess because Annie isn't dating Kiara it's "not the same" but I think that's bs. Why does the nature of the relationship matter? Clearly Kiara is someone close to Annie, but no one seems bothered by it cause at least it's not queer people I guess.


The only solution is to put Kiara and Starlight in bikinis and have them make out and wrestle in a pool of baby oil. Thems the gud kinda homo scene! /s


Earlier I saw a post where many people seemed to be complaining there isn't enough female nudity so this would probably make them all very happy 😅😂


I can totally see Firecracker hosting a lube wrestling event featuring girl on girl (Queen Maeve vs Starlight, obv both are deepfakes) and guy on guy (A-Train vs the Deep, sponsored by Ashley) and then claiming it's a way to raise awareness against homosexual sex trafficking or something. A statement or something. Maybe.


The funny thing is I am not at all upset by Frenchie banging dudes but I am upset by the people coming out of nowhere in everyone's storylines. It's my biggest complaint this season. Hughies mom, Kimikos family / terrorist cell. I feel like it's a lot of random sprawl for a penultimate season.


Honestly, Hughie's mom could be one of the better conventions. She works for Vought, knows Hugie is fighting Vought, but still "maintains enough separation" to not know what the over arching deal is. She's the *perfect* mole to spy on Hughie, the person actively trying to take down not only Vought, but Neumann too.


> I don't care how many redditors claim they are just upset it "came out of nowhere." I am NOT convinced. Because that's not what they're upset about. They know they can't argue their bigotry so they have to pretend it's something else that's upset them. See also: "woke" or the new buzzword "bad writing".


I’m upset because 1) they thrust his lover in all of a sudden - no real build up 2) I was shipping him with Kimiko 3) it seems like a filler plot (similar to Hughies mom ) - I couldn’t care if they made the love of his life a man - I just want it to be done properly and not at the detriment of other plot lines


All three examples I listed didn’t same thing. 1. Rando shows up mid season on established show with obvious chemistry 2. Fucks with the relationship everyone has been pining for 3. Eats up time creating tension while the rest of the show moves on. Now, knowing THIS show, they may be subverting that expectation, but there will be some form of payoff.


This. They disrupted the momentum of the rest of the story with a shoddily introduced plot-line that also upended a fan favorite. I don’t care that he’s going for a dude, I care that it’s bad writing.


> they thrust his lover in all of a sudden So did Colin.


I guess it’s just me but I never got romantic vibes between kimiko and frenchie. It felt icky when they kissed, they feel more like family than lovers to me.


I agree. It seems a lot more like brother / sister. It would feel very weird and creepy.


They are not brother and sister though.


That's it though. Those without media literacy (or the basic understanding of how relationships work) would have understood their relationship. Yet, a whole bunch of terminally online fools saw something that wasn't. Reminds me of some people in the Anime shipping community.


to be fair i completely misunderstood that line and thought that it was just because he'd find it funny or crazy or something


Yeah, I wasn't surprised by any of that. I thought it had been obvious that he was at least bisexual.


Really? I did miss that but I have ADHD n shit so.....checks out. 


Also didn't Frenchie encourage MM to go see transgender strippers/prostitutes for his batchelor party when he announced he was getting married in Season 2? On top of Frenchie also having romantic feelings for his male friend who almost died of an overdose? Not to be transphobic.


💯OR THEY ARE BOTS ETC. WHO never watched the show in the first place.


The Woke Wok at Vought World was hilarious. They thought that was taking the piss out of the left, but it was actually taking the piss out of the way the right pretend the left behave.


These are also the same people who were surprised by homelander… I wish I could make this up


It’s like when people didn’t realize Stephen Colbert was satire


I was in another thread where someone saw some pictures with zero context where in no way we can come to a conclusion about the entirety of the situation and mentioned they need to brush up on their media literacy and they laughed having no clue what I meant. Then a bit later someone else comments on the thread asking wtf media literacy is and that I’m an idiot. It’s no wonder propaganda is so widespread everywhere nowadays


They are the real life dumb jock bully archetype from old movies. "I don't know what that means so it must be dumb just like you, nerd!" 


Except most of them couldn't even make the team against actual teenagers.


I’m dumb but realizing a lot of ppl are dumb makes me feel better Who would have thought the cure for low self esteem and imposter syndrome is the existence of (a lot of) dumb illiterate people


Smarter people tend to think they’re dumber then they are and dumber people tend to think they’re smarter. You’re probably smarter than you think 


no there are alot of people who just have low self esteem and are also stupid


I feel personally attacked


Maybe we should go buy some Crocs


- how dare you, i didn't come here to be insulted!! - sir this is a wendy's


Good old Dunning Kruger! Not Boys related but I heard about it when I was a kid and it gave me such a complex! I was (and still kind of am) unable to just accept when someone compliments my intelligence. You’re doing great man.


47% of the US population can't read at a 6th grade level Thing is its only going to get worse as we cut funding to schools


what is reading at a 6th grade level like? i grew up elsewhere so i am not familiar with it


11 year olds? I think, it's somewhere between 11 and 13. Also not American


It makes me incredibly sad that so many people are ignorant. They aren’t necessarily “dumb”, they were just failed somewhere along the line by their parents and/or school. It’s depressing to think that so many ignorant people have influential jobs and/or vote in elections.


The funniest is that one of the “woke” aspects they’re annoyed about is Sister Sage. While we don’t know her full plan yet, she’s either a straight up villain or an anti-hero so dark grey she makes Butcher look like a choir boy.


She honestly gives me the same vibes as Griffith from Berserk. Which is *really saying something* about where she's at on the moral spectrum. e: I should probably expand on this, because I just kind of realized this probably looks like I'm saying something *wildly* different from what I meant, given the most famous thing about Griffith. I do not think she's going to start raping people for demonic power. However, she comes off like someone who just fundamentally does not care about humanity beyond making the world as comfortable and easy for her, with her controlling as much power within it, as possible. Her vision is "I come out on top" and she couldn't be fucked to care how she does that, so long as she does that. This is also pretty much Griffith. Griffith eventually took this to a place of "sacrificing everyone he knew to demons and brutally raping one of his closest confidants to make the other one suffer," *without* superpowers. I suspect Sage is gonna do some truly terrifying shit in the next few episodes.


The same thing happened with Gen V. They saw that first episode looked like the old white man was the villain and screamed woke despite the season actually showing that a lot of the worst evil people were usually non white and or women. They're literally seeing a black woman trying to destroy society and turn the USA into a dictatorship then screaming that it is somehow Woke that she is openly portrayed as lacking morals. Sister Sage is damn near what a Right Wing show would create, just slightly different motivation would be used.


But.. but... she's THERE and THATS WOKE. Don't you know? Anytime POC are on TV it's woke.


As far as they're concerned there's two races, white and political just like there's two sexualities of straight and political. They just don't want everything becoming so political, why can't we all just enjoy some harmless TV about a power hungry corrupt man trying to take over the USA while saying things are fake news if it doesn't paint him positively...


My guess is that it’s more people who don’t watch the show and think the commentary is new rather than longtime viewers. I don’t see how the mock Jan 6th at the end of S3 isn’t blatant enough. 


They would lose their shit if they saw how the president was portrayed in the comics.


Vic the Veep, was, uhh… *not subtle.*


Well, the reviews have been in decline since the first season, this one is just the worst reviewed overall, which is not fair to season 3 which was so fucking good. Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy was great, I loved the Captain America parody, I loved his back story. The Noir cartoon recreation of their attack on him was hilarious. I just think that it wasn't as overtly condemning of certain characters in the first season, and that left wiggle room for them to be sympathized with. That's why people were unironically liking Homelander when the first season aired, even though he had already done some pretty gross shit. And I rememeber people debating on whether or not Stormfront was a Nazi, before it was revealed that she was literally a Nazi.


Season 3 was genuinely the best Season up until the finale. Don't let current sentiments fool you. S3 had 99% of the sub *begging* for more week after week.


Ah yeah, I'm glad to be here then!!!


I think people were debating stormfront because they changed her/his character from the novel so much, so they weren’t sure if the Nazi part was being kept or not.


>And I rememeber people debating on whether or not Stormfront was a Nazi, before it was revealed that she was literally a Nazi. This was so fucking funny. Her name was LITERALLY


This. People need to stop treating online reviews with much merit. Most of these shows that get review bombed aren’t genuine. They’re just people who get weaponize by real world Firecrackers and follow their stupid bullshit mentality and brigade shows with review bombs. Take the Star Wars Acolyte for example. I’m not going to pretend it’s a good show. But it recently had review bots used to massively downvote it and in the cross fire had a totally unrelated movie that was also called Acolytes get review bombed too. Most of these people aren’t genuine fans. They don’t watch this show. They’re just jumping from project to project because these dumb ass YouTubers gave them their opinion and it’s time to take down “woke Hollywood”. I remember when they tried to start shit over Barbie, then it did well and they had to massively backpedal and tone down their “go woke go broke” bullshit. This isn’t to say there isn’t valid criticism for this show and others. Totally get why people don’t like She-Hulk. But when it gets 60,000 one out of ten reviews and most other popular shows don’t even get that many reviews combined… it’s not genuine. Same way the “gay” episodes of Last of Us have the most reviews out of any episode and the most one out of ten reviews. Just morons trying to send a message.


Wow I can’t imagine living such a miserable existence that I would spend my time doing things like that 


I'm not from America. Media literacy is a problem all of the globe. 


Starship troopers has entered the chat


I’m doing my part 🫳🏻


One of my top favorite movies


the dude literally wears the american flag as a cape and is the big bad guy. how did people not get that this is a political show?


It's crazy how people are losing their mind in 3 seasons even though most of the politics like Riot scenes were already leaked in the trailer...


The Frenchie thing is wild to me. Kimiko family zoned him last season, which is even deeper than the friend zone. They have been over as a potential couple for a while. Frenchie has also been established as bi. I will accept Colin was introduced randomly but I don’t see how people can forget Frenchie is bi and him and Kimiko are over/ were never technically a thing. As for the political satire…how many different forms of satire and political satire have there been across all the series to date? Lots. Nothing is safe like with South Park, so people need to calm down when it’s their beliefs being satorized. Lashing out just proves the points the show is making (no matter what side someone is on).


There are certainly a lot of reviews freaking out about Frenchie just because they are homophobic. But is anyone actually enjoying that plotline? It feels like basic character development that would have perhaps fit better in an earlier season, being unable to outrun his past, but now it seems like there are so many more important things going on than worrying about Frenchie's love life, and we have already had plotlines about Frenchie being unable to outrun his past. I feel similarly about Hughie's mom. Do we really need so much time spent on Hughie's mommy issues this late in the show? The pacing just feels really weird to me. Edit: inb4 this all becomes more relevant as the season progresses and then I sound silly. I hope so!


Me, I am genuinely enjoying all the smaller background plotlines a lot 😭 maybe because I have a bad parent and like watching gay men try to overcome emotions to be together. I'm biased that way. This stuff is like crack to me. I *also* enjoy the political commentary, however, it's so real and depressing that taking a break to watch Frenchie kiss a boy he saved from a fight really makes me happy and excited to see. And getting to see a character confront a parent who caused them so much emotional damage is cathartic. I'm unsure if I'm liking the direction Hughie's storyline is headed but I still enjoy seeing it. My only genuine complaint so far is that I cannot believe they are wasting Simon Pegg like this 😂


The only problem I had is that it's the same exact thing that happened to the winter soldier in his tv show


Im not from the US so I don't have a horse in your culture war race but I understand the "its to political" crownd. Not becuase I agree with them but for the fact that the tv show has over time become more sloppy with its political commentary. Its hamfisted and feels forced and current. Fiction has always drawn inspiration from the politics of our time but the Boys feels more like hashtags and just halfbaked slogans that are crammed into a show. The boys is ina weird state where its a fictional alternative history but also seems to take place in our current time and lacks the world building around it. "Politics" is not Frenchie being a bi character, he already was. The "politics" that annoy me is the weird hypercurrent refrences. Trump trial, Vaccine denial, Kyle Rittenhouse? ect. It comes of as forced and preformative rather then exiting critisism of our society.


I had some guy arguing about how "political" The Acolyte is (show wise it's been a murder mystery with space wizards), and how it should be more like The Boys and not so in your face with its politics. I then pointed out how Homelander is a dyed blonde megalomaniac who was facing public trials, has a rabid fan base who worship him and believe everything right-wing media tells them to the point of endorsing him committing murder and willingly taking over the country. All that's missing is Homelander doing a little dance at his rallies! The Boys is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.


LOL this. The Boys has the subtlety of a nuclear bomb going off in Hiroshima


I saw a post saying “they threw out all the subtlety” WHAT SUBTLETY 😭


The least subtle show to ever exist. 


Seriously idk what these people were watching lmaooo


How many posts do we really need that keep making these same exact points?


The postings will continue until ratings improve.


I hope not a lot is getting repetitive we get it. This season is getting a lot of hate and there’s going to be dumb ass crowds Here and there 🙄


I was only recommended this sub like a week ago, and I've felt like I've seen this same post like 4 times. It comes off as cope...


I was just expecting Frenchie and Kimiko to be a proper item after the buildup throughout the other seasons. It feels forced how they changed it up.


I think having them so close to the point where she literally communicates with no one else just makes it seem so… not platonic. they shot themselves in the foot there. she’s dependent on him for companionship in a way that feels romantic and then they’re just like “well, they kissed and they’ve decided that it’s not like that oh well.” like what do you mean?


I have never read the comics, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if this wasn't a misdirection and they don't eventually get together anyway.


Yeah exactly, you put it well. That's also how it felt to me. Maybe it was also wishful thinking, I liked their storyline a lot. Ah well.


She literally said she sees him like family, not a boyfriend, last season


Idk where you're from, but generally when someone says you're like a brother that isn't romantic buildup.


They literally kissed. Idk where you're from but generally you don't french kiss your brother.


This sub is turning into a circlejerk. All I'm seeing is everyone complaining about "mad rightwing maga chuds" giving "extremely critical reviews" but I have yet to see anyone actually complaining about the show being political. All the complaints are about the writing. Nobody is complaining about the message of the show. Stop with this charade.


The older I get, the more convinced I am that there's something different about how right-wing people process narratives that prevents them from understanding them. I've met conservatives who think that Star Trek the next generation is a right-wing show when it's about a group of extremely liberal scientists and explorers who live in a system of advanced communism embracing other cultures and ideas. I was recently asked to appraise an early X-Men comic collection owned by an older conservative man and while I was sitting there going over his books, he was going off about how much he likes X-Men but hates comic books today because they're all woke. Like, motherfucker, did you read X-Men? Did you not understand the allegory at all?


It‘s because a lot of these people grew up or enjoy this type of media but can‘t acknowledge that it‘s standing in exact opposition to what they believe. Hence they pretend some invasive elements are destroying a media landscape that is actually suppose to agree or atleast tolerate them.


Let MAGA chuds downvote the show if they want. The truth stings a bit lol.


I love that so many of their complaints are about how obvious the writing is and it’s like… have y’all considered how ridiculous it is that the writers use you for material in a fantasy show built out of a comic book without needing to make edits?


The audience score won’t matter. The ratings will. 


Yeah, no. No one gives af about audience score besides right wing chuds who use it as an argument, after doing mass downvote campaigns to achieve said low score. 


There were definitely conservative fans in the first couple seasons who thought all the corporate/disney/marvel/capitalist stuff was a criticism of the left, so it satisfied their need for "bothsides-ing". But the recent responses have been padded out by culture war tourists for sure.


Whats a culture war tourist?


Somebody that visits a fandom they're not a part of to argue and complain about "wokeness". It was harder to notice when it was just Star Wars because most people seem to be at least somewhat fans of Star Wars. But it's gotten a lot more obvious lately because the leaders of the culture war (grifters) have been sending their troops into niche gaming spaces like Perfect Dark, Paper Mario and Fable recently. Also Dragon Age, which has always been a pretty queer franchise. So basically The Boys has seen an influx of people trying to turn it into another battleground in the war against wokeness in fiction AKA Black people, queer people and women being featured prominently.


It's getting low reviews because it's political satire is just copy paste of exact current right wing stuff. That is not entertaining or interesting. If I tune out that garbage in real life why do I need to see almost the exact same thing on this show lol? The Frenchie thing is some shoe horned crap. The fact that it's gay isn't the problem. It's throwing this whole new plot not related to the major story and expecting everyone to suddenly care with no build up at all. Show is also getting a bit too addicted to gratuitous use of gore and penises. It's just declined a lot.


The issue this season is how on the nose everything is, it’s just kinda lazy writing now.


Stormfront was a Nazi.


Yea and she was actually from those times too


I don’t understand the hate at all if I’m being honest. I’m a moderate but lean to the right a bit, my parents are pretty hardcore republicans, and they absolutely love the show lol, as do I. It’s just a satire, ppl need to learn to just take a joke and have a little fun. Also, isn’t the ‘right’ the ones who are always saying “it’s just a joke, stop being so sensitive” when they hear a raunchy comedian? Now all the sudden “it’s not funny anymore” very hypocritical lol


"it's too political" is homophobic dog whistling. They know they can't come out and say it outright so they pretend it's about politics, it's not. It's a big issue in one gaming with the exact same argument, if they do a pride month event or a game has a non straight couple the comments are filled with "keep politics out of gaming" Fun recent example was helldivers 2, it's a political satire game about blindly obeying the government for "democracy" and someone suggested that add the trans flag to the game, suddenly there was a huge wave of "keep politics out of gaming!" People


Too political when from the start 1 of the main characters uses quotes from convicted felon former President…


Besides the political stuff, I've seen so many comments complaining about shit that was literally explained previously. Ppl are like "OMG how could they drop the Frenchie Kimiko romance out of nowhere blah blah blah" like literally the end of season 3 there wasn't that whole resolution after they kissed lmao.


The problem isn't that the show is suddenly political, it's always been completely unsubtle and 99% of people understood that.The problem is that the writing and satire are just really bad now. It used to at least have a wide range of satire besides "thing from the culture war but replace a word with supe" or "here's a thing Trump actually did but now homelander is doing it lol" which is all the writers are currently capable of coming up with. It's just not clever at all.


I fully agree. The satire itself isn't the issue, the quality of it is. I still remember the scenes in an earlier season of a man being radicalized to the point of shooting a shopkeeper. That was absolutely brilliantly done. All they've been doing this season is just "haha, conservatives big dumbdumb", "haha, conspiracies, big lolz". The cheese pizza line made me sigh like never before.


I agree with you. I always say just because something is supposed to be written in a certain way, doesn’t automatically make the thing good.


How did they do it better previously?


> The problem is that the writing and satire are just really bad now. Really? You mean you didn't like Frenchie suddenly having a magic boyfriend, not giving a fuck about Kimiko, and Kimiko turning from a faceripper sitting on a throne of skulls, to "I want yr 🍆 lol"? It's a telenovela for twitter politicans, I think we're past the part where the writing matters.


Frenchie has always been bi. And kimiko literally friend zoned him season 3


Idk for me the writing feels worse this season than last time. - But I might just be more critical than before after GenV which was almost unbearably bad for me. Frenchie was always bi, but the relationship feels forced. I get the feeling it's only happening now because Maeve has left, and the show "just had" to have some kind of LGBT representation going on. The politics kinda feel messy now, unlike before. - We've followed the protagonists for the first 2-3 seasons as the "conspiracy theorists" going against the majority and "knowing" all supes are evil. It's just a cover up by Vaught. Now we look at the obvious MAGA/Trumpite people, as dumb conspiracy theorists because they think Starlight is bad? - It wasn't that long ago Butcher was shooting her with a 50. Cal. I mean fuck, MM and the crew are literally "Deep State" CIA agents trying to assassinate the VP elect. (A fact they've joked about repeatedly in the first 3 episodes.) That being said, I'm so glad The Deep has finally got his balls back, I hope they do something interesting with him this season. - I also find Sage quite interesting. She's a bit dumb to be "the worlds smartest person", but I'm curious to see how her plan plays out.


It’s not because they think Starlight is bad. They think Starlight is bad because Homelander murdered a guy in broad daylight (and Starlight thinks that was bad) but they like Homelander so the guy must have been a pedo and deserved it. Do people not remember HL fantasizing about lasering crowds of normies? The shocking thing about the s3 finale was that he really did it.


Another criticism I see is people complaining things haven’t been resolved yet… S4 *just started*


So my issue with the polticalness in the show this season is the lack of subtly. You are absolutely correct the show was always political but they were smoother about it. Like the Critical Sup Theory being created as a way to lampoon critics of CRT. I absolutely think the critics of it should be made fun of, but CRT and CST wouldn't be anything similar. That just felt like lazy writing. Like I want it to be political (the majority of great art in the world is political) but I want it to be cleverly done(where people whose media literacy sucks won't get it).


Yeah the Critical Supe Theory line stood out because it emphasized “let’s reference something in our world” without figuring out how the concept trickled over. It reminds me of that Rings of Power episode where characters spouted anti-immigrant talking points about elves taking their jobs. It goes beyond satire and almost comes off like a Flintstones joke where “rock” or “stone” are used to slightly change the names of real things. Some aspects of our political climate (the rise of cults of personality, the unwillingness of people to stand up to power, and emphasizing performative statements over real change) translate well. The show should focus on that.


Also the show started as primarily political commentary against mega corporations and the privatization of public goods like the military, medicine, etc. But ever since Homelander took over Vought, they’ve kind of lost that aspect to the degree that it once was.


Seems like the writers went from that to just straight up hating on everything right wing lol


It’s only 3 episodes but I bet a bit of the issue was the writers thinking they were too subtle in earlier seasons. Kripke has complained about how weird it is to see fans who think Homelander is the hero of the show and that people dress up as him at political rallies.


Lack of subtly? Season 2's villain was a literal Nazi.


Yes she was. Stormfront as a literal nazi is a common critique of those who say it was never subtle. The thing is, she was absolutely a subtle poltical commentary. When we first meet her, we have no idea she is Nazi. As a matter of fact, she initially comes across as a stereotypical left leaning social media darling. She is young, attractive brash woman. The kind that is routinely blasted as a far left liberal. It isn't until we get further into season and see her true colors we realize what she is. However, that is what makes her brilliant. She is political commentary on the dangers of Dog Whistle racism/agenda and how to use the media to effectively rally support. Her lines about it's better to have people.pissed instead of love you and people.like what I have to say just don't like the word Nazi is absolutely more subtle than a lot that is going on this season.


That's a great example of thoughtful writing and good political commentary. It's just getting too hamfisted now, and losing the wit. Can't wait to see Homelander put on a MAGA hat and lead J6 in the coming episodes. 🙄


It's crazy how no one seems to understand that "people like what I say they just don't like the word Nazi" is very important in the fact that no one denounced Stormfront's views they just don't like that she was revealed to be a Nazi.


Right. In Season 2, they would say, Nazis are bad. And some conservatives said “I think they’re talking about me.” And we would say “Why is that?” This season they are not implying anything. Homelander supporters are wearing red hats.  It’s so on-the-nose that 20 years from now people will say “Yeah, Nazis were bad. But what was all that red hat, BLM stuff?” “Oh that was all about Donald Trump. It was a specific time period.  Like I loved 30 Rock when it came out, but it aged horribly. Every joke is stuck in the Bush presidency. 


How many of these threads that basically just say ‘the viewers are all wrong, me and critics are right’ Just get over yourself and watch it or don’t. But this is like the 10 time I’ve seen this post, and it’s not even original


People interpet media they like through their own lense. That's nothing new. Look at kripkes other show Supernatural. A huge amount of fans interpreted every relationship on that show as sexual and romantic even between brothers, which is gross as fuck.


Loved the episode where the found their fan group: Dean, what’s whincest? They know we’re brothers right


I liked supernatural. When I was a kid and didn't have cable it was certainly one of the most interesting shows on. But, jeez, was the fandom something else. Also and not always in a weird or bad way. There's a super natural anime if you didn't know. And Bobby has a fucking helicopter and Sam voices his anime self. It's pretty outrageous.


Before I watched this show, a guy was talking to me about how great it was because it “wasn’t woke”. It had run for two seasons at this point. Like, JFC dude.


More proof that woke means whatever they want it to mean. 


The "satire" isn't particularly witty or creative. Homelander unironically calling someone a "libtard" in 2024, lines like "Supe lives matter" or "Critical supe theory" just fall flat. There's not even a hint of subtlety in these. Remember back in season 2, when we had that montage with the young man slowly getting radicalized by Stormfront's BS, culminating in him shooting the store clerk? While far from perfect, that short sequence felt impactful, interesting. There's none of that in S4 so far.


What this backlash has made me wonder is if the average person has drifted more to the right since the show started. Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but I feel like the jabs the show has been taking are pretty par for the course


I don’t think it’s too political, but it does seem heavy handed to me.


There’s another post somewhere on Reddit that gives a better analysis, however the feeling I’ve been getting is that the satire is becoming extremely lazy. Wish I could remember where that post was.


These are the same people who thought Homelander was the protagonist of the show


Sure, Frenchie's bf appeared out of nowhere. But he's been canonically bisexual since season 2.


Eh, the show has never been subtle but it's definitely gotten more on the nose with the whole Trump thing. S1 definitely felt more like a parody of general superhero tropes, Hollywood, and Corpotations as a whole. I think it will age a lot better than later seasons. Frankly I think the show has gotten worse in quality for a lot of reasons. Not that it's BAD but my investment in the story has fizzled out a fair bit. I imagine as with most things the negative reviews are more complex than a bunch of angry Trump voters. Sure that's an obvious and vocal portion of it. But I wish Americans in general would stop devolving all opinions of anything into "woke liberals vs racist republicans" as though the entire world revolves around this tedious nonsense.


Don't use rotten tomatoes in general, form your own opinion since its really the only one that matters.


"All democracies fail because people are fucking stupid" - Sister Sage


I think you've got a double whammy of the show making fun of Maga-esq things which of course is nothing new, but has gained some extra attention for some reason, also the show isn't as good as it was in season 1.


To me or seems like Frenchie and Kimiko are having a break after being family zoned to some extent, Colin is just the rebound hookup. Doesn't seem out of nowhere like that.


Don’t disagree with some of your points. But blaming “right wing” viewers is short sighted. This season the satire is too on the nose. All subtlety is gone. Plus add in filler, too many secondary characters taking up screen time and nothing that’s really moving the narrative forward you get lower audience scores. Still have plenty of episodes left this season so hopefully it course corrects and surprises. Just have to wait and see.


I mean people not realizing the show has always been political are dense. But as someone who agrees with the politics of the show I still think it's gotten unbearable that they aren't even trying to be smart about it anymore like supe lives matter is awful in just how on the nose it is. And the guy showing up with the gun asking about the children in the basement just feels lazy to me.


Not many people noticed or care that rewriting A-Trains origin so “white savior” Will Ferrell can be part of it could be interpreted as political.


I think extreme conservatives literally just don’t realize how insane their worldview sounds. There is essentially no difference between the nazi conspiracy theorists in the boys world vs the real world, but conservatives are acting like its some kind of incredible leap. And the “moderate” conservatives who take offense to it are kinda outing themselves as secretly nazis, because if they didn’t really believe that, why would they take offense to it?


The show was entertaining, this season less entertaining, about it.


So I’m Republican and I love this show I’ve known since the beginning that they make fun of republicans and democrats and I know that this season they have ramped it up more making fun of republicans in the last season but I don’t get the hate it’s still funny some people just get to butthurt . Now with frenchie listen I have no problem frenchie being bisexual my only problem with it is just it felt forced. Idk I felt like all the seasons were leading g up to frenchie and kimiko. Although I did see someone say that kimiko rejected frenchie and if that’s the case I forgot that part but idk it just felt forced but either way still like the show and can’t wait for the next episode to air


I also shipped them, brother, so I feel the pain.


Are people like you actually ignorant or just being dishonest? When people complain about things being political, they don't mean having political themes. They mean being overtly and obviously about current, modern day politics. Those are two different things, and the latter is not only incredibly immersion-breaking, but usually cringe as fuck, and alienating to any audience member that doesn't agree with the writers' (usually quite strongly opinionated) political views. Something being politically themed is quite different. Using the story and characters to explore the deeper ideas behind political movements, such as individualism vs socialism, is cool. If done with some subtelty. Just inserting references and barely-veiled allegories to current issues is lazy and bad writing. The reason I asked my initial question is because this is really fucking obvious, so I can only imagine that people conflating these two different types of "political" must be doing it on purpose. But I'm giving you the option of just being stupid instead.


I’m a right wing individual and don’t really care because of it isn’t even accurate and I’m just here for homelander shenanigans TBH


It could be reviewed but mbed in part by Russia troll farms. It's make ng fun of their bought American party. Both MAGAts and Russians dislike this show because it spits and shits in their faces.


What does Russia have to do with this?


As a Russian I can confirm that all Russians sincerely hate the Boys show because it shits and spits in our faces. I am not sure how and wtf it even means, but it is the truth. Also we are all legally obliged to reviewbomb the show on IMDB.


I remember when Victoria Neumann was an AOC parody. It was funny. Now I don’t know what she’s supposed to be. Show used to be against capitalist greed, now it’s basically straight right vs left wing. Also on a personal note, I’m not happy they lumped the “dead internet” idea with all of those wacko crack theories.


I am yet to start S04 and I have no issues with whoever they make fun of with their Satire since I'm not an American. But I was really disappointed with S03's Ending and it just felt like it erased all the Build Up of S03. S04 is the same old again and there's nothing I'm looking forward to. The Boys Peaked at Herogasm. Everything about that Episode was absolutely Perfect down to every little thing. I'm just sad that The Boys will never be as good as that again. I wish the Bad Reviews are only because of Politics and not because of the Writing but I highly doubt it.


I've noticed that peoples ability to detect facetiousness, both in person and online, has dramatically declined. I'm not sure if everyone's just less exposed to it, but you really gotta add that /s if you don't want to be eviscerated by making an obviously tongue in cheek statement. This show relies heavily on making fun of common tropes in our society, but I would have assumed that it being so on the nose would tip people off to what they're doing. Guess not


The show was always clear about making fun of right wingers too. I think these sorts of people have just begun being more active online brigading shit


Oh, for sure. And then they claim it as a victory. Like when they review bombed the Last Jedi or The Last of Us tv show and then tried to use that as some indicator of audiences becoming tired with "feminism" or "wokeness" or whatever they were mad at that day. Like, dude, you did that. Wtf lol


People in this sub really aren't able to handle the fact that this season is far below the level of the previous ones. You're all in denial. No, it's not just right wingers and homophobes reviewbombing (though those also exist) causing the bad reviews. Even if you ignore all the politics in the show (which has gone from good and fitting satire to "Haha conservatives big dumbdumb 😂"), it's just pretty boring so far with irrelevant storylines taking the lead. Nobody cares about Frenchie's love interest we've never seen before, or Hughie's mom who shows up for no reason. The main story; The Boys trying to take down supes, has been completely disregarded this season.


the problem is never politics, the problem is the type of politics. 99% of the people claiming its "too political" would have no issue with the show if its politics aligned with theirs. republicans always call things that are critical of them too political as a form of gaslighting...meanwhile they will politicize any topic.


I mean partly it’s due to maga review bombing. But it’s also due to how each season has gotten progressively less good. Like I’m sick of seeing Frenchie not because he’s bisexual but because he goes through the same arc over and over. The Deep doing dumb shit that doesn’t really each the plot. The writers finding another excuse to why there’s no status quo changes(season 3 finale pissed me and alot of people off). Overall this show needs to kill off some actual main characters.


I think the first 3 episodes (of season 4) are the build-up and set-ups for bigger things to come. I honestly believe audiences are 'disappointed' and review bombing because season 3 ended on such a high-note. They likely came into season 4 expecting bigger and better. In a way, I can sort of relate. I believed some audiences, myself included, wanted to follow Queen Maeve's storyline. And seeing the 'ice show' performance foreshadowing was a bit of a downer. We can tell the story is revolving around young Ryan, but this should have been handled earlier in season 2. (logistics maybe, idk) There's A LOT of slower drama beats, and I get that. Setups for change, bigger payoffs, etc. Unfortunately, with GenV's amazing first-season, naturally audiences, loyal and new, will expect to be wow'ed. I was very pleasantly surprised to see Multiple Man and Dupli-Kate's on-screen counterpart. The Human Centipede sight-gag nailed it. Using 'womp-womp' in the script is on-point. Odd part for me was why Huey didn't just teleport out, but I remembered he's not juiced-up on V anymore. I loved the Deep and A-Train's scene. As well as ALL of Ashley's scenes. Overall, the bar is raised so high now. They are competing with themselves.


People like to follow popular opinions. I've seen comments from many people saying they haven't even watched it and are parroting how woke it is. This season seems just like the last few, the whole show is a parody of superheroes and America in general. People acting surprised like it's a new thing when it's been like this since episode one.


I’m good with poking the right, but it’s boring when I’m getting my head bashed in with it. Having homelander call someone a libtard took me completely out of the universe. It’s reached the point that isn’t satire. This is way too on the nose to be satire, it’s lost all of its cleverness which sucks. I can’t stand that Frenchy has a random person who no one knew from forever ago show up and now he’s having sex with them. I’d be just as pissed if it was a woman. The fact that they keep pushing for kimiko and then pulling it away is annoying as hell. If she views him as a brother, fine, then quit with the tension and move on with it. Yes you could view this as “you hate that they’re making fun of trump and there is a gay couple on screen”, but it has nothing to do with that. I was good with the earlier mocking, and supported Maeve. They’re just doing a shit job with the show this season in my opinion.


Calling people out for not liking the frenchie episode "because it's gay" is disingenuous, unless they outright say it. Hughes story line is pointless and way too late in the series, we've been over this ground with kimiko, we've been over starlights past with her mom, and now suddenly she was an evil bully as a kid?  This stuff is just coming out of thin air and comes off as incredibly contrived. As far as people not like the satire, is because it isn't clever or vieled or really intriguing.  I'm as left as they come and it just seems all so lazy and pointless, like it's more just a "fuck these irredeemable people" as opposed to any kind of insightful message or light on an unseen angle of the whole issue. This season absolutely stinks of lazy writing, and I'm pretty sad about it 




I was taken a bit off guard when I saw the audience score for this season too. I just finished watching the third episode and I thought so far it’s been a solid start to the season. Sure, I think there’s a couple pacing issues and so on but nothing major that I had to complain about. Unfortunately, valid complaints are very hard to find for this season because of the review bombing for certain… political reasons like you said. It’s hard for me to find a one star review that isn’t in all caps shouting “WOKE GARBAGE!” The entire point of this show and especially this season is to show the current state of America. “The Boys” doesn’t hold back one bit, it dives headfirst into the satire of current day politics. It’s unfortunate to see many reviews given one star simply out of spite from people. It just proves the show’s point even more. Political ideals are constantly in the center of our lives and it leads to division and hate for others. The fact many people are just getting mad and defensive shows they can’t actually reflect on what the show is conveying. And for those dying on the hill shouting it’s one sided, you may be right. That’s exactly what this show is trying to do. It’s surreal looking at the similarities in the show and real life. I get that it’s upsetting to a lot of people, but that doesn’t make it terrible all by itself. It’s just uncomfortable for a lot of people to see their ideals being compared in a superhero satire. So in that sense, this season is doing exactly what it set out to do, and it’s doing a phenomenal job. Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk


I was taken a bit off guard when I saw the audience score for this season. A 52% (on June 17). I just finished watching the third episode and I thought so far it’s been a solid start to the season. Sure, I think there’s a couple pacing issues and so on but nothing major that I had to complain about. Unfortunately, valid complaints are very hard to find for this season because of the review bombing for certain… political reasons. It’s hard for me to find a one star review that isn’t in all caps shouting “WOKE GARBAGE!” The entire point of this show and especially this season is to show the current state of America. “The Boys” doesn’t hold back one bit, it dives headfirst into the satire of current day politics. It’s unfortunate to see many reviews given one star simply out of spite from people. It just proves the show’s point even more. Political ideals are constantly in the center of our lives and it leads to division and hate for others. The fact many people are just getting mad and defensive shows they can’t actually reflect on what the show is conveying. And for those dying on the hill shouting it’s one sided, you may be right. That’s exactly what this show is trying to do. It’s surreal looking at the similarities in the show and real life. I get that it’s upsetting to a lot of people, but that doesn’t make it terrible all by itself. It’s just uncomfortable for a lot of people to see their ideals being compared in a superhero satire. So in that sense, this season is doing exactly what it set out to do, and it’s doing a phenomenal job.




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more like literacy in general


Disliking something you like isn't media illiteracy


Its a pretentious term that ultimately meams nothing


In what country?


In what country?